Comments by jablake (page 61)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Saving strippers
    If you want to "save" strippers, then I have 2 suggestions for you: 1. Frequent cheap clubs. 2. Wait for the stripper to ask to be "saved." Usually, after you become a regular some dancers will talk more than stripper shit. At that point a few will ask about job opportunities, etc. Also, sometimes you will run into a first time stripper that is desperate to leave the business. Basically, for those that want to be "saved" it is just a question of money and a little guidance. And, the money needed isn't that much assuming you can find them good employment at a living wage.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Meeting outside the club
    "besides you said you enjoy meeting otc previously" YES!!! And, I may also enjoy crack cocaine or heroin or marijuana (marijuana is fantastic, btw, imho). Just because because I enjoy something doesn't mean there isn't danger lurking everywhere as in the prior examples of CC, H, and M. Strippers, imo, are far more dangerous than those 3 mental stimulants. :) As you pointed out, the perils sound like dating----Dating a real life Bambi with FEROCIOUS TEETH!!! That means be verry verry careful when hunting err dating err OTCing.
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    16 years ago
    Meeting outside the club
    What's the harm??? Besides being sliced and diced by her male relatives you mean? Pemanent emotional scars that will lead to a perpetual state of lonliness and deep seated misogyny and financial devastation and etc.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    an experiment
    Hi clubber, I don't know. She is a stripper. She is a woman. That is sort of a iron-clad case of insanity and those clubs can't hurt one too bad. ;) Oops . . . I think she is bisexual, which means the iron-clad case of insanity is defenestrated.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    ""You will see beautiful women with unattractive guys all the time. Women want to be with real men,' and according to Santagati, real men cheat." Of course, there are exceptions. This one stripper was crazy about me in part because I didn't have a roving eye---she was a 10 and the other dancers weren't attractive.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "'When it comes to human beings, there's absolutely no question about monogamy being natural. It's not,' Barash said. Barash and Lipton believe it all goes back to evolution: The male's goal is to make sure his genes live on and therefore he sets out to fertilize as many females as possible." Yes, the good old seed spreading just never goes out of style. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Meeting outside the club
    I very much enjoy meeting dancers OTC whether it ultimately be--good or bad. If she's cute, then I hope you'll keep this image in your mind: Picture Bambi with FEROCIOUS TEETH perhaps sporting some juicy red blood. Thinking love?: Remember Bambi!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Sweet Advice Received From Strippers . . .
    I never heard the "sensitive man" bit in person. I must be meeting the right type of ladies. :) I have heard from strippers and other women that I'm "too nice." A major character flaw. :( But, easily dispelled. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    an experiment
    More importantly and more succinctly wondergrl5 has ruled out Florida clubs. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer Breaks After Dances . . .
    One perfect 10 that I knew at the old Baby Dolls told me she was under a lot of pressure to spend time in the dressing from other dancers. She said the other dancers were angry that she was taking business from them. The theory was that if she wasn't available the customers would settle for chopped fish. To some extent that was very true. It seemed like most customers aren't that concerned about looks and if the super hottie isn't around they'll settle for any thing that is breathing or was breathing. Another dancer at Angels said that she wasn't at club to make money so she didn't see where it made too much difference if she spent her time in the dressing room or not.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer Breaks After Dances . . .
    I'd always encourage the dancers that I knew to go POOF when a real customer came in. By real customer: someone that just wants to buy and begone or stay and spend real money. The dancers are at work and they don't need to be wasting time with me when there is money to be made. What little money I have can always be spent at a later time or date. These customers were handing out $20s like they were $1s and the dancer I knew didn't want to "abandon" me. I told her if the situation was reverse, then I'd dropping you in a heart beat; she didn't like that. :) She went and collected like $80 and was back in less than 10 minutes; I barely realized she was gone and think she made a mistake coming back so soon. Those men had some money to spend. I was afraid that later she'd be upset with herself or me for wasting time on a low spender when there are big fish to fry!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer Breaks After Dances . . .
    BTW, Angels was much smaller than it is currently. And, the customers were much poorer.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer Breaks After Dances . . .
