
How do you answer your New GF about the " do you go to strip clubs ?" Question ?

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
So I'm fucking with this waitress right...she short, thick and delicious...I need a chance to oil her curves and make love to her parts a few times so I need to act right and answer questions properly

The big issue is she is so cool...I mean she calls me a bitch, pussy and fagget lol...so we joke around and are very sarcastic with each other...we are still getting to know each other and I haven't had that pussy yet...I'm in that probation period

Well we was making jokes on what it's going to be like when we do fuck...we was saying all kinds of funny shit...it sounded like shit from tuscl...I got carried away and felt so free...joked about order KFC and fucking her with a drum stick and she laughed so hard....she told me joshes was going to force feed me her pussy and shove mashed potatoes up my ads because she knows I'm a closet fagget....LMFAO she had me rolling I mean I was crying

Then I said I was going to make it rain on her....she feel silent and looked right at me and said " hold on ! You don't go do you ?" I quickly said no then acted guilty then quickly said yes I do...I wanted to show I could be honest even though it made me uncomfortable to be that open with her...mainly because I was afraid to lose her and that opportunity to make love to her.

After a Lil pause and look of disgust and disappointed she asked if I'm in a relationship so I still go ?

After seeing her reaction I quickly lied with a solid poker face and said only when single...other wise I'm cheating...the answer seem to please her and I quickly switched subjects

I obviously will keep going to clubs although involved with her..I will just be sneaky about it...I feel no remorse..it's my life style and my happiness..plus I know in a few shirt years it will be dead and over anyways...relationship don't last...so I don't invest much into them...just what it takes to get the lay over and over until the excitement is gone...then I move on without explanation...I just vanish...easier that way...at lest for me it is....it's a shitty move but some one has to walk this road.

The biggest thing I've taken from this is don't Joke or even mention strip clubs or any references to it with a civi your trying to date or fuck

As for now I'm feeling emotions I haven't felt since my wife...I'm excited, scared and nervous.

I need to enjoy this but stay level with strip club visits so I don't fuck up and make more kids or have wife #2....even though she seems so perfect for me....in five years or less we will be in hell...shit sucks...all I can do is enjoy the now..the future comes to fast

Over and out...sorry for the Ricky boy like thread


  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    This is the song we call ours


    Got it on repeat feeling love sick like a did back in high school

    I get high from women..right now I'm on some strong shit...the high is out of this universe...the down will blow...but until then I need to soak in this

    Song on repeat
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    You have to be honest with your girlfriend. Tell her you want to stare at and have sex with women who are way hotter than her, and so you are going to keep spending all your spare time and money in strip clubs.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I would if I was trying to wife her in hopes she would run thus stopping the fuck up of marriage number #2

    I'm only in this until this relationship goes from pleasure into pain

    Just sucks feeling so beautiful and knowing one day we will hate and fight

    Go from making love to staring war

    Go from seduction to divorce paper's

    Why does the Almighty stop this pleasure

    Lying is a must and so is no marriage ever...no matter how I feel...it's a temporary illusion clowding my perception

    I must soak up all I can of this stage...the depths of her eyes, her mountains of curves, her beautiful smile....the taste of her lips....the sound of her voice and moans....the build up of the unknown....the climax the passion

    I read once Casanova would take his time seducing his victims because he knew the faster the sex happen the quicker the relationship would be over so he learned to slow down and enjoy more than just the sex

    This took him to new levels of extosy...he savored the drink from her lips...he allowed himself to crave her skin...remember her scents....he was quotes have said he would cry once the sex happen because he knew it was soon to end

    All we can do is learn how to not let the moment pass...let the feelings run wild....enjoy the pleasure...enjoy the pain...this is the blessing of being alive and being conscious of it

    To cherish and relish these preshish moment's...to bath In the love and lust of another

    God damn I'm a fagget right about now
  • warhawks
    8 years ago

    You made this all up.

    Applebees has banned you for harassing their waitresses.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    It is funny how you called your own thread "Rickyboy" like. I had a similar thought as I was reading about serving his own selfish needs and fuck what the rest of you think about it. Uncanny, yet there is a bit of self deprecating honesty that Rickyboy fails to embrace.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    The subject of strippers and strip clubs has come up a few times with the DC but she has not asked if I'm a customer and I've never asked if she's been a stripper. Even if she was as it's ok cause that would've been before the days of extras.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    I've never had a g/f ask me about it. Even the escort!
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    All I wanna know is this:
    1. Is this the chick that waited on us at Applebees?
    2. What's her favorite flavor of Four Loko?

