Comments by jablake (page 100)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has easy money spoiled many dancers?
    Hi Yoda, Actually, the attitude seems far worse amongst my buddies. :( Mainly, they just seemed pissed that it isn't real which just seems so dumb. And, generally they aren't dumb--at least in their own areas of expertise. Countless times I've heard that she's only interested in your money. I always think and even if that is true where's the problem? I'm interested in her hot young body and very happy she is willing to sell her body, time, and skill.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I dead in the water, or not?
    Hi clubber, If you had stopped paying her for any length of time, then it doesn't seem like you were really her customer anymore. So all the stereotypes go out the window, imo. I've been kicked to the curb as a customer before, but sometimes it was the dancer who wanted to and did stay in touch. Typical dancer love junkie mentality---just not enough concern about the important things in life. Namely, money and more money. :) My best guess is that you really hurt her and she probably cut all ties to you in her mind way back when and the door really sounds slammed shut. However, you know the old saying NO pain No gain. And, sometimes you need to ignore the smart advice and just follow your emotions--it does work some tiny percentage of the time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of shadowcat
    A spinner is a small woman you can spin on your pole. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I dead in the water, or not?
    Did you pay her after the one time? If so, then you were her customer. The sexual part has very little to do with it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has easy money spoiled many dancers?
    A thousand bucks ain't dog sh*t to some folks. Heck, $5 is a big deal to me, but when you see guys tipping $20s like they're $1s it sort of becomes evident that not everyone is dead poor. When an attorney makes $400 an hour then generally I'd say the cute dancer is cheap at $1000 for two hours--I guess it really depends on who delivers the goods. The cute dancer is more likely to be successful, imo. :) The Virgin Mary is worth about $2 if she gets lost fast. If the dancer is tatted, then maybe $50 an hour is fair. Figure her value is reduced 90%, imo.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Do Things Really "Get Better" In VIP (Or more expensive option)
    Hey, parodyman your access to the secret files is definitely needed in this thread! So please get to work, ASAP. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Do Things Really "Get Better" In VIP (Or more expensive option)
    Well, over at Secrets there was this country bumpkin. Young, big, innocent, and from Nebraska, I think he said. So he is asking me what the deal is with the VIP private private area. I say it is expensive. He wasn't concerned about cost, however, and said the price quoted was very reasonable ($400--I later learned just for the dancer!). He wanted to know if the dancer would really make him feel good. She wasn't being explicit enough for him. :) And, he wanted to know if it was against the law. I advised him that I'm not an attorney, but an attorney's opinion really ain't worth much even when the law is clear and even if he is very knowledgeable. It mainly depends on the judge's interpretation and what he'll allow as evidence and the court/law is basically a fraud to extort money out of you if you have any or if you're poor to help fill the prisons to generate the $$$s. So then he wants to know how he will get what he is paying for, if the the dancer isn't willing to say more than he'll be very happy. I said, You pay, then you'll be happy if that is what she said. So how do I know if I've never been back to the VIP? Oh, because I've known her over a year at different clubs and she likes to make paying customers happy! :) With that, he is up and spending money immediately. Then when he is done he thanks me and says that she is the greatest. And, he can't believe how reasonable the cost was. Wants to move to Miami! :) I had the opportunity to talk with her later and she also thanked me. She said it was one of the easiest jobs she ever had. That he loved everything, which in turn made her want to do even more than she promised . . . A wonderful win/win. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I dead in the water, or not?
