
Comments by jaybud999 (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Recycling singles
    I don't touch floor money usually, and if I do, its to simply add it to the stage. I did see a girl mid July in Vegas rip a guy a new sphincter for taking a dollar off the floor (that she knew about) and using it to cop a feel on her stage.....she shut that shit down fast and loud.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    How is this place during the day/afternoon time?
    I don't think it opens until 6pm or so right now......so "daytime" perse is out? The other full nude is Palomino in N. Vegas, they're allowed to serve booze as well.....they don't open until 6pm either. In mid July, the only daytime clubs we could find were Peppermint Hippo, CH3 and Chicas Bonitas. CH3 wasn't doing any floor dances (which is annoying, because you can't test drive).
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Is History Actually Taught Anymore or Just DEI?
    @mickey48066 I can take your last comment in one of two ways: 1) you're just trolling around, or 2) your world view is fucked up and you're weird for it. Either way, I think you're weird.....and we've never met. I think.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    "Many think Brandon is the worst president in US History, but I’m still betting on Carter when I go to Vegas" C'mon man: a toupe, a couple of mediocre wives, some side pieces, and a modest loan from daddy say otherwise.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Is History Actually Taught Anymore or Just DEI?
    Boomers and late Gen X'ers......laying their opinions on what they "should know" to the two generations below/above us. Lemme guess, they should know the names of all the presidents in chronological order, and know the exact dates of events that you and I deem important. Although I value historical context (and the thread seems to be splintering into whose context is used) of atomic weapons being used on humans, a moral decision can be made without it (no, I'm not advocating that the history of American atomic weapons should not be convered). Example: listening to my grandfathers perspective of the use of a nuclear weapon on the Japanese as a veteran is totally different than my perspective.....and different from my kids. Ask an 90 year old Japanese vet what he thinks, you'll get yet another historical perspective. So, do I think all textbooks have to pick and choose which perspective they're going to share? Yes. Newsmax, Fox, CNN, MSNBC etc. don't know shit about the day to day interactions that teachers are having with their students on these topics. They simply key in on a couple of fringe stories on extreme teachers not doing their job right......and suddenly we should be home schooling. Jaybud999
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    I have to "keep em' separated". Real life and strip club life are two different worlds for me. The club girls are like going to an amusement park for those quick thrills and jollies. Real girls require time/energy, which I enjoy giving. To your point of sensitivities in/out of the club. The club is a place of business entertainment, with the entertainment being women who figure out what you want and cater to that fantasy/need. Then we pay them. With that transaction comes objectification, which makes it "ok" to make direct observations/compliments on the womens physical attributes. Objectification outside of the club is frowned upon, even though we ALL know we're doing it every time we see a "fine girl."
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Fun party atmosphere, but not what I'm looking for in a strip club
    Oh, and read some reviews on Palomino......I've always enjoyed it.....WHEN they let you in for free, or under $50. They wanted 66$ on a Tuesday evening with 9 girls, so we passed that time.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Fun party atmosphere, but not what I'm looking for in a strip club
    @NobodygtyuPeppermint Hippo has a cool interior, and I recall getting 20-30$ floor dances. My friends were not happy with the first level VIP because of the layout and lighting (too bright for them). But, you might like it.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Is this owned by the same folks that own Treasures in Houston?
    I was in Vegas last week, and did not go into Treasures, so I have no comment on that. Here is what I do have to say: If you prefer daytime, the only pre 6pm club open is Chicas Bonitas in N. Vegas. It's going to be 99% Cuban and Afro-Latina, with limited English communication. BUTT (see what I did there?), it's easily the cheapest club in Vegas, and there are some fine ass girls in there (if you like latinas that is). Be aware there will be some thicksters in there as well. Good mileage. Palomino is next door, but they wanted 66$ to get in on a Tuesday at 730pm.....we passed, even though we love that place. Arguably the best VIP in Vegas? Closed off circular booths priced at $100/150/200, no drink upsell. Sophia's is a mid level that you could probably find some mileage if you hang around long enough. CH3 won't even do a floor dance, lame. Spearmint Rhino (SR) will have a good selection of fine ass girls, but their VIP is lacking. But they'll do floors. I don't go to Sapphire, because I don't like the experience. That's everything I got man! Jaybud999
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Sunday Funday?
    I've never had a good time in that place post Covid, no floor dances.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    San Antonio,Tx
    A Second Visit — Just to be Fair
    Do you happen to know if this club is related to the club of the same name in Vegas? If so, I wonder if the girls have access to work between the two.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Strippers being rude and harsh
    I can't recall the last time I was treated like a dick at the club on initial contact. But I tend to return fire in the form of an equivalent shitty attitude. Maybe a quick up and down visual without a smile, then return to eye contact with a blank to cold stare......that usually sends the message to change tactic, or move on.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Saturday Night
    We love Palomino.....until this most recent trip last week. We walked over at 7:30 from Chicas, and was quoted $66 at the door. We declined and went right back over to CB's......and that was on a Tuesday night, with 9 girls.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Many gordas and a couple cuties
    Morone: The floor is pretty dirty, the closest I've seen them on the floor is kneeling.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Great time on a random Monday night!
    623: Good information there. I was there 7/11-7/14 and noticed the cameras for the first time. Every time I've done a double mcready.....it's because they want to block those cameras! There are some AMAZING looking girls in here.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    They switched back to topless from full nude.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    New York
    Charlie takes longer to pop, so Alice's mouth needs to be on him (with eye contact), while Bob can clearly pop faster....so he gets the non dominant hand and an occasional moan. Same amount of time unless a) Alice puts on an outfit to Charlie's liking, b) Charlie hits that V to pregame.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Tucker Carlson
    Support for Trump style politics is the Shibboleth of the Freedom Cockus branch of the Republican party.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Greatest TV show opening theme song
    Knight Rider? Six Million Dollar Man?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Question about nicespice
    Everybody has a number. Everybody has integrity as well. But, everybody has a number.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Tucker Carlson
    @Mate27 Late at night, when his OTC (3rd tier) is sleeping.....he pulls out the little hanky that still has the tail end of the first spew spasm of Obama.....and thinks....the ebay seller said this was 99.8% likely his.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Twice the Fun
    I'll be hitting this up in July. Were they offering any floor dances downstairs for test driving?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    South Florida
    Who would you pick for a lap dance and why?
    I'm surprised at no Boebert being presented.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Words that say a woman (civvie or pro) is crazy
    @CjKent How do you go from logical to illogical within two statements?! God doesn't exist: logical Monroe was murdered by Kennedy: illogical
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Tucker Carlson
    Tucker who? What indictment? Lawyers quitting? What? Data, not hear say bitches.