Does anyone use PL costs to justify other expenses?
Bitch, Don’t kill my vibe
I find that I sometimes use what I spend in strip clubs to justify other expenses. I was recently trying to decide on whether or not to buy an expensive (by my standards) pair of shoes. I eventually convinced myself that the shoes were a good value because I would spend the same amount in 30 minutes in VIP.
The currency of PL expenditures is memories. If I just want to get off cheap, I have a perfectly good hand. I'm paying for the memory of sexual contact with a hot chick in a subversive fashion. Good memories are worthwhile expenditures. No or bad memories are not.
Sometimes it backfires, cause 2 days later I buy the stupid gadget anyway. I think one time I ended up ordering it while she was still asleep or in the shower or something.
On the flip side, if I pay $400 to get my dick wet at a club, I think hey, I just spent more than that on that whatever at Home Depot last week.