Comments by sharkhunter (page 44)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is there a such thing as too much makeup?
    If that had happened at Platinum Plus Greenville, cops probably would have said live sex show. Things were so much less hassle 15 years ago.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is there a such thing as too much makeup?
    I remember a porn star feature entertainer had too much red lipstick on before she met me. The next thing I knew Her red lipstick was all over the front side of my white shorts and they looked red all over. I once said she got lucky but maybe I did. I should have known something was going down when she knelt down on stage in front of me. She felt good but it was weird feeling her mouth with my shorts still on. Slightly painful when she backed up on stage without letting go with her teeth. I felt like grabbing her at that point. It was a strict no customer touch club so I wasn't going to stop her unless it really hurt.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Do you remember the first time?
    Do I remember a long long time ago in an alternate universe? Not that well. Some of my memories got jumbled when I switched universes. I do not remember who was first so while I vaguely remember there were some girls, I don't remember who was first. Anyway it's possible the girls never did anything in this universe or reality and some girl I have no memory of remembers things different than I do. That's the pitfalls of switching universes, most people look the same but there are slight differences in what people do.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    How do you answer your New GF about the " do you go to strip clubs ?" Question ?
    I had one roommate in college that had some skill with girlfriends. He claimed he only had 8 but some of his friends claimed he had around 18. Treat them like favorites and juggle them, lie to your advantage and you can juggle lots of girls is what I learned. My roommate had me lying to them on occasion. He was quite funny. I remember when long distance phone calls cost a lot of money and he lied about that too. He'd call them and lie about the fire alarm going off or something else and ask them to call him back in a few minutes. He was something else. I remember he actually called me one night and asked if I could shoot pool with his buddies because they were a guy short. I told them I hadn't played in years and I was being truthful. I got lucky on a few shots I called. Apparently my skill level was a lot better than I thought. My roommate never called me back to play with his buddies. He said they thought that he called in a pool shark. Some people overestimate their skill level. Reminds me of a suite-mate I played chess with. He thought he was good but I thought he was lousy. After his 8th loss in a row where I had been playing around with him, he said he was his high school chess champion. I kept quiet and thought, wow, what a small lousy high school that must have been. I did play chess on one day with some guys in the NCSU chess club and whomever I was playing said I was good. I lost which I wasn't used to but the guy said if we had been playing by some type of national or international chess rules in the first game, I would have had him. I'm no expert. I lost the next two games as well.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Mexican Strippers ???
    There used to be a whole lot of Mexicans on some nights visiting Platinum Plus before they closed. The cops thought the average spend amount of less than $15 had to be wrong. They never watched the crowd tip. A dancer said something to me I guess because she just wanted to complain and I wasn't Mexican. I only spent about $15 on my strip club visit last night.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    How do you answer your New GF about the " do you go to strip clubs ?" Question ?
    I know of someone who didn't bother to correct his name when someone introduced him to a girl. The guy ended up marrying her on one condition, he had to accept being called by the name she first heard. True story.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Ever gotten a strippers phone number?
    I wonder how many strippers are using the name Jenny?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    How do you answer your New GF about the " do you go to strip clubs ?" Question ?
    well I wouldn't repeat this now that you said you don't visit but you could have said she looks better than all the strippers at the local club. You just couldn't think of anything better to do on whatever night. Of course you don't look at porn online nor do you do a whole bunch of other stuff she hasn't asked about. You are lying just to get inside her pants. We understand. Future wife? :) Just let us know so we can plan a divorce party in about a year or less.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Cumming in pants
    It's highly illegal except on Sunday's immediately after Midnight and the dancer has to hop on one foot and say ow wi ow wi multiple times, only exception. At that point, it's ok. Just check the California law of codes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Ever gotten a strippers phone number?
    I got one. For a good time call Jenny at 867-5309. She's very reliable but hard to get ahold of.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    OT: Making car payments vs making the repairs on a owned car
    I had several people ask to drive the prior car. I even let 3 dancers drive it for a minute. I should have asked for something in return. No one ever asked to drive my current car. I also had several people want to street race my prior car. My prior car reminds me of a high maintenance stripper. Something else to think about.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    OT: Making car payments vs making the repairs on a owned car
    Estimated cost of prior car 25000/8 years - 5500 sell price or roughly 2440 per year depreciation First 3 year routine maintenance 75*3. Or 225 Next 2 years 2000 * 2 or 4000 Next 3 years. 5000 * 3 or 15000 or roughly 20000/8 = 2500 a year So that car cost roughly 5k a year in depreciation and repairs. If it wasn't fun to drive and looked fantastic, I would be regretting wasting so much money.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    OT: Making car payments vs making the repairs on a owned car
    I bought a very reliable car in late 2001 and it still runs good just doing routine maintenance and a few repairs averaging about 10k miles a year. If repairs avg were 700 a year for the last 7 years, maybe 500 a year for maintenance and repairs the prior 5 years , and maybe 75 a year average the first 4 years, that's 27000-3600 or 24000/16= 1500 a year in depreciation costs and 75*4 plus 5*500 plus 7*700 or 300+2500+4900 or 7700 just estimating over 16 years or avg or roughly 490 per year or a total of 490+1500 or $1990 per year in depreciation and maintenance per year, not including gas over the life of the car I bought. I like to factor all costs into a decision about what car to own. You can buy a bad new or almost new car or a great old car or visa versa. My prior car was #2 on a list of worst reliable cars in the US and I blew a ton of money on repairs to keep it running. I think I spent an extra 5000 per year the last 3 years I owned it just for maintenance repairs.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Ever gotten a strippers phone number?