    Hi arbeeguy, Coco's has had different stories in The Herald about shootings and the resulting deaths and or injuries. The last one I read about not too long ago was because a patron called a stripper too old. Stripper calls her son and soon the dead bodies and those with mere bullet holes start piling up. The son and his gang were rounded up promptly and face first degree murder charges, etc. I mean shoot if a man can't defend his mommy, then what's the point in living anyway. Talking with dancers at Angels and RolLexx (as well as The Trap) those dancers claim that the RolLexx is far more dangerous. It just doesn't make the papers. The lower class clientele of the RolLexx just ain't worth newspaper ink perhaps. I'm use to spending a lot of time in clubs waiting for the right dancer. When Angels was white the wait was months and months and months. The bartender thought I was crazy for 1) expecting to ever find an attractive dancer at Angels (he'd gone 3 years without seeing one) and 2) for caring about looks (a hole is a hole and all holes is good). Angels was a nice place to hang out because it was so quiet. Originally the jukebox was broke, but when it got repaired, to the owner's anger, I pulled the plug--there was a heated confrontation over that and meaning of property rights. Much later a compromised was worked out with the dancers to play very quiet music. They weren't supposed to be dancing for the most part, imo, and the music was just pollution. The first black dancer wanted to dance and unfortunately the white girl walk died :( because they wrongly believed it was her dancing skill that attracted attention. Bottom line: She was HOT and they were UGLY, but they did know how to walk real pretty. :) Perfection would have been if she forgot about dancing and learned how to walk!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Natural rule. Case back closed!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Which do you prefer: Dancer approaches you or you approach dancer?
    "I want to them to go away, so the dancers I am interested in will dance for me." I *LOVE* wanna dance. The dancer I'm not interested in comes and goes and if they're all wanna dance types, then presto super hottie will come calling soon enough. One negative with making a first approach especially in cheap "wanna dance" type clubs is that it can be awkward upon speaking briefly with what appeared to be a hot dancer you then decide you rather forego the dance. If only I'd been a tad more patient, then I could have just waited for her to do the wanna dance. OTOH, the very hot dancers can be snapped up and retained forever when the dances are $5 per song. That is why customers will sometimes interrupt to get in line for the next dance when the dancer finally finishes for her current customer.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    an experiment
    Hi wondergrl5, I pretty much only go to cheap dives, but from what I've heard from dancers from up North this is the pits for dancers here in Miami. Maybe Tootsies is different.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dumber than dumber. A true story.
    Years ago I tutored the child next door in math. His parents don't have any patience and the child was definitely slow. Worse, he knew he was slow making him want to give up all together. At the same time he desperately wanted to be competitive with his classmates who had NO problems with simple math. OUCH!!!----That child was super slow!!! :( I didn't give up or get impatient and told him it would just take hours and hours and hours of hard work, but hard work will yield positive results guaranteed!!! :) He asks what is guaranteed? I say it means you are going to be good in math; very good! I got him to believe and he kept working very hard and finally BOOM like the lights went on somewhere he understood math and could even do almost all of it in his head. I was teaching him to solve the problem first in his head and then try and work out the steps the teacher wanted to see. He says to me this is too easy; I'm not going to need your help anymore. :) That was wonderful to hear. :)
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dumber than dumber. A true story.
    This reminds of this young adorable new dancer. She did everything right and was a very pleasing conversationalist. I bought 12 dances and attempted to give her $60 ($5 X 12 dances) and she says NO, you gave me an extra $20. I said how many dances do you think you gave me? She starts counting on her fingers and proudly says 12! :) I say EXACTLY! She says the dances are $5 so the total is $40 and she knows because at the end of each song she just adds $5 and the last song made it $40. I started to show her using my fingers :) and she says she really doesn't like math and just wants $40. I thank her and tell her she needs to work on her math cause it is going to cost her a lot of $$$$$$$$!!! She shakes her head and thanks me. She goes and tells another dancer what happened and learned that $5 X 12 = $60. Next time, I bought $80 worth of dances ($5 X 16 dances) and I hate to say it, but I was hoping her math skills were still off by $20. Not a chance! She says 16 dances at $5 a dance is $80. I quizzed her on few other similar math problems and she was quick!!! I commented on her super improved math and she says Yes, losing $20 got her real interested in learning math and it was EASY to learn. She was still sweet as ever and even thanked me for telling her how not knowing math was going to cost her $$$$$$$$!!! Sometimes people just need a real incentive to learn.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Sweet Advice Received From Strippers . . .
