
Comments by sharkhunter (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are cartoons to blame for our PL behavior?
    I never saw the show. I saw road runner reruns. Saw a recent cartoon in the newspaper that showed Trump as the bird going tweet tweet and the coyote being CNN standing over the side of a cliff waiting for the fall and splatter. I was titty deprived as a kid, no internet, no R rated channels on cable either. Constantly watched except when I wanted to go play at the local swamp. I guess my parents weren't too worried about my brother and I tearing up the swamp or too concerned about the poisonous snakes, etc. mosquitos were really bad. I had a machete with me though.
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    7 years ago
    Self absorbed bitch I know posted this... (Wasn't my X wife)
    I agree with the article as well. I hate games like that. I don't care for a girl to tell me she wants to go somewhere or meet up but then doesn't answer phone calls that day. I decided to never to go out with her and we did not even though I kept running into her. She was a dancer. Still is I believe because I ran into her again at Myrtle Beach last fall.
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    7 years ago
    Controversial stripper names
    Hundreds? I think some posters on here have met tens of thousands of dancers. In years past, I probably met at least a thousand different strippers in a year. I used to visit large clubs with at least a 100 dancers working during the night and changeover was high from one week until the next. Only 20 new dancers per week times 50 weeks is 1000 per year. Some guys posting here have been clubbing before I was even born. Their number may be over 100,000.
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    7 years ago
    Controversial stripper names
    I've met a dancer called ISIS before terrorists took the name. Maybe because the name is used elsewhere some try to call them something else. I knew a hot dancer just from the club called Katrina, not quite as good after hurricane Katrina.
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    7 years ago
    Stripper day jobs
    I remember I met a Vegas model and likely escort as well one night working as a dancer. I met up with her after she suggested it and I remember her saying she was flying back to Vegas next day. I never saw her again. One dancer asked if I would like to hire her to help clean my house. She said she ran a topless cleaning service. The rate was kind of high and she lived near Asheville. I think she wanted something like 100 an hour. I didn't ask if anything extra came with the service. She seemed serious about the cleaning service but she also seemed to like me. If she didn't live so far away, I might have thought about it more.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    F as in Ford stock is up today $0.13+
    One major problem is the 100 trillion in liabilities the US has. I say come up with a 50 or 60 year payback plan and borrow the money from the rest of the world. Battle of armegedon around 2056 so we won't ever pay it back. Sounds like a plan to me. I read that debt was like over 1 million per person in the US. That's a lot to pay back. We need to all be millionaires. Strippers too. Make a million over your life, pay a million in taxes. Solution is to increase US GDP to 8% growth per year or a combination of increased growth and less government spending. Idiots elected every year don't seem to be getting us there. Of course some are worse than others.
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    F as in Ford stock is up today $0.13+
    I suppose you mean 15% over several years. Eventually sp500 at 14,000 seems possible.
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    F as in Ford stock is up today $0.13+
    15% growth per year? We seem to have trouble getting 3%.
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    F as in Ford stock is up today $0.13+
    A 20 dollar bill 20 years from now might be only worth what 50 cents is worth today. Anything less than a 20 might be considered cheap as a stage tip. If you thought you could easily live off of social security and if you saved up a whole lot, it could all be taken away by politicians spending too much devaluing our currency. Maybe some of that alien tech will allow us to have realistic looking sex robots so guys won't want to even visit strip clubs. That would be a shame if strip clubs died out due to cheap tech that is hard to tell apart from real humans. Every guy with money could have several bots doing a stripper party every night and it might be hard to tell the difference. I doubt we get there in less than 20 years. If you are born again after 2200 something, I heard a prophet who saw the future said there was something terrible in space waiting for mankind to discover it. The Borg. Just kidding.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    F as in Ford stock is up today $0.13+
    I think 38% correction is more reasonable. The central banks and elites will likely blame republicans since they are in charge right now spinning the news as such. You can see it in the constant nonstop everyday negativity spit out on daily mainstream news media and on late night comedy shows. All that might change a few former voters who voted republican. That's all it will take to have a democrat elected in the next election. Tank the economy too and or send stock prices down 23% or even 38% more typical for the upcoming correction and people will be unhappy. Unless you invested in inverse etfs at the right time. Market goes up more often than down so if you are a long term investor, this correction will be good news. You can buy more stocks for a cheap price before the sp500 goes up to 3000 and then 4000. I heard someone say in 10 to 20 years, Dow may be at 200,000.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    F as in Ford stock is up today $0.13+
    I saw ancient aliens tv show last night where they mentioned a hacker found names of ships in our supposed space fleet. If we were doing trade with alien stocks and alien stock markets, that could be interesting. I would stick to Earth stocks. I'm not sure what happens to your money if you invested in alien stocks. The show suggested public disclosure could be coming soon if they think it won't disrupt our society to reveal such news. Supposedly the site above top secret was set up as an informal disclosure site to introduce a segment of they population to the news. Don't want millions of people committing suicide after alien ships land at the UN or White House and or appear on the evening news. A few people might be afraid though.
