Comments by jablake (page 60)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    On the positive side, I think strippers are the best place by far to spend $$$ whether the affection is real or not. You may be helping a future physician to pay off student loans and other nefarious forms of enslavement. Or, your $$$ may help the loser boyfriend buy a new shotgun to help assist in securing our liberties. The money may even go for self-medication or recreational altered state adventure or spiritual enlightenment ala Dr. Leary. Perhaps the money will go for educational T-Shirts with uplifting messages like these melons are softer than Charmin----squeeze for yourself. Or, maybe just a new pair of stripper slippers (slippers are sexier than high heels). :) I think my new will, will leave all my wordly assets to strippers!!! Oops, my will already does that. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How i know I have spent too much time at the SC
    Sounds perfectly normal. I know that all the hot babes I see are strippers or at the very least would love to give me a $5 lap dance. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in total rage mode now. Just seething unleashed hellfire of fury. The cheap ass hoes that I know never send me flowers via FEDEX or even by the stinking USPS. :( Next time a bitch starts the BS about caring about me, dang sure I'll give it to her with both barrels as to why didn't I get flowers via FEDEX like shadowcat. :( Women: Totally thoughtless and self-absorbed and $$$ loving. Yes, I appreciate chocolate cake and ice cream and dances on my B-day, but where the HELL are MY FLOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Whale of a Dancer Gets My Phone Number :( . . .
    I wondering if these black men aren't just being prudent while in the shooting galleries like Angels, Coco's, and RolLexx. If gun fire erupts, then having a couple 300 pounders in front of you would I think offer some nice bullet insurance. Of course, I'm not a firearm expert so perhaps the extra blubber of the big women doesn't offer any real stopping power against most bullets that one might expect to encounter while in a stripclub. I will state these WHALES OF WOMANHOOD (WOW) seem supremely sure of their sexiness. And, the black men seem in total support . . . perhaps out of fear??? Either of getting squashed or shot or missing a sale! ;) (Remember: cheaper by the pound.)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    "I have a whole lot more stories of what I call real affection. You guys that have met me in person, know that I am real." Hmmm . . . I wonder if the guys who have met shadowcat in person can attest to this *real affection*. It may exist. I think those who've seen it in person---excluding shadowcat---might have a clue to if there is more than just $$$ signs in the strippers' eyes. OK, those of you who've met shadowcat in person: Is he just fooling himself? Please be honest, pro or con. It might save him a world of hurt if these dancers are taking shadowcat's $$$ and pretending to care about him. IMHO, he should just be happy these dancers are doing such a wonderful job regardless of their real feelings.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    "A stripper living in SC gave me her parents phone number in VA. I actually talked to her father. Why?" She wants to marry you so that she can ROB you blind. Smart move introducing you to her parents assuming they play along for a cut of the money train. It is so simple----strippers are only allowed to care about $$$. It is in the official rule book.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    In this sense I find the argument about it being ALL about the $$$ completely absurd: My buddy was a tall, well built, violent thug, who basically saw his hot sweet girlfriend as an ATM. She charged a pretty penny, imo, for her services. She claims (and it is easy to believe) that more than a few rich old super sweet customers wanted to marry her and show her how a women of her beauty should be treated. A DUH, she wasn't interested. Yes, she was a stripper/prostitute and the conventional thinking is that *she* is all about the money. Actually, *she* was a romantic who was all about LOVE. She got hooked up with a violent thug from a very bad neighborhood. He didn't give a sh*t about her except for the $$$ she could bring him. He didn't believe in LOVE and saw it as dirty. I happen to believe that he was correct in general. This BS about marriage and all of the garbage that goes with that please just flush the nastiness down the drain. It is basically a fraud by government for the benefit of government actors. So the thug has this extremely hostile view of marriage. He just sees it as a $$$ scams and so in his relatively tiny brain he connects the dots and decides if marriage is just a scam, then LOVE *must* also be a scam. Well, Mr. Violent Thug puts 2 and 2 together and decides he should profit from this scam known as LOVE. Given the environment he was raised in his empathy consisted of shoot or crush the other person before they do even worse to you. Might is Right. Etc. Etc. Etc. Bottom line is his sweet girlfriend who worked as a stripper/prostitute was stupidly, imo, doing so out of LOVE and belief in the "equality" garbage. The money she spent on herself or that he spent on her was pretty much ZERO. Unless, you include costumes and makeup and other costs to make her attractive so she can bring home the bacon. One could argue that she is the exception. I don't know about that: It seems like there are a lot of strippers with loser boyfriends who drain $$$ from them non-stop. Also, strippers too often forego the real money a wealthy old man in love can shower upon them. Yeah, could be ignorance. IMO, they just don't value money nearly as much as drugs, love, music, dancing, clothes, gambling, partying, etc. etc. etc.