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Comments by sanitago (page 8)

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14 years ago
avatar for troop
More Craigslist Adult Services News
well, good to see one judge has his head out of his ass!
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Newt Gingrich gets lifetime membership to Dallas strip club
just goes to prove something I've suspected for years: the only people more focused on getting your money than a stripper are politicians. way to go Newt.
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14 years ago
avatar for sanitago
Heartbreaker's in Compton, IL: RIP(?)
yeah, the feeling I got from her was that she was far from happy, but couldn't see any other way to go. as for the $300/night fee, given the location, the only way I can see it happening is if the new guys put up all their security, then put it out that, for a fee for the bouncer, he might not pay so much attention and the dancers might be available for more than just a dance. as you said, right now it sure as hell doesn't make any sense.
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14 years ago
avatar for sanitago
Heartbreaker's in Compton, IL: RIP(?)
that should be "hell", not "hall". have got to pay more attention to what I type.
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14 years ago
avatar for sanitago
Heartbreaker's in Compton, IL: RIP(?)
it's not the clients, it's the dancers who will be charged $300/night to be "allowed" to perform. I've heard of this shit before in other clubs, and it seems like a hall of a way to encourage quality dancers to work in a club. as far as Hayley working in the shops in Rockford, I never got the feeling off of her that she was available 'by the hour', and that's what those shops specialize in. when I spoke to her last night, she seemed like she was going to make a try at staying, but I also got the feeling she wasn't sure she could manage it, just putting a brave face on it all. she did say she's got a while more to go on her education, but she's been telling me that for some time now, so I'm not too sure she might not just be feeding me SS on that front. no matter what happens, I have the feeling Heartbreakers is going to be going out of business in pretty short order if they make the changes I heard last night.
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14 years ago
avatar for sanitago
Heartbreaker's in Compton, IL: RIP(?)
CTQWERTY, I talked to a couple of the dancers, and I think they were as confused about why this happened too. I know the owners had not been happy that the club wasn't making a lot of money, so maybe it was on the market cheap and some bunch of bozos with big dreams and small brains decided they could "improve" the club to the point where it'd draw customers from elsewhere. talked to Hayley and, for now, she's staying. not sure how long that's gonna last, and to be honest, I hope this helps her decide to get the hell out of stripping (even if that'd be a waste of a fine-looking dancer). who knows. never got any OTC action there, but if you wanted a naked woman on your lap who you could actually put your hands on, it was about the only place I know of in this part of Illinois you could get it. no one knows for sure when the private rooms will go out, or how much longer you'll still be able to touch the dancers, but I'm thinking of going back next month to see what's what. let you all know then.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Kinect sex is here, game company says
geez, for the price on of those things go for, you can get laid for real! What did P.T. Barnum say about suckers? I think these folks have put it into effect yet-again.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
New York tour operator is accused of promoting prostitution on trips to Thailand
samsung1, sounds like someone in the DA's office is looking to generate some publicity to me. you have to admit, "busting" a travel agency that "specializes" in "sex tourism" makes for a great headline. mind you, I have trouble seeing how just telling someone they can go to some place like Angels City to negotiate with women for sex can be construed as "promoting prostitution". bet that's one they're going to have fun with before a jury.
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14 years ago
avatar for golf123
Texting ATF good or bad thing
"Recently I started texting her quite bit and she did not like this much. She wants me to text only when I want to see her." as said by many others, this is not a relationship unless she's doing the OTC for free. if you're paying, even if it's not directly (as in "Hey baby, my car needs fixing..." "Damn, I'm running short on cash! Can you help me out just this once on my rent?" etc., etc, etc.), then you're just a customer/john. get what you can from her while you can, but forget trying to be her "friend".
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Man charged with kidnapping prostitute
"Hope that shithead finds out what it's like to be hogtied and sodomized." amen to that, brother!
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Admitted Ex-Prostitute Teacher, Melissa Petro, Faces Trial
why do I see some "concerned" parent complaining to the school administration that this woman could possibly "corrupt the morals" of her poor, innocent students? some folks can't just leave the past be the past.
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14 years ago
avatar for bigbadbob8
Tipping stage dancers
usually setting at the stage, you tip.
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14 years ago
avatar for Player11
When Your Married OTC Fav has Baby Fever - Still Do her?
remember back when craigslist had tons of listings for hookers, it was almost a weekly thing for some woman to show up offering men the chance to have sex with a pregnant woman. from the numbers I saw, I'd guess there's a market for it (though I can't understand the appeal of a woman 7-8 months along). as for what to do, I think the other posters are right, time to move on, fast.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Marine To Be Sentenced For Killing Stripper Wife
"He said he never should have done that," no, duuuuhhh! guy sounds like his elevator just doesn't make it to the top floor, and whether he's a Marine or not won't change that.
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14 years ago
avatar for smokeybear
Illinois strip club laws. Please read! This is real and not fiction!
dude has obviously never, ever been in an Illinois strip club!
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Red hot over tax break Pol: End strip club 'giveaways' exposed by News
hell, it could be worse. I heard that Wal-Marts screwed a small town not too far from here out of $4 million dollars worth of road and sewer improvements in return for them "agreeing" to "site" one of their "Super Wal-Marts" in town rather than build it on the edge of town. a town small enough that Wal-Marts could buy it outright has to help the largest fucking retail concern in existence? is that fucked up or what?
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Republican prosecutor nominee's largest donor is strip club owner
"Gee, I didn't know the guy who dropped all that cash into my campaign fund was engaged in a business I might one day have to investigate!" yeah, right........
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14 years ago
avatar for Moose42
Getting a girl's number
as many have said: if you're handing out a phone number, make sure it's to a pre-paid you can get rid of if you need to, preferably one you buy someplace you don't usually go, and with cash. ten-to-twenty bucks will set you up, so the investment isn't all that great, and it gives you at least one level of protection in case the woman decides she wants money you don't have....and won't take no for an answer.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
4th Arrest In Strip Club Abduction, Torture Case
jeez, that's fucking sick, doing something like that to someone. hopefully they all spend the next twenty-to-thirty in some 'super-max' facility.
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14 years ago
avatar for troop
Retired Cop Busted In Underage Sex Sting!
what was the line: "Scratch a cop, find a crook." ah, well, I predict a very 'interesting' time ahead of him in jail, being both a cop and a pedophile.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Tax Panel Rejects Lawyer's Bid to Deduct Spending for Sex
LMFAO! who says lawyers have no sense of humor?
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14 years ago
avatar for troop
A Little Bit Of Jessica Alba!
I'm not sure, but I think I remember her in a show called "The Sleeping Dictionary" and I'm pretty sure she did some semi-nude scenes in it (been a few years since I saw it, so the memory isn't all that clear).
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14 years ago
avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
By-the-hour Motel/Hotel
you can get a room for a few hours at a lot of chains. I used to use a Travlodge to meet a woman and they never asked how long I was stay or anything else, they just seemed glad to have the business. best bet for finding a place like that is to see if you can find anyone else in your area who has similar "interests" and ask them. not a lot of help, but these things aren't advertised a lot.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Donald Trump associate Tevfik Arif charged with running prostitution ring aboard
"Wasn't this sorta the plot of 'Taken?'" nah, no good guy to shoot the scumbag who brought the little girls into the country. great show, btw.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Future of Memphis Strip Clubs Uncertain After Supreme Court Ruling
"I'm not really a prude about these things," yeah, right, and if you believe that one, I've got a bridge to sell in Brooklyn too. what a fucking prick!