Advice for Customers who Prefer Conversation

avatar for broseph
I've been a strip club frequenter for several years who prefers company to dances. I often run into small town clubs that offer dances but no VIP rooms. Because of this setup the hotter and more professional dancers tend to hustle for dances and quickly move on if you refuse. Many will outright say they can't talk or have a drink if the club is busy but offer to come back for dances. On the other hand, less attractive or inexperienced dancers are more likely to sit and talk regardless of whether you invite them, and although they can be pleasant I prefer the former type. Here's how I gain the attention of dancers who are in high demand and receive the interaction I'm looking for.

First, I take a seat away from the stage and identify the dancers I find most attractive. As they go onstage I approach, say I'm interested in them and tip around $10 to gauge their reaction. If they seem unappreciative, stuck up, or shy I wait for the next one to come onstage. If they thank me sincerely, ask my name, look me in the eye and offer to come see me I say yes and tell them where I'm sitting.

Once she comes over and we make a bit of small talk, I offer her a drink and ask about dance prices. Then I tell her I prefer company but would be willing to make an arrangement for her time. I always state how long I'd like to talk (usually about 15 minutes to start, although if there's a connection I ask her to stick around after the time is up.) I'm always willing to pay the price of a few dances plus tip for the first half hour and do this upfront, but if the conversation continues I ask her what she thinks is fair for the next half hour to an hour. If her number exceeds the amount of money she would make dancing nonstop for an hour, I politely tell her that I only have $X (the amount she would realistically make otherwise if she danced for an hour) and ask if that's okay. Most of the time, though, the dancer will ask for less than this.

Here are things not to do (assuming you have basic conversational skills and etiquette):

1. Assume that conversation is less work for her than dances. It's easy for a dancer to go through the motions of a dance while her mind is elsewhere. Good conversation requires full attention and should require just as much compensation.

2. Tip upfront but fail to tell her how long to stay. This could give her the chance to leave quickly or put her in an awkward position where she has to guess how long to stay without offending you.

3. Neglect your hygiene. Carry breath mints -- she will be smelling your breath for a long period of time!

4. Become possessive after the time you've agreed upon has ended. Offer to pay her more if she stays but know that she may have regulars in the club or pressure from management to sell dances. Do not take it personally.

Good luck!


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
The day I gotta pay a dancer to talk to me is the day I quit going to strip clubs.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
That was fuckin funny shadow ! Lol

But for real man the juice loved this article....I like company over dances some of the times myself...expesualy if we hit it off.....I've been trying to figure out how to go about this.....thanks for the time I go to a non extras club I will try this one
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
I use tipping for time as a means to work my OTC angles and because I do not really enjoy lapdances that much. This is not at all how this sort of thing works. But thanks, bro, for that very interesting read.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
Strippers can talk?
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
@jacklash. You would be shocked at how many inteligent strippers there are
avatar for rfcookie
13 years ago
Jesus. Why can't you (the OP) be all my customers? I'd much rather get paid to talk than paid to dance. I'm actually quite well-read. As it is now, when the club gets busy I'm CONSTANTLY on my feet because I have a waiting list of customers who want dances. I'd much rather get paid to chat.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
rfcutie, we wish there were more dancers like you!!!!
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Strippers can talk?"

Many can, & do it quite well.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Rfcookie pm the juice and when I go to atlanta georga I will visit you at your club and pay you to chat with me k love :p (not kidding)
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
What? If you're looking for conversation, go to the church social. Strip clubs are for naked boobies!

Only mildly tongue in cheek. :)
avatar for bobvz
13 years ago
Very nice read....there are some dancers of course that can't hold a conversation if their life depended on it, but others including some ATF's are great at conversation. There are times I don't want any conversation except "do you want another". Other times, conversation is great and adds to the experience. To each his own...good comments though and I fuck'in laughed my ass off at Shadowcats first comment!
avatar for Clackport
13 years ago
I never understood why some customers do that. Think about how that sounds, "you pay a stripper just to have a conversation with you".
avatar for chumchum
13 years ago
Hey rfcookie, I can pay you to talk to my penis with those delicious ass cheeks.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
We r such men ! Lmfao ! Wow !
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
We r such men ! Lmfao ! Wow !
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I agree with shadowcat. If I have to start paying strippers to talk, I'm not going to strip clubs anymore. I've had a lot of dancers sit with me and want to talk when I'm trying to ignore them. Well if you buy them a drink, they will sit and talk or just sit at your table if you don't talk much. That is they often will sit there at least a few minutes. Being disrespectful is asking for a drink, stopping by picking it up and then saying she has to run off.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
A number of times I don't care for a dancer staying or sitting at my table and then a waitress will come over and ask if I want to buy her a drink or buy a shot. I guess by saying no, she can get the message even faster than I'm not interested in buying her drinks or talking to her very much. Of course if she was interested in getting dances, then she blew that as well often leaving in a huff at me not buying drinks or being rude when I said no.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
Occasionally I have met a dancer who clicked with me. If she wanted to talk I'm willing to talk. I don't have a ton of money so I'm still not going to pay her to talk to me. I may buy an occasional dance but if she wants to sit and take a break or talk to me, she is doing that on her own time. One dancer who apparently wanted to date me, didn't pick up on that for a long time, sat and talked to me for hours on night with only occasional minor table dances once an hour and she paid for her own drinks. She got me to like her.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
Edit: That should have been one night not on night.

Clubs that aren't supercrowded and don't have music blasting too loud are decent places to sit and talk to dancers.

A good club to talk if you want: Nepals
Clubs where it's hard to talk in the main club: Platinum Plus
Music is so loud you have to shout in someone's ear to be heard.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
Strippers exist to suck your cock for cash. Not to be talked to.
avatar for yankee428
13 years ago
I think broseph is dead wrong on all points except for #3. If you prefer conversation, only purchase dances from dancers who give conversation. Then keep rewarding conversation with dance purchase.
avatar for hoss52
13 years ago
I have never paid for conversation itself, but I do insist on conversation for 5-10 minutes before I will pay for dances. First, I don't want dances from unlikable girls, and this gives me a chance to get to know them. Second, this limits the hustle factor, because the hustlers generally will move on right away; fine with me. Third, I want the illusion that the girl dancing on my lap actually has a connection with me, however brief, that we sort of know each other a bit; it's all about the fantasy, right? Fourth, without conversation, grabbing a dance with every cute girl that comes by will burn a hole in my wallet pronto! So I guess I would say that I go both for the conversaton and for the dances.
avatar for brimmy
13 years ago
Going to a strip club to converse is exactly like shitting in a urinal.......Who in their right mind does that?
avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
Check out niteflirt for phone sex. Those girls are more fun to talk to than strippers and u don't have the loud music
avatar for rogertex
13 years ago
Good article and good tips. You must be the gentleman all these Gentleman clubs are looking for !

I like a mix of sexy talk and passionate lap dances.

So - as a rule - if the first greeting from the dancer is "do you want a lap dance" - I say maybe later. That's the end of it.

Many dancers will approach with "do you want some company"
My response: "I can't say no to a hottie like you"

Once in a while - a cutie will simply slide on your lap like a mermaid and say "How are you handsome"
EXTRA EXTRA brownie points !!! I empty my wallet on this girl if she can talk as well as she dances.
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