    Considering I currently have a wife as well as a girlfriend I guess I should chime in.

    My wife knows I go into strip clubs, but always with friends, bachelor parties, when I'm on a "guys trip", out with coworkers, kinda like "special occasions." She is naive (probably like most women) and think that guys just throw dollar bills on stage, get drunk, stare at some naked women and get a rather tame lapdance here or there. When I'm on the road she assumes I am in a poker room at night or fell asleep in my hotel at 8PM, which is often true but when I do go out those are good covers for being at a strip club. I have never told her once that I go into one on my own and I've been married 15 years. So no, I don't tell her/admit that I go and I recommend you don't either.

    Now, my girlfriend is a sexual freak, probably the kinkiest female I have even been with that is NOT a stripper. Thinking I could take her freakishness to the next level I surprised her with a strip club visit which went horribly wrong (I documented it here) that night she asked in an un-approving tone if I frequent strip clubs, and I said "no, not on a regular basis."

    Since she came along, my strip club visits have gone down a great deal, and I assume your will as well. Enjoy the ride for now and see what happens Juice, just because you hang out with this chick doesn't mean you have to wife her up. Deep down every single girl out there wants wifed up, but some will keep their mouths shut and just be happy with some companionship - hopefully yours is like that.

  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Thanks to everyone for support and comments weather it was funny or information...it was needed

    In short I need a follies trip to wake me out of this illusion and snap me back to reality

    Just caught off guard when chemistry works it's Magic
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    well I wouldn't repeat this now that you said you don't visit but you could have said she looks better than all the strippers at the local club. You just couldn't think of anything better to do on whatever night.
    Of course you don't look at porn online nor do you do a whole bunch of other stuff she hasn't asked about.
    You are lying just to get inside her pants. We understand. Future wife? :)
    Just let us know so we can plan a divorce party in about a year or less.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Marriage is a financial risk...soooo fuck that thought
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I know of someone who didn't bother to correct his name when someone introduced him to a girl.
    The guy ended up marrying her on one condition, he had to accept being called by the name she first heard.
    True story.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I had one roommate in college that had some skill with girlfriends. He claimed he only had 8 but some of his friends claimed he had around 18. Treat them like favorites and juggle them, lie to your advantage and you can juggle lots of girls is what I learned. My roommate had me lying to them on occasion. He was quite funny. I remember when long distance phone calls cost a lot of money and he lied about that too. He'd call them and lie about the fire alarm going off or something else and ask them to call him back in a few minutes. He was something else.

    I remember he actually called me one night and asked if I could shoot pool with his buddies because they were a guy short. I told them I hadn't played in years and I was being truthful. I got lucky on a few shots I called. Apparently my skill level was a lot better than I thought. My roommate never called me back to play with his buddies. He said they thought that he called in a pool shark.

    Some people overestimate their skill level. Reminds me of a suite-mate I played chess with. He thought he was good but I thought he was lousy. After his 8th loss in a row where I had been playing around with him, he said he was his high school chess champion. I kept quiet and thought, wow, what a small lousy high school that must have been. I did play chess on one day with some guys in the NCSU chess club and whomever I was playing said I was good. I lost which I wasn't used to but the guy said if we had been playing by some type of national or international chess rules in the first game, I would have had him. I'm no expert. I lost the next two games as well.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Shark I enjoyed that Story...I've started to play chess and pool but I suck right now...my goal is in 3-5 years becoming a shark...

    That's about as long that it's taken me to become a card shark in the poker rooms...well I'm working on my third year now and it feels like in two more years I will be hell to reckon with on the felt
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    The most I've ever juggled in person was 4 and it was a headache trying not to cross paths with others since all live in the same town

    I've found if one wants to juggle a large number distance is the key to success...now doing it like this I usually will have a stream of 10 girls funnelled from dating websites texting all day long..usually line one date up every week with one of them...typical reason I can't come see them is I'm way to busy working lol
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    I enjoy juggling strippers and hookers more because they are to busy juggling their clients lol

    Their low drama for the most part plus most don't even message you unless it's a check in to see when the next session is going down

    My life is usually a mix of civilians and Providers as my juggling goes
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    GF are different that wives. The ring and the legal protections make all of the difference. Someone whom you can have privileged communication because the relationship is one of protected status (wife, attorney, priest) is different that than of a regular civilian.

