Zombie strippers

avatar for robbing1
Hi all. I am here with another stupid wonder.
Some people really go crazy with the 2012 myth. And a movie named "Zombie Strippers!" got me to wonder the following.

Q: If the world is to end in 2012, then what sort of ways would you prefer it to end it?
1. Natural disaster (earthquakes, fires, etc)
2. Alien invasion
3. War and/or terror
4. Economic failure or technological failure
5. World-wide spread of lethal disease
6. Zombie virus so we can beat the shit out of the Dead
7. Zombie strippers so the LDs are free & wild

Let's not hope that such myths come true.


last comment
avatar for robbing1
14 years ago
Thanks in advance.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
If the world were to end in 2012 I would go deeply into debt fucking as many strippers as I could without protection!

I choose 4, economic collapse, for prefered means to end. The strippers would run out of money before me (this is already happening) so I would have the best chance of implementing the plan.
I like Dougster's plan !!
I saw some zombie strippers last week, perhaps drug-induced, but the organ that they wanted to devour was not my brain.
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
I'd prefer a Texas sized asteroid that snuffs us all in a matter of minutes.
avatar for BaddJack
14 years ago
Zombie strippers? Can you imagine how doggy their breath would be after consuming raw human flesh? Yikes.

I am more of an alien invasion guy. They won't fuck with the Ozarks.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Alien invasion...especially if they are some of those hot female nympho types you see in old B movies.
avatar for BaddJack
14 years ago
Full disclosure: I WOULD fuck an alien.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
How does a B movie about a hot, nympho, vampire alien apocalypse sound? Can't miss right? If so, check out "Lifeforce", one of my all time favs.
avatar for looneylarry
14 years ago
I thought that chick on "V" was hot. Then I saw that sharp tail thing. That's a cock-blocker for sure.
avatar for SnakePlissken
14 years ago
Dougster, Lifeforce is one of my favorite movies. I saw it on Netflix streaming and bought the DVD as soon as it was over. The Citizen Kane of the naked space vampire genre by default.
avatar for BaddJack
14 years ago
Brain: "Swear to God Snake, I thought you were dead..."
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I had a dream. In it were 3 blond alien females. They looked like very hot blond human females except they were a little bit tall. About as tall as me. They took me on board their ship and we had a really good time. Now if they had friends and invaded, that would be nice. I might get tired from having too much fun.

Now if some young alien kid appears off of a spaceship and says he or she is looking for daddy, it may become a nightmare.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I've already encountered zombie strippers. They are a bit repetitive.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Let me try this question.

Q: If the world is to end in 2012, then what sort of ways would you prefer it to end it?

1. Natural disaster (earthquakes, fires, etc) Likely would not "end the world."

2. Alien invasion May be the second most likely to happen.

3. War and/or terror See #1.

4. Economic failure or technological failure See #1 and #3.

5. World-wide spread of lethal disease Perhaps the most likely to happen.

6. Zombie virus so we can beat the shit out of the Dead Zombies, ah no.

7. Zombie strippers so the LDs are free & wild See #6.
avatar for BaddJack
14 years ago
OK, so how freshly dead are the zombie strippers? I don't need no body parts fallin' off and shit during the lappie...
I guess since I apparently have to pic one, I'll pick:
"4. Economic failure or technological failure"
...at least we would have a chance to live through it, if we're smart about it.
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