Strip club owner who hoarded $12M in cash gets year in jail
The owner of “Heavenly Bodies†and other suburban strip clubs who hoarded $12 million in cash in a warehouse was sentenced Friday to 12 months in prison and six months of home confinement.
Michael G. Wellek, 63, of Libertyville, previously pleaded guilty to one count of obstructing the IRS in collection of taxes and one count of filing a false federal income tax return for 2000. Wellek partially owned and operated three strip clubs — Heavenly Bodies in Elk Grove Village, Skybox in Harvey and Cowboys in Markham.
Wellek's troubles with authorities began in 2003, when the IRS seized hundreds of bags of cash that Wellek had stored in an Elk Grove Village warehouse.
Last fall, Wellek admitted he had failed to file any personal income tax returns from 1989 to 1999. In that period, the government complained Wellek did not cooperate with their investigation.
U.S. District Judge Joan Lefkow also fined Wellek $75,000 and ordered him to perform 200 hours of community service.
His lawyer, Terry Ekl, said he thought the sentence was fair in light of the charges.…
From a customer's perspective; low cover, cheap beer and free food. What's not to like? He was a cool dude with a good way to make some money.
Frank Lopez: Then you'll find out your biggest problem is not bringing in the stuff...but what to do with all the fucking cash!
Tony Montana: I hope I have that problem someday.
Hey, was it in singles? (HA!)
Sheesh...I'll never understand how anyone thinks that they can get away with not filing any tax forms with the just doesn't pay to cheat the tax man in the long-run.