A Damn Good Night for this Stripper

avatar for Dancinggal
Something a little crazy happened last night. I got to the club around 6:30pm and was on the floor by 7. I did a couple dances because it was pretty busy. I went on stage, the guys at the tip rail asked me for a dance while I was on stage. Then I came out of the back and another guy approaches me and asked me for VIP. After this, he told me he wanted me to dance for his friend. VIP for another 6 songs. It was dead for a little bit so I went to the dressing room and ate some food.

I went back to the floor around 11:30 and bought a drink. As I was about to pay, a guy approaches me – late thirties to early forties, blonde hair, ring on his ring finger – and buys my drink. Talks to me for about 5 minutes and asks me if I know any other clubs because it's dead and I'm the only attractive girl. He's a little weird, and I thought he was drunk for a moment. We talked for 5 more minutes and he asked "could he get a dance" I said of course.

We get to the back and I straddle him and he stops me and says I don't have to actually dance. Just talk. I let him know it's 20$ per dance and if he wants to talk, I wouldn't mind sitting on the floor and talking to him for a bit. He says "you gotta make money right?" He racks up a tab of about 60$ talking and I start to get nervous so I ask him to pay the songs we've already passed. He gets weird and asks me why I'm so worried. I explain to him that I have to pay a percentage of every dance. He understands. He gives me the 60$ And says he has to go to the ATM to pull out more. I follow him . He's at the ATM for awhile. This is because he pulled out around $200. And we don't have that option so he had to do the transaction a few times. He goes through his wallet and I guess he had stocked up before hand (I didn't get a chance to peek in his wallet) he hands me $980. "That's all the cash I have on me. Can we talk now?" I said yeah, and I said I'd be right back and left my shoes sitting right by him so he'd know I was coming back.

I let my manager know and asked if we could have the $200 suite for the rest of the night. He went and introduced himself to the guy and then I took him to the suite. Basically, the rest of the night, we sat in there and talked. It was really cool though he did go through the standard "why are you stripping?" Questions that made me a little uncomfortable. So I answered the best I could and turned the subject back to him every time I started to feel like he was my dad lecturing me. He was married, two kids, a cop from Chicago. At the end of the night – 2:00 am - he asked me if I wanted to come to his hotel with him and his friend (who had spent about 160$ on a friend of mine , but they were just dancing in the VIP and the 20$ topless songs). I was kinda tempted, but I declined, telling him thank you for every thing but that I wanted to go home and sleep.

I went home with about $1300 that night. This is the most I think I will EVER make in one night . $980 just to talk. I don't understand. And there were NO indications that he would spend this much. He looked relatively young, averagely attractive, wearing a T SHIRT, and not tipping the girls on stage or staring at the girls. I don't get it at all. I'm super grateful. And Mark, if somehow you're reading this - thank you. Hope you had a great night.


last comment
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
You're a pretty girl (at least based on your butt), in his estimation "the only attractive one", you expressed interest in him and you spent a bunch of time with him without complaint.

Hate to break it to you, but us guys are pretty much hardwired, barring psycho- and sociopathic aberrations, to treat pleasant, pretty girls the best we can. That's why stripping is so lucrative for some, they understand that.
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
I understand you being perplexed.

It's not like I've never heard of guys who pay just to talk, because I have. It's just that I've never heard of someone spending THAT much just to talk.

Congrats dancinggal, glad you had such a great night raking in all that dough.

avatar for sofaking87
11 years ago
Sounds like this guy wanted to save your soul, gave up and then wanted to bed you, lol!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
As the saying goes – “you can’t judge a book by its cover”.

Some/many inexperienced dancers will pass on certain customers b/c the custy may look either weird; or cheap/broke – even though he may be a good guy and customer.

You article shows that one should be open minded and not prejudge – not that one should not be cautious – but at least talk to the custy for 5 mins and get a better feel (and the prejudging part also applies to custies w.r.t. dancers).

Hope you have many more good nights!!!
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
A stripper told me of a customer that came in one time. This customer was tipping her with 100 dollar bills on stage. VIP at this club costs 400 bucks per hour, but she told him VIP was 1,000 bucks per hour, he had no complaints with 1,000 bucks per hour. She ended up doing 4 hours with him in VIP. That night she ended up making 5,000 bucks just off him. Sadly for her she never saw that customer again. I don't know if that customer was completely wasted or what.

980 bucks just to talk? Some people are just so pathetic. I don't blame you for taking the money dancinggal, I would have too.

avatar for mjx01
11 years ago
most people don't have that much disposable $
avatar for SketchinGuy
11 years ago
It sounds like a night that a career stripper would prefer. Not even having to dance, let alone being asked for any extras ITC? That's easy money!
avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
this kind of reward will make you come back for more. hope you get over when you hang your shoes for good.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
Congratulations, and don't spend it all in one place.

You sound like me when I was your age. When people were nice to me I took it at face value, and thought they were nice. But in many cases, it will turn out they have a hidden agenda. They want something very big in return. Be careful. Cops are not known for their respectful treatment of strippers.

If he comes back, maybe you should tell him your BF is a cop, and you promised him you would not met up with customers outside the club, even just to talk.

When you say you were tempted to go to his hotel, are you thinking he might be a possible sugar daddy? Maybe I'm just stereotyping people, but I would watch out for the possibility that he wants to play rougher than what you'd want to deal with.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
Dang, girl!
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
To each their own, I don't hate.
avatar for Hard4Dancers
11 years ago
Stupid ass nigga...could've nutted six times for that much.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
He must be a very good cop to be able to drop $1k just to talk. Oh, he's from Chicago....must be working in Harvey (S. Side of Chicago).
avatar for canny
11 years ago
Good for you! Congratulations! You're right, that type of customer and night won't happen to you often. :)
avatar for GCMan
11 years ago
Cops make big money under the table. I agree with the previous comment. If he gives you a grand but wants nothing ITC. Then asks you to meet OTC. The grand didn't mean much to him. And if you ever see him again be cautious. A cop that blows that kind of money without a worry are prob gonna be trouble for you down the road.
avatar for jestrite50
11 years ago
Can't add any more except what I would tell my girl. Congrats Lucky you just fleeced a major PL ! LOL !
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
avatar for brimmy
11 years ago
"Luck You".....you almost had a date with a serial killer. I'm just saying ,everytime you hear these dancer go missing stories on Detective shows,don't they start off like your story.
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