
Comments by brimmy

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    SC Financial Advice Needed from the Masters
    Fuck it.......spend until the wheels fall off!!!!!!!!!!
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    I have never been to a...
    From your mouth to the StripClub God ears!!Its all true.
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    10 years ago
    A Damn Good Night for this Stripper
    "Luck You".....you almost had a date with a serial killer. I'm just saying ,everytime you hear these dancer go missing stories on Detective shows,don't they start off like your story.
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    12 years ago
    Improve Your Strip Club Experience: Tips from a Dancer
    Tipping,smipping.Why do some dancers believe the customer is at work/has specific duties at a strip club?A patron's only responsibility is to enjoy himself,to be entertained.If your not making good tips as a dancer that night;get naked,go on stage,and holler out "Are you not entertained!"Other than that,dancers,please remember money received at these places are from the entertainment/companionship of said patrons not your "ideas" of what you "think" you should get paid.If you believe I am wrong in my analysis,take your "ideas" and what you "expect to get paid/tipped",deposit it in the bank,and see if you get an earnings statement or a WTF letter stating that in reality,nothing from nothing is nothing.This is a patrons rant!!
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    12 years ago
    Tijuana Hookers: Street Rookies
    SCORPIOX...........U r truly the pussy for saying you recorded your experience but haven't put it on the web for us tuscl'ers to see it.FOR SHAME.
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    12 years ago
    What Kind of Girl Makes The Best Stripper?
    Very few words + lots of sexuality + some confidence - seeing herself as a victim = GREAT F*CKING STRIPPER
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    12 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Club Fatigue
    Maybe rick,just maybe you have a higher calling.Ever thought about pimping those chicks.Its just a thought but your logic and your emotional high for being a hobbyist may have reached another phase.You can get the fantasy so easy yet your still paying for it.Maybe you want to still enjoy the game,but from a different aspect.Try it...................It may be what the doctor ordered.Viva la PIMPIN
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    My Top Three Annoying Stripper Types
    Wow...You guys have some strip club war stories.Lol.I will be honest,at least for me,you all are paying to much attention to the dancers.I usually buy the bartender,the bouncers,and even the owner/manager drinks.Not only does this grease the wheels,they usually fend off "predator" dancers for you and let you know who provide extras.But thats just me.
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    12 years ago
    Ten Things I wish all Dancers Knew About Me (and Customers Like Me)
    You guys have to many "Stripper 10 Commandments". Just tell the chick 'could you get that dancer for me,she is by far more attractive'. After that statement all ground rules will automatically be laid down how the strippers will treat you.
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    12 years ago
    Advice for Customers who Prefer Conversation
    Going to a strip club to converse is exactly like shitting in a urinal.......Who in their right mind does that?
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Being a Stripper without Doing "Extras"
    I personally love the chicks who give blowjobs for an extra $20...lol.Honestly,why hate on chicks thats doing more than dancing then turn around and don't want to be hated on yourself.Also no one here need to be reminded not all strippers go the extra mile."Blueballs" is natures way of telling customers that.Other than that,if you provide boring dances and still make money in this economy then I say "kudos".Theres always a sucker born every minute especially in that part of MI