    I've never been to a strip club in a long long time. I don't know anything about putting strippers phone numbers into my phone either. I rarely look at strippers on Facebook too.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How do you currently view most of your porn?
    I never pay for anything I see online so that probably means I'm way overpaying for two separate satellite channels. One I hardly watch but I do occasionally watch the playboy channel. They have some entertaining shows and some nice tits, etc. I occasionally see porn on YouTube and occasionally see some free cam sites. I watch science fiction shows and movies and fantasy stuff a lot more than anything else. I also like occasionally seeing female vampires but I guess that's not porn unless they are naked females. I think I might be more turned on by seeing a sexy female with a nice pair of fangs than some guys on here get turned on by shaving bush or doing daty. Seeing blood does not turn me on. It does remind me of a nice juicy steak though. I keep getting hungry thinking about it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Love Canal
    Shaving stripper bush
    I have no desire to shave any part of anyone else.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How soon do you DATY?
    I'm not interested in doing that. I have been talked into it before though. Right now I'm debating if it's even worth driving 15 minutes out of my way Saturday night to stop by a strip club. Of course if I'm already in Charlotte , I could go home different ways. too bad nobody invented the Star Trek teleportor yet. We do too much driving around.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Greenville Platinum Plus final chapter.
    Someone had a successful vendetta against the club. It's a shame the club management fucked it all up. Bouncers should have had enough sense not to accidentally kill anyone and told not to grab people around their necks. Management should have fired any dancer going out with anyone whose brother or sister is a prosecutor or soliticor for the area. That one is probably harder to identify. Plus the club should have cleaned the club from vip to the bathrooms twice a year super clean and not allowed anything to go on with so called high rollers that spent up to $2000 a visit after initial visits didn't get them anything. Hind site is always 20/20.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Laughable approaches
    I once had a girl ask me , do you want a BJ or sex? After asking a question she said she doesn't do lap dances. I thought it was a good line to get lap dances except she asked me to prepay and ripped me off. She was a con artist and a good one. Lesson learned by me years ago. She had undone my belt then said a bouncer asked to talk to her out of sight for a minute. She ran off and I could not identify her sufficiently out of over a hundred dancers. Sneaky bitch. She only did 1.5 dances. I try to remember dancer names, description, plus no red flags like prepaying more than one or two songs. Throw out several red flags and I will skip her.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Question for our market analysts
    Currently my speculation of possible news events to coincide with a big market drop of 500 to 900 sp500 points range from trade wars, real war worries, breakup of the eu, or something else totally off the radar. Maybe a 20% tax increase of goods coming into the country that hits Americans in the pocket book so bad that they cut out all unnecessary spending and we have another recession. After we get the big drop out of the way, I'm expecting a very long rally maybe exceeding DOW 30000 after several years.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Question for our market analysts
    If you want numbers, maybe a rise up close to 2500 by next year, then a drop of 38% to 50% of the entire sp500 rise since 2009. If you subtract 2500-667 then you get roughly 1800 some points. Take 38% or 50% of that and you get a drop of possibly 900 Sp500 points starting in The Trump term possibly lasting into someone else's term as president. The Dow would likely lose thousands of points after the upcoming rally. News usually aligns to the waves that stocks are in. What news will come out to coincide with the upcoming big drop? I have no idea. It might not start to drop for a couple years. I read that market sentiment by some measures was the most bullish since early 1987. Of course October 1987, I think the market dropped over 20%. Usually when magazines start talking numbers like DOW 30,000 etc that seem sky high, it's a sign of upcoming pullbacks. When all Bulls have bought stocks at the peak of investor optimism and you have no bears to convert to Bulls, you run out of buyers.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Question for our market analysts
    Market should have a major peak either this year or next then have a major pullback dropping Trumps opinion polls likely with it. My opinion is that free markets move in Elliot waves or fractal patterns which is a natural pattern. I've heard elliotwave international has developed a program that can calculate correct wave patterns with a high degree of accuracy. When stock trading and investing gets taken over by AI and programs, it may not be the same, unless most market trading has already been taken over.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    At what age should a stripper retire?
    67 but not where I'm watching. That way we could ask strippers if stripping will be their career choice for life. I remember a hot 45 year old stripper. She looked only 30 something. Some people age well. I remember asking how old someone was that had all gray hair and I thought maybe she was in her 60's or 70's. I heard 50 something. I was surprised. Of course I did not ask the person. I asked someone else. I'm sure they might feel insulted. I ne ear known an older person to be bothered by someone thinking they were ten to twenty years younger.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Something different. Tips or links for prepping for an EMP attack by ISIS or Ir
    I think nuclear facilities would be EMP hardened and be able to shut down. As far as the question, would they release radation? I'm not a nuclear expert. I think surviving mobs, no water, no food etc would be bigger concerns. Most would panic after they found out the power was going to stay out.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Something different. Tips or links for prepping for an EMP attack by ISIS or Ir
    Meanwhile the Amish would ask, what power outage? We don't have power.