
Comments by chi_sam (page 2)

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    16 years ago
    Strippers on Craigslist . . . Wild West No More :(
    You may all know by now that the Cook County, IL Sheriff Tom Dart just announced a civil suit against Craigslist to discontinue their erotic services ads. I think he is seeking financial damages as well. What's not being reported, however, is that Cook County wants to lessen criminal ramifications for hookers and 'Johns' and impose a one-thousand dollar fine for solicitation. I imagine a Craigslist 'sting' operation costs well over a thousand, whereas if one could get these girls out from hiding and onto the street, the Sheriffs office could rake in a goldmine with sweeps of Manheim Avenue. Many of the Chicago hookers advertise incalls near O'Hare airport that are crappy motels a short distance away, many of which are in Cook County's jurisdiction. It's my belief that this is merely a hypocritical effort to force the girls to leave the sanctity of the hotel rooms and ply their trade either on the street or in the nearby 'bikini' bars, in order that more busts can be made. Follow the money, I always say...
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    16 years ago
    new to tuscl
    Unless you recently had cochlear implant surgery, you may wanna' grab a dictionary as well.
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    16 years ago
    IYO what states have the most and least mileage?
    Never been to clubs in Texas or Florida. Most everywhere else though, and Michigan and Indiana top the charts. I assume it's because these states have been in recession for some time now. Wisconsin is pretty much broke, but it seems the girls there are used to, and well-adjusted to, being poor. I was pleasantly surprised that Grand Island is off-the-hook. Lot's of black chicks from way out of town. Must be some serious warrants to chase them that far from Milwaukee!
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dumber than dumber. A true story.
    I can't believe there are umm... one, two, three, four, five, wait... six, seven, eight, um... nine... ten. Umm...Uhh... Two-hundred? replies to this dumb post!
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    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    TUSCL Format
    The biggest advantage TwoSheds has over TUSCL is that when a comment is added to a thread it cycles back to the top, thus interesting threads don't get buried within hours and left to 'die on the vine'.
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    16 years ago
    strangest thing seen in clubs?
    I've seen some freaky things, but one quirky thing comes to mind and makes for a funny story. I was in this lame club in TN. You know the kind of place - 1 brunette slut and 17 blond, college student, virginal, Barbie Doll clones that couldn't readily be discerned one from another, except some had bad boob jobs while others had really bad boob jobs. Well, one of the Barbies was going from table to table, sitting down on her little towel and shaking hands and then immediately cleaning her hands with the little bottle of Purel hand sanitizer that she was carrying around, placing conspicuously on each table. Of course, my turn came soon enough. She asked if she could join me and daintily spread out her towel and plopped the Purel right on the table. I bought her a drink. Fruit punch - figures. Then the handshake / wiping ritual. Noting the bottle of sanitizer, I told her, 'That's something you don't see every day'. Barbie: It's hand sanitizer. Do you have any idea how many germs could be in this place? Sam: Yeah, I don't doubt that. It's just that I've never seen that before. Barbie: All the girls here use it. Sam: Well, I don't see any of them carrying it around. Do you see that on any other tables? Barbie: (missing my point) I've never worked anywhere else. What do they do in other clubs? Sam: Well, the places I typically hang-out, they carry around a bottle of Valtrex, and knock 'em back with a shot of Patron. Barbie: Really??? It was incredible to see the screwed-up look on her face as she tried to absorb it all. That was 2 months ago and I'd bet her eye's are still crossed. I love doin' that to 'em...
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    16 years ago
    It's funny how getting a 2nd Job changed a dancer's attitude
    Doesn't seem backwards to me. I've seen this act before. Once they get out in the 'real' world and work in an environment where they are not the center of attention at all times, it just kills 'em. The unspoken truth is, that with few exceptions, there is not as much money to be made in stripping as the myth suggests. These girls (mostly) are there for the same reason as the guys: non-stop attention and validation. If they can eke out a living and pay for their 'hobbies', while fulfilling needs that are actually stronger and deeper than the needs of their customers, then it's a match made in Heaven. Myth shattered...
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are all strtippers stupid?