    Hi clubber, My 2 cent opinion is that she got really pissed off at you after being hurt, like I believe most people would have been under the circumstances. Or, chandler could be right? Is that somewhat possible? I don't think so, but then I don't really know you or her. And, normally when a customer says he has a special relationship with a stripper my knee jerk thinking is---Yes, special in that you pay her money and in return she gives you a great experience. But, yes there are exceptions and hopefully you would be able at some point to tell the difference between SS and something real. BTW, in a real relationship there may be SS even though the woman wasn't and isn't a stripper by occupation. Good luck, but it sounds over! A short letter to her might help you? Just a know nothing suggestion!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Seeking current info on Black Gold, Biscayne Blvd. + 79th Street, Miami, FL
    Thanks for the inside info parodyman! :) But, what about the inside information on the current crop of dancers. Are they short and slim? V.I.I. A.A.I., have they served time? These jailhouse girls are high value. Well, at least the ones at Club Honeys were. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I am ashamed of ever working (in this society) so I would appreciate it if you could lay off the "work all week" commentary. :( If you don't work, then thumbs up parodyman! :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hi parodyman, Excellent to hear from you again. :) Church? The way the country is headed that might be an excellent idea and best of all I'm getting surrounded by Haitian churches. The few Haitians that I know believe in going to numerous churches as it allegedly improves their odds of getting into Heaven. Damn good business, imo. I guess I'm not interested in the motivation for getting tatted. I'm interested in the end result and surprisingly in the future. The end result is garbage when the canvas was excellent skin. So thumbs down for tats. The future is people change while the tat doesn't. So thumbs down for tats. The only real positive that I saw concerning tats was the supposed connection between being tatted and a willingness to violate laws. I believe this is correct at least based on my experience with the dancers at Club Honeys and the old customers at Angels. So thumbs up for tats. Anyway, with any luck I get to read much more from parodyman. A true pleasure so try do to increase the number and depth of your posts. :) BTW, I understand attacking the messenger "Dial-the-Truth Ministeries" is neato, but do try and take issues with the "facts" presented there and with not the messenger. LOL! For example, you think God is a fraud or doesn't exist or believe in a different God. Wonderful. You have as much proof for those "facts" as do those who believe in the "fact" that God exists. See how happy you've made me? :) You should be feeling special. Ta ta.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Turkeys that merit our thanks (Selected Excerpts)
    Well if it saves one life . . . or protects the neighborhood . . . or whatever. I think generally people want condominium type freedom i.e. Bork freedom, freedom to control your neighbor via democracy . . .
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has easy money spoiled many dancers?
    If the the $400 per hour attorney wins, then yes especially where the case is excellent as confirmed by other $300 to $400 attorneys. And, if he doesn't win then the cute young girl looks like the true bargain. It is like when you pay protection money. Generally an excellent bargain even at a few hundred per hour unless you still get your legs broken.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has easy money spoiled many dancers?
    Considering some attorneys charge $400 per hour it doesn't seem unreasonable.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers Asking You to Smile . . .
    Hi lopaw, My ex-girlfriend has a strong preference for women. It didn't bother me even a little bit because I consider it like comparing apples and oranges. Another man, however, would be whole different ballgame because it is more like comparing oranges to oranges. Unless, he was a paid provider (paid fantasy) and then I'd be wondering what should or could I do different or maybe she just likes variety. Being surrounded by the hot girlfriends not only would take the smile off my face (if there was one) presuming they weren't available, but I probably be worked up. Like being surrounded with delicious food, but it is reserved for the beautiful people. It is frustrating when they're looking better than the dancers. When the dancers are as hot, then it is just more eye candy. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Bangkok Option" being offered
    "They want to get fucked. In fact, among younger adults, most women probably have more sex than most men do, simply because the women have access to it because socially it's currently more difficult for a horny guy, than a horny girl, to get laid. (But wait? How is that mathematically possible? If one presumes ((mildly falsely)) that among all heterosexual couplings, there is one male having sex during every instance that one female is having sex, then how could it be that most women get more sex than most men? Hmm? Think about it ... it IS possible. There are just a few lucky men out there servicing most women. Get it?)" Well, I think there are a lot more men i.e. old farts + youngsters chasing the younger women. Also, among young white women who are blubber butts I think the sex advantage dissipates to a large extent. I've known more than a few blubber butts desperate for a real relationship including lots sex, but will settle for sex with a man that thinks they're attractive. Like an old pro old fart told me years and years ago go for the ugly women if you want to get laid. Sorry, but doesn't sound like any fun--maybe for a strong he-man type that is appealing. Among young blacks from what I can see, it doesn't seem like there is a problem getting sex. If that is correct, then why? Maybe black women are more into it? Just based on my own experience I would say damn straight! :) Maybe black men are generally more open minded when it comes to accepting less attractive women? Every time I see a blubber butt raking in the money it is just astonishing. And, the hot women although not ignored aren't treated too special. With a choice between blubber butt or hottie, I can see the typical black man saying I don't know got to give each a try before making my decision. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers Asking You to Smile . . .
