Problems Saving Article Drafts , etc.

avatar for minnow
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For article submitters- Have you experienced problems saving article drafts ? I'm not one to write an article in 1 sitting. After initial very short draft, I had problems saving longer drafts, newer drafts kept being deleted ( I did hit the save draft icon.) Finally I tried to type out whole article, hit submit. Nothing happened for several minutes, I navigated away, the damn thing got deleted again. What are your new experiences with article submissions ?


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
8 mos ago

I would first type the article or review in word pad, save it and then cut and paste to TUSCL. Saves a lot of grief.

avatar for RonJax2
8 mos ago

^ That would be my advice too. I've had longer articles and drafts that fail to submit. Contacted founder about this and he says there's no character limit. However I think the longer the post is, the higher chance it has to fail on submission. So it's good to have it in wordpad so you can resubmit if it fails.

Totally tangential: am I an idiot or is there no way to save your bio and tagline right now?

avatar for twentyfive
8 mos ago

^ Totally tangential: am I an idiot or is there no way to save your bio and tagline right now?

You could screen shot it, save it in your profile

avatar for RonJax2
8 mos ago

@25, what do you mean, like put my background as a banner image?

avatar for twentyfive
8 mos ago

^ you can save a screen shot where you like if you don’t want your banner visible save it in your photos, copy and paste from there.

avatar for founder
8 mos ago

The articles and profile should be working now. there were some issues with them

avatar for RonJax2
8 mos ago

Boom! Save button on the profile is working, thanks @Founder!

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