By-the-hour Motel/Hotel
Strip Club Nation
I see some of you guys talking about getting motel rooms by the hour. This got me to thinking: How do you know which motels/hotels offer by-the-hour? Are there certain chains or is it ownership's discretion to offer by-the-hour?
In addition, if one pays cash (or uses one of those cash funded "credit" cards available at Wal-Mart) and turns in the key as one leaves, they aren't going to question it. Done that at both Motel 6 and the Best Western.
If I'm arranging ahead of time, then I'll go for one of the chains. If it's a spur of the moment thing, the hourly one gets my business.
As for changing the sheets, the chains might change them when you check out, but I'd be very surprised if the local no-tell motel did, and I don't chance it. I take my own king size sheets and cover the entire bed, and throw one on the floor, since I like to take my shoes off.
As for LE, the local one has a reputation, but it hasn't yet affected their operation. They can pretty easily disassociate themselves from the activity in any given room, so I doubt they really care much beyond "don't bother my legitimate customers."
Sinclair, I see you're based in the upper midwest, but OTC Gal and I used a couple of "hot sheet" hotels that had 7/24 maid service. As soon as some couple checked out, she was in the room stripping the bed.
2)The room could make more money by lodging somebody that needs a multiple-day stay.
Math- Room is 69.00 a night. Room rents for 24.00 for two hours (+tax). Room turned over three times = 72.00
3)If law enforcement gets wind that the motel is offering the aforementioned service.
Scottish Inn, next to Houston Dolls and St. James had a high profile shooting recently-not smart to go there. However, there are three other hot sheets nearby (pm me for names).
4) How do you know which motels/hotels offer by-the-hour?
Strippers that OTC know. OTC Gal tried to pretend that I was the first she OTC'ed with. She knew everyhot sheet hotel around and said that stripper friends told her.
5) Are there certain chains or is it ownership's discretion to offer by-the-hour?
pm me.
best bet for finding a place like that is to see if you can find anyone else in your area who has similar "interests" and ask them.
not a lot of help, but these things aren't advertised a lot.