
Comments by sharkhunter (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Indian Dudes
    I haven't noticed that many Indians in strip clubs. Now one night a few years ago, I was at PP and there were Mexicans everywhere. If I had any doubt they were Mexican, I had a dancer sit down with me and make a comment about all the Mexicans not spending hardly any money. No doubt they were Mexican and not Indian.
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    7 years ago
    Can my gf get topless?
    Many clubs have an amateur night where they can can get topless on stage but you'll have to ask the club when it is if they have one. Ask a club or dancers if you want to know the rules. In my local clubs, the dancers must wear pasties, can't get bare naked topless unless you are a male. Seems like my local club discriminates.
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    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    What's the first car you owed and the name of the first girl you boned?
    I don't remember these types of security questions so I just make up crap I can remember. I do remember the first car I paid for but I was given a clunker in high school. I remember it looked like crap and it ran but if I wanted something better, I had to buy it.
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    7 years ago
    Rate Juice Latest Round of Aliases
    FYI, I think our government has been saying a little radiation is good for your u now. Ever since Japan had an accident and has been dumping hundreds of tons of radioactive water into the Pacific. I read a two headed dolphin was spotted. I'm still waiting to hear reports about Godzilla. Our government won't have to pay as much social security if radiation keeps increasing. On the bright side of things I read the latest 700 tons of radioactive waste dumped in the Pacific was not significant compared to everything already leaking into the ocean. I'm read the half life of most of the recent stuff was relatively quick too.
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    7 years ago
    Rate Juice Latest Round of Aliases
    The new guys could be juice as well, not sure. :). Off topic, I read John McCain has a brain tumor. I'm wondering how often he's used a cell phone. I read a study indicated the radiation alters cells in the body and all the originals studies were done with the phones at least one inch away from the body. I read the studies of radiation hazards were not with smart devices against the body. I saw where at least two young girls who stored their smart phones inside their bras got breast cancer in the shape of their phones. I suspect this was real news and kept as quiet as cigarette companies kept quiet about hazards of cigarettes. I've been keeping my smart devices a little bit farther away since I read all that and saw pics.
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    7 years ago
    Rate Juice Latest Round of Aliases
    He could make his fake female aliases a little more believable but all the new guys seem to fall for it. Obviously he must think it's funny tricking a bunch of people.
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    7 years ago
    Rate Juice Latest Round of Aliases
    I.e. Supposedly the baby boomer generation is already past their peak in top spending years and are retiring and will be looking to sell their McMansions and downsize except there won't be enough buyers and prices will start dropping dramatically. Public spending supposedly coincides with peak spending years along with peak stock prices. The forecast showed the stock market should have peaked already but the Feds 4 trillion increase altered all that. Now spending is dropping per the population cycle at the same time the fed is planning to reduce their balance sheet. Should All result in a stock crash and real estate crash and a crash in gold and oil they were saying starting within months from now. The full 40% drop in real estate not going into effect for a few years. Just more info.
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    7 years ago
    Rate Juice Latest Round of Aliases
    Lol, digressing a little bit, saw from a different source something about economic cycles. The cycles go based on population ages and peak spending years. Supposedly spending peaks about 40 to 50 years after birth or so. Baby boomers have already peaked in their spending. Gen x is a lot smaller. Spending will massively decline go match the cycle. Only thing that artificially propped up stock prices so much in the last few years supposedly was the Feds increase in their balance sheet of over 4 trillion dollars. Together with decreased public spending due to cycle charges and decreasing the Feds artificial balance , it should result in a massive decrease in real estate of 40% into the early 2020's and a big drop in stock prices. It all made sense. They also forecast gold and oil to drop massively but the value of the dollar to go up versus other currencies. Wanted 49 bucks for a year subscription. Have you read about this?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Most PL thing ever
    Is it fake news about South Carolina tough laws making it illegal to provide any compensation to ones wife? Laws should work both ways. Arrest both spouses if either one got some benefit out of sex. Sounds like a stupid law. I know there are a lot of stupid laws across the country. We have so many laws in this country I bet everyone is a lawbreaker. But if you can't prove it, does it matter? Apparently playing a game of Yahtzee is illegal in South Carolina unless they changed the law.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rate Juice Latest Round of Aliases
    I haven't been keeping track of juice aliases. You might have to list them all.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Bed Bugs? not necessarily OT
    A quick and fast method to take the sting out of insect bites is to apply apple cider vinegar. Other things may work better. Also seems to work a bit with sunburns. I have natural bug exterminators. Spiders and lizards. I hope one lizard didn't get lost in my garage. I have 2 different species of lizards in my yard now. I'd rather have a small lizard in my house rather than any bugs. Actually prefer no insects or lizards.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Escort talk
    So how do you know if it's a deputy behind the pic instead of an actual escort? Just wondering.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Another one bites the dust, A guy who feared for his life going to testify agai
    shorts become shirts on my ipad a lot. Apple's autocorrect feature. They like changing words with an o to an i. I believe it was programmed in.
