
Which matters more, face or body?

Blue Ridge Foothills
Thursday, June 1, 2006 8:37 AM
We answered this before, only personality was included. Guess what lost? Let's try it again, leaving personality out of it. Which matters more to you when choosing a dancer, her face or her body? For me, it's her face. It's what I notice first and it represents her most. Usually, a pretty face comes with a sweet bod attached anyway, but I'm willing to make some allowances if she's a little overweight or less than ideally proportioned. If she doesn't have a cute face, however, the hottest body in the club just doesn't mean as much to me. Which is odd, because I give most of my attention to her body. I guess that makes me some kind of romantic.


  • ShotDisc
    18 years ago
    Ah, the great thing about America. We can agree to disagree on such an important topic. Be well my friend.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    If so, all the more reason to value an attractive face. However, I see it as proof that the face is more crucial.
  • ShotDisc
    18 years ago
    I see it as proof that more faces than bodies need help looking good.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    ShotDisc: How should it not tell us that the face matters more?
  • ShotDisc
    18 years ago
    I will take a look at a girl with a great face and a mediocre body. I will take a second look at a girl with a mediocre face and a great body.
  • ShotDisc
    18 years ago
    As far as I know, Maybelline and CoverGirl only produce make up for faces. That should tell us something.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    What's more, under dim light you really aren't interacting with the face as much as the IMPRESSION of the face; while the body, whether by sight or by touch, will still be proven, and proven accurately. It just goes to show again and again, women ... get thee to thine gym!
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Body: has to be ultra hot Face: has to be clean and cute ENOUGH Personality and attitude: the more the better; below a certain minimum, I am no longer attracted to her, but above that minimum, the differentiation is generally moot; although, at the extremely high level of the scale, I will fall in love (provided Body and Face, above, have also met the criteria). So, I think that makes me a body man. And by "body" I don't mean "stripper body." I generally am not attracted to the Pamela Anderson types, especially not if their tits are as fake-looking (and, presumably, -feeling) as hers. I prefer the natural girl-next-door, and her body must show it. I guess I'm just a desperate old fucker who wants to grope young college girls. Poor ol' Loser me ... L:^( ...
  • CrazzzyEd
    18 years ago
    Neither. The mind matters more. If she doesnt have a naughty mind to appeal to your naughty thoughts than you might as well jack off to the fold out of playboy. Unless of course you think you can keep her happy forever and in that case its definitly the body. I suggest a good taxidermist and spot over the fireplace to mount your trophy.
  • whatevergong82
    18 years ago
    Body matters more. I like to look at a body that has a tight ass and nice tits to suck on. An average face and a tight body is what I'd prefer, but if you can get a pretty face and same for the body, that is ok, but in strip clubs, that type is usually stuck up. It's when you get a tight body, pretty face, and nice personality is when you hit the jackpot. I've had great dances from average looking (face wise) dancers, and lousy ones from dancers that had pretty faces. But, I've had the Full Menu from a former ATF (Latina) that had a girl next door face, tight abs (she didn't work out like she could, but since she's in her mid 20's, she can still get away with it), natural B tits to suck on (which I did, often), and a great ass which she used to grind on my dick when she started lapping. We liked talking to each other a lot, so much that she ended up giving me CFS in the club each and every time whenever I saw her at the club she worked at, and did OTC action later on. It always pays to pay attention to the personality first and foremost though.
  • I received one of the greatest nuggets of wisdom in my life while working one of my work-study jobs: doing late-night security on-campus. I was in a group of four, dinkin' in all of the buildings, when we started talking about chicks. Another of us complained that you usually get either a great face or body, rarely both. One of them then said always get the one with the great face: "You can screw up a body, but you can't screw up a face."
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I'm beginning to think the importance you place on a girl's face must be hard wired. I know "put a bag over her head" is a joke, but I simply cannot imagine enjoying a dance (or sex) with a girl I was glad had long hair or bad lighting, whatever, to hide her face. I have to know that her face is pretty to take an interest in her body. It doesn't matter how much I actually SEE her face while I'm exploring her body. (Eye contact is good, but that's not what I mean.) It's like my attitude about being turned on by pussies. How hot the owner of the pussy is matters more to me than the pussy itself, even though that may be all I'm focusing on.
