Questions for SJG.

avatar for tumblingdice
South Carolina
What was it like growing up?
What were your parents like?
Did you have any siblings?
Did you own any pets?
Are you gainfully employed?


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avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Growing up? Well its always a special kind of challenge when you are smarter than all the people around you.

avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
So you grew up in an institution for mentally handicapped children, is that what you are alluding to ?
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I am a survivor of the middle-class family.

avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
Well glad to see you survived but I think I speak for everyone when I say "I wish your ability to access the internet didn't survive."
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
I'm sure that you are a major source of disappointment to your family @SJG I sincerely pity you.
avatar for tumblingdice
8 years ago
SJG could you kindly answer the questions asked and expand on the ones you have?
avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
LOL! History in the making here folks, a budding classic thread for the TUSCL time capsule!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
tumblingdice, what kind of a dipshit idiot are you?

And twentyfive, may your step on a WWII German castration mine.

avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Gentlemen we have achieved lift-off !
avatar for tumblingdice
8 years ago
SJG I wish no harm,just curious.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Then, tumbling, you should know to respect the privacy of on line people. Otherwise some might conclude that you head is full of shit, and that pressure is building up because it is starting to ferment.

avatar for tumblingdice
8 years ago
Once again,could you please answer the questions asked?
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
I'm starting a Go Fund Me Page to pay off someone at Clear Fiber Network of San Jose to cut all digital cable and internet access to SJGs mom's basement. Please donate now.
avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
I'll donate a Jefferson.
avatar for tumblingdice
8 years ago
SJG,gonna go Trey Gowdy on you.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Tumblling, letting that kind of shit fermentation pressure build is just like having a stroke, It cuts off blood circulation and causes more brain damage.

Let me help remedy the situation for you:…
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
SJG asked me to post his answers for him:

What was it like growing up:
I was the first kid to get banned from the chess club.

What were your parents like:
Sadly I never knew my father, but my mom is a loving mother, taking care of me and her 19 cats.

Did you have any siblings:
I do have a brother named Kent but he didn't like me, and moved out of the house permanently when he was 7.

Do you own any pets:
Along with the 19 cats I help my mom take care of, I have 2 crabs I confiscated from the vagina of an AMP worker. I love those crabs.

Are you gainfully employed:
I used to wipe if the video games and food trays at Chuck E Cheese until I got fired for pooping in the ball bin one night after work.
avatar for tumblingdice
8 years ago
SJG you seem to be a lib with hate in your heart and head
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"I was the first kid to get banned from the chess club." Because I tried to make it a game over life and death.

"Sadly I never knew my father, but my mom is a loving mother, taking care of me and her 19 cats. " And she is forever indebted to Shailynn's mom for giving her all those cats.

"I do have a brother named Kent but he didn't like me, and moved out of the house permanently when he was 7." He decided that he would like it better to be in the slave trade.

"Along with the 19 cats I help my mom take care of, I have 2 crabs I confiscated from the vagina of an AMP worker. I love those crabs. " 8' across Alaska King Crabs

"I used to wipe if the video games and food trays at Chuck E Cheese until I got fired for pooping in the ball bin one night after work." It was either that or messing my pants. Done enough of that already.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"SJG you seem to be a lib with hate in your heart and head"

More of a radical then the typical liberal. 25 was the first to post something about this.

I take my lead from the abolitionist John Brown.…

And I worked extremely hard to make sure a Pentecostal Daughter Molester, fully supported by his church, ended up in San Quentin.

Now I am working on even bigger things.

avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
Shailynn he asked you too? That's strange he provided different answers to me. Must be his paranoid schizophrenic personality.

What was it like growing up?
My mom provided as much gravy as I could consume.

What were your parents like?
My mom protects me but my dad molested me and left when I reached puberty.

Did you have any siblings?
Yes I have a twin, san_jose_gay

Did you own any pets?
I recently found a magic toad.

Are you gainfully employed?
Yes I am building a secret organization of one.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
I really don't like participating in pile-ones, but @SJG you brought this on yourself, and I must say, you deserve a lot worse than this.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"Yes I am building a secret organization of one."

It is basically secret, and it will be until it is just so large that it cannot be concealed anymore. But there will be a related and not at all secret online only org. And I do have a small circle of local people whom I am working with right now, both men and women. Through recruiting women is very easy, so long as you have the right men.

But none of this will ever be connected to my TUSCL identity.