    Also I don't see the reason nor the necessity to stay in a relation with a girl longer than 6 months (ideally 2-3 months or no longer than 1 year) if you are not going to "put a ring on it." IMO otherwise you are just "playing house" or kidding yourselves ... you kidding mainly her. I agree with Shailynn, that deep down, most of these girls want to be wived up. And if you know you aren't going to eventually do that, you should cut them loose so they can find the guy who will.

    I don't understand the guys you continually date a girls for years without ever getting married or even taking short amount of time to ask themselves that question (unless you're rich, then yes, you have more things to think through than the rest of us). Despite what the PUAs and TheRedPills guys or the doucehbags claim, it really isn't that had to ask girls out and get them to say yes. Also despite the girls losing their shit over it I don't see a problem with dating more than one girl at a time either. Didn't we have multiple suitors in the '50s or whatever time when dating was 'simpler?' I think so. That's especially true if you're looking for 'the one.' And how would you find 'the one' unless you're out there looking for her. Being tied down with 'good enough' or 'meh she is alright' doesn't do you much favors over just relationship sex (assuming you're having that).

    Returning back to the problem in the story. The problem was was you blabbed and outed yourself, inappropriately. The issue was the inappropriateness not so much the strip clubbing itself, you feel me? Ladies feel more confident with a gentlemen who knows how to act appropriately and when to keep things to himself. Letting something spill like that inappropriately, "I said I was going to make it rain on her" tells her you might not make good judgement in all social or professional situations.

    I think a lot of the reasons the women don't like strip clubs can be simplified to 1. the clubs or dancers make her insecure about herself, 2. she's worried about reputations and discretion, and 3. it's an issue about money and priorities.

    I think this article covers a lot of that.

    --> "If you are indeed a decent guy who occasionally likes to hang out with his buddies while innocently appreciating some exotic dancing, yet your girlfriend simply can’t get over it, she may be what we refer to at AskMen.com as a beautiful pain in the ass.

    1. She's worried you'll cheat or stray

    Explain to her the function of strip clubs to men: they are recreational spaces for chilling out with friends, not somewhere a guy goes with a sexual agenda. If she persists in her suspicion, she may be a beautiful pain in the ass.

    2. She suspects you’re comparing

    Strippers generally have the kind of bodies that men idolize. Your girlfriend may be feeling insecure that she is being compared to these fantasy objects.

    This has nothing to do with the strip club and everything to do with her lack of self-esteem. Everyone is insecure at times, but if this is constantly a big deal for her, she’s probably a beautiful pain in the ass.

    3. She thinks it’s degrading to women

    This reaction has more to do with her moral position than it does with an assessment of you or the relationship

    4. She thinks it’s trashy

    THIS ONE'S IMPORTANT, JUICE. ... Your disapproving girlfriend may be considering your reputation when she gets huffy about you going to strip clubs. She may not want you to be seen in such an establishment simply because she thinks it doesn’t speak well of your character. She views the strip club as a place for seedy, deviant guys and not for her mature, evolved Better Man. She may also be worried about your professional image, should anyone important see you there.

    The naked truth: This is definitely food for thought. Are there people in your life that you would be ashamed to be seen by as you’re stumbling out of a strip club? If so, maybe you should acknowledge that you are putting your image at risk every time you do. CONSIDER THIS, JUICE.

    5. She wonders why she isn’t enough

    She obviously doesn’t have a very good understanding of male sexuality. If you’re looking but not touching, this is more about her issues than it is about you or the strip club. She is a beautiful pain in the ass.

    6. She thinks you're wasting money

    THIS IS SOMETHING ELSE TO CONSIDER, JUICE. .. She might think that you’re spending too much at the strip club. It’s all about money for the dancers who want to take as much of it from you as they possibly can. Add to that the horribly overpriced drinks and a night at the strip club can add up pretty quickly.

    The naked truth: If you're having tough times with money or have a savings goal for a big purchase you’re trying to make, she is within her rights to question you forking out your cash at the strip club. Fun is fun, but keep your priorities in order." --> END QUOTE

    source: http://www.askmen.com/dating/vanessa/40_…

    --> "“Whether it’s in honor of a buddy’s bachelor party, or it’s the culmination of stupidity after a boys’ night out, dudes are gonna end up at strip clubs sometimes. It’s just the natural order of things. If you can’t accept that, you’ve got two options: lie to yourself and look the other way, or date women.”

    — Brenda, 22" --> END QUOTE

    ^^^ Here's a reasonable POV from a women in it long term or she at least understands how guys and guys' sexuality works -- and her outlook its healthy, too. IMO.