    Oh, her advice to me: "Love is the most important thing in the world." Sorry, but I think that is your hormones talking or your mom's brainwashing. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Sweet Advice Received From Strippers . . .
    One of my favorites couldn't read. I didn't realize that until I bought her some books that would help her reach her goals. She started crying (she thought the books were bad?) and took off. I'm thinking women are CRAZY. :) I offered to teach her, but she said that I was the last person on Earth she wanted that from. She had extremely low self-esteem and claimed that working as a dancer actually made her feel better. She didn't have any idea how hot she was to certain men and it surprised her that men were willing to pay for her. She had a crude homemade tattoo on one of her beautiful titties with the word LOVE. Her interest in money was pretty much zero. Surprisingly, she did have intelligence and was capable of learning. Don't know what the trouble with reading was besides not attending school--too dangerous. That was one very sweet dancer, but way too nice for her own good.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    To much sex in the champange room??
    "I only get pissed because sex is expected now and when Ive said no they attempted to take it by force." Baby Doll got burned with a cigarette by an angry customer that thought sex was part of the VIP deal. I was surprised because she was always clear with me that she wouldn't do it in the club and it needed to be in a motel/hotel. She told me the problem was the customer's English was very poor and he just didn't understand that not all dancers do sex in the VIP.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    To much sex in the champange room??
    "ok cool solicite and get it raided." Here in Miami, it doesn't make a bit of difference whether the dancers are "clean" or "dirty." Besides, if it weren't for all the "dirty" dancers of years past, then dollars to doughnuts there would be NO contact allowed in the clubs. As is given the vague definition of "prostitution" here in the State of Florida the lap dances could already be seen as "prostitution." In fact, Gambling dancer got burned on the that BS some years back---she was a "clean" dancer in the club. By "clean" dancer I mean standard lap dances---definitely she didn't do FS or BJs or even HJs *in the club*. You think the police cared? :) Please. They care about extorting money from the club. You think the judge cared that she was a "clean" dancer? Again, please. The judge cared about extorting $$$ like a good government master. So, the club increased its payments and surprise from God Almighty, NO more raids until the next inflationary increase. :) Instead of thanking veterans who are busy fighting this government war and that government war, for what little freedom there is thank criminals like Al Capone and homosexual sodomists and "dirty" strippers and back alley abortionists (I don't like abortion, btw) and "pornographers" like Playboy and etc. It is funny how twisted things have become where government soldiers were seen as the bane of liberty that needed to be confronted by an armed citizenry to allegedly being the force "fighting for our freedoms." :( Those government soldiers sure as hell aren't gonna be lifting a finger in defense of my freedoms because then they'd be labelled "terrorists." You know like the U.S. government labelled freedom fighter Mandela a "terrorist." The fight for freedom is brave people standing up saying BS to this stinking government law and that stinking government law.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    To much sex in the champange room??
    "But why must it be a requirement to solicit AT the club?" Freedom of speech? Conserves gasoline? Protects the environment? Helps establish community standards? Security? . . . IOWs, reasons to numerous to mention and applicable on a case by case basis.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    80-year-old Vegas stripper still does it 'classy' (Has anyone ever seen her?)
    I think the Whales at Angels would love it if dance prices were calculated per LB. These Whales are already in high demand so might as well get more $$$ for all the extra blubber they're toting. And, it gives 'em even more of an incentive to eat right! :) Yes, a couple extra barrels of Kentucky Fried Chicken is extremely expensive, but with each exta LB generating more $$$ the dancer can just look at it as an investment in her profession. :) Maybe, she can even get a tax deduction for the cost of the extra fatty food consumed . . .