
Comments by chimera422 (page 6)

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    The pot ain't boiling over, but at least the lid was shaking
    A few times I’ve been there, I’ve been the 2nd white guy, but I’ve never had an issue. In fact, a few times, I’ve gotten a heads up from another patron on girls to make sure to get dances from. Also have had the owner buy me a drink and bullshit for a while. He really wanted to get me laid by a certain dancer, but FS in the club is not my thing. I do recommend being generous with the singles when the jukebox needs filling.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Stickshifted by 6 ladies, but hard to get their attention
    Very good job describing the experiences that one can have there. Stick shifting is also known as the Purple Orchid handshake because of how many dancers go right there when they come by for a tip. Those that don’t/won’t usually aren’t a great experience in a room either…..
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Surprisingly fun visit
    If guys just come in, get a VIP and leave, sounds like an extras assembly line….
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Possibly the second worst visit of PO in my life.
    IMHO late afternoon might be the best dancer to customer ratio, in my PO experience
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Sapphire is a diamond.
    *reviews. I hate autocorrect…..
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Sapphire is a diamond.
    I’ve read many re Jews that highly praise her, but she’s just not my type. Big ass, yep. Big tits, hell Yes. Big waist….. nah….
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Sapphire is a diamond.
    Loneli—some came in, some were hiding in dressing room, I saw two more walking in as I left @4:15
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Philly Philly
    Getting Back into the Groove
    Ok, Full service in the well lit corner right next to the upstairs VIP room is either totally on brand for OSC/La Pearl, or too much even by the (admittedly so low as to be NEARLY nonexistent) standards of that order of West Philly. Love the bartender quote…. And I actually (ave plans to go there tmmrw ( Thurs) around 7:30……
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Ways girls used to dress/look like that you miss
    Does scene girl = likely to be in suicidegirls.com?
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Nude girls at a local bar
    It’s also a way for dancers to advertise to a different clientele than their normal club. Been several times I’ve been at Penns Port, been interested in a dancer, and made arrangements to get dances from her at another club
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    FKK Globe Zurich 10 June
    Looks like the ignore feature is working well. This discussion showed 29 comments, I only saw 5…….
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Gold Not Struck
    Sunday in football season can be good as well. Also, the better the weather, the better the crowd, IMO
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    It’s a look, but not a favorite of mine 6-7
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    All in the family
    Hope u were paying them the same, or it’s going to be an issue…..
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Hamilton New Jersey On A Sunday Afternoon?
    Unless something has radically changed for the better, I’d skip HAk’s. It’s been a waste of time the last few times I’ve been there, all pre_COVID, and I think there are very few clubs where things improved post COVID
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Not the same as it used to be
    Was great back in the 90’s, haven’t gone much if any since I moved out of the city. Late hours and at that time, no liquor, meant it was a good place to sober up before heading home.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How safe are the clubs in Philly lately?
    @ThatXGuy—which most hood club, there are a bunch…..
  • article comment
    2 years ago
    Rockin' in Philadelphia
    Appreciate the shout out Muddy. 2 comments— 1) some clubs are VERY different day shift vs night shift 2) What’s up with the Wawa ( not WaWa) ha5e?