
Comments by sharkhunter (page 18)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The AI running our universe simulation could have punishment codes or self destruction self correction codes it will execute as the so called wrath of God if we are unlucky. I suspect there have been several advanced civilizations on our planet and I saw on the TV show ancient aliens that there is evidence of very rapid global glacial melt roughly 2000 or so BC and global ancient depictions of great floods and a possibility of asteroid strikes around the same time. Now I'm not sure if the tv show is creating their own fake news or not but if an asteroid broke up like the one that hit Jupiter in 12 or 15 pieces and hit the earths oceans, it would cause global flooding and massive waves and rapid melt of glaciers.
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    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    I have experimented with trying to confirm I'm not in a coma and thinking about something and concentrating on it. Let's just say, it's better for my sanity if I don't do that much more. If stuff happens and people die, I would doubt I had anything to do with that but what if God was a super advanced AI and was running a simulation program we call the universe and we are all sims and I'm being monitored? What if Jesus was really a user from outside the known universe and understood the virtual reality of the universe and really could perform miracles because he knew how to alter the fabric of the program? I had some weird dreams where I was communicating with something beyond time and space. It's been a while though. I was thinking about mentioning this since some scientists discovered self correcting computer code in the fabric of our universe and are starting to believe we could be sims in a massive simulation. Maybe one day, scientists will figure out cheat codes to restore human Heath and lives.
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    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    I go to church routinely. I do believe in a higher power. I don't remember confessing a sin of visiting strip clubs. I don't remember thou shall not visit strip clubs. It was said that when Jesus was alive he would go visit the places where the sinners were at. I'm following the example Jesus did in my opinion. I can easily imagine if Jesus appeared today incognito he would talk to people in strip clubs and the religious right would probably think poorly of him and look down on him for visiting such places without knowing anything about him. People don't change their nature. I'm not trying to convert anyone with my words. I suspect everyone here is hard headed and many have me on ignore and don't want to even hear what I say. Granted on the past I found church services almost painful. Recently though, lots of people are wearing shorts and the air conditioner has been turned down so it's not hot as hell so it's almost comfortable in my local church. The local priest knows his stuff, not always the case or not always easy to understand, so he's interesting to listen to. It was drilled into me at an early age that I had a duty to attend. I had my doubts in Gods existence at one time but I've seen enough supernatural stuff myself I have no doubt that there are things going on that almost no one understands. I'm playing it safe by continuing to go to church. I'm afraid if I didn't, there are forces on the dark side that would be interested in me. I've tasted the communion host before the church service before it was converted during the ceremony and during the service. It changes taste and tastes a lot better. If you don't want to believe, you will not unless something hits you in the head as undeniable. It would be like you don't want to believe your dream dancer is cheating on you. If you are really in denial, she can do no wrong or you won't believe unless something or someone provides proof. I've been shown proof that there are supernatural forces at work. I could find out one day, I'm causing all the supernatural stuff I've seen but that would be very interesting. I would hate to wake up one morning and find out this entire life was a dream and I've been in a coma the whole time.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Trump fell off his rocker ,breaking news
    Referring to congress about taking August off.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Trump fell off his rocker ,breaking news
    We're screwed. Only thing that seems certain.
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    7 years ago
    Trump fell off his rocker ,breaking news
    I'm not surprised at what he doesn't know. I thought he was that way before he got elected but I was hoping I was wrong. Pelosi thinks we elected Bush referring to him as Bush 5 times in a row so maybe we have dementia running amuck among elected politicians. We might to need to elect younger politicians that know the facts and don't need to take the whole month of August off.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Trump fell off his rocker ,breaking news
    Sick not series
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Trump fell off his rocker ,breaking news
    He is a rich billionaire so maybe he doesn't know everyone has to pay a lot as a percentage of their income for health care in this country. If someone told him how much he would have to pay as an equivalent percentage of his assets, he might be shocked. I bet the monthly premium would be like several million dollars a month or more. The if he got all series and went to the doctor, his payment on my plan would be like another 4 million to cover the doctor visit and another 4 million to pick up a drug at the drug store. Deductible for the year would be like 500 million for him before the plan started paying Except for one preventative care visit per year.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    Questions for SJG.
    I read it online and posted a comment about it yesterday. Today I heard only 50% with this type of cancer survive past a year.
