
Comments by icedawg (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Phone number
    usually, its an electronic tag. you call them and then they have your number. they call it in on a slow night. or whenever they think itll be a sure thing for them.
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    15 years ago
    champagne rooms in south florida
    tootsies is a good place to check out various options. as always, negotiate before stepping behind the curtain. and always lowball (no pun intended)!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    its common here in south fl. sometimes you have to ask for it, othertimes its offered. but its becoming very prevalent to have some sort of "system". example? a girl with enormous bolt ons was offering to give me a very professional handshake russian interaction for 500 for an hour. another girl was offering to teach me greek for 600. shop around and be careful
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    good, fair question. for me, i prefer staying away from... - questions about my relationship status and why it is the way it is. why am i single? does it matter? do i have kids? ( do i ask about your boyfriend?) - where i work. we can talk about what i do, but not the location. it makes me edgy. like you may come see me - why i am at a club on a nite like tonite. im coming in to discuss the merits of schubert vs handel? no. - why you found religion/buddha/jesus. you found spirituality? awesom. what does it mean to you? even better. that you found it strung out on meth while your 3 month old was crying? buzzkill. - the worst? dont dominate the conversation. ask questions. listen. dont be like my ex girlfriend who talked to much. theres a reason shes an ex.
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    15 years ago
    cyn i never knew. i always listen to metallica, and never pictured it as a dance style song. ya live and ya learn...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    one girl told me she liked some slow metallica. Im a huge metallica fan, but c'mon. i wanna see some movement. i dont care what nationality a girl is, if they hear pitbull, daddy yankee or any r and b, those girls move.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    the amusing ones. i always get a chuckle when a girl comes over and introduces herself as "forbidden, stallion, or malibu". right. i totally get that its your real name. cant imagine the parents picking THAT one its ok if you have a "boring" name. honestly.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    run in
    UPDATE im not sure anyone cares, but i saw the guy. at church, but not at the club. he gave me a wink and as he walked by, in a low voice said "ill bring the girls". and then walked off. phew.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    two fers
    thank you minnow. based on the appearances of the tag teams, i would agree with your estimation. do they figure that a guy will automatically revert to "drooling idiot who thinks they chicks are gonna dyke out"?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Clubs that have mixed reviews... Are the good ones real???
    BUT at the same time, some experiences can be valid, thus prompting a legit review. it is conceivable that one could have a great time at a crappy place, or a crappy time at a great place. but, the proof for the most part can be in the pudding (yuck). as we have mentioned before, a club that goes for a while without review, or few reviews, has some indication of what it has. caveat emptor.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    ozy i avoid fone conversations. i dont need to play shrink to any dancer. i text just as much as they do, but it has usually ended in dead ends. so far, ive been able to eliminate the leeches. but now im down to zero....
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    run in
    Book guy- we are in the same situation. im a younger, single guy. hes older and married. also, i kinda blend in. a bit generic. he, stands out. i know for a fact its him, but im not sure he knows its me. boy, imagine if he "thought" it was me and was wrong! not something he'd wanna chance on. next time, i may make him buy me a shot. 'cause im a good sport
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Customer Turn Off's.....How Not To Be That Club
    based on your philosophy BRO, you should open a club. I know id be there!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hurt People, Hurt People
    ROB's ruin customers and the club. I have eliminated clubs as a place to go, based solely on one or two ROB. it hurts when i look like an atm. dont make it so obvious...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever get bruises from a lap dance?
    thought id weigh in on this one. Never gotten a bruise or a mark, but have DEFINATELY had some painful ld's. nothing worse than a dancer who grinds my loyal soldiers, or who is just bad. making me want nothing more than to tip her to GET OFF as opposed to me getting off.