    If I would have answered this just a couple of days ago I would have said 'yes', but I just met my first stripper than can think five minutes down the road. I'll preface by saying we're not talking about a lot of money at stake, but this was a lingerie dive bar with few customers and on that night every little bit meant something. She tells me 20 for a decent grind in the corner. I offer and pay her 30 for 2. As we're making our way to the corner some fat mexican wannabe gangsta' that's been stalking her all night, without buying any drinks or dances, grabs her chin and blows her a kiss. Then the rude cock sucker does the same thing to me. I let it go. For about twenty seconds... As she's starting a very sensual lapper, I'm not even paying attention. I can't think of anything else but this jagoff. 'We gotta stop', I tell her and set her aside to go give Gordito my two cents. She assured me it wasn't her 'pimp/boyfriend/driver/whatever-the-fuck-euphamism-they-use', when they don't want to say, 'dude I bang and give your money to'. She was black and though damn fine, had about six inches on this prick so I believed her. She said he had been bothering her all night. But I told her, 'If I don't leave, I'll probably wind up in jail tonight'. 'Give me back 20 and call it a small loss on my part and an investment in your future'. Of course her 'stripper sense' caused her to balk silently. 'I know it's against everything they taught in stripper school to give money back, but I'm thinking you're smarter than the rest'. That was one sad-ass look on her face as she reached into her satchel and coughed up the money. I went down the street to another shithole where even less was happening and had a few beers. Returning 90 minutes later to find her alone at the bar, we picked up right where we had left off. First thing I did was buy her a drink and return the 20. 'Let's go do them dances now', she suggested, and gave me about the best lappers one could expect in a open place like this. Then she kept going for 2 more 'on her'. Win - Win. Don't get a lot of those situations when 'stripper math' is applied. She got a decent tip and we were back at the bar, discussing 'our future'. I was pretty damned impressed with her ability to think that one through so quickly, particularly since she had never met me before and had no reason to believe I'd ever come back. BTW - Is there not at least a little irony in posing a question about others stupidity and being unable to even spell four words correctly?
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    16 years ago
    Rhode Island
    clapping for a stage dance
    OK, you got me. I meant 'gay' as in lame. But upon further thought, anyone that claps for a stripper is a homosexual that is probably more enamored with her outfit than her tits. No offense guys. All in fun... But I suppose it's where you go. The places I like to frequent are where the girls are a bit older and hopefully their spirit has long been broken and they are no longer deluding themselves that they are artists, but rather are the soft-core prostitutes we all love to have grind on our cocks. They hate going on the stage in those stupid shoes or crawling around that disease-ridden hard floor just so some dude can see how far he can stretch a dollar. It's required by the club or every last one of them would be cozied up to one of their regulars. At best, it's a preview for the lapdance, which is where the money is, if not the 'fame and adulation'. Hearty guffaw... (note: if you heh, heh you don't need to further broadcast that you're gay) However, if an eight-ball fell out of the sky everytime they 'brought the house down' you'd better believe you'd see a show! And I am sure they would all say you were gay for clapping. Not to you they wouldn't. Duh! But to everyone else...
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    16 years ago
    older dancers
    Why is it that when someone is bashing or ratting-out a stripper they seem to have no problem naming names, but when a positive comment is tossed-out it's always a secret. Tess, the owner of Fantasy Girl (Divas) in Kokomo, IN may hold the record at 50. She bartends during the day, and often goes on stage and does LD's. Very pretty. Tight, sexy body and damn can she move. Does she have a few lines? Of course. But she puts the kiddies to shame and has more sensuality than any five of 'em.
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    16 years ago
    Rhode Island
    clapping for a stage dance
    Clapping at a strip club is gay. A DJ telling the crowd to 'Put those hands together for Starrr...' usually means there is an equally enthusiastic LD bouncer who will remind you to keep them at your sides. It ain't the Bolshoi...
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    16 years ago
    Busted II
    Short story long... In my favorite dive-bar, I was in the company of 2 girls much of the evening, getting them both pretty liqored-up. One a total turn-on, the other so-so. So-so figured I was 'hers' because we had spent more time talking (read: me listening to her various ad-nauseum complaints about her life). When so-so took the stage, me and the hottie ran off to the not-at-all-private, private area for a totally off-the-hook 'dance'. My cock was out, because she was rubbing her cooch along it, and she stood up (facing away) and told me to lick her pussy. I did her one better. Right then, so-so storms into the room, completely freaking out that hottie trumped her and I look up, with my tongue still as far up hotties ass as I could probe, and my dick on display, and so-so just went fucking beserk on both of us, and ran off to snitch. I assume she told the owner (a woman), but no one ever said anything to me about it. So-so didn't come in the next evening, but I didn't care to risk that again with hottie.
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    16 years ago
    North Iowa
    a request for founder about listing places where smoking is permitted
    Wikipedia has all the dope on smoking bans in each state. I agree a smoking/no smoking listing would be very helpful. I won't visit a non-smoking club. I travel continuously and can wait till I'm in an area that permits smoking. Also, as they'll all be non-smoking soon enough perhaps a little discussion of the 'smoking patio', as applicable, would be helpful. Thanks