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    You just don't care for the answer: It is good business. BTW, just because it is good business doesn't mean that is the reason. Some dancers have relatively little interest in doing good business or making money. They're often druggies or perhaps worse "love junkies." Why do hang out with the loser who abuses you? O, it is true LOVE. These girls are serious: LOVE rules for them. Then you get the squares who only see $$$ signs and wrongly assume all dancers have their same $$$ mindset. :( Money grubbing generally is a turnoff for many dancers----they're better off and happier with their "loser" boyfriend. You know, the one that doesn't see everything thru the lense of $$$ signs. The irresponsible one who can't even properly take care of himself.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    Hi shadowcat, I'm not bashing, but I think those that disagree with you have very real points. From what you've related, it just doesn't seem like you've spent enough time with the dancers for it to be anything other than their thinking of you as a nice good customer. Once a month visits seem like NOTHING. Try and remember some of these dancers can not only change their feelings FAST, but some are extremely cold blooded. Cold blooded is only a negative if you want real, btw.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    "Tell all the strippers you are flat broke and can never afford to spend any more money on them again. And see what happens." Probably they'd want to *waste* their time hanging out with you when it isn't busy or far worse when it is busy. :( I'm speaking of experience with dancers at the very bottom of the income scale. Real low life clubs; the lower the better. Tootsies, imo, is exactly what a club shouldn't be---if, I had money then I might feel differently. Who wants to steal a dancer's time when the club is busy? I'll tell you it is a very bad feeling. :( It is a bad feeling even when you know that she is a "lazy" dancer. You feel bad because you think that if you weren't there she might stop "wasting" time and start trying to make some money. Often that isn't the case, btw. She'd loaf if you are there or not, but it still feels very depressing. You have to almost be a cheerleader! :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    Oops. The tongue action and FREE will NOT work, if the dancer thinks you are financially successful. So, just pretend to have financial problems e.g. drive a junk car. Please forget the expensive clothing. Calloused hands are a very nice touch if you are willing to play details. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    "jablake: You do have some good ideas from time to time, but you are way too WEIRD on average for me to believe you are scoring any strippers without paying." I hang out at dives----I don't think these are the same women as you'll find at Tootsies for the most part. And, for goodness sakes the Mons ain't a dive. That is way upscale--$30? dances. I'm talking hardcore clubs that are cheap i.e. $5 lap dances. I doubt that I would have much appeal or success at an average or upscale club---but, then I wouldn't have the funds to find out. The dancers love losers right? I'm a big loser financially so why wouldn't they love me? :) I'm exactly---except for age and looks---what a dancer is looking for. I spent most of my early life surrounded my that culture. Also, I got to spend time among the elite. :) Yes, doesn't seem too probable. Not a happy situation going back and forth from skid row to extreme wealth. I guess it is sorta like the maid's kids who get to live it up while their mom works in the big house, but come sun down it is back to the ghetto. That wasn't my situation, but it would have been preferable. Anyway, I'm not scoring strippers without paying. That, imo, would be completely bonkers. I've known strippers for years and years and because we are engage in role playing over a very long period of time some dancers either get confused or pretend to get confused. The bottom line is the stripper stops selling and demands a "real" relationship. Real relationships, imo, are disgusting----that is what I see, over and over again. Just pay the money for a *pretend* girlfriend. I'd be turned off completely by what you seem to want, which is just sex. I need the fraud/game/acting, whatever you want to call it. Play that game and see if some strippers don't want to give it FREE and refuse to sell. :( Also, if you want FREE, then try the tongue action and FREE should be 100% guaranteed unless somehow you are very unskilled and or don't put in the time----20 minutes at least of just lapping it up. I wouldn't do that (I'd like to, btw)---these are working girls and I'm way too afraid of disease. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Saving strippers
    Hi arbeeguy, Glad you like my writing. :) It seems like it is either hit or miss with people either appreciating it or deprecating it. I have very little formal education and a fair portion of that was created either for my benefit and or the schools' benefit. The few English teachers that I've had didn't like my writing even an iota. At least 2 asked me if English was my second language; what they were trying to teach seemed very difficult to me. Later in life, I did write motions, briefs, contracts, reports, and plans. A Mr. Don Landry, a friend of mine, offered me a very lucrative opportunity to write a novel based on my political beliefs----at the time I appreciated the very generous offer of upfront $$$ greatly, but it was just too depressing to write regardless of compensation. And, I also realized my writing was very unstable based on praise and complaints from employers. He was funny in that because I was broke he said that I had NO choice. Coming from him that seemed weird in that he knew me fairly well, but not well enough apparently. He was a very good man. Said he was even willing to pay me for garbage---just write anything! :) I just didn't want to work, especially at something that would engage my mind strenuously. I'll always appreciate his strong vote of confidence. Writing what he wanted might have driven me off the edge or I may have been afraid for no good reason.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Whale of a Dancer Gets My Phone Number :( . . .