    18 years ago
    I agree that how a girl moves is an important consideration. It has a major impact on my view of how attractive a girl is. I guess we could say that gracefulness is to the body what a smile is to the face, either can add or subtract substantially.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    This past weekend, walking around a big street festival, I realized how often, passing women on the street, I see one side and then have to check out the other. If I like her face and overall body, I feel a little suspense as we pass until I can check out her ass. If I see her backside first, I might think so far so good but wonder what's framed by that fine head of hair. My conclusions: First of all, hot face and body go together most of the time. When the face is a letdown, I tend to find fault with her body on further inspection, especially the way she moves. And the number one turnoff for me, face or body, is a dumpy ass - fat, wide, long, unshapely. In a club, other features come to the fore, especially a bad boob job or no waist.
    18 years ago
    AN and messaround, if only it were true that most dancers have pretty decent bodies. I can remember a day when that was generally true in most clubs, unfortunately that day is long gone. Even in high-end clubs today I see an awful lot of dancers who are grossly underweight or overweight or seriously out of shape. Which is why I rarely sit anywhere near the stage anymore, too many dancers aren't worth watching. But to answer the question, I guess it depends on the situation. If I see a girl at a distance I'll notice the body first. But if she walks up to say hello I'll notice the face first, especially if she has a nice smile. But when we get to the point of buying a dance, I'll buy one from the girl with the nice body and so-so face, but I'll never buy one from the girl who is seriously out of shape, underweight or overweight regardless of how pretty a face or nice a smile she has. She's got to have an attractive body to sell me a private dance. If she has a pretty face too, that's a bonus.
  • messaround
    18 years ago
    In a strip club most girls have pretty good bodies so the face may move forward - but a lot of the issue with face is if they make eye contact and smile so it may move to personality - and it is even better when that face moves south. Body may initially be the starter but face often seals the deal.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Since the body is less of an issue in clubs, after all most strippers are young attractive women to begin with, I am usually attracted to the face first (with some exceptions for a really really good body). As I've mentioned on the sister thread however an average face is't a deal killer for me, but a below average body (for a stripper) is a bigger turnoff.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I always notice the face first. I look for an easy smile and beautiful eyes. If she sits and we hit it off I can easily deal with a less than perfect body.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Has to be the body, especially since I like girls who have long hair. Although it is not the primary reason that I am attracted to women with long hair, the fact of the matter is that long hair can be used to cover an unattractive face.
  • maybeenuf4u
    18 years ago
    definitely body.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    FONDL, I'm asking about choosing a dancer, so let's assume you're seeing her inside a club, scantily clad or naked, and you haven't had a chance to evaluate her personality. If your reply is that you don't choose a dancer before getting knowing her really well, etc., then let's suppose you're selecting on appearance which dancers to get to know really well. By the way, your topic is nearly a verbatim duplicate of the question I referred to that you asked a few months ago. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
    18 years ago
    This is funny, I just started almost the exact same thread, only I included personality. I guess we both got the same idea from reading the thread about homely girls trying harder. This is actually a difficult question for me to answer, because it matters a great deal to me how far removed from my ideal the face or body is. If you are talking a truly gorgeous face on an OK body, I would probably prefer that to the reverse. But if you're talking an unattractive face on a dynamite body vs. the reverse, I'd probably go for the dynamite body. Especially if I'm in a fairly high contact LD club with dim lights. So I can proabaly tolerate more defects in a face than I can a body. And for me personality is always a factor that you can't separate out. A person's personality always affects my view of them. I've seen a lot of seemingly homely faces suddenly become attractive when backed by a stunning personality. But the body never improves. Another big factor is how much clothing we're taking about. If we're talkling about inside a club where the girl is naked or close to it, I'll take the girl with the great body. But if they're fully clothed or close to it, the girl with the pretty face is probably going to get my attention. I've been close to several dancers with dynamite bodies and homely faces and liked them a lot, but have never had the reverse situation. So I guess my real world preference in a club is for the girl with the great body.
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