
Comments by maybeenuf4u (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    St. Cloud Mn and Chicago area Clubs
    Scarletts in Chicago. I went there in 12/03. It's on the subway, get off at Clinton St. I think. As I recall I went to a couple of others, and it was best.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Does this happen often?
    Hasn't happened to me, yet. But I've always heard about the stripper who went to school w/ ...
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do homely girls try harder?
    Absotively. Ive got some of my best dances from girls that I wasn't attracted to. You know they went the extra mile to ask me. Sit down and talk, have a drink, and then give the best LD ever. But its not always true tho.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Which matters more, face or body?
    definitely body.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Clubs and organized crime
    an all around decent club.
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    18 years ago
    Clubbing in the Northeast
    I live in MA, and go to Providence RI all the time. I also travel frequently to Philly. I agree w/ original poster. Those tweo cities are GREAT! Sorry haven't been to Baltimore. Next time in Philly, Check out Club Oasis near the airport. I usually stay in center city, but Club Oasis is worth the $25 cab ride. In RI, try K2U in WARWICK. Its not as good as Club Oasis, but they have decent food and Cheap beer. Oh and a RI special LDs. I know this aint the place for reviews, but I give both good reviews each time I go there!
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    18 years ago
    Ever been the only customer?
    several times. It kind of makes you feel like some kind of perv, but its OK. I've gotten over that anyway. The thing youve got to figure out is, is this just a really slow afternoon, or night, or does this club just suck. Once you figure that out, you just decide to stay or go home and save my money for another night, another time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I like tits. Very large tits. I can't help it. Yes I will ignore all the dancers for the one w/ DDs. I will get a dance from an otherwise ugly girl who has big tits. As I said I can't help it. So all you wanna be strippers reading this or considering a boob job. Get them done LARGE. It seems nowadays Its rare to see larger then a D in most clubs. Yet when I do see a girl w/ DDs she's too busy to get a dance. Thats what I don't understand. If you can make more money, then why don't they go larger then D? Yes a large natural rack is the greatest. Though a stripper w/ large nats is usually sick of rubbing them or taliking about them or is generally unhappy w/ them.
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    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Contrarian Actions
    Yeah I've done it a couple of times. Whether its because of proximity to hotel or just needed something new. The clubs usually SUCK!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Club of choice, drink of choice?
    I don't drink alcohol anymore. But I'd gotten pretty used to going to clubs that serve alcohol. It seems to me that the clubs are better at the alcohol clubs. But some no alcohol clubs are the only nude clubs. I don't know. I mean every girls pussy is a little different, but they really don't (I mean a full wide open ) show it that often. Although I do tend to prefer the topless clubs. I guess its because I'm a boob guy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Common dancer tactics to figure out how much money you have?
    Ive had dancers tell me their cars just broke down, & their depressed cuz they cant afford to fix it etc. etc, to try and get me to spend. But I suppose theirs really no fool proof way to tell how much I'm going to spend. Its usually predetermined before I arrive. The question is who will I spend it on. And frequently I walk w/ out spending if I'm not having a good time and or can't find the right girl.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Mixing Business Travel with Pleasure
    Always on busines travel. Give me free time (nights) free money (per diem) and hopefully a car or taxi, and TUSCL and I am there! But I also go local w/ the guys or if the wifes not around. As for the wife, my wife used to be understanding, hell I told her when we got married and she tried to expalin that I would stop, I stopped her and said. "Listen Ive been going to strip clubs before I met you and I'm going to continue going after your gone. I aint stopping now"
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How many Dancer's know of your tuscl nickname.
    None. I'm kind of like the "Phantom Gourmet" of strip clubs.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Clubs that Get It and Clubs that Don't
    Because these girls are "contractors" who work for tips, the club can't say get up there & dance. It is frustrating, but whether you want to tip early, or wait til you see pink, its still a bargain. & it helps me decide with whom I'd like to get a ld. I like to wait at least until I have an idea how many girls on shift, or whose popular w/ the lds. So girls, get up there. its also a way to secure a ld too.