
Busted II

Someone asked about being a club when it was raided. Have you ever been busted in a VIP room doing something maybe you shouldn't be doing? I was walked in on once, but the manager was reseting the AC, who's controller was in the same VIP room. Nothing was said, but it sure scared me and really pissed off the dancer!


  • chi_sam
    16 years ago
    Short story long... In my favorite dive-bar, I was in the company of 2 girls much of the evening, getting them both pretty liqored-up. One a total turn-on, the other so-so. So-so figured I was 'hers' because we had spent more time talking (read: me listening to her various ad-nauseum complaints about her life).

    When so-so took the stage, me and the hottie ran off to the not-at-all-private, private area for a totally off-the-hook 'dance'. My cock was out, because she was rubbing her cooch along it, and she stood up (facing away) and told me to lick her pussy. I did her one better.

    Right then, so-so storms into the room, completely freaking out that hottie trumped her and I look up, with my tongue still as far up hotties ass as I could probe, and my dick on display, and so-so just went fucking beserk on both of us, and ran off to snitch.

    I assume she told the owner (a woman), but no one ever said anything to me about it. So-so didn't come in the next evening, but I didn't care to risk that again with hottie.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I've never been busted, but I was in the (now closed) Platinum Plus in Memphis when OTHER people were being busted. They had a fairly relaxed system about it: the VIP room was cordoned off, everyone in there got citations for improper conduct, the rest of us sat around outside listening to music, all the girls (who weren't caught in the VIP) were sent to the dressing rooms to put on less revealing bathrobes or negligees, and the stage-shows suddenly became non-bottomless. After about an hour, the lights were dimmed a bit, the DJ announced something about cartoons no longer being available on the television screen (or some other code word), and everything went right back to normal. The cops and the management together had broken it down to an efficient little system.
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    Dancer from Tycoons in Detroit asks if we can go to her old place, Club Rolexx. We go. She's visiting old friends. A vice bust takes place and all the dancers are taken away. Some date.
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