Old North Carolina dudes

Crazy Town USA
Why do North Carolina dudes have so many different aliases on TUSCL?
And why do they love chacken fingers so much?
And what's up with their obsession to take public transportation to Detroit city?
Why do North Carolina dudes have so many different aliases on TUSCL?
And why do they love chacken fingers so much?
And what's up with their obsession to take public transportation to Detroit city?
last commentROFL
It would be funny when I meet Juice in person and learn that he's a skinny black vegan dude from SoCal. All his posts have been performance art. All his posts have been works of fiction.
Well, when a super star like Juice flies out to Detroit, why should he need a rent a car? Juice is the man for checking out clubs all over the country. And he knows the importance of front room makeout sessions!
l00ber - good theory but I can attest Juice is a fat white guy from NC that loves chackin fangers and is funny as hell!
Everyone in a wide area of South Carolina seems to end up with an isp address location in NC. It's a messed up system by the messed up monopoly phone company that controls all dsl lines in large parts of South Carolina. To try to remain anonymous, we screw around like the phone company does. It was really screwy when I moved to South Carolina. I would check information via the phone at Wachovia and if I hung up while the computer was talking, my phone would ring so the computer could finish. Happened at more than one automated computer response company. I figured the phone company had something else screwy going on automatically reconnecting lines making my phone ring back if I disconnected.
Maybe the old computer from the movie war games is running the South Carolina phone company.
We get screwed with so much in the carolinas, it drives you crazy to live here.