
Comments by Shekitout (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How/why did it end?
    She just flatout up & disappeared! Got one voicemail from her about 2 months later & 3 months later a postcard from New Zealand! That's it since. Emails go unreplied. Greeting cards are not returned by the post office so it's assumed they're delivered. Heard she's in Baltimore, MD but unable to locate thru internet or telephone search. Big mystery.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Hey, davids, why don't you just fuck yourself?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    FYI, Columbia, SC club news "club manager got shot"
    The info I got was that he left the club and fired from his car as he left. It was not a boucer who was killed but the club manager.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    FYI, Columbia, SC club news "club manager got shot"
    davids: Fuck you and the horse you rode in on! Have you ever been to South Carolina? If not just keep your fucking comments to yourself about everyone in the state being a buch of hicks. YOU are the biggest hick on this board!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    FYI, Columbia, SC club news "club manager got shot"
    I would love to see davids go into the 'hood & call some homies cotton pickers just to see how far his ass is dropped kicked! What an idiot he is but even when it's pointed out that it's a racial slur he still won't aplogize to all those he's offended. Wonder if he's ever called a black stripper a cotton picker? If he ever did he'll be picking his ass up off the floor!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    FYI, Columbia, SC club news "club manager got shot"
    Hey, davids: What state are you from other than a state of ignorance?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Ignore Feature
    This ignore shit is of no use when you can still read the shit posted by fucking davids! Is there no way to completely eradicate the SOB?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    South Carolina
    Advantage of shorts in strip club
    My favorite club likes to keep the A/C down really low. Some of the dancers as a result get cold hands. Wearing shorts makes access to my hand warmer much easier!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Ignore Feature
    Spoke too soon-I still see their postings to whatever topic they respond to-is there a way to even delete those from showing up?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Ignore Feature
    Thank you Founder for being able to ignore davids & RomanticLoser!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    davids: Why don't you bring your ass to South Carolina so I can kick it back to wherever you exist? I don't know what your problem is with South Carolina but I sure would like to meet you in person at a strip club in South Carolina-you just might not make it back home, you fucking sorry son of a bitch!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Carry-out Techniques
    I usually ask if they are available for extracurricular activities-some will then ask what I mean;, some understand what I mean; for those who don't I will say for sex; some will say I never thought about that(right!); some will say let me think about it; some will give you their phone # & tell you to call them. That's what the last one did and told me to please, please call her and it resulted in a hookup. Another who gave me her phone # has inquired as to why I haven't called so I must rethink on that. Whatever it takes as long as it works!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Did first OTC lead to a second one?
    Hey davids(aka hugeasshole): We were at her apartment so there was no home for her to go to! Hell, your opinion might be right! I also think that chasman has a point too. I suppose I will never know why she took the attitude she did.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Did first OTC lead to a second one?
    Hey davids( aka hugeasshole): The deed was done at her place so there was no home for her to go to! Hell, your opinion might be right! I also think that chasman has a point too. I will never know for sure why she took the attitude she did afterwards.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    As Shadowcat mentioned 2 Hooters waitresses that worked at the Hooters formerly located on Broad River Road in Columbia, SC worked at my favorite club, Platinum Plus in Columbia. I believe one of them got fired from Hooters for what exactly I don't know. She was cute as hell and went to work at PP. I believe she talked another Hooters girl into quitting to come to work at PP. Like Shadowcat said, they were kinda like a team: you didn't see one without the other one. The other girl was very cute too but had more meat on her bones. I recall 2 other Hooters girls who worked at PP. One told me that she loved being naked & that's why she quit Hooters to work at PP. The other Hooters gal worked as a waitress only at PP. I remember her wearing her Hooters outfit Halloween nite at the club. I cannot remember the tag team duo wearing their outfits at the club. It was fascinating to me to get dances from them and seeing them naked & being able to feel those tits which I had only looked at at Hooters. The more meatier girl was more shy than the smaller one. The smaller one would face away from you and move her ass so fast you would think she got pants burns on her butt! I got a double dance from them only once as you couldn't devote enough attention to both at the same time. I remember they both went to CA where one of them was from. The more voluptuous dancer stayed while the smaller one came back. I believe she got a regular job as I saw her at the club one nite in street clothes. I go to Hooters every Wed nite for trivia sometimes the waitress is hot, sometimes she's not. We lucked up and got the local swimsuit contest winner one nite. I agree with most posters the food is overpriced but the scenery is nice. The curly fries are great when they're hot! Our trivia team has won a Wing Party several times: all the wings & soft drinks you want for 11 people. We will start off with 10 wings each, order 20 more each and what you can't eat they allow you to take home. The current trivia hostess is a hot cutie. Doesn't look old enough to drink liquor but when a couple of my trivia reammates offered to buy her a drink after trivia was over, she jumped at the chance. The waitresses on duty are not allowed to do that even when their shift is over. The previous trivia hostess was even better to look at because she loved to wear tops that looked like she was going to come out of at any moment! I do miss her!!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Did first OTC lead to a second one?
