
Comments by himalayabound (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Retired Burlesque Belly Dancing GoGo Girl
    63 and still feel (at least mentally) like I'm 33--in large part thanks to my favorite club and all the wonderful experiences I have had with its dancers in their 20s.
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    a year ago
    How do I know when I receive a Message????
    Holy moly, thanks for this thread everyone! Because of this I just realized that I had a half dozen DMs from as much as 4 months ago that I had no idea were sitting there! I just responded to all of them with appropriate apologies for my ignorance and delay. Now I know what to look for.
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    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    [OT]: Cobra Kai
    I thought it was going to be corny as hell, but since I do taekwondo and like Bruce Lee and similar movies just to see the marital arts techniques, I started watching it and ending up binge watching all 5 seasons. I was very surprised by how good the writing and story lines were and thoroughly enjoyed it. And yes, Peyton List (the actress portraying Tori), the woman who played Samantha, as well as the one who played the Latina mother that Johnny Lawrence was banging certainly didn't detract from the cinematography.
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    a year ago
    Your Biggest Challenge of All Time at The Club
    So let's this chick works 25 weeks per year. She expects you to believe that she makes $500k per year as a stripper? I don't buy it. I say fuck her and the horse she rode in on. Don't let her shake your confidence. Plenty of dancers are all too happy to move the action OTC.
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    a year ago
    The R.O.B.
    Well, Ski, you answered my question as to how you could have ended your PL career based on a trip to RI Dolls that I figured you had to know was doomed from the start. I can now understand that it was a form of "assisted SC suicide." Hope it wasn't too painful and that you're in a better place. May you enjoy all the other types of extras that life has to offer in your retirement!
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    a year ago
    Could you ever have a long term CF that works completely clean
    I'm going through this decision point right now with a dancer. I've had two PG-rated VIPs and would normally cut my losses right then and there. She intiates texting frequently with very endearing messages, and she is (to my tastes) a knockout with a beautiful face and smoking body. I pretty much told her (in a nice way) that I think she's amazing, but I don't need to spend my limited resources on a platonic friendship. I'll update the group if anything interesting results from that.....
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Desire by Day!
    @TeslaSpike, @alex1s_xx is Alexis's IG. @LuvLatinas, While I've never met Kayla, she is different from Kaylee, and the "woman in the red dress" from The Matrix (had to look it up as I have yet to see that movie) doesn't look like Kaylee to me, so I think LuvLatinas is indeed thinking of Kayla and not the dancer I was describing. Regarding Latina dancers (particularly recent arrivals), I agree that proficiency in Spanish can make a world of difference in making "headway" with them (including Brazilians, who generally speak Spanish as well as Portuguese). Then again, I have made the mistake a few times of launching into Spanish with some Latina dancers (since I like to practice, and somehow (for admittedly no good reason) I'm more emboldened to say, "Damn, I'd love to suck those tits!" to a stripper I've never met in Spanish than English πŸ˜‚) only to get a blank stare when it turns out the dancer was born here and knows virtually no Spanish! So, YSMMV....
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Desire by Day!
    Well done review! I think Kaylee is awesome. Great personality (especially good sense of humor) and super sexy tits and ass. She's tons of fun and in amazing shape. Alexis is absolutely gorgeous, but I've never been able to get the time of day from her. She seems to have a number of the more "eccentric" regulars on her roster and spends all of her time with them. I don't know why she bothers to advertise her shifts on the IG site since she doesn't seem to be "accepting new patients."
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Resistance is futile
    Rollercoaster Friday
    Lexi is super sexy and gorgeous in her birthday suit. I've only done a couple of lap dances with her, and they were better than expected. I understood that her VIP experience would have much further exceeded my expectations. That said, (1) I haven't seen her since (several weeks ago), and (2) I was concerned about a potentially transactional vibe (which just doesn't float my boat even if Frank Sinatra himself is the captain.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Lap Dance from two girls?
