
Comments by JMelbourne27 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fuck buddy?
    If he is giving her FS no cover and paying for it, why WOULDN'T he want her to be his fuckbuddy? You guys are CRAZY! Girls who actually LIKE you want to have sex with you like once every 2-3 days. You're saying you'd rather shell out $100+ a pop every three days just to avoid having a semi-normal relationship with a girl who wants to fuck you??? Seriously?? MAN UP. There is a website by a guy who spends almost ALL his time having sex with strippers. You can look it up on google. He claims to have 4-5 girls in the Tucson, Arizona area. (P.S. - I can't believe your Fing strippers uncovered...)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    waitress tips
    Actually, the bartender in Platinum (Tampa) is into me. I'm not sure if she's my type or not yet. I usually like long Blonde haired girls and she's a spanish girl, but she was reeaally sweeeet.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Bobbyl: Lets try not to lead the witness, she might not believe in it at all. I've met strippers who don't believe it and I've met strippers who do.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    How do you feel about other dancers offering 'Extras'? Does it annoy you because then other customers want 'extras' from you? According to the Tampa LEO (and you're friend the strip-club owner's detractors) they enforced the whole 'regulation' BS because it's unfair to the professional dancers who are just there to dance. When other dancers offer 'extras' it puts pressure on dancers who do not do that to offer 'extras' as well and creates an unprofessional work environment. I can see this issue from both sides.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Do you know any Escorts and have you discussed your work situations, the pros the cons? What do you think of Escorts? Have you ever been lured by the siren's call of Escorting? (i.e. $300 - $700 AN HOUR, easier work, shorter shifts) Have you ever talked to a Street Prostitute? What did you say to her? Did you try to convince her to be a stripper instead? Do you believe in the Hierarchy among Adult Entertainers?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Yes she is very beautiful, and apparently not afraid of cyberstalkers at all either. lol Not that there are any guys on here who get a girls real name and then look up her home address, phone number....*CoughShadowcatCough*... Although if the stories are to be believed, this particular individual Sleeps with his stripper friends on a Regular basis, and then goes and hangs out with them at work??? So the question then is: If you're sleeping with your stalker, are they actually stalking you? Or...hmmm...???
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What dancer tactic or approach turns you on the most?
    Shadowcat: Why would you be BACK at a strip club if you JUST spent two HOURS in a hotel room with a stripper??? Not that I don't like strip clubs, but that's a LOT like 'paying her to leave' and then going to hang out with her at work. LOL Right?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is $20 in the hand worth more than $30 in the bush?
    Well of course I would considering low-balling you, but I wouldn't PAY you for it! ;) (Unless you wanted me to.) But seriously, you'd be worth every penny...er dollar!(Benjamin?)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Zombie Strippers . . . TUSCL Banner Ad . . .
    Zombie Strippers!? THAT SOUNDS GREAT! I'M GOING TO RUN OUT AND BUY ADVANCED TICKETS FOR THE EARLY SHOWING RIGHT NOW!!!! lol But seriously, I might watch it on Fileshare.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What if you called a stripper by her real name?
    DandyDan: NICE! LMAO!!! Misterguy: Nice flame, although if you live in near Tampa you don't have to 'stalk' the strippers. They're busted in the strip clubs so often their names are all over the internet. Just type in 'strippers arrested in tampa' and you can see their mug shots with their REAL REAL First AND Last names. And the Court Docs have their REAL REAL Addresses too...it's actually WAY too much information I think. If one of them was stalked I think she'd have a pretty simple case against the state.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Aw, all you did was made out and talked? That's sweet. So you act more conservative when you're in a relationship? That's good to know, although it seems you might be the exception to the rule rather than the norm. Don't MOST strippers have a constant or on-again-off-again BF?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What dancer tactic or approach turns you on the most?
    Dain: Are you saying you've gotten secret CFS or FS right out in the open? O_O I've never thought of that, but if she's giving you a lap dance, there's no reason it wouldn't work...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Are strippers immoral?
    SuperDude That hit's me VERY close to home! I had a Dentist give me fillings when I did NOT need them. My next dentist looked at my X-Rays and told me he'd be surprised if I EVER need fillings because of my bone density and tooth enamel thickness or something? He went so far as to check who my last dentist was and REPORT HIM! O_O
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Are strippers immoral?
    Here's a Divisive one! So who has better Morals, the Stripper or the Customer? Hmmm? Lets say that Both the Stripper AND the Customer are single so as to make sure both are balanced. We all know lawyers don't have morals, so that's too easy. ;) lol J/K
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What if you called a stripper by her real name?
    I would never ever 'out' a girl or do anything mean to her. What I mean is, saying her name to her, when she never told you her name. Do you think she would even notice?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Misfrankie, when you say you 'spent an hour upstairs' with that guy you met, do you mean, Bow-Chica-Wow-Wow? That's really cute that you both agreed it is silly to see each other in the club. Do you offer extras and if so, do they affect your relationship with men? Actually, the unusual request isn't out of character for me. My favorite thing is getting into people's head. You can tell you're in someone's head when you hear them say a phrase you say as if it's there own. I'd rather a girl want to spend time with me than have sex with me, because if she spends time with me, she will want to have sex with me, if that makes sense. The best lovers are friends.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Need some tips with this stripper....Help (Want to be friends)
    Misfrankie, when you say you 'spent an hour upstairs' do you mean, Bow-Chica-Wow-Wow? That's really cute that you both agreed it is silly to see each other in the club. Do you offer extras and if so, do they affect your relationship with men?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is $20 in the hand worth more than $30 in the bush?