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    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    6 old white guys took over Follies today.
    I need a teleporter and some other equipment. Beam a few tons of gold out of the ocean and then sell it and then beam over to follies and or wherever.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    Old North Carolina dudes
    Maybe the old computer from the movie war games is running the South Carolina phone company. http://www.orangefreesounds.com/shall-play-game/ We get screwed with so much in the carolinas, it drives you crazy to live here.
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    7 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    Old North Carolina dudes
    Everyone in a wide area of South Carolina seems to end up with an isp address location in NC. It's a messed up system by the messed up monopoly phone company that controls all dsl lines in large parts of South Carolina. To try to remain anonymous, we screw around like the phone company does. It was really screwy when I moved to South Carolina. I would check information via the phone at Wachovia and if I hung up while the computer was talking, my phone would ring so the computer could finish. Happened at more than one automated computer response company. I figured the phone company had something else screwy going on automatically reconnecting lines making my phone ring back if I disconnected.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Altered nipples
    So was the nipple altered or did the girl alter her areole like in the last link?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    While we are on the subject of old dudes !
    I don't understand dancers avoiding young guys. That was not my experience in clubs I visited. I still see young guys getting attention. Maybe the dancers are older than the young guy. I've only hooked up with an older dancer one time. I'm running out of opportunities as well. I only know of one dancer still working that is older than me, if she hasnt retired. Now maybe when I was young I noticed some older guys with a lot more money getting attention and I just don't remember. I have looked younger than guys at some clubs and dancers still gave me a lot of attention. More than several tables. I thought dancers often paid a lot of attention to a young good looking guy in a club rather than the older customers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Big Brother
    She's a familiar face.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Altered nipples
    Here's an easier one to find. Top left corner. Is this want she looked like?https://www.pinterest.de/pin/485192559830807062/ I prefer natural as well.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Altered nipples
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Altered nipples
    About 6 images down, second column
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    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Altered nipples
    Did she look like this? https://goo.gl/images/XTo1R5
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    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    What would you do?
    4 but I don't talk unless the dancer on stage keeps asking me questions while she is on stage. I was interrogated by a dancer on stage on my last visit because she thought she knew me from somewhere. She did look familiar so she probably did. I already found out one way I don't want to get a new dancers attention. She thought I had money from something she overheard and asked for some. Made a beeline to my table after I got dances from someone else nearby.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    Questions for SJG.
    In one club I know of a dancer who liked to occasionally curl up on my lap and take a nap. Probably very tempting for SGJ. This was at the old PP club. I used to occasionally fall asleep in there as well but I had to be sitting where the bouncers wouldn't notice it. Sleeping with my eyes open helped too. I even slept with her in the same chair. Literally, haha. Most of the time I was awake though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why does old dudes hooking up with smoking hot young women agitate everyone?
    Everyone? I don't remember doing any serious agitating except the other night when my washer made a racket. I don't hear complaints from several on here. As far as not getting attention, I don't always understand it. I can sometimes avoid attention if I sit like a rock and appear like a piece of furniture. That can be difficult unless a club is packed and you don't want to get up and lose your seat. Well I like moving around a bit. Maybe I appear more energetic and the dancers notice moving targets faster than the furniture.
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    7 years ago
    Moment of weakness
    Don't worry. Republican probably won't repeal Obamacare so you can still get subsidies for drugs, maybe, until it gets taken awAy or you make too much.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    The Stripper Deadbeat Boyfriend
    I always wondered if it was a racist comment if a dancer once said I must be half black if I didn't think I was. I thought she was just overreacting. I could be related to Vikings, or Attila the Hun or even Blackbeard or have some ancient evil ancestor but no reason to bring up some racial stereotype. I always thought it was amusing in high school that I'm descended from the barbarians that the Romans couldn't conquer. If you got back far enough, we are all related to each other. Our blood and genes have been mixed for thousands of years even if people don't know it. I read the entire human race got wiped out to less than 10,000 people less than 200,000 years ago when there used to be over a million people. That event wiped out 99% of humanity. We almost went extinct. I digress again.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    So did one of you guys create a web site called Sbabes.com?
    I must have accidentally visited the sign in screen. I see on another page it says it's a web cam site. Can't view anyone live without signing up though. Never mind. I was curious. I couldn't tell from the commercial what they were advertising.