    Of course it's possible, depending upon the club (I've seen guys head to the VIP with even more than 2 dancers in tow). It will just cost you an arm and a leg for what will most likely be more fun for the girls and less for you than a quality one on one
  • review comment
    a year ago
    But not too old!
    Safe and Harmless
    Awesome review as always OWG! Agreed that Amy is a fantastic addition to the lineup. Not only is she gorgeous, but she is also an excellent conversationalist and an extremely nice person. As for Remy, I find her to be very attractive and friendly, particularly as I've always had a bit of an Asian fetish. She is also quite intelligent and talks a good game. That said, I have done two VIPs with her, and the bottoms have yet to come off. If it weren't for the fact that I'm sufficiently intrigued by her looks and her seductive personality, I would have moved on after the first "overly tame" VIP. I can't yet figure out if I'm being played and if she is just aggressively trying to build a "regulars inventory" or if she is just a little shy and inexperienced with the Desire scene. We exchanged numbers, and she texts me quite a bit (which I fully understand could be nothing more than a full-court press marketing campaign), but we never discuss money, and she seems happy to take the "standard time-based compensation" without trying to upsell or negotiate. I'm willing to see if the third time's a charm (I love "the chase"), but if you think I'm barking up the wrong tree based on your "safe and harmless" experience, let me know, and I'll save my resources for the tried and true. Thanks OWG!
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    Ideas for Lyon strip clubs
    Hey Rick, I was an exchange student in Lyon back in the late 70s, and it's a fantastic city that you'll enjoy whether you try out a club or not--especially if you're a history buff. Definitely take the tour of Vieux Lyon, which is the old, medieval section of the city that is amazingly well preserved (and has spectacular traditional Lyon restaurants called "bouchons" as well). OK, enough of the Michelin Guide! I go there a couple of times a year on business and went to Bus Paradise before the pandemic. It was small (literally inside the shell of an old diner-style building that looks like a bus) but quite nice inside and packed with some of the hottest talent I've seen anywhere in the world. I ended up spending way too much money (~$1,400 or so as I recall--I think it was €500/hr for the champagne room) to cuddle up with a stunning French girl for a couple of hours. Full two-way contact but no extras. I certainly wouldn't make a habit of the experience since it was quite pricey compared to the U.S. equivalent (and you could enjoy checking out the talent more cost-efficiently than I did and still have an excellent time), but chatting up a gorgeous naked French babe on my lap in her native language (I'm fluent in French) was worth the one-shot deal to me. Bonne chance mon ami!
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Boring Wednesday afternoon visit
    No, the official "summoning" ability is a privilege of Lust membership (and you wouldn't go up to summon a dancer to meet you downstairs--that would be weird). That said, there is certainly the unofficial ability to do the equivalent without being a Lust member as you can generally ask any bartender to go tell a particular dancer that you would like to see her, and that will work most of the time, particularly if you have already established a friendly relationship with the bartender (or certain bouncers).
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Novaline or Novalina
    Novaline has always struck me as one of those enigmas in stripperdom. Yes, she is about as attractive a young Latina as it gets--gorgeous face (specular eyes in particular) and a wonderful figure. However, why she ever crosses the threshold of Desire bewilders me. She walks around (when she's not hiding in the dressing room) looking like she'd rather be any place but the club. She'll stand at the DJ wall, which is generally Desirespeak for, "I'm available and would like to be approached," but all I could pry from her with my best banter the one time i tried years ago was one-word monotone answers, so I certainly didn't follow up with a financial investment (yes, I do allow for the possibility that my game sucks or I'm just not her type, but I don't generally have much trouble making new "friends" at the club). She looks very sweet, IS probably painfully shy, and I wish her only good things in life. It just baffles me why she would continue to engage in an activity that she so clearly funds personally unpleasant and distasteful and in which it would shock me if she has positive cash flow after tipping out the staff and paying her house fee. I can only conclude there is something else going on there that I will never know and probably would rather not know.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Bitch, Don’t kill my vibe
    Does anyone use PL costs to justify other expenses?
