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Rhode Island

Comments by MisterGuy

13 years ago
LOL...the USA has NEVER been able to extract enough oil to come anywhere near the level of demand here in the USA. The more will drill for oil, the faster our rapidly dwindling resources will be exhausted.
13 years ago
"Also, the bottom 47% of household in this country pay no income taxes"

...but they pay all kinds of payroll, property, sales, etc. taxes...most of which are regressive...just like the so-called "Fair Tax" is!


"why else wouldn't he round them up and close the damn border?"

Because you can't just round up some 11 million people in the USA (which is down recently BTW) just like that, and we live in a free society in the USA...one that is primarily based on immigration of all kinds. Without immigration, the USA would be on course to be a dying nation with a shrinking population. I fully support building a wall along our southern border, if only to prove to the morons among us in the USA that walls have *never* worked to keep anyone out over time.
13 years ago
"Most democrat congress members are on the payroll of middle east leaders"

Wow...now *that's* a whopper of a lie if I've ever seen one...whew...

As for oil sand-derived oil, it's an especially dirty & expensive way to get oil for sure, but I doubt that many Americans will care where it's derived from, since it's coming from our dear friends to the north in Canada. There are & will be some exceptions though, and Canada doesn't have much choice in producing from oil sands or not, since that's unfortunately where a HUGE amount of their remaining oil reserves are located.
13 years ago
"you you are absolute proof of that dingleberry."

In your wildest dreams that is, moron...LOL!
13 years ago
LOL...yup, welfare as we knew it ended in the 1990s...read it & weep, moron...sheesh... It's "comforting" to know that while some things change, the ignorance of some others is a truly renewable resource...whew...
13 years ago
The so-called "Fair Tax" will never see the light of day for many reasons...the main one being that it would be a HUGE tax giveaway to the very rich. As for the IRS going away, try & manage a prebate system that would literally give every, single American a check (talk about "being dependent on the gov't for everything"...lol...) every, single month of the year *without* having some form of a tax collection agency to do it. Like it or not, the tax man has been with us for literally thousands of years, and he's not going anywhere anytime soon.

BTW, the USA currently spends somewhere between $1-1.5 Trillion on "defense" programs, which is far & away the largest single expense that the federal govt. has. Just the DOD federal budget alone has more than doubled in the last decade or so.

Another BTW, the "welfare" that a lot of you are talking about ended in the 1990s...you're talking about the past people...wake up...

Oh, and I'm sorry to see that at least some of you haven't learned to not feed the obvious Internet Trolls that still seem to roam around here...they always die on the vine without feedings...LMAO!
14 years ago
Ugh...the sales tax in that area of NY is 8%, and the LDs at Nite Moves were $25/song or $30/2 songs, for which the sales taxes will be an extra $2 or $2.40 respectively...which isn't that much money extra IMHO. That area of NY state is notorious for upfront tipping anyways. From the recent reviews for this place, the club has already upped their prices accordingly likely due to the increased state taxes. Some strip clubs in other areas of NY have asked in the past to be taxed for the purposes of local educational spending.
14 years ago
Extras can be had at Mario's Showplace in MA for sure...it just depends if your trip there unfortunately corresponds with one of their routine crack downs on that type of behavior (due to local outside pressure). HJs, DATY & more can be had in the LD area & (definitely more) in their VIP area. Good luck...
14 years ago
The MA minimum wage is currently $8/hour or $2.63/hour for employees that receive more than $20 in tips/month.


The dancers in the OP will likely win their case based on the current case law in MA, which is a good thing in the long-run IMHO. The whole "independent contractor" thing is just a HUGE tax dodge on the part of both dancers & club owners, and it really isn't fair to anyone.
14 years ago
Blogs? What blogs? I seem to have missed something...lol...
14 years ago
"no we are a representative republic."

LOL...that's like saying you live on the left left-hand side of the street. A republic is "a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them." In other words, it's a representative democracy.


Try again moron...
14 years ago
From I can remember, there are at least a few strip clubs in MA (& the one and only strip club in NH?) that have amateur nites...check my reviews for more info.
14 years ago
We live in a representative democracy, and that's what the Founders gave this country in our U.S. Constitution. They gave us this after the failed experiment of the Articles of Confederation, which did not have a strong central government. What you long for "how" simply hasn't existed in what we have called the USA since 1789. Get over it man...
14 years ago
We're living "the solution" "how"...but you'll never realize that, ever, unfortunately.
14 years ago
"They are for larger central government. That means more control over individuals' lives"

No, it really doesn't "how", but what else is new eh?

"how: I hope you're not naively blaming *just* democrats for the reductions in liberty."

Yea, he really is, because that's his tired, old MO...over & over & over again...despite any hard facts to the contrary...ugh...
14 years ago
"Now, I'm not interested in knowing what 'might' go on in there.. but I'm curious to know what exactly it means legally ?
Do you get to take pictures of lingerie models ? or make them pose as per your wishes?"

From what I've seen in MA & the Albany, NY area, you can have the models dress up in an outfit that you're "thinking of buying" (wink, wink) & pose in it for a flat fee, and then everything else that transpires would be for any extra tip. I doubt that you'd be able to take any pics, but it wouldn't hurt to ask in advance.
14 years ago
"Why won't people in Nevada get a fucking clue ?"

