Economics: all or nothing, right?
Aspiring Global Hound
I've been thinking a lot lately about the dynamics of ITC mileage. I would tend to think in a permissive club/area, low mileage dancers couldn't compete with high mileage dancers. The club would gravitate to all dancers being high mileage. The low mileage dancers would either leave or up their game. Conversely, I would tend to think in a conservative club/area, the high mileage dancers would be ratted out by the "by the rules" dancers. The high mileage would either be forced out all together or become OTC. So... how could it be possible for any club to have a two tier system where some dancers are decidedly only low mileage and other dancers seem to have no issue of being high mileage? Thoughts?
They will sometimes "rat out" a girl doing extras but most of my regulars let the managers deal with that. They really are not in direct competition with the extras girls because they are offering a different service for a different type of customer.
As noted, not everyone wants extras or even high mileage. I can't claim to understand all their motivations, some may fit the profile Art postulated or doc sited as an example. Others may be make it rain types who just want to be seen with hot chicks or get some pictures for their instagram. Some may believe Chris Rock. Some may not be able to afford it. There's probably a bunch of other explanations. Even myself, for a long time I had no interest in extras at all. Even now, I'll go into a club with zero intention of scoring extras ITC or even scouting a girl for OTC. I'm just there to watch the stage and maybe grab a a little ass. Sometimes I'm with a group of guys, and even when some of us would be down for extras others aren't, so the entire group sticks to the lower mileage girls.
Cheetah Pompano is an example that comes to mind. They've got girls who won't do rooms, and girls who will. Girls who won't do table dances, just lap dances and rooms and girls who only do table dances, no lap dances or rooms. Most girls will do whatever, but there is probably 10-20% of the girls who are either extremely limited in doing more than dance or simply never do. Maybe 2% of those are scammers who'll promise more but not deliver.
ITC extras only happen when it’s a spontaneous and organic progression to that. I’ve had countless instances where we do a number of dances that just keep escalating to more and more - and then I end up in the muff with a huge wet spot on my trousers. But I don’t do pre-arranged sessions - just not really my thing.
What my favs have told me is, bad PL hygiene grosses them out, but they push themselves to tolerate it, rather than walk out the door with less $. Personally, I admire that kind of grit. When people soldier through something hard, to reach their goals.
When a stripper's boundaries gradually get looser with each dance, I'm highly skeptical there's anything spontaneous about it. She's following a strategy to increase her earnings.