    I posted before about my barber (he's Haitian) wanting me to see his favorite dancer at The Trap. I shake my head NO!!! I was picturing A BALL OF BLUBBER. :( My barber says in fairly good English you NO understand, I'm like a white man! The man is very black, btw, so I give him the look. He says he doesn't like fat and likes the small girls that the whites favor. Yes, I do now want to see his favorite because at that time it was nothing, but 300 pounders stampeding around like they were looking for grub or leftovers. Never did get see his favorite. :( I did just a few days ago get to meet his girlfriend. WOW, Heaven on Earth. :) She just took my breath away she was so beautiful. He laughs and says to me, I told you I was like a white man. The other Haitian barbers couldn't believe that I found her attractive. They complained she wasn't big----yep, they drool over 300 pounders. Anyway, the other Haitian barbers were laughing at me and my barber for having NO taste in women. I will say my Haitian barber is a true stud. I can't believe the way his girlfriend looked. I asked him why in hell are you in stripclubs with a woman like that who is crazy in love with you. He says he can never get enough hot women, but needs a minimum of 2. He felt depressed he only had 1. I said my goodness you can't even afford 1! He says they can pay the bills. :) A truly liberated man.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    This high priced prostitute/stripper: She also has the deranged idea the sex *should* be FREE. :) That is especially amusing coming from her because she believes even FREE pussy isn't free and that paid pussy is a bargain. Even when a woman just spreads her legs and welcomes all comers that wouldn't by her be seen as truly free. What she means by FREE is that the woman does it because she likes you for you. Sounds damn expensive to me; the strippers are looking like a steal. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    I was talking with a very close friend's stripper/prostitute girlfriend----high priced. She *knows* that *all* prostitutes feel like X, Y, Z because that is how she and her friends in the same line of work feel. (She considers it just a job. She likes/truly cares about some customers and dislikes others. Sex is basically ho hum despite any "exciting" performance by her and it is impossible to get any sexual feeling with a customer. A man pays and that kills all desire.) I was telling her about cheap hookers/strippers that will get soaking wet and get a racing heart and etc. She being a know-it-all on the subject of hookers since she is a hooker says that I'm full of shit or easily fooled; a total john. Her pimp boyfriend corrects her: She is stunned. The look on her stunned face was priceless. :) Her next response is that she would like to pay for a woman who can get soaking wet and get a racing heart and etc. She wants to feel passion like that and wants to know why these cheap hookers can't be transported to a higher pay locale. :) The real person behind the stripper/hooker happened to be a very sweet person. But, when I first met her she came off like she was a clone from the pink site (this is way before there was a pink site; pre-internet). :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    Some strippers (unfortunately, imo, not enough) are extraordinary actresses. They live and breath acting. It may seem 100% like real affection because it is not about the money, but just because it ain't about the money doesn't mean its real. Also, even if it's real the next day you may find a knife in your back (as DickJohnson pointed out).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    It's funny a friend of mine HATES lawyers with a passion and yet they saved his ass big time for an amount he considered to be play money i.e. a joke. The amount was a little over $20,000 and he told me at the time $100,000 would have been cheap. And, for him it was nothing. He was arrested on a gun charges and was facing heavy duty prison time. Lawyers saved the day. The Second Amendment especially at that time (and even now---for the most part) was a total joke. He has a right to bear arms? I hadn't met any high priced lawyers who viewed the Second Amendment in that light and his lawyers sure as hell weren't going to risk the wrath of a judge with such a "stupid" argument. Bottom line, the lawyers did their job quickly and for his budget extremely cheaply. It makes no sense that he HATES lawyers; at least the way he has explained it to me. He was happy with the price and happy with the end result. I guess he wanted to yap about the Second Amendment? He LOVES the police----he seems to forget the police are ones who arrested him. :) Maybe he thinks the police were right and the lawyers were wrong? Instead of supporting his family and a small business perhaps he feels a government prison cell is where he actually belongs? He HATES strippers, but loves to buy their services. I guess somehow it makes sense? Someone does good and that equals HATE and someone does bad that equals LOVE? I would say his IQ is just a little over a 100, FWTW.