
Comments by deogol (page 89)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Privacy Changes Coming to Google on March 1st
    Logging out of Google doesn't stop Google cookies. Visiting web sites will install and send them along (read about Google Analytics http://www.google.com/analytics/) There are add-ons for FireFox to prevent this. (Note, this web site uses a google cookie.)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is libertarianism doomed to be a minority view the world over?
    "Do you ever wonder if the president misses going to strip clubs?" If I hear right, JFK didn't go to the strip club, the strip club came to him. (Same with Bill C.)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OK. Now how to handle glitter?
    Actually, creating product may be a way for strip clubs to reposition themselves in the market in both income and cultural ways. After all, look how porn stars have been doing it for years: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pornographic_actors_who_appeared_in_mainstream_films Very interesting.....
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is libertarianism doomed to be a minority view the world over?
    "This is all that needs to be said: Today Michelle Obama announced new rules for government subsidized lunch programs. Now, I'm not 'anti-healthy eating', but I don't think the framers of the Constitution had this in mind for the role of the Federal Government. " I don't think the framers of the constitution had the wife of the president in mind with that much power. That said, time does roll by. However, it is never considered by the media or the voter that electing the president is a package deal. We never hear about the views of their wives.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    We lose another one!
    I'll tell ya secondary effects - look at the shit that goes down at all night convenience stores! Talk about a magnet for unsavory characters - from gun wielding jackasses to loud mouth drunks to whores on the stroll buying a microwave goodie. Yet, we never hear about secondary effects there! I am getting a little concerned with the idea espoused by our government lately that freedom is available to those who can afford it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Stalked By A Cougar - Not What You Think
    Actually bear spray is better for situations like that. Not a lot of aiming involved and it clouds. A bullet covers such little space and vector. A shot gun is better, but a little unwieldly when ya got something jumping on your back. Bear spray works well. If they think they have lost the ability to best ya, they haul ass. Bear spray can also provide entertainment when used on drunken thugs too.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is libertarianism doomed to be a minority view the world over?
    Christian, Jewish, Islamic... all the same thing in my mind...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer: "Sure, we can meet up, but I can't let my fiance know what's going on"
    I don't think "stripper" makes someone unmarriable. Before the woman became a stripper, probably unmarriable. During stripper time, probably unmarriable. After stripper time, probably unmarriable. The point I am making, is it's not that she is a stripper, but that she is unmarriable. Of course, every rule has an exception. I think the exception occurs often after being a stripper. The fact is, people grow up. A lot of people, strippers included, can look around and say "This fucking shit ain't working like I thought" and realize there is more to life than the hustle and they make changes. Anyone who has made some money in their time, realizes there are gold diggers out there. At least strippers are obvious about it, and if they are past stripping, one has the warning. Should there be tests? I don't know yet. But I know keeping up with some who have left the business, they are turning out to be normal 30 something women. They want babies. They want stability. They want the nice house. I think more guys make more something out of stripping than gals do.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is libertarianism doomed to be a minority view the world over?
    The only bible reading I ever focused on was Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Two books with some practical-for-modern-day stuff.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is libertarianism doomed to be a minority view the world over?
    "For instance, if a US based/owned company goes into Canada, they cannot bring in more than x amount of their own employees. They must hire Canadians." To be honest, I don't think this is such a bad idea.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer: "Sure, we can meet up, but I can't let my fiance know what's going on"
    LOL, mrs m00tpoint! I am curious though - I clubbed when I was single. When I had a girlfriend, I usually spent time with her. Is this common?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is libertarianism doomed to be a minority view the world over?
