
Words that say a woman (civvie or pro) is crazy

avatar for Tetradon
I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.

I think it was at Desire, I saw a dancer with a tattoo saying "Solo Dios puede juzgarme" (only God can judge me). Every woman I've heard say this--let alone get it permanently placed on her body--has been an absolute shit show. Often an alcoholic or addict, 5 kids by 4 different men, several abortions, blows all her money on weed, PBR, and scratch-off lottery tickets. Generally a wreck.

The other one is the one attributed to Marilyn Monroe, "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best." A dead giveaway for immature, entitled behavior. Often has borderline personality disorder. I wouldn't take the "wisdom" of someone who ODed herself to death, but these girls do.

What other patterns have you seen, TUSCLers?


last comment
avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

Money spent on weed seems well spent and PBR is the official beer of skiing ........no wonder I like strippers.

avatar for rattdog
1 yr ago

if joe dimaggio couldn't handle marilyn monroe at her worst how could any other fellow except jfk?

avatar for misterorange
1 yr ago

I used to know a stripper who had two daughters. She named them both with stripper names. I won't say the names because this gal danced for a long time on both east and west coasts, so in the off chance someone might know her... But let's imagine the names were Diamond and Roxy... the real names were strippier than that.

avatar for Sgtsnowman
1 yr ago

It isn't words, but hair. Women spend a lot of time working on the look they want to project. If you meet one with hair that seems to have exploded or trying to escape the head it's attached to (way beyond a little frizz here), you need to watch out. You can't really use this one unless you've had two or three contacts over a period of time to establish that this is the baseline look. But it's definitely worth paying attention to.

avatar for Manuellabore
1 yr ago

Now that I know the translation of the tat mentioned in the first example, I’m making a beeline to the first dancer I see wearing it

avatar for sinclair
1 yr ago

White dancers that speak in ebonics and smoke Newports are usually batshit nuts. Any women who refers to her child's father as a 'baby daddy' instead of husband or boyfriend is usually crazy.

avatar for funonthaside
1 yr ago

"You don't understand; I know he beats me, but he's my kids' Dad, so I need to do things with him."

avatar for CJKent_band
1 yr ago


I will play along and comment on your discussion.

First of all the phrase “Only God can judge me!” Is used by many people; men, women, civvies or pros) as defense weapon against others that are perceived as being unfairly critical.

And it really means “No One Can Judge Me”, because God does not exist.

Second Marilyn Monroe Was Murdered by orders of the Kennedy Mafia Family. Robert Kennedy, Attorney General of the United States at the time, was present and was directly responsible for her death.

The original quote; misattributed to Marilyn Monroe is :

“I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure.

I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle.

But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”


avatar for JamesSD
1 yr ago

I would say the phrase "No Regrets" in tattoo form is a tip off.

"I hate drama" also normally means she's dramatic and hates not having all the attention on her.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

Safest to just assume that they're all crazy, what we really need is a warning light that tells us when they're having an episode.

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

Newports - The Official Cigarette of White Michigan Dancers

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

Anyone under 40 who smokes is sort of mentally ill ....

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

Lol Tetra yeah Ive actually known a stripper with the same one. Yeah Latina, very crazy, cholita to the max, and very dumb in all honesty. Hot though so I fucked it a few times.

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

In todays world I look out for raging progressive girl haircut. You all know the look. I just don’t want to deal with it.

avatar for dha
1 yr ago

A devil with a tail tatto above her pussy hairline. The tail was point towards her flower and it said "Heaven Awaits".

Best tatto ever. Don't know if this is an indication that she is crazy, but it sure made me crazy!

avatar for shailynn
1 yr ago

My warning is the ever changing hair color/hairstyle. Everyone knows women like that. They’re blonde, then next month they’re a brunette, then 2 months later they’re a redhead. I’ve found crazy women are constantly changing their hair color to the extreme.

avatar for funonthaside
1 yr ago

Does the same apply to constantly changing wigs? It amazes me how much money strippers spend on wigs, with some of them also complaining they don't have money to pay their bills.

avatar for rickthelion
1 yr ago

Why am I unsurprised that Skifredo drinks PBR? I just wonder if he switches to Boone’s farm blue Hawaiian apple wine when he wants to class shit up. ROAR!

avatar for georgmicrodong
1 yr ago

@JamesSD: "I would say the phrase "No Regrets" in tattoo form is a tip off."

Shouldn't that be "No Regerts"? 🙃

avatar for jaybud999
1 yr ago


 How do you go from logical to illogical within two statements?!  

  God doesn't exist:  logical  

   Monroe was murdered by Kennedy:  illogical
avatar for himalayabound
1 yr ago

@funontheside, yeah, I love the stippers who are always going to Cancun and Caribbean Islands, getting tattoos that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars and then begging you to lend them money because they can't pay their rent or car payment or afford clothes for their kids. Of course, most of the time, I'm sure it has nothing to do with being crazy--just cold-blooded BS and manipulation.

avatar for Mate27
1 yr ago

There are no specific words to show she’s unstable. It’s the volume of words she uses that’s an indicator. The crazies tend to drone on and on about trivial non practical topics, unprompted. It’s then you know she’s got some serious issues that need working out, because she always knows there’s a guy willing to put up with her yapping just trying to get in her pants.

avatar for rickdugan
1 yr ago

I hear all this, but why do I really care? I'm
just renting her hot fun ass. I don't have to deal with or tolerate her if she doesn't behave herself. Their loser SOs get deal with that shit, lol.

avatar for docsavage
1 yr ago

Any female who says "it's my way or the highway" is usually a little nutty.

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