
Contrarian Actions

Any place that interests me.
Sunday, June 18, 2006 7:09 AM
Have any of you perused a club with OVERALL (Even T40 clubs get individual low reviews) LOW, or at best, lukewarm reviews.? You go to club anyway, and had a good time. I'm talking planned 1st visit, not accidental, or happening to be a longtime regular @ low rated club. Hasn't happened to me yet.


  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    I have done this. Esp since the rating system varies so much from person to person and regionally. An 8 club in Lawrence, KS isn't the same as an 8 club in Tampa, FL I found out from experience. That taught me a lesson so now I check the reviews and ask a few guys that I know, look at the reviews I know to be realistic and set my expectations a little differently. Next time I go to Lawrence I'm not going to expect a $20 dance to be the same as the $20 dance in Tampa even though some of the posters make you believe it is. Some of the posters actually do us all a disservice by not telling the truth and actually do the club and dancers a disservice by giving out too much info in public. I will give you info in private about a dancer or a club that I won't post on the board or on a club review because it could get the dancer fired or stop the fun at that club.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I like to read up on a club. I don't base things strictly on the rating NUMBER, as much as on the RECENT commentary, and I always try to consider WHO is writing the review. Thanks to TUSCL, we can easily trace the source and find out what he's said about other places. How many inexperienced young men have given a full "10" to the first place that they saw a shaved pussy? How many unhappy old farts have given a "1" to some joint that told them they'd had enough beer for that night?
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Minnow: Statistics are necessary for elections or sports, but I don't find them very useful for strip clubs. I'm far more interested in what kind of experience somebody had than the number they chose to attach to it. So, I read the reviews, and I take them into account along with other online sources, word of mouth references, and so on. I think TUSCL is by far the best source available, and sometimes it is the only source, but usually it's one of several. It's not as though I look at the ratings first and, contrary to what the numbers tell me, decide to try a low rated club. I don't even look at the numbers. It's my instinct to ingore them, just like I do for movies, music and books. If you find TUSCL rating statistics indispensible, that's fine. I'm not out to change your mind. All I'm saying is that I doubt whether they're what determines most customers choice to try a club, so I don't think I'm being contrarian.
    18 years ago
    I totally agree that for the most part the girls make the club. And that can vary tremendously from one visit to the next. So unless management has policies in place to guarantee a bad time (like too many obnoxioux bouncers glaring at you or prices that are way out of line) it's all about the girls.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    All the time whenever I'm out of town. I've always believed the girls make the club, and sometimes, you go to some dumpy club and you just click with a girl. Of course, I've had my fair share of bad experiences as well.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    Chandler: Then I guess you think Gallup polls are out to lunch. That maybe next President will be Libertarian, Communist, or Nazi party. Those polls interview a very small segment of US population, yet they aren't too far off base, and sometimes very accurate. As to profile of average TUSCLer vs stripclub patron as whole, have you conducted a scientific data gathering & analysis of customer profiles? If so, pls enlighten tuscl board about your findings. I'm guessing that average tuscler is a more(but not TOO) serious SC patron ( #visits, AND $$$pent) than SC customer base as a whole. Bottom Line- I have found generally positive correlation between OVERALL review average score vs my enjoyment of club. For an example, the order of ratings for Phoenix area clubs that I went to in recent pre-tuscl days: Christies(7.47), Alaskan Bush(aka "ABCO"-7.14), Babes(6.62), Les Girls(5.2), and Dream Palace(3.85). MY Preference Order: ABCO, Christies, Babes, Les Girls, and Dream Palace. Picked ABCO over Christies because of nudity, nasty factor, and more casual atmosphere. I'd go out of my way for a 7.14 over a 7.47 if its more my style. But not a 3.85 over 7 plus.
    18 years ago
    I've done it many times and had some very pleasant surprises. I don't think there's much correlation between how highly a club is rated and how much fun I'm likely to have. But then again I think I go to clubs for different reasons than do most other guys so my tastes in clubs tend to be somewhat different. The club I've been to most often and where I met my ATF has gotten a lot of review of less than 5. That's fine with me, it keeps the crowds down.
  • maybeenuf4u
    18 years ago
    Yeah I've done it a couple of times. Whether its because of proximity to hotel or just needed something new. The clubs usually SUCK!
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Chandler: Great point. I always consider the fact that only a relatively small number of club-goers read this site and even fewer write reviews. I look for something in the body of the review that sounds interesting, I look at the posted cover and dance prices. The rating number doesn't mean much to me. If I'm on the road I may take the TUSCL ratings and reviews a bit more seriously than when I'm at home but mostly I use it to find the clubs closest to my hotel.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    When I'm considering whether to try a club, TUSCL reviews are just one of many considerations. I read the text and find it helpful, but I don't pay any attention to rating numbers. I've never thought of that as contrarian, because this site represents only a tiny fraction of online enthusiasts, not broad popular opinion.
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    I have a problem with clubs that have mixed reviews. The ones that seem to have as many lower numbers as they do the higher numbers. If multiple reviewers post details about a spacific dancer and mention her stage name and the reviews are consistantly good, I'll go looking for her.
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    As a purveyor of multiple clubs out here in Vegas I have generally found the reviews to be pretty darn accurate. Can a 3 at a club I rank as an 8 or 9 be true? Sure. I have had 3 experiences at Cheetahs and I also have had 9 experiences there. I've given Striptease multiple subpar reviews but had to concede that my last time there was pure magic and gave it a 10. Anything can happen in a one shot deal and I look at the overview of multiple reviews before deciding what is and isn't bullshit.
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    Yoda...I never looked at it that way. But, you're probably right. With the competition and people and clubs having agenda's, the review are skewed. I guess you just have to go to a new club and find out for yourself.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    One of my favorite club has a low rating and terrible reviews. I don't put much stock into reviews anymore. There are too many agendas involved with clubs bashing each other, dancers bashing each other and guys writing reviews of clubs they go to every week and posting what should be a chat board item in the review section.
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