    I have to agree with miss-frankie. I try not to low-ball girls because it makes them FEEL that they are not worth as much, go figure that strippers value themselves in $, maybe they're not as different from guys as they think! As far as the whole $10 or $20 lap dance thing, going to a club where there is a low back-room fee and the dancers work on a 'Tip basis' gets you the most millage for your money. And I don't necessarily agree that strippers who have cheap rates will get more dances. For me, it's whether I Vibe with her. If she's SMOKING, but I don't Vibe with her, I'll probably ask her to leave, even if she offered to PAY ME for a lap dance, although I'd consider giving a Lap Dances for $20. LMAO! ;) Every time I have given money in advance for anything it has been a rip off. I CAN say that the older the stripper the more compassionate she is, and also strippers who have a child seem to be very caring girls too.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Ok, sorry that wasn't a question, I just couldn't believe a stripper would lower herself to the level of a common pickpocket. Here's a real question: What's a good way to get into a girl/stripper's head who you are into? I have one girl in mind who 'supposedly' wants to go to med school at a college that I graduated from, I'm thinking about having her put her cloths ON, and having her make out with me with no fondling involved other than playing with her hair and maybe caressing her face. Also I'll mention taking her to the college to get registered, sign up for classes, apply for fin aid, ect.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    missfrankiexxx: Strippers actually try and pick-pocket customers? O_O I may be young and naive (25), but if one of the girls I admired STOLE from me, my feelings would be hurt, and that is unwise. I would DEFINITELY report it to management, LEO, my attorney, the BBB, USASexGuide.Info, TUSCL.com, and I'd have the other strip club owners I know call the strip club owner to get the girl's name and have her black-listed from the clubs that I'm friendly with. Stealing from a patron could have DISASTROUS career consequences...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Are strippers immoral?
    ozymandias: LMAO! THE WORLD'S MOST MORAL STRIPPER!!! BAHAHAHA!!! The question is: "Are strippers immoral?" First you have to decide what 'Moral' and 'Immoral' is. I for one will not frequent strip clubs after I am married (unless she was ok with it), but I know some who do and lie. I do not judge them, but I would not consider it Moral to lie to your wife and go to strip clubs behind her back. Although time will tell, as marriages are long and not having been married that long, I might change my mind later...which is why I do not judge. But I digress, are STRIPPERS moral? What Moral authority will we use to determine their Morality? The Law, the Bible, the Koran? Or perhaps what just what is Right and Wrong. If a Stripper promises one thing and delivers it with no bait and switch or upselling, I would consider her to be 'Moral', but do I think she's leading a Moral lifestyle? I don't know. Perhaps she works as a stripper because she has a crazy-ex-con boyfriend who chases her around the country and it's the only job that makes her enough money to stay on the run. Perhaps she comes from a broken home where her father regularly had sex with her when her mother was at the store, and so only sees herself as a plaything for men's amusement. Perhaps she's a lesbian who HATES men, and enjoys using her body (that she'll NEVER let THEM use) to take as much money as she can from them. According to the Kinsey Institute, more than 50% of strippers are in lesbian relationships with their co-workers. Why? Think about it. If you had men hounding you ALL DAY for sex, would you really want to go home to another man who wants sex? I have no idea, although as a guy I can say, "HELLS YEA!" A better comparison for us is Gyno's who lose interest in sex because they have their heads up women's Vagina's LITERALLY all day long. As far as Trolls go, I think if you get into a fist fight with a skunk, you'll both end up smelly. Also, consider that Trolls have warts. ONE punch from a troll can give you warts on your face. I agree that it is MUCH better to Click the 'ignore' button on anyone you perceive as a troll...Warts are GROSS!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What dancer tactic or approach turns you on the most?
    how: Has that Actually happened to you? lol Bobbyl: Seriously? Cmon. =p I don't like the whole 'typical' stripper crap, I mean it's nice when they slap you with their boobs, or when you MOTOR BOAT THOSE PUPPIES! YEEEEHAAAA!!! But seriously, my favorite is when I can tell she's enjoying herself on me, even if she leaves wetness, maybe ESPECIALLY when she does that! If I'm REALLY into her, I might try to get her to make out with me. For some reason most girls think that's really intimate and I agree. Thinking about it logically, Intimacy Issues are probably at least part of the reason the Adult industry exists...and there's that whole, 'Money' thing.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Wow, so we have strong opinions of yes AND no. I'm not so much worried that I'm going to get in trouble (for a fictional tale that I made up on the spot), I'm more concerned with the club getting into trouble. But as you said, if the girls already have rap sheets, LEO already knows what's up. The interesting thing about the girls getting busted and their mug shots put online is that you can learn their real names. Next time I'm in a club, I'm going to whip out my phone and pull up the mugshots to compare. New Thread! "How (do you think) a stripper will react if/when you call them by their new name?"
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Newbie Trying to earn his OTC Wings
    So far I've gotten one dancer to agree to pay for play in the club, it was at an incredably slow club in Tampa. I was sitting on a couch against the wall next to the stage and the girls would basically go up, do their set and then go into the back or go sit with the 1 - 2 customers that were present. The girl I kept watching on stage came and sat down next to me after two sets. We sat and talked for the next 30 minutes. I gave her a $5 after a set I thought was particularly good and after asking me some very pointed questions, we went back into the VIP (even though there supposedly wasn't any VIP here).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Jaded customers.
    I think a lot of strippers are jaded, but also I think American strippers are probably not going to go out with you the way you'd like. European and Central/South American Strippers will probably go out with you if you are successful and cool. American strippers MIGHT go out with you if you have a NICE vehicle, always have extra cash, have a nice house, and make sure you PICK the right girl. Also, being cute doesn't hurt.