    Hi lopaw, Yes, definitely seems so ime in a regular strip club. But, I'd love to see that tested in a lesbian nudie club. :) And, you did say you smiled like *crazy* due to all nekkid women surrounding you. :) I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but in the black clubs I've occasionally been seeing some of the "boyfriends" of the dancers. Wow, are they hot even though they're dressing up in "guy" clothing. Maybe it is the lack of makeup, high heels, and the realness they display. Anyway, those couples seem much closer than the couples where the dancer has a male boyfriend.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Barter for lap dances?
    Hi chitownlawyer, Sounds like you need to be reporting that "income." Seriously, if you don't pay more that means that I have to pay more! ;) Yes, I think it is an idiotic argument, but plenty of people buy into it. Sounds like it was an excellent deal for you and a smart move for her. If her "free" samples would good enough, then maybe she could have earned herself a regular.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Bangkok Option" being offered
    Well, I know at least 1 stripper/prostitute who went ape shit at the idea a prostitute could enjoy sex with a customer. Turned out she was a very sweet person, but I wouldn't have known that at all based on her angry hyper reaction to the statement some prostitutes can get off with their clients. Apparently there is some rule that it has to only be about the money. We had a big news case here in Miami where this prostitute had a sliding fee scale that included FREE. Someone forgot to inform her of the has to be about the money rule. I think her name was Willets. Kathy? There is another rule the government is educating johns about: Buying sex has nothing to do with sexual pleasure. It is all about demeaning women. John after john "admitted" that sexual pleasure was never a reason for seeing a prostitute and the johns were thankful that they'd been "educated" by the all-loving government.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers Asking You to Smile . . .
    Hi chipitin, I didn't think most customers smiled at the stripclub unless they already knew the dancer. You know that whole dealy about dancers planning and plotting to rip out hearts and drain wallets. Not very conducive to smiling for most customers. I see experienced dancers approach customers who are giving out all manner of negative body language. The old rule you don't know unless you ask. Sometimes the customer is just shy or has had a bad day or feels rejected, or etc. It isn't that reading body language isn't a helpful tool, it is just that it isn't a universal truth. Female customers watching male strippers seem to be 100% opposite in their behaviour. Smiling and going wild. Of course, clubs featuring male strippers aren't too prevalent. Women for all the big talk generally aren't too interested in strip clubs. An exception might be bisexual or lesbian women going to see naked women strippers. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's influence on you
    Yes, once a woman becomes a dancer she stops being human. Who the hell knows exactly what would impress an ATF? Yes, there are good stereotypes galore and some people don't wish or can't think beyond stereotypes. An excellent stereotype is the loser boyfriend, but that hardly mean all dancers or even 50% have loser boyfriends. Is a boyfriend a loser because his girlfriend financially supports him? If you believe in this equality garbage, then do also believe a girlfriend would be a loser girlfriend if she was financially supported by her boyfriend? My ATF at Baby Dolls was very impressed because I gave her a ride home without expecting anything in return. It didn't make any difference when I pointed out that her home wasn't far from where I lived. Apparently it was the it's the thought that counts rule. BTW, she thought it was insane to judge or like people based on looks. As far as being in shape, yes I'm sure there are some dancers who respect that or just like muscles. Some young dancers prefer, and rightfully so imo, hanging with broke young guys rather than earn some money with old farts. Don't fall into the brain dead trap that it is all about the money all the time for all dancers. An excellent rule of thumb is that she just wants your money, but it isn't mandated by god or even by genes. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Bangkok Option" being offered
    A lady friend, platonic, says that she fills a good number of perscriptions to treat herpes especially as well as other STDs. She says she doesn't think people take STDs seriously at least in this area. She is older, but says she would love to get more action, but it is just too risky given all the diseases.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Seeking current info on Spearmint Rhino, City of Industry
    Hi unbelheathen, You need to take parodyman with a grain of salt. He is funny a good deal of the time. Nothing wrong, imo, with asking about a particular club. Not everything about a club is always in the review section of the site. Welcome to TUSCL. :) BTW, if I act like a total asshole please don't take it personal!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Smileage for Increased Mileage? :) I'd Rather Just Pay $ . . .
    "shit eating grin" (2) n. Someone donning a forced smile in an uncomfortable, embarassing, or compromising situation could be said to have a shit eating grin.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers Asking You to Smile . . .
    So now next time I get asked to smile by a dancer, I can state "If it is good enough for Bond, then it's good enough for me." :) The whole manners and smile routine seems so forced and fake. I don't mind faking as long as it seems completely real. The best dancers, imo, are the con artists who can reel you in hook, line, and sinker. :)