    First offer of OTC by the dancer while in the club was to get together for coffee at a Waffle House & then go to her place. This was to be at 2AM & I couldn't make that. 2nd offer for OTC was cell phone message to come to her place for a "session". I inquired as to what a "session" would involve & how long would it last. She said that we would get naked, there would be full contact & to bring condoms in case the "session" lead to sex and it would last as long as it took-which it did with no complaint on my part!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Well I called the ex dancer who had changed her mind about OTC on Sat & she asked if I could come over & take care of her. I said sure & told her I'd be there around 3PM. She said make it 2 so I agreed. Got to her apartment a little before 2 but waited until after 2 before I knocked on the door. No response so I tried again but no response to even louder knocking. I left her a message & headed to a nearby Waffle House & waited to see if she would call. She called & I asked her if she had fallen aslepp and she said she had in fact. What she forgot to tell me when she asked if I was coming over was that she was at her parents house who live in a small town not far from where I live. She apologized & asked if I still wanted to come over-it was almost 2:30 then. I said sure & she told me to call her when I got to the small town & she would meet me which she did. We went inside and she gave me a big hug & we sat down on a sofa & she threw her legs over mine and began playing with my chest. She took off her dress & she was wearing an outfit that looked like one she had worn at the club. I had no objection as she looked damn good in it & it really showed off her great body. This girl is a real looker in a very exotic way. She then asked after a few minutes of caressing each other did I want to do a session & $$$ were asked for, same $$$ as 1st time. I didn't try to get the price down or ask for a freebie. I asked if she wanted it before or afterwards & she said before as I might try to run out the door w/o paying if we did the session first. I gave her the $$$ and she said let's go to her bedroom. She told me to take my clothes off as she wanted to go down on me which she did w/o benefit of a condom which I was pleasantly surprised by because the 1st time we hooked up, she put a condom on me before she did oral. I told her I thought she might have done that before as she was really doing a great BJ. I asked her if she wanted me to cum in her mouth & her response was an enthusiastic yes & she proceded to let me do that. She didn't swallow but spit it out in the batroom, telling me that that it was quite a load but I didn't taste bad. I then went down on her for several minutes and then fingered her until she shuddered and told me not to touch her pussy as it felt like needles sticking her, it hurt but in a good way she said. Unfortunately die to her having meet her parents at or their coming home at 4:30, (didn't understand which) we didn't get to fuck like the 1st time but I hope to the next time. She told me to call her & she would text message me. Didn't hear from her today(Sun) but will see how it goes. Said she felt really comfortable around me & that's why she had changed her mind about getting together again but I'm sure that the $$$ money also played a role in our getting together again also. Hoping this turns into a regular thing even if $$$ chnages hands everytime.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Well you're certainly not! What gives you the idea I'm a bitter 60 year old fuck. I'm a happy 63 year old who just hooked up with a 29 year old hottie on Sat-what 'cha do yesterday besides tried to rain on somebody's parade, you SOB!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Hey, SC: it was not a week later but a month later. What makes you think her brains are fried? Because she had sex at her parents house as well as her own apartment. The offer she made a week ago Mon was sex at her sister's place but that was derailed by the bouncer at the club not letting her drive her sister's car so I could follow her to the sister's place. I guess you now think her brain is double fried! What is there to be concerned about if the sex happens in different places? The only place it won't happen for sure is at my house!!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Shadowcat: "She's taking way too big of a chance with you by letting you know where she lives." You make it sound like I'm going to hang outside of her place(s) waiting for her to show up(wait a minute, that's not a bad idea!-just joking). I would never be that stupid. What is the one thing you keep harping on when it comes to relationships with dancers? T-R-U-S-T! I think the girl trusts me or she would have not invited me to places where she lives/stays. She said she feels comfortable with me & I guess she's demonstrated that by inviting me to where she lives/stays.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Thanks, FONDL and FUCK YOU, davids!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    FONDL: Did not see "advanced search" feature on the website. Am I missing something?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Shadowcat: So what is wrong with a dancer/stripper taking you to her place for OTC? You've got to be some place and her place is as good as any place plus it's a lot cheaper than a hotel room! Why should trusting someone take so long? It's kinda like love at first site, either it's there or it's not! Watch for an email from me discussing the situation further.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    OTC opinions.
    I only had 2 OTC's with the same girl & I know w/o $$ they would not have happened. She is no longer dancing at the club where we met so do you still refer to it as OTC?The girl has a helluva body, enjoys it as much as I do and in fact in a conversation referred to herself as a paid whore vs a free whore when asked I asked about doing it for free. A free whore to her is the lowest of the whore hierarchy!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Shadowcat's response mentioned some of the things I mentioned in my email to him. She was not living with Big Daddy but perhaps he was financing her apartment. Her parents live in a trailer so I guess that makes her trailer trash but she's damn good looking trailer trash! Much better looking than the 2 other dancers you mentioned. Apparently the TV has no antenna so it can only get 1 channel over the air. Anyhow her conscience has kicked in again & no more OTC. She might overcome her conscience at the end of the month just like she did before. We'll see.