    --> "“My boyfriend definitely goes to strip clubs when the occasion calls for it, but he always reports that the experience was dull and disappointing. If he’s lying on my behalf, I’d urge him to keep up the good work. No reason to be truthful about that kind of thing.”

    — Rania, 28" --> END QUOTE

    ^^^ Reasonable POV for a girlfriend, or a newly minted spouse where you can't have really truthful nor uncomfortable discussions yet.

    --> "“My advice to any woman who doesn’t want her man visiting a strip club? Get used to it. It’s bound to happen, and you’re only going to piss them off if you whine about it. Choose your battles carefully, sisters.”

    — Taryn, 30" --> END QUOTE

    ^^^ Reasonable POV from a woment who's in it long term, perhaps a wife.

    --> "“Only an idiot would believe that her significant other isn’t ever going to strip clubs. I just don’t want to be lied to about it. That’s my policy. People should own their actions. If you want a boozy night out of titty twitching entertainment, tell me in advance. Don’t mention it after the fact and expect me to understand.”

    — Meg, 25" --> END QUOTE

    ^^^ Reasonable request from a wife or a long-term GF (aka, 'playing house together'). Just man up, let them know you might go, and reassure them of the legit and legit straight up function of the club. For wives who 'know the score' -- like mine and a certain other Tuscl poster in the legal profession -- you can be a bit more open but still respect the feels and the need for discretion and not rubbing her nose in it or embarrassing her publicly.

    --> "“A few months back, the morning after my boyfriend met up with some friends for ‘drinks,’ I found a receipt for $720 in the pocket of his jeans. I was sickened that he’d spent so much on a random evening out. A hunch led me to Google the restaurant address, and that’s when I realized he’d been to a strip club. When I asked him about it, he claimed he was going to tell me, but the fact that he lied to my face makes me uncomfortable. I wish he’d had the courtesy to give me the chance to be okay with it. Trust is so easy to break, and so damn hard to rebuild.”

    — Ashleigh, 24" --> END QUOTE

    ^^^ This drives the "money issue" home. Young men who are not yet established financially, this is the #1 problem young wives (or GFs aspiring to be wives) have with strip clubs. It's a money sink that's drains money away from your future (home ownership, saving/investing, retirement, college fund for the kiddos). $720 is unreasonable for most young men to be blowing in private rooms like that.

    source: http://thoughtcatalog.com/melanie-berlie…
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Juice, in your situation. I see it healthy that you are open to seeing and freely juggling multiple women. Unless you are settling down with one or intend to settle down, you approach is fine. The women who take issue with that are either looking to get wived up and you should cut them loose because that's the humane approach or these women are just incompatible with you and what you're looking to do.

    Though you might be sensitive to their feeling and not let them know they are just 'in the rotation.' Sometimes the girls, in if they know it, lose their shit when you tell them this. Sometimes the ladies like to lie to themselves. So it' s a delicate balancing act. Ruthlessly truthful hurts their feelings. But I don't like going behind their backs either. I like my iron fist with a velvet glove approach. It sort of toes the line and plays to one masculine strengths of confidence, character, and social desirability or validation.

    Put them in a box and sit on them.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I just looked up what the online free dictionaries have to say about "iron fist in a velvet glove." I think I may need a new expression, the colloquial definition is no good (to me). Let the original latin Napoleon used: "Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re" translated roughly "Gentle in manner, resolute in deed" is just about perfect.

    I'll just re-read the entire Holy Bible (all three translations that I have) along with the complete works of Shakespeare and get back to you in 3 or 4 years, lol. Fair enough?
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @ Dominic Damn man the length of your posts is approaching SJGs screeds. Basically "an iron fist in a velvet glove" is about the same as don't mistake kindness for weakness.

    @ juice. Just tell her what she wants to hear you aren't looking for drama just some pussy.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Strip Clubs? I thought those were a fad from the '90s.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago

    Good advice guys
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Lol, twentyfive did in two sentences what took me six thousand words, give or take.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    If you can't keep a straight face when a girl asks you a question like that then I pray to all the poker gods that you are sitting at my table some day. ;)

    Putting that aside, probation period? Are you both 20 years old? I get that with young love and dating, but when I was dating in my 30s most of the pretense was gone. The really good girls made me wait until the second date. The tweeners felt that if I slept over and they didn't fuck me that night that they met the requirements of propriety and then opened up the gates in the morning. You sure this girl is really interested?

    Oh yeah, and next time lie your ass off. and work on your poker face for fuck sake. ;)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Why even bother with girls that you have not met in a strip club?

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