    I think Ron Paul needs to be a Republican because if he was a member of a minor party, the major news organizations would ignore him. Hell, they already ignore him as Jon Stewart of The Daily Show already pointed out. If he left the Republican party, his message would be just one of many "screw ball" (aka largely ignored) messages found on youtube.com. I have watched a few Libertarian Party nomination conventions on CSPAN, but when Harry Browne died, I pretty much brushed them off. From what I saw, they looked like amateurs. Another problem with being libertarian (small l) is this need to be "one's own." This simply does not work in a country ruled by the people. What I mean by that, is it's hard to be one's own and part of a party organization. Also, it's an ideal that might work in a society that grows it's own food, but we are long into an interdependent social network. I do think we are getting an out of touch aristocracy in the 600 some people who rule over 300,000,000. Some of those guys have been in there since Reagan and they perceive the country far more in terms of where it was than where it is and where it is going. The upcoming $1,000,000,000,000,000.00 debt ceiling upgrade during an era compared to the gilded age and recession certain speaks to that. I remember when numbers like that were used in astronomy classes, not government economics! In much of the world, especially the middle east, it seems "westernized governments" (monarchies really with Tunisia and Egypt, but they were western) are falling to Islamic governments. If they are not falling, they are in violent conflict with many groups that are Islamic in governmental practice. That is definitely a pendulum swinging in a given direction. I do think there is some misunderstanding of democrats being more open minded, at least to the adult industry. The party is full of feminists, politically correct goons, and those who try to govern by how it should be instead of looking at what is happening and reacting to feedback in terms of not only opinion, but how programs are working. I saw a statistic where nearly 33% of black men have been imprisoned. I saw another statistic where nearly 30% of all races and genders 25 and under have been at least arrested. We have the largest prison system in the world. We've gone long past soviet check points with nudie scans of little children and grab and grope inspections in air travel lines. We have school systems arresting 8 year olds for sexual assault because they kissed a classmate. These are not the elements of a free country, but a police state. All of this is academic until you come face to face with it. I use to travel by air A LOT. Not anymore. After September 11, I became immediately aware of the reality of a police state. War against poverty? War on the poor. War on Terrorism? War on the citizen and privacy. War on drugs? War on the constitution. And talking about this War on ____ - it is more and more civil war. I am no Branch Davidian, but I was disturbed by a bunch of militarily armed "men in black" shooting automatic weapons at a church - and then the use of an actual tank that burned the place down?!?! Military drones being used against fellow citizens as happened in Montana if I remember right? And if one reads the comments on the internet around various news stories - a lot of them are outright revolutionary. Throw in the greatest gun sales ever, as well access to the internet for explosives education... man. Maybe the Mayans had it right, cause when the US finally lights up, a lot of the components of "western civilization" is going to be on their own.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The first time you get tied up in some dancer's bullshit.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    question ?
    Strictly strip clubs. I got boundaries (issues!)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "I have a dream".
    I have already chased people out of my house at gun point so that isn't the reason I won't type it. I won't type it because if there is something censorship does right, it is a _slave_ word that should go the way of history. I agree, classism certainly is the problem today!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Help wanted.
    m00tpoint: deogol - Don't forget to play the "race card" too. :-) Fuck yea man - why do you think they made Feb Black History month ... that's right - shortest damn month of the year!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "I have a dream".
    Why surprised? As a black man you are allowed to say ni--er too, but white people aren't. So of course white people are going to be a little hmmmmm about this thing. If we really want to talk about a race conversation, it would be all the pot holed MLK Blvds with boarded up buildings, liquor stores, and ho's. Recently there was a big deal about MS putting patenting "Avoid Ghetto" in GPS (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501465_162-57355325-501465/microsoft-avoid-ghetto-patent-sparks-controversy/) - shit, they don't need to patent that - all one has to do is look for MLK and you know to stay away from that area. Perhaps MLK St. is actually "code."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Cut out the left pocket of my microfiber slacks?
    Isn't there suppose to be some popcorn involved somehow? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqmqxtlDcEM
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Stripper At Webster Bar Pleads Guilty To Attacking Colleague
    Hey, Padma Lakshmi did alright with that huge scar she has.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Why dancers? redux
    Need to be careful there - dancers use their vags like carnival claws to scoop up dollars. I did date a ballet dancer. She was very bendy and I liked that.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Help wanted.
    She did a little check fraud too: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20096479-504083.html But she is on probation for that.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Getting into TJ - Adelitas/Hong Kong - Passport or no?
    If worse comes to worse, it's obviously pretty easy to just sneak back over.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Help wanted.
    I'll admit it - Casey does have a most fuckable body. Just keep the sharp objects locked in the cabinet and keep an adoption agency on speed dial.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Help wanted.
    "Sounds like harrassment to me. Did anyone call OJ and offer him a job as a male dancer?" Perhaps it is discrimination against OJ? :)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Help wanted.
    Most people are stupid, half informed, and petty. I am no apologist, and I am betting the story is even more convoluted and strange than we think. I do think it would be hell of a stupid for her to take on stripping live in a bar. I have no doubt someone would rush past any kind of security and pop off a round in her. However, making a strip video and making it available only to a strip club who would run it for some bucks might work. The other option is web cam work, but I am thinking she is gonna run into some real nuts doing that - but she would be walking away with their money....