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    "Comparing strippers to lawyers is horribly insulting to the strippers." Well, I did say it was "much cleaner." :) If I had a daughter would I want her to be a high paid lawyer or a high paid stripper? I'd definitely be leaning toward the sex work especially if that was what she was into. Good lawyers? Sure. But, the system is total filth. A good lawyer is like a bar of soap in a septic tank; or a drop of water in the desert.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    My bookstore employee's mom was a hardcore hooker. Yes, she liked sex with clients assuming they were any good. Yes, she wanted her daughter (my employee) to be a hooker and thought the daughter was stupid not to let the dollars roll in with fun and easy sex work. The employee was HOT and had a super strong sex drive (like her mom). Anyway, the employee thought hooking was EVIL because it took advantage of men and besides it made NO sense. Why charge a man when he is giving you pleasure or at least trying to??? Sex should be FREE. I don't know where she got the nutty idea sex should be FREE, but it was firmly planted in her mind. Did employee have a problem having sex with OLD and FAT men? Nope, not a problem in the least. She did have a problem with married men (she thought it was against the Bible) and with blacks (too huge and race mixing is against the Bible according to her).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    Stripping is like lawyering, but much cleaner. Happy now?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Saving strippers
    Even if they want to be "saved" it can be difficult. If all they understand is "ghetto" or "underworld" culture, then it can be a rude awakening into another culture. Friends and family can be pulling 'em back----intentionally or unintentionally. A little dog fighting anyone? :) A big toodoo about little, imo. (I dislike dog fighting, cock fighting, bull fighting, boxing, etc., btw.) One problem I have with this alleged "saving" business is usually the person doing the "saving" expects something in return. It is just another you wash my back and I'll wash your back barter; usually it is a barter that, imo, is bad for both parties.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    Well, I have ATFs that I've seen for YEARS and would love to see and do business with then for MORE YEARS. Normally, the relationship is business: Like with the dentist or lawyer. You may actually like your dentist and lawyer, and they may actually like you. Bottom line is it still primarily a business relationship. What if the dentist says that she is going to do all dental work for free? That is good news? I guess, if I'm dead broke and want to keep my teeth. What if the lawyer says he is going to do all legal work for free? Gee, if I'm dead broke and want to avoid a government prison, then thank goodness for the help. If the stripper that I've known for YEARS demands to provide all sexual services for FREE, then is that good news??? Really, those who want free must be very different than me. I LOVE cheap; that's what my budget allows. It would be even better if I could be generous with everyone who does a good job or at least tries their best. I think it is absolutely 100% insane to want or be happy about absolutely FREE service from a sex worker. You might as well just go on the dating market if that is the garbage you are interested in! And, yes "free" from a regular woman is also garbage, imo. So far, Gambling dancer has kept her word. She still isn't accepting money----hint, hint, hint, this is bad news. She is a sex worker and surprise surprise surpise---I would like to buy what she has been willing to sell for YEARS. Those who think this is something good or should be strived for need to be hit upside the head with a mackeral (sp?)! (No, I will NOT accept "free" from her. BTW, a "freebie" now and then isn't truly free, but rather just good business. She wants to throw in a few freebies and that is fine and dandy.)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the affection real or stripper shit?