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    F as in Ford stock is up today $0.13+
    Oil may be near worthless long term but I'm referring to maybe 5 or 10 years from now as long term. I'm not psychic when it comes to stocks or I'd be a millionaire and I'm not.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    F as in Ford stock is up today $0.13+
    A 50% drop is very possible though. Republicans like to let the market drop instead of doing everything they can to pump it up by borrowing several trillion extra. I sure hope it won't be as bad as 2008. I hope the central banks don't have plans to do away with US currency either because that would suck big time. I do realize China, Russia, and others have been working on replacing the US dollar as the worlds reserve currency. If or when that happens, prices of everything will skyrocket in the US. US economic growth is the answer. Will they deliver? I doubt it after everything I've heard. I think the US economy is already starting to tank or peak. Auto sales have peaked. Oil should rise in the long term but could fall into the 30's short term. Just my opinion. Wouldn't be a market if there weren't different opinions.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    F as in Ford stock is up today $0.13+
    I guess you need a 50% drop for the 1590 area from 2490ish. 38% would only be in the 1800's. If republicans pass tax cuts, market could rise a lot more before dropping and then those numbers would need to readjust higher. I have zero confidence in congress getting things done to help average Americans. 100% confidence the fed and central banks will start tightening and make life harder on a preset course before those in charge retire.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    F as in Ford stock is up today $0.13+
    Market is likely going down within the next few years or sooner 23% to 38% of all the gains since 2009. I still expect new highs this year. They'll pull the rug out from all the retail investors when they are almost all in like normal. Is everyone already all in? Could start sooner rather than later. I think the SP500 may have up to 40 or even 50 some points left to rise this year before the biggest drop since 2008, not all in one year though. I expect the SP500 to drop from around 2500 or 2490 down to the 1500's or 1600's. Good buying opportunities coming up a few years from now. I expect a rise above 3000 SP500 in following years. Very bullish for several years after the upcoming drop. Note, thus should not be as bad as 2008 when the sp500 dropped down to 666.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What do you guys think about this?
    The only time I loaned a dancer money and I sort of came out ahead was a loan of 100 bucks to a dancer who liked me and promised she would dance for half the normal price for me forever. She always wanted me to get a bunch of dances from her but I did only pay her half the price per dance I paid everyone else in the club. After 2 years, forever ended. I suspect she thought one of us wasn't going to keep going to the same club for that long. I think dancers and people flake out of doing things if they aren't serious about paying it back and don't get at least half the money.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Where have all the Strip clubs gone?
    I agree with K, real disposable income when you factor inflation into the mix has decreased the standard of living across the US unless you did really well or for some, you have two incomes. The recession in 2008 killed off almost all business at some clubs. Management sold them and new guys tried stuff that didn't work except to make the place a dull boring club. Im thinking of a high end all nude club that in 2007 was packed with guys bringing in beer and large coolers of drinks but in 2008 with massive layoffs, it died out. Club was sold, new guys turned it to topless only selling drinks and food. It was too expensive and no nudity. I stopped visiting. It sucked. Good looking dancers left. At the same time businesses were hurting, cities were busy closing down some other clubs that had been around for many years due to new national zoning restrictions. Too close to a church, etc, etc. whoever implemented those new zoning laws shut down scores of strip clubs. In some locations, city leaders called red light districts as a blight or disgrace to their cities and cleaned the whole area up. That's what they called it. They cleaned it all up by driving everything underground, out of sight, out of mind and harder to access. It's like we are having sex prohibition in the US. Our elected officials and stupid parents are in denial thinking if they shut strip clubs down or restrict them, everything will be fine but it doesn't do a thing to stop stds or sex. It just makes it hard to fine adult entertainment. Meanwhile teenage pregnancy and stds are running at much higher rates in the US than I bet almost every other western country.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    PH and BYOC
    It would be nice if KFC or chickfil a made fried chicken without msg. The only thing I can tolerate are Wendy's chicken nuggets. However cutting out the synthetic appetizer would probably impact sales because the food wouldn't taste as good to the millions who don't notice anything. Might cause long term diseases but not many care about that until they get it. Can't prove it, almost no one cares. Makes me wonder if msg could be like cigarettes in the early days when cigarettes were promoted as healthy or when there was cocaine in the coke drink in the 1800's before it was removed from the Coca Cola formula.
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    It took me 6 years but,
    Just in time before your visit to Detroit?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stripper day jobs
    Most dancers I've met didn't have any other job.
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    7 years ago
    Stripper day jobs
    I've met several dancers that claimed they only moonlighted as dancers and also had a regular job. I didn't think this was normal but at one club, it didn't seem that unusual. One dancer was a welder. Most unusual dancer occupation I heard of. One sold real estate and made one last appearance and spotted me telling me all about her new job. I also met dental assistance or hygienist. One girl was studying yo be a lawyer, hadn't started work yet. One dancer was a nurse doing nurse work. One dancer quit first but worked as a bartender becoming a veterinarian after she got her degree. I don't remember all the different jobs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do feature dancers give lapdances?
    White shorts not white shirts, stupid Apple autocorrect.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do feature dancers give lapdances?
    I enjoyed more features than not. I usually try to avoid becoming part of the show. Although when you do, it can create life long memories. One feature ripped off my shirt ripping the buttons so I lost a shirt one time. I liked the shirt before it was ruined. Sometimes they drip liquids on themselves and stuff can go flying off stage onto the crowd nearby. They usually put something down on the stage first to help with cleanup. You get nothing. One time in an all nude club with the stage at the same level at the dancer and not much room, everyone but me was leaning over the stage. She kneeled down in front of me and grabbed my shorts with her teeth getting lucky in the process. I forgot she was a porn star. You know you're in trouble when a porn star is kneeling down in front of you and your shorts with a grin on her face. It was a no touch club so I couldn't stop her from doing whatever. Felt good until she backed up without letting go after a few minutes. I stopped wearing white shirts after that. I have no idea what the dancers thought at the next club. I probably told them a porn star did that. Usually features aren't that exciting.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Follow up on 'Virginia Club laws?' Part Three
    Interesting. I'm not sure how you find out if local elected officials or others with power are going to try everything to shut a business down or harass a sob.
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    7 years ago
    Phone sex workers?
    I hasn't seen any commercials for years for those late night call whatever number to talk to live girls but recently they came back. I thought they had all died out for good years ago.