And twentyfive, has your puppy arrived yet? Do you have dog food?

avatar for tumblingdice
8 years ago
SJG,Senator John Mccain has a severe brain tumor,what are your thoughts on that?
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I wish him well. Didn't know about that.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
If it were not for Sarah Palin and the rest of his party, he might have been elected President. Though I am greatly pleased with the election of Obama, John McCain himself does not bother me.

Remember Pat Robertson, having a machine which called registered Republicans, on behalf of G. W. Bush, before the primary, and the recording saying that John McCain was an "enemy of God."

avatar for tumblingdice
8 years ago
SJG,why do you feel most posters on TUSCL disagree with your views?
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Well off white males tend to hold conservative views. I do not, but most of that class does.

I have thought long and hard about things. I don't go along with conservative or libertarian politics. And I have never gone along with the idea of dividing women into two categories, or subjecting them to a gender based double standard about sexual experience.

I supported the anti-Vietnam War movement, the civil rights movement, the women's movement, and the sexual revolution, and I support immigrant rights and LGBT rights, and the rights of the poor, and I know that we need to move to being a social democracy, just like they have in places in Western Europe.

I was opposed to Nixon, and Reagan, and both Bushes, as I will be to all the adaptation sof the Republican Party, like Trump, Pence, and Paul Ryan.

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
SJG: "And I worked extremely hard to make sure a Pentecostal Daughter Molester, fully supported by his church, ended up in San Quentin."

Our very own DrPhil did a pretty extensive search for this and could find no evidence anything like this ever happened. Just a bunch of bullshit SJG is making up to try and make his psycho ass look good.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
The news media undercovers such cases. I guess it is to protect the victims. But it does mean that the public is under informed about such, and this makes it harder to get convictions.

But I did have the Mercury News calling the DA's office and asking them about the case. I am sure that this helped.

News media undercovers parricides too. I believe that they are afraid of triggering an epidemic.

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@SJG: I think people are missing the most important question. How was your relationship with your mother?
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Well, I am opposed to psychotherapy and I have long counseled people to meet it with violent resistance.

So of course I would never entertain any question like that.

avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
It's a first folks

@tumblingdice "SJG could you kindly answer the questions asked and expand on the ones you have?"

SJG was actually asked to expand on something.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@SJG: So bad you don't want to talk about it, huh? Okay, gotcha. We won't hold it against you.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I've learned that you don't let people maneuver you into psycho therapeutic thinking. If you do, you will say sorry. I call for the abolishment of all psychotherapy.

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Do you think the real problem could possibly, just possibly, be that you are in denial that you have a mental illness, and have conjured up elaborate beliefs as part of your denial? If your as old as your post imply, I can kind of sympathize. Psychiatry used to be very cruel, just consider One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. If that's how you were treated when you were young. Where your mom might have you to go, maybe that's how you developed your life long hatred for both women and psychiatry.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
In one club I know of a dancer who liked to occasionally curl up on my lap and take a nap. Probably very tempting for SGJ. This was at the old PP club. I used to occasionally fall asleep in there as well but I had to be sitting where the bouncers wouldn't notice it. Sleeping with my eyes open helped too. I even slept with her in the same chair. Literally, haha. Most of the time I was awake though.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
SJG, how could you not know about John McCain? It's been on every single news outlet for the past 12 hours. Do you not regularly listen to or watch current even news in a given day?
avatar for TFP
8 years ago
Tumblingdice I also tried to talk to SJG in a normal conversation. He lacks the ability to answer questions to though. Instead he rambles about some other crap you never brought up.

I just hope for his sake he doesn't converse with women in the same manner.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@shailynn: I think SJG said he either doesn't watch news on tv at all or he doesn't own a TV. I think he gets all his news from democracynow.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I read it online and posted a comment about it yesterday.
Today I heard only 50% with this type of cancer survive past a year.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Psychotherapy tries to make people personalize things, to see societal problems as their own problems. It is inherently abusive, and the sooner it can be eradicated, the better.

And when done on children, it always has to be considered involuntary, and criminal.

avatar for JimGassagain
7 years ago
^^^ SJG, you seem to have a lot of experience with psychotherapy. Would you care to expand your thoughts on those experiences?
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
^^^ Hey look, it's my alias trollingvand piling onto a thread I commented on. Lol!

Still laugh when the (dot) faggit thought I was you and Dougster.
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