Comments by jac10781
discussion comment
16 years ago
whghlost you already posted this topic in the guy post. Same answer if your willing to wait 3 hours then it's good business. The other guy won't wait so she makes you wait, takes his money then comes to you for clean up. Its a good move because you take it. Stop asking us to tell you what you already know. At this point it could be considered trolling.
discussion comment
16 years ago
whghIost from a moral stand point that dancer did a terrible thing to you. That really sucks. However it was good business and the right choice. She went with the money which is why she is there. It's her job. She is making a $1000 which would equal 3 visits from you by working less hours for it.
From what I can tell she made a good choice to leave you because she already made money from you, she doesn't want to lose the bigger wallet in her other customer, and most importantly your going to come back anyway so she isn't losing any business.
If you were putting so much effort into seeing her and getting no love then you should be on other dancer's PL. It's your money. Make her work for the money. You said she doesn't call you and that you guys haven't gone out. Just take it for what it is. If it was real, you wouldn't pay for her time. But you are paying for her time. Let her make her money. She gave you a quickie and a discount on service. Be happy.
No offense intended, but why would she tell you that she was sucking his dick or screwing him for the money? That is bad business and none of yours. Besides it doesn't matter anyway. It isn't going to hurt you unless he has a STD, but she can get that from the other men she is screwing in or out the club.
What we men fail to really see is that we should have the power because we are the customers. The customer always has control of the market. We set the prices and the services provided. When you pay for something or accept a level of service, then you have agreed to it.
When you give up your right to power by being at the whim of the "business", "provider", or "product" then you get what you get and that's the end of it. If don't like it, spend your time and money on a acceptable product or service.
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16 years ago
If you want help from the gentlemen here it would probably help if you were more specific on what type of club you want to dance at what type of person you are. Every club has a different environment.
discussion comment
16 years ago
Clubber there are 3 posts above mine. I think it would be pretty obvious I'm not referencing Dudester. Your a smart guy, I'm sure you can figure out the rest.
discussion comment
16 years ago
By saying "black-cent" do you mean slang mostly used by black people or are you talking about all slang in general? I agree with you in the fact I like when someone speaks proper English, but every race uses slang. I get irritated when I talk to someone who doesn't have a open mind or comes off like an idiot. I don't want a woman who speaks proper English if she can only talk about 3 topics. Your letting your personal feelings towards one group come out in your rant as opposed to addressing the entire issue. You two strike me of some really old guys who are out of touch. Even though some states are behind, the rest of the country has moved past the 60's. I truly feel sad for both of you. The younger generation is a little more open minded. In case your wondering, yes the music you can hear 5 miles away is irritating to me to.
discussion comment
16 years ago
I went asking around and believe it or not some customers tell dancers anything to get their phone number, extras, and anything else of interest. I couldn't for the life of me understand why a guy would stoop to lying to a beautiful woman just so he could have some watered down form of sex with her. It hurts me so :*(
Seriously though why wouldn't they lie to you? Its not all about getting your money. Some assholes out there are stalkers so why tell your real name? You wont know the difference anyway. What business is it of yours if she has a boyfriend if she is naked on your lap?Have your fun. Why do you give a flying f@@k if she is in school or not when you two most likely aren't compatible anyway? Besides you are in the wrong setting for intros. To her you are a trick and justifiably so.
You are in a strip club dancers get paid to make you feel good about yourself and let me tell you my friend, being honest isn't what you really want in most cases.
Dancers aren't attracted to most of there customers and there are times when she rather take a sh!t then give you a lap dance. Do you really want to know? Do you want to know she finds you old, fat, ugly, stinky, creepy, ect? None if this is conducive to making money which they need to pay bills. They are WORKING. It is there job to entertain and make money in the process so that they can earn a living.
You aren't there to meet your wife and if you are all jokes aside I feel sorry for you. If you guys click with whatever images you guys painted of each other, pay the lady do what you do and try to make your feelings don't flow into when you bust that nut. Let her lie all she wants, she is selling you a fantasy. That is why it is a fantasy. Just like a book. Be careful out there and don't get sensitive over implied understands.
Dick this isn't meant as an insult towards you. Hope you don't take it as such. I had a conversation about this the other day because a guy got mad that a dancer wasn't as sweet on him as he thought. This frustrates me to no end when men get all wrapped up and accuse the dancer of doing the same sh!t they were doing themselves.
discussion comment
16 years ago
From what I read Jpac you have a dancer you were paying who wasn't acting right. I don't see how she can be your #1 anymore when she has obviously chosen not to even be courteous to you. You aren't in a relationship, when she acts right you can have fun with her. What does it matter if she is screwing another dancer that is rude to you? It sounds like your feelings were hurt a little. It's not an issue she had a bad day. Just make sure when you go to spend YOUR hard earned money that YOU enjoy yourself. Worrying about someone who could give less than a shit about you is bot enjoying yourself at the club my friend. Take care of yourself.