    I cracked up at the OP's question since I realized I frequently have that very thought. Sometimes my wife will agonize over spending an extra couple hundred bucks on airline tickets or what not, and I'm always tempted to tell her, "Don't sweat the small stuff! Do you realize that I blow that in 30 minutes just to have a 25-year-old hottie stick her ass in my face?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Strippershit or toxic boss?
    I wouldn't touch her again with a 10-foot stripper pole. Whether her story is true or not (and it's highly probably not), it has bad news written all over it. I've had enough experience over the years with OTC relationships that I've learned (the hard way a couple of times) to run 180 degrees from any double Ds (dancer drama).
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Best excuse to go strip clubbing
    Let's just say that the pandemic and having to work from home required much more creative excuses. "Working late at the office" or not having to say anything for a day trip was never questioned. That didn't work quite so well when we were both working from home!
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Good some employee / dancer attitudes need improvement
    Sorry for all the typos/errors above. I'm on a plane about to depart, and I was scrambling to dash off my comment before being forced on to airplane mode. I'm sure I would have gotten the dreaded "incoherent" comment from the harsher adjudicators if this were a review. 😁
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Good some employee / dancer attitudes need improvement
    I did some LDs with Lexi a few days ago. She gave me that crap about how she generally doesn't do single laypers, but frankly I don't either, so I let it go, even though I know that's a minor red flag for trouble. I asked for two at the podium, handed the bouncer a $20 and got $10 in change. Lexi's hospitality was so good that I extended to a third. She immediately got down to the $35 stated of dress without discussing the options, but that's what I would have wanted anyway, so again I didn't give it much thought. At the the end I handed her a C note thinking I was actually giving her a bit extra (3 x $30 was $90 when I learned fuzzy math), and she said, "Remember, we did 3 dances." I was honestly still a bit dazed from the having just completed her annual physical, so I just handed her another $20 and called it a day. This wasn't the first time that dancers have "ignored" the house fee in calculating what she is owed for LDs, and I do so few of them (as opposed to VIPs), and the numbers in controversy are small enough that I don't give enough of a shit to argue about it (especially when I get a "mini-VIP" of the quality that Lexi provided), but for those of you who want to consider that ROB behavior, you can file the info away as you wish. For me, life is too short, and those awesome tits and ass would have were worth a few extra bucks anyway. But for those of you minding your fives and tens, beware that LDs leave even more room for bamboozling than VIPs from my perspective because it seems more petty to get into a battle over such minor amounts.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Words that say a woman (civvie or pro) is crazy
    @funontheside, yeah, I love the stippers who are always going to Cancun and Caribbean Islands, getting tattoos that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars and then begging you to lend them money because they can't pay their rent or car payment or afford clothes for their kids. Of course, most of the time, I'm sure it has nothing to do with being crazy--just cold-blooded BS and manipulation.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Sunday - Slow But Well Staffed
    Good general advice as always, OWG. No one ever had his heart broken by a stripper by religiously following Rule #4. Nothing invested, nothing lost. That said, I plead guilty to being in denial of Rule #4 a fair amount of the time, and I don't mind taking all the licks I deserve (double entendre intended) as a result. I generally treat the Club as a talent pool for seeking more fulfilling (double entendre intended again) OTC relationships that have lasted for several years in some cases. I may still be delusional, but, at least in my own pleasantly deluded mind, that takes things to a different level at which the distinction between illusion and reality becomes much more blurred than within the confines of the Club. Of course, the YMMV principle applies with a vengeance when that is the goal. Sometimes you never even get to drive the car off the lot. Then again, you can find yourself on some memorable cross-country road trips along Route 66 that make the whole endeavor worthwhile (to me at least). What I love most about Desire is the endlessly enticing coexistence of the sure thing with the thrill of the chase--with both extremes manifesting themselves generally over time but sometimes within a single afternoon or evening. It's hard to come up with many activities much more fun than that in my book!
