
Comments by rattdog (page 13)

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    a year ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Start me up !
    ^^some girls is more than a solid album - it's a classic!!!! my fave stones album actually. is undercover as good as some girls? fuck no, but still i much prefer to listen to than all of their albums that came after that one.
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    a year ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Start me up !
    imho their last solid album hat they released was undercover of the night from 1983. with that being said luv or hate 'em there is no denying their legendary status. kinda cool i think that they still seem more than enthusiastic in still making albums and touring the world.
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    a year ago
    Evil Lair
    No Offense Intended, But I’m Not Outing Extras Girls
    i approve of the above message. outing our your fave/reliable one to others, whether you know them or not, would be flat out stupid. doing so serves no benefit for me whatsover. and if anyone disagrees with that well then tough shit.
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    a year ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Reflections on the benefit of Strip Clubs during a brief elevator ride
    ^also girls/women going for the top tier 20% of men - well that number i heard has dwindled down to 5%.
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    a year ago
    Long Island Dancers from the 80’s and 90’s
    if i could only time warp the girls i saw at the jolt club years ago to the present i would be in heaven.
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    a year ago
    New Hampshire
    Club has reopened under a new name - Gallery
    beamers in its prime during the late 90's early 2000's was awesome!!! 10 dollar lappers with real nice looking college girls and part time bartenders. i seriously doubt that the gallery will even come close to even a tiny fraction of the awesomeness of that glorious time.
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    a year ago
    Sugar Baby Violence
    bad things can happen to guys that go the air bnb route as well.
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    a year ago
    Sugar Baby Violence
    policia de mexico: badges? we no need no stinking badges!!! looking at that ig account of that girl there's no way i would think that she would be the type that would blind some guy's eyes and go ahead and take away his stuff. i sure was way off with that profile assessment. shit even the hair dryer was taken.
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    a year ago
    Do you get along with you neighbors?
    4 ASU coeds... is it very tempting to offer a rent reduction in exchange for a little bit of......?
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    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Go Woke, Go Broke: Ms Universe Edition
    maybe start a new contest and air it on the bravo channel: the ultimate transformer beauty pageant.
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    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Go Woke, Go Broke: Ms Universe Edition
    the way clown world is progressing might as well add a member that has 3 legs to the rockettes roster. rockerfeller center may never ever be the same after that during xmas time.
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    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Floriduh man takes a shit on dead opossum.
    this guy really sucks. even this display of shit depravity he got it all wrong. aren't you supposed to shit straight onto the ground instead of on the possum? if you shit on the possum what are you going to use to wipe your ass?
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    a year ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Reflections on the benefit of Strip Clubs during a brief elevator ride
    another plus about the strip club experience: you can be totally yourself. unfiltered. with civvies you can't do that if you want her to get you off. and this is even if you're her type. the civvies that you can totally be yourself towards only 3 out of 125,000 will accept that behavior. the strippers also tend to have a way better sense of humor than civs. those days/nights way passed the midnight hour trying to hook up with those like that elevator twat are long gone. i probably could still hit those scenes at my age and somewhat youthful appearance where there's a bunch of 25-35 yr old girls and maybe score that winning ticket. but why man? the high of the chase? some guys get a thrill out of that but the majority are like me and find the chase to be a chore, a job, a real pain in the fucking ass. get your rocks off from the strip club and go home with time to spare to enjoy your other activities/interests before bedtime.
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    a year ago
    Quality of dancers: lower than in the 80s and 90s?
    the desperation is real out there. going off tangent a bit but i've seen quite a few reviews of amps that go like this: location: tel: age: 50's ethnicity: asian, white, or latin cost: 80-150 description: looks good for her age. some parts sag. that's fuckng insane!!!!
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    a year ago
    Overview of Miami Clubs
    elitis, thanks for the detailed overview of the miami scene. you did all of us a huge service. after reading this i'm not sure if i would want to make any plans to monger over in miami. 1) if not one of the dancers looks a slight shade or two below in looks in comparision to the waitresses that's a hard pass. 2) the impression i'm getting from reading all this is that the vibes didn't seem to feel right. walk/standing around and feeling like something feels amiss in the air. dude over at the booby trap maybe should have approached the girl on stage, give her 2 bucks, and then ask her if she would be interested in giving a lappers after she gets off the stage. if all worked out she could have been the highlight of your trip.
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    a year ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    80s professional wrestling
    the mulkey brothers. i heard somewhere that before the first match would start there would be a page with a chart posted up with who was going to wrestle who for the whole card. so imagine what the mulkeys' reaction was when they saw that they would have to be matched up with the road warriors that evening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QArGZ5T_oi0
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    a year ago
    Quality of dancers: lower than in the 80s and 90s?
    at the general current club state overall the average amount of visits per week for a strip club goer is probably one. now if you take about half of the girls back from the 80/90's and time warp them to the present and they're working at the clubs you go to with the higher available club mileage i would say that number of club visits could easily go from one all the way up to 3.
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    a year ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    80s professional wrestling
    bob backlund era was my introduction to pro wrestling. a very underrated performer who was strong as fuck. youtube his match against hulk hogan and you'll see an amazing feat of strength performed. anybody remember the wrestling magazines at the local news stand where the front cover always had pics of wrestlers bleeding all over? they usually featured the wrestlers from the nwa. i would have to move the tv antennas around on saturdays at 2-3pm just so i could see the nwa guys go at it on some uhf spanish tv station. this was a great substitute in place of the hulk hogan garbage the wwf was promoting.
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    a year ago
    New York
    but then again we're also assuming that whomever girl we meet through a strip club, SA, a lizard lot, or wherever else, are not doctored in actual life. that someday will be a real big ask as the world and the people living in it continually evolve as is.
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    a year ago
    Cologne you use
    the prices for creed fragrances right now are just fucking insane. can't go wrong with chanel bleu or platinum egoiste.
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    a year ago
    Nu Metal in Strip Clubs
    the story of eddie van halen halen pointing a gun right at fred durst's red hat is fucking epic. my fave from the late 90's liked that nu metal shit fwiw.
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    a year ago
    New York
    found it: Friday! 9:30 PM @ 161 West 22nd St 2nd FL . $20 bucks to get in. i'll wait for the club to hopefully add more days for when they are open as at this moment they are only scheduling one night a week. tuskular - ahh no not named after jerry garcia and the rest of that bunch. warren demartini and ratt were way more my speed.
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    a year ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    bandits with badges.
    let's see - mexico, phillippines, & chicago are mentioned above. i've also seen brazil, colombia and ecuador and east new york mentioned elsewhere. anybody else have anywhere else to add to this list?
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    a year ago
    Wayfaring Stranger
    In the Light of Day
    i had to drop a girl from my rotation of go to girls after seeing her in bright lights in a train station. at the club we used to make out during the lappers. at the station i saw her bottom lip had a vertical red slip. she also looked like she aged about 5-6 years. it's very rare to see a girl that actually looks better in the daylight than while inside a club/bar with its dim lighting. i think i've only experienced that maybe 3x max.
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    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Marrying Above Your Paygrade
    steve stevens - very underrated. i had a chance to go through the billy idol recording catalog, and the material overall was solid quality. i can't blame the kid for his weight. ever see what ma cooks on tv? i would end up on an episode of my 600 lb life.