    "And then look at the kinds of guys they ARE attracted to. Then, you'll see, if they really were attracted to you, it would mean there was something wrong with you." YES Sirey Bob, deys attracted to me----BIG TIME. :) And, if those that aren't attracted often ooze real affection or real hate; not enough actresses! Yes, generally if the stripper is attracted to you then something is "wrong" with you----at least that is the case with the strippers I've known.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Saving strippers
    I "saved" a druggie roofer some years ago. This filthy homeless bum overhears me talking about a roof repair at Burger King and how the work is a little too much for me; I couldn't take the heat. I couldn't believe it when this bum asks for a job?!? I look at him up and down and this poor soul looks like he belongs in a hospital. He is wearing mud encrusted rags and appears to be starving. :( I shake my head and say that I'll buy him a Whopper and fries, but I've got enough problems with the damn roof and don't need more! He says Mister, you don't understand, I need a job and I'm a hard worker and I know roofing. I look at him and say Do you want the free meal I offered or not? He says I don't want charity. His stomach sounds hungry or maybe I was imagining it. I say fine and continue to eat my burger. He again asks for the job?! I say look, you don't want the free meal I've offered you so we don't have any further business. Besides it looks like you need medical care immediately. He says just a little food and he'll be fine. SHEESH!!! I get up and buy him the food over his protests and say how can you do the work if you're starving? He accepts the food and then wants my address. I laugh and give it to him because I don't think he has the mental capacity to find the address even if it was a block away. What a shock. He shows up all cleaned up and ready to work. I can't believe it. I still don't think he knows anything about roofing and he still looks sick although a hell of a lot better now that he'd eaten and cleaned up. I gave him a real low ball absurd offer with the promise I wouldn't pay a dime if I was unhappy in the least. He was grateful and said he would do the best job because I had faith in him?! Whatever. It soon became apparent he was 1) a hard worker and 2) was very skilled. After about a week of hard work--he basically rebuilt the roof. I gave him the absurd sum that I'd promised. To my surprise he was happy and thanked me?! He starts to walk away and I call him back. I give him an extra $150 bonus and tell him that I hope he spends it wisely. He starts to cry, but man's up quick and says he won't forget. Two years later there is a knock at the door. I don't care for knocks at the door so I get my firearm and commence to see who the hell it is. I don't recognize him and feel like just blasting away if he gets dangerous. He greets me with the statement: nice gun. :) He then notices my rage and says you don't remember me? I say NO!!! And, what da hell is your business and then get moving along the faster the better. He says I'm Vaden! with a big smile. My God thou art in Heaven. It was Vaden, but he looked normal and healthy and it was almost impossible to believe it was the same man---starving filthy homeless druggie roofer. I give him a quick pop quizz just to make sure. Sure enough Vaden wasn't as dumb as I thought. He passed 100%. He just wanted to thank me. :) He claimed the extra bonus got him settled on the right track and that he would have died without that extra money. Thanks to me, he had a woman a home a job a etc. If I'd known the bonus would turn him around, then I'd have given it to him without any work or other demands. One of the few bright spots in my life. :) The story doesn't end, however. He comes to visit again about 2 years after his last visit. He needs work. I say not from me, you don't! Then he explains why he is bothering me. He shot himself in the hand (or someone shot him, imo). It looked NASTY once he unwrapped the filthy bandage--I insisted on seeing the wound----I don't trust people. I told him, forget about work you NEED medical care NOW!!! He doesn't want to go to the hospital and he just wants work. I say get work from someone else. He says no one will hire him with the injury. I say damn straight, you can't work with the hand like that! I can't even believe you're walking or standing let alone talking nonsense about work. Against my better judgment, I tell him to hang on. I give him $200 and say that is the end of the line. I want him to get bed rest and clean the dang wound before you lose your hand or arm. He promises to clean it, if I insist. I insist and tell him how---and clean wrappings. I wished him the best and thought that was that. He showed up for work the next morning. :( He wanted to prove he could work and needed to work. Damn, even with a bullet hole in the hand he worked hard and did excellent work. He thanked me for saving him again. I told him that I didn't save him. He saved himself. He says NO, no one else just hands out extra cash or even will hire an injured person. :( I never saw Vaden again. He seemed like a very good guy. Said, he got hooked on drugs immediately and then had lost everything very quick until he met me at Burger King. YES, I believe strippers can be "saved" also. Usually, not by a square, imho.