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Sunday - Slow But Well Staffed
    QrickQ, I believe Mya generally works only weekend days. She told me she'll be there this Saturday and promised to save me a space on her dance card, but I told her unfortunately I'll be out of the country on business for the next 10 days, so she's all yours if you can make it! πŸ˜† For what it's worth, she mentioned that I should have talked to her when I was there to spend time with her and not just have waited in the wings for her to free up. Perhaps easier said than done, but the message seems to be that you shouldn't be shy if you want to get to know her.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Sunday - Slow But Well Staffed
    @Tetradon, thanks very much for the info about Miley. Very helpful. Glad to know I wasn't telling tales out of school. Such a shame though--she is quite a smoke show physically. Then again, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It's one of those cruel jokes played upon mankind that how much fun and sweet women are seems to be inversely proportional to their conventionally recognized outer beauty. At least it provides more opportunities to snag those diamonds in the rough that most guys tend to overlook!
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Sunday - Slow But Well Staffed
    QrickQ, I greatly appreciate your sharing your perspective and details of your experience and the fact that you actually took the time to write something original right down to the details of the club environment and layout! I frankly don't get why all that some adjudicators seem to care about is that a reviewer cut and paste the club description out of one of the classics (OWG, CMI, Nelly, Tetradon, Homer, Machiavelli....) and repeat the same standard pricing info that we all know. Also, I don't know how you can be expected to give pricing info if none of the dancers gave you the time of day (no less an engraved backstage pass to their panties). Finally, those who read your review can see that you gave some quite detailed descriptions of a few of the dancers who interested you, one of which I found particularly confirmatory of my own tastes and experience. Anyway, don't feel as though no good deed goes unpunished. At least one PL thought your original and honest review was a good read and breath of fresh air. Ahhhh, Mya. I feel your pain bro! I saw her stage set a few weeks ago and was completely smitten. I was pretty amped up on Diet Cokes (I'm not much of a drinker), so I fairly aggressively intercepted her as she was walking briskly by the bar to inform her of said state of smittenness. She sat down with me, and we had an awesome half hour of playful banter followed by a VIP that has been awarded a permanent position in my cerebral cortex. We set up two tin cans and a string and have kept in touch on and off. Unfortunately for me the best laid plans aren't panning out because ever since that first time I met her, whenever I see her at the club, she is always already with that same guy...all...freaking...day without a break (and even if she freed up briefly, I personally don't like to feel like the 98-pound weakling at a crowded gym where some huge bodybuilder tells me I'm free to work in between sets as long as I put the 350 lbs back on the barbell when I'm done). Anyway, my hat's off to the lucky dude. If you like 100% natural spinners (I may be in the minority, but I love her tiny tits and the fact that she has no intention of surgically altering them), she's a 10 in my book. I would agree that Rosalie has an uninterested, off-putting aura that doesn't do it for me, although I try not to make snap judgments from afar since I often find out that those dancers are just very shy and introverted (as counterintuitive as that may be given their current career choice). Finally, and I want to be really careful here to point out that my recollection could be completely faulty, but I have this feeling that I remember an ROB alert or similar comments regarding Miley from a year or so ago. She is definitely one of the most conventionally stunning dancers currently at Desire (i.e., classic Playboy Playmate of the Year face with a perfect body, bottle blonde hair, flawless skin, etc.). I tried to research old reviews to see if I could find info about her, but I was unsuccessful, so I DO NOT want to disparage her unjustly. For all I know, it might have even been a different dancer named Miley from the past who no longer works at Desire. Without a good (and now not any) search function on this site, it's nearly impossible to research it efficiently, so does anyone have any info on this? I'd love to know myself because she is absolutely gorgeous and seems to be available when she's around, but I steered clear the last time I saw her and heard the DJ call her name because the name and ROB were associated in my mind somehow.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    More fun times
    Hi Hungry. As I explained once in a lengthy "true confessions" comment to a previous post where I outlined my philosophy of strip club life, for better or worse, my "thing" is enjoying the adventure of letting the chips fall where they may while avoiding a "transactional" experience as much as possible. Everyone has his favorite fantasy, and mine is that they actually enjoy spending some time with me and what we do together and that the money is secondary. Yeah, I know, I know.... LOL