
Does anyone use PL costs to justify other expenses?

Bitch, Don’t kill my vibe
Friday, June 16, 2023 4:54 PM
I find that I sometimes use what I spend in strip clubs to justify other expenses. I was recently trying to decide on whether or not to buy an expensive (by my standards) pair of shoes. I eventually convinced myself that the shoes were a good value because I would spend the same amount in 30 minutes in VIP.


  • boomer79
    a year ago
    Yeah but that is such a slippery slope considering PL expenses are easily my largest discretionary expenditures. Depending on the year I guess traveling could be bigger but not the last few years.
  • Tetradon
    a year ago
    I have referred to paychecks as "<number> lap dances," but I find myself justifying expenses the other way around, particularly as multiples of the costs of civvie dates. The currency of PL expenditures is memories. If I just want to get off cheap, I have a perfectly good hand. I'm paying for the memory of sexual contact with a hot chick in a subversive fashion. Good memories are worthwhile expenditures. No or bad memories are not.
  • Dolfan
    a year ago
    Other way around is more common. I decide not to buy some stupid gadget by reminding myself "or I could have [HotStripper] over for the night instead" and and decide to do that instead. Sometimes it backfires, cause 2 days later I buy the stupid gadget anyway. I think one time I ended up ordering it while she was still asleep or in the shower or something.
  • funonthaside
    a year ago
    I'm the same as dolfan
  • captainfun
    a year ago
    I justify excessive amounts blown on clubbing by telling myself ‘I can afford it so why not’ and ‘you’ve earned this’ and ‘you make sacrifices for for the sake of others so you should have some fun too’
  • himalayabound
    a year ago
    I cracked up at the OP's question since I realized I frequently have that very thought. Sometimes my wife will agonize over spending an extra couple hundred bucks on airline tickets or what not, and I'm always tempted to tell her, "Don't sweat the small stuff! Do you realize that I blow that in 30 minutes just to have a 25-year-old hottie stick her ass in my face?
  • Jdo11
    a year ago
    It's usually the other way around for me. I'll happily take a hit to quality of life via extra shifts and lost sleep if it means I can splurge on whole day excursions at the club getting ldks every other week.
  • goldmongerATL
    a year ago
    I sometimes say to myself for the cost of a VIP I can buy that new whatever I want or need. So don't go to the club today. Go to Home Depot. On the flip side, if I pay $400 to get my dick wet at a club, I think hey, I just spent more than that on that whatever at Home Depot last week.
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