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    7 years ago
    Another one bites the dust, A guy who feared for his life going to testify agai
    That's apple programmers and apple in general for you. Never miss an opportunity to stick it to their customers programming the autocorrect to automatically change a word with an o to an i if the word is an actual word. On my ipad stocks often become sticks and shorts often become sticks. Thank you apple for screwing with us. They also limited the ram in the first few devices so that they would fail as facebook and other sites would require more ram to work properly within a few years on mobile devices even though Apple advertised 32 gig, 64 gig etc on the first devices but that was memory storage, not ram which they stayed quiet about. Sneaky. I wouldn't still be using apple devices if I didn't find some of the apps fun or useful. Well I also got my phone for only around $200 through work. Changing my words is aggravating but no biggie.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Another one bites the dust, A guy who feared for his life going to testify agai
    Seeking alpha not zero alpha.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Another one bites the dust, A guy who feared for his life going to testify agai
    2015 not 2005. Spike in the Vix to 40 or higher. I'm pretty sure he says he accurately predicted the spike in 2015. I did save the link. He posts on zero alpha I believe.
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    7 years ago
    Another one bites the dust, A guy who feared for his life going to testify agai
    I actually became suspicious about the Clintons after receiving a strange piece of mail with the author saying they would never catch him referring to the Clintons goon squad or death squad. Then he said Mr Clinton would be impeached. I got this piece of mail in Mr Clintons first or second year in office or early on. I thought it was a piece of junk from some crazy guy until impeachment talk hit the news. This guy may have printed up a bunch of lies but claimed everyone who was going to talk or testify got killed. Coincidence? A government official traveling overseas I read his plane crashed killing everyone on board. The bodies were immediately cremated before certain investigators could examine them I read. There were several "suicides" back in the US during the Clinton administration. I can put two and two together and see a suspicious pattern. When questioned by the FBI whether or not she wiped her server, she stupidly asks, you mean with a cloth?" Maybe that was sarcasm. The Clintons aren't stupid. Ok I'm not going to say any more on this. My mail might be watched now. I haven't received any crazy mail in several years. Ps I read one guy predicts a stick market crash within 4 to 6 weeks. He defines a crash as a spike in the Vix of 40 or higher. Not the same thing as everyone else. Very interesting methods he is using. I didn't understand it all. He claims he predicted a crash in 2005 within 9 days of it. Spike in volatity that is. Usually coinciding with a large sudden drop in stock prices as well but not necessarily a crash like 1987. I could be wrong about all of this and reading all kinds of crap online though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Another one bites the dust, A guy who feared for his life going to testify agai
    I think there might be something going on but if all the evidence has been covered up, no one can prove anything. Here's a link from the BBC about how much the Haitians don't like the Clintons. Seems odd after the Clintons supposedly helped Haiti. http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37826098
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    This could be any of us
    Glad to read she didn't die. I wouldn't care for someone using drugs in my hotel room or even smoking in the room.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone ever pull a dancer into being FWB?
    No but I had a dancer do that with me. Some dancers can be very persuasive and determined. Crazy determined. Kind of fun if you like her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    Meeting other tuscl members
    Shadowcat got a free vip lifetime card several years ago in a meeting. I thought about buying a card for $500 but never did. It could have paid for itself if I bought it right away but I waited. Glad I did not buy it in the last year. I can understand the comaradie. Sharing stories, strip club tips, which girls do what, etc. We were in the same club same day but either I was vagina dancer blocked or it was past shadowcats bedtime. Closest I came to meeting anyone on here. I'd probably be more excited about a potential meetup if I was meeting a hot dancer. The time is not right for me this year anyway. One day I expect to have plenty of money and lots of time. I hope. I suspect though, one trip to follies and I might not be able to give blood again for several months just to make sure I was safe. Actually the second hand pot smoke worries me more in the remote possibility that it could cause a drug test failure. Probably not though but it makes me wonder if it's possible. If I visit, might have to drink beer to protect myself. Lol. Lowers my body temperature down to 50's or 60's in at least my hands if the beer is cold. Mmmm, I saw a pancake commercial. Can't think straight anymore. Mmm, now bacon and beef.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Are Traditional Colleges and Universities Bad Environments?
    On the other hand, if the democrats want open borders, and everyone from South America can come here no restrictions after a democrat becomes president, they may get their wish come true in just a few years.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Are Traditional Colleges and Universities Bad Environments?
    Caution, they might die or get mugged visiting the country.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Are Traditional Colleges and Universities Bad Environments?
    If college students value travel and socialism and the government taking more in taxes then I suggest they live in a socialist country in South America called Venezuela where socialists have been in control for serveral years. That would probably be more educational than whatever they are learning now.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Are Traditional Colleges and Universities Bad Environments?
    I never read the links or SGJ long posts. Well maybe one or two lines. I think Bernie Sanders won the ME generation vote just talking to young people. Hey, if they all believe all this stuff Bernie promised was really free, I might be able to sell a few bridges. I could even tell them that Bernie will take half the profits and give it away to help with free college education and they might believe it.