LOL...I'm no fan of Harry Reid, but look at the dingbat that the GOP chose to run against him! She didn't have a chance to beat him in 2010.
14 years ago
"Worst you've seen?"

The LD area at Club Alex's in MA is just a small, elevated seating area that's against the wall & in full view of everyone in the place. Same basic thing for Mac's Two Lounge & the Cabaret Lounge in MA and Club Wandas in downtown Montreal. Little to no contact at any of those places either.
14 years ago
I guess since I apparently have to pic one, I'll pick:
"4. Economic failure or technological failure"
...at least we would have a chance to live through it, if we're smart about it.
14 years ago
FWIW, the strip clubs that are actually in Atlantic City, NJ have always had a bad reputation from what I've heard.
14 years ago
"Do you think MP listings would attract a greater number of shill posts than SC listings are now seeing, thus becoming more of a problem than a plus?"

It depends if the managers at the MPs get wind of the fact that they are being listed on TUSCL. The AMP websites that I've frequented in the past never seemed to have any more shills than here on TUSCL.

"Impression is that 'extras' MPs here are generally fronts for escort services [incall/outcall offering companions to massage to FS sex services] from high class to prostitution. Local AMPs may be only service limited to location specific incall."

I think it depends on the area that you live in. I've only come across one AMP in the USA that even hinted at the idea of outcalls.
14 years ago
Actually, according to Christina Aguchi, there were a couple of rainstorms at the Pink Pony in Atlanta last night, and one guy was so drunk he thought his fat stack was all ones...but they were all 20's! Ouch...
14 years ago
Surely there is a lot of speculation driving oil & gasoline prices. FWIW, many gas stations claim that they have to raise their prices right along with everyone else in the surrounding area because they need to be sure to have enuff cash on hand to make their next gasoline purchase.


"If you want someone to harpoon, look no further than Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Fed. His playbook has been to through the dollar to the wind"

Sorry, but this country has had a horrible fiscal & monetary policy long before many people even knew who Bernanke was.


"so where are all the whiners and screamers that were blaming bush, cheney, and their oil buddies a couple years ago?"

LOL...well getting us involved in an unnecessary War in Iraq, rampantly deregulating markets, and subsidizing huge vehicles higher than hybrid vehicles under GWB certainly didn't help this situation out much:


Recent demand for gasoline has still been roughly at 2004-05 levels, yet prices are roughly at 2006-07 levels...hmmmmm...


The USA consumes more oil right now than Japan & ALL of Europe *combined*, and India & China combined only consume less than half of what we do right now. China can produce around half of what they use daily, while we can only produce around a third of what we use daily.

The idea that all those people in India & China are going to have at least one car per household (like we basically do here in the USA) at some point is just silly. Have you even been to these countries?? They don't have the need or the infrastructure for that. The modes of transportation that they choose tend to be small (small cars - India came up with one of the smallest cars ever produced recently, motor-scooters, etc.), public (trains, buses, etc.), and non-oil consuming (bikes, walking, etc.).

The roughly 2.5 billion people in China & India use only half as much crude oil as we Americans do. The average person in China consumed less than 20% as much energy as the average American in 2005, according to U.S. Energy Department. In India, energy use is less than 10% of America on a per-capita basis.

India & China don't have the road infrastructure that the USA does. China & India combined have a loooong way to go before they come anywhere near what we consume in the USA. Heck, apparently India (for some strange reason) was recently exporting more oil than China had been. IMHO, the world's oil supply will have run almost dry before those two countries ever come close to being the oil hog that the USA is right now.

China's recent increase in oil (over 2 years - 2005-07) use went up by less than 5% the amount of oil that we use in ONE DAY in the USA. China has less than 36% of the maximum refining capacity of the USA.

Whenever you hear someone try to blame rising oil prices on China, India or the like...remember the above facts!







"Let's not forget the 100% profit that our government takes. It's the Dems in particular who have said they want to see the price shoot up to $5/gallon."

Not true at all. State & federal excise taxes on gasoline account for around 13% of the average price per gallon of regular gasoline sold in the USA. Since state & federal excise taxes on gasoline are generally fixed at a certain number of pennies per gallon, as the price of gasoline rises, the percentage paid in excise taxes actually goes DOWN.



"If I gave a shit more about gas prices and windfall profits for big oil, I might move closer to work and buy some high efficiency car...but I don't. And screw the environment...it was here before human technology and it will be here after."

LOL...I think we just saw an example of the problem at hand...ugh...


"BHO said he wanted higher gas prices, gradually."


"Also, he shut down drilling in the Gulf. A judge revoked the ban as unlawful, but he has kept it. Contempt of court, but he does not care."

Wrong again. They are unfortunately handing out oil drilling permits in the Gulf of Mexico again.


"Oil companies are price takers NOT price makers."

LOL...come on now, we've already seen oil companies being caught red-handed colluding (even up in Canada!) on price fixing...please...


Here are some great sites to try & save on gasoline:

14 years ago
"Last fall, Wellek admitted he had failed to file any personal income tax returns from 1989 to 1999."

Sheesh...I'll never understand how anyone thinks that they can get away with not filing any tax forms with the govt....it just doesn't pay to cheat the tax man in the long-run.
14 years ago
I haven't seen that many strip clubs that had mandatory coat checks...maybe a few in downtown Montreal (like Club Super Sexe & Chez Paree) & one or two in RI (like the Caddy).