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16 years ago
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
I agree with Deogol. You have to open your eyes a little. This isn't a subject that can be related to just dancers because this applies to a very wide range of people. Absentee fathers, parents who work long hours, parents making up for lost time, parents who feel giving money is more important then quality time. There aren't a lot of stable homes in the U.S with our divorce rate as great as it is. You would think that there are a few of us aside from the dancers that don't have a stable household. This is an interesting subject, but I think it is a waste of time to just apply it to one demographic when it clearly has an effect on people from all cultures and social classes. The best argument you can make is that a slightly higher percentage of dancers are like this and that can be related to hours worked among other things that have nothing to do with them getting naked. This subject as it is doesn't make for interesting conversation.
discussion comment
17 years ago
She might be lazy and spoiled, but I wouldn't say that stripper is lazy and spoiled just off of what you said. Dancers put up with some things you and I would never have to. They put up with being disrespected a lot, they have no health insurance, no sick time, no vacation, time, not have a base pay which means they don't know if they are going to take enough home to pay there bills, and I from what I see it's hard work to lie to some of these assholes. There is no way I finger banging a old dirty 70 year old woman for $50 or repeat business. There is no way I'm showing myself naked to thousands of people.
There is a lot of shit they go through just to show you their ass. So yes in that case I would say she had a case if see rubbed all over a fat sweaty guy grabbing her ass, talking dirty and he didn't even offer a $1.00 tip. They shouldn't be taking home what someone in Wal-Mart makes, that makes no sense. Do you want her in Wal-Mart or do you want her in your face naked? That's supply and demand. That means she should make more money. Men make her spoiled so why blame her. Clubs earn a lot of money off of these girls, they just want some of it and rightfully so.
With that said yes, some dancers are very lazy and very spoiled and that is really irritating. Just because you don't want to grind a fat sweaty bald guy doesn't mean you have to be rude to him especially if he is polite to you. It doesn't hurt to ask someone how there day was. Complaining about $300 take home when you should have had $500? You shouldn't tell that to a customer. That is pretty inconsiderate, stupid, and just bad business.
I just can't be mad at them because they aren't getting anything from me they don't earn. I get lap dances from those that say thank you and have manners. The dancers would act right if you make them act right and that means requiring a certain level of customer service for your dollar. If you don't don't why complain at all. Your the problem, not them. They are just acting accordingly.
discussion comment
17 years ago
I would think the DJ and the bartender were assholes for treating me like that, but I wouldn't stop going to the club. If I like there and the prices are good, I'm not going to inconvenience myself and drive farther away and more for less because some assholes made some smart remarks. Besides I have a sharp tongue and pretty tough skin. Everyone has flaws and it would have took me all of 30 seconds to find his if he really wanted to take it there. As long as no one takes it to heart, who cares? But you have to defend yourself or just ignore it though. It's a cold world out there. I'm in a strip club to see naked women anyway. That is all I need to put me in a good mood.
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17 years ago
That sucks you put some pretty damn good quotes out there. I not sure how mine stacks up. It's from Devil's Advocate when Al Pacino is talking to Keanu Reeves at the end trying to persuade him to have sex with a woman when his wife just died. Reeves asks him " what about love" and Pacino replies " Love? Biochemically no different then large amounts of chocolate".
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17 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I don't think there is anything wrong with getting a woman's point of view on things even if I disagree. That sucks someone would actually send hate mail to another person just because they think they have a computer as cover. That takes a special type of person to do something that hateful. I really like this site, but I don't see how the subject can go from a great topic like strippers to personal attacks and telling people they don't belong. It's always good to get a different view from the one you have. That is part of learning and growing as a person. Long story short I don't think anyone should leave this site if they enjoy being here. You paid your money like everyone else.
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17 years ago
Atlanta suburb
In CompUSA the rental/cost to do business is added to the price of all the products. A stripper could pay for the room, but then she would choose the place and pass that cost to you for her service.
I tend to spend more money when the dances are cheaper. I feel I'm getting more for my money. I think it makes sense just like Shadow Cat was saying. If a dancer charges $30 she will get less dances then at $15 and she will have to do a better job of selling them. She only keeps $15 or $20 from the $30. At $15 a dancer she will keep $10 and sell more in the long and short run. I get a lot of dances if it is priced at $15 and the service is good. For some strange reason the service is better at $15 in my experiences. I never understood that. Anyway it's easier to sell someone on $10 or $15 then it would be on $30 or $40. Then means the money will keep flowing at a more predictable pace.
discussion comment
17 years ago
There is a difference in atmosphere when it comes to strip clubs. One day you may feel like seeing black women, the next day it might be asian, and the next week you might want to see white women. I believe each club should have a quota of different women to please different tastes, but it is nice to know that there is a club around the corner that will help you with your yellow fever and that you can't get chocolate or vanilla two blocks down. This has nothing to do with racism or prejudice. With that said I can speak on just California and I would say Starz because they have nude dancing and a liquor license. The lap dances are $15 with good mileage and most of the strippers have good attitudes. There are only one or two mud ducks in the bunch.