
Customer Turn Off's.....How Not To Be That Club

Any place that interests me.
Saturday, December 27, 2008 12:45 AM
OK, so there are far fewer clubs than there are dancers & customers. It is also true that people will put up with a certain ammount of crap as a price to pay in pursuit of "certain things." None the less, the club (and by extension, the mgt.) is a part of the total equation. One piddling gripe added on to several other gripes can be the straw that breaks the camels back, and drives a good motivated customer elsewhere. So, I'll kick things off with this universal corrolary: WE(the customer) understand the need for YOU (the club) to make money. Just don't make it too obtrusively obvious to us that you are doing so. Some specifics: 1) Don't hound us for drinks- either regular, and especially overpriced dancer drinks. 2) Don't hire a bunch of guys looking to get their palms greased every time we turn around.( Understand the need for security, and a certain ammount of muscle at times, just don't let me seeing them walk by me as often as dancers) 3) Don't try to nick us with too many gimmicks & fees (unless they TRULY stand out from the competition). If you're going to charge us for parking, it better f-ing be covered parking keeping us out of the rain. If you're going to foist shotgirls on us, they better be playmate quality. If you insist on having bathroom troll, they'd better have some good candy, gum, breath mints, cologne, etc on hand, not some bored guy on his cellphone. Oh, and if he has shoeshine kit(you ARE running an upscale club, aren't you) please insure that he knows not to use brown shoe polish on black shoes, or can read English). 3) Don't insult our intelligence with clipped song 2fers. In closing this post, I realize that you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear- no ammount of user freindliness is going to offset too many fuglies,& no/low mileage is not a bargain. Yet with number of clubs doubling in the last decade or so, and more $pending cu$tomer$ on the internet, it doesn't take too much to have them $pending time & $$$ at other club.


  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I love you dude but this post is so not you. You must have found some time to get drunk.
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    Clubs: If you do have smoking, please put in good ventilation. I really don't care to wash my clothes three times to get that smell out. Music-moderation in volume, moderation in volume, moderation in volume, moderation in volume (how many times can I say it?) I like to be able to talk to a girl. A sound system louder than the four engines of a 747 at max thrust makes me want to leave your establishment. Footwear- I know that probably half of the guys out there like those six inch platforms, but actually think about this: A) Clubs like to aviod govt. intervention. Platforms are inherently dangerous. Sooner or later, some strippers are going to sue a club for foot related problems because of those ridiculous shoes. Nip this problem in the bud and leave it to the stripper what to wear, only ruling out shabby, worn out, shoes. B) Some guys like to see a girl dance onstage, not just trying to keep her balance on those ridiculous platforms while holding on to the pole. Leave stage performances to the girl. If she wants to go barefoot, wear sneakers, flats, or pumps, leave it to her. 1997 was the last time I actually saw a girl dance, and I mean really dance, onstage. I like eye candy like that. Money issue: I know clubs have to make money, but I also know wines (even though I'm a teatotaler). I know the wines on your VIP room list have a thousand percent markup, or more. I'm already forking over 300 or more to the girl. Paying over one hundred for a Napa valley white wine is a ripoff and you wanting at least 160 (or more) for something you paid 25-30 bucks for makes me want to talk the girl into OTC, heading off your VIP room and your over the top prices.
  • bornloser
    16 years ago
    Keep the admission reasonable Keep the drink prices low Have 2 for 1's a lot-not just a few times a night Don't have the music so loud your ears pop Don't watch the dance area so much-let us have a little fun.
  • Fibber
    16 years ago
    agree on volume, volume and volume some clubs dont have hot water in the men's room - stupid attempt to hire / retain dancers that want to be there - attitude is everything, more so even than a "9" in looks (put another way a 6 or 7 who really has a great attitude is far better than a drop dead gorgeous woman who has no social skills and thinks her s doesn't stink) same as above for waitresses - hire women who don't mind working in strip clubs as opposed to those that just need a job. - Oh and if they want to flash us (or we can convince em to)let em
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    1. Don't play the same type of music all night, although I suppose with ethnic clubs, that isn't always a good idea. 2. Hire girls who are willing to dance, or at least willing to put on a show, instead of girls who are really ho's. I don't mind if they are ho's, but if they make it obvious, that's a turnoff. Besides, all they care about is the money. 3. I agree with Dudester about the shoes. One of these days, some club is going to get sued by some dancer who was injured wearing those 6 inch platforms. And I don't think you want OSHA cracking down on you.
  • icedawg
    16 years ago
    based on your philosophy BRO, you should open a club. I know id be there!
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    Bro: Always a dreamer!
  • Dain
    16 years ago
    1. Turn down the volume! Repeat 100 times. 2. Don't hire fatties. 3. Bouncers/floor managers should never be seen by customers. 4. Keep toilets clean. If you have to, hire a service that cleans them several times a day.
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