
Comments by twentyfive (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    Trump Shot at Rally in Pennsylvania
    He’s a wanna be assassin gotta be a lefty, everyone knows mass shooters are the righties 🙃
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    But not too old!
    Advice to Strippers
    ^Do you charge a consultant fee? If not my advice is on point. 😁
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    But not too old!
    Advice to Strippers
    ^ LOL
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    But not too old!
    Advice to Strippers
    ^ Free advice is usually worth what you pay for!
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    what do younger customers want?
    Nothing wrong with your looks, maybe it’s the venue not the age of the customers.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    But not too old!
    Advice to Strippers
    My guess is the strippers take the advice to strippers the same way us PLs take advice for strip club customers.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    Trump Shot at Rally in Pennsylvania
    But nobody here thinks there’s too many guns floating around in the hands of the wrong people, and it just too damn easy for a psycho to get a gun.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    ^ look it’s the loser from Chicago
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    First Presidential Debate?
    ^^Let’s not forget your dear cult leader is the one that’s referred to as private flat feet, for his draft evasion during the Vietnam War, BTW what branch of the service have you served with ?
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    First Presidential Debate?
    ^ how so dopey?
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    At what point do you become too old for clubbing?
    There’s things I don’t do anymore and there’s other things I never used to do that I am able to do now, I’ve definitely cut back, but I’ll keep hitting the strip clubs until I don’t enjoy it. My equipment works well not the same but it’s still in good condition. I’d say everyone is different, some folks that I’m friends with are still playing tennis and there’s a group at my club that plays basketball most of them are late seventies one is eightytwo I’m seventy still walk 4-7 miles a day and swim an average of one hour daily play golf every Saturday with a group that I’m the oldest and I still win my share, my long game isn’t that bad, but my short game has improved with age.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    I can tell you I haven’t been on Roosevelt Avenue in over 40 years, sounds like nothing has changed.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    First Presidential Debate?
    ^ Extremely Indoctrinated, easily triggered
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Gulf Coast. I’m not your boss.
    Economy predictions
    ^ According to Powell some unemployment is necessary, we’ll see what they do, I think they’ll show their hand next month after the PPI numbers are published.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Gulf Coast. I’m not your boss.
    Economy predictions
    ^ looks like we’ll get an interest rate cut prior to the election, of course Trump will loose his marbles over it, especially if it hammers in October
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Problems Saving Article Drafts , etc.
    ^ you can save a screen shot where you like if you don’t want your banner visible save it in your photos, copy and paste from there.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Biden isn't going anywhere - July 12, 2024
    ^ not really the primaries have pretty much made it his choice
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Boobie sucking...Is it an extra?
    ^ >>> Great sex should not only be disgusting, but it should also require two showers, one before, one after.<<< That’s why I prefer OTC, because I believe great sex doesn’t have to be disgusting and a shower and a bed makes the sex soooo much better
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    First Presidential Debate?
    @misterorange The constitution says the Vice President elect is inaugurated
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Boobie sucking...Is it an extra?
    I’m not into licking doorknobs, who knows how many people have handled and licked the door handle, as far as I’m concerned it’s just gross.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    First Presidential Debate?
    >>>^ I'm not talking about you (though anecdotes aren't data), I'm talking about the Biden campaign being down and in chaos.<<< Your right puddy no question about it, just like every other election campaign ever, there’s always something pops up, let’s see how they handle this, and keep in mind, the last mistake or surprise is when the election is won. Just like Mrs Clinton in 2016, and Trump in 2020, between now and November there will be many unforced errors my bet is the last candidate to make an unforced error will be the loser.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    First Presidential Debate?
    ^ what you don’t realize is I’m far from down, I’ve made more money in the last year than ever, including the Trump market, plus, if Trump gets elected I’ll probably be just fine. The sad part is the draft dodger, who if he gets re-elected, will continue to gaslight, and steal from the taxpayers like he’s been doing.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    First Presidential Debate?
    ^ Not really a fan of the potential Democratic nominees, you like to point out many of their negatives, but your guy (Trump) has more negatives than anyone you’ve put forth. as far as the Dems ability to fuck it up, your gang isn’t exactly picture perfect either, betcha the GOP crowd paints themselves into a corner a few more times before the election, my bet is the the loser is the party that screws up last.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Gulf Coast. I’m not your boss.
    Economy predictions
    I don’t like to make predictions, but I won’t be surprised by the S & P rising above 5800.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Changes in the CR
    I can’t comment on CR costs as most of my interactions are OTC, but yes it does seem like the last few months midweek, the clubs are a bit less crowded, but Thursday and Friday still feels the same.