Comments by jablake (page 56)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Should Married Men Who Have Paid Sex with Strippers Inform Their Wives?
    Depends on the relationship. For example, if the man is an Alpha male, then the answer would generally be HELL NO. She married a seed spreader and thus there is implied knowledge. A neighbor is a seed spreader and because he is so hyper sexually his wife always thinks he is cheating (he is) and he always denies it. Her IQ would have to be single digit not to know her husband is screwing everything in sight---he is a male, that's his mission.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Hard Bodies vs. Experienced
    Or, maybe Dudester is one of those seemingly rare people afflicted by confelicity.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Number one reason that strippers get kicked out of clubs?
    "1. Drig 3 thumbs up Heroine [sic] induced viagra that must be injected through the scrotum. Highly addictive." *** *** Heroin is a substitute for viagra? Neat. And, LEO did a "drig sweep"? Way bad. Sounds like discrimination against persons, impotent or suffering from erectile dysfunction especially, who drig or have drig supplies. Wow, TUSCL can be educational. ;)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Tall v. Tiny . . .
    Hi snowtime, Yes, seems like you got it with both barrels and a little more. At least I had a SUPER HOTTIE save the day. :) I appreciate the truth from a woman e.g. you're too short, too old (Royalty told me that I was too old for her. :) ), too fat. So far it seems like only a small minority of strippers want to hear the real reason after they ask for it. I'm tempted to say that I'm broke, but that has backfired. The best excuse seems to be that X dancer is on her way back. Of course, I've only used that when it was true or plausible. Another excuse is the that I'm waiting for X dancer, but that often brings more questions. One young dancer appeared very upset by my honest answer i.e. she wasn't my type. As she was getting more upset, I asked her if I was her type? She saw a chance to get even and protect her self-esteem. She shook her head and said No, and confidently walked away. Of course, she could have been part of the super majority that loves to state that *looks are irrelevant*, fortunately she wasn't.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Can a teenager join TUSCL?
    Yes, it seems plausible that a teenager of normal intelligence and access to the proper equipment as well as internet access could join TUSCL. IMHO, TUSCL should follow Big Tobacco's model and nab as young as possible. But, those perv ads need to show more and better uncovered titties or the teenager might start searching youtube for Janet Jackson's tit shot that was seen across the country and villified in the U.S. Congress. Wouldn't want teengagers equating uncovered breasts with the NFL.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How bad is the economy is your area?
    Houston should be BOOMING!!! High oil prices should equal "help wanted" signs in that area of the country.
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    16 years ago
    Actually, I wasn't a kid. I just acted like one and hope to stay the course. :)
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    16 years ago
    When I was a kid, I knew a kid who worked and saved to buy a new motorcycle. He was having difficulty deciding between high quality and a gnarly Harley, but was leaning toward Japan for his riding pleasure. His father a bad ass medical doctor and prominent surgeon had the ANSWER! He just showed his son some photos of bikers that he'd sewed-up noting their missing genitalia. Kid decides to take his hard earned savings and become a slum lord. :) The rest is history with the kid being too good and filthy rich for his old pal jablake. His brain is so twisted by his millions and millions that he insists that *I* wanted him to buy a bike; Nope, I thought that should could to a worthwile cause like hookers and or strippers. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How bad is the economy is your area?
    I know when relatives visit from Europe they have a ball buying things up to take home because the dollar is so cheap to them. Of course, they don't care for visiting America---too much blubber for one thing among many. But, if the price is right and if they remember that their purchasing power is muscular a visit would seem to be an excellent deal. Besides looking down their long noses at Americans must have some real value. It seems like America should be flooded with "wealthy" tourists from Europe and Japan and even South America. Here in Miami, I haven't seen any evidence that foreigners with money have any interest in taking advantage of the weak dollar. Perhaps President Bush who extols all the wonderful benefits of a cheap dollar could work harder at making it more like the Mexican Peso. We need those tourists and if slashing the value of the dollar by 95% is what it takes so be it; can never have enough inflation as President Bush knows.
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    16 years ago
    North Iowa
    The beginning of the end of nude dancing in Iowa?
    "OK, everybody out of the pool, it's burka time!!" Not so fast, it burkini to the rescue! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How bad is the economy is your area?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    "Did you miss me?"
    If it is true, then I'll enthusiastically (sp?) admit it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Iowa
    The beginning of the end of nude dancing in Iowa?
    Adults looking at a nude 17 year old? Sounds like the end of the world or at least a good reason for the government to build even more prisons. The poor 17 year old may never recover from the emotional trauma of reliving the horror again and again and again. Usually child victims of this sort never fully recover. Damned pedophiles.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I did it now hit me
    "Both risk and reward are higher for unpaid relationships. So the question becomes: Are you feeling lucky?" Unpaid Relationships seem like playing Russian Roulette with five chambered rounds in a six cylinder revolver. Paid Relationships seem less insane and hence, imo, higher reward. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I know its a pipe dream but if you could
    I just think yummy yummy yummy every time I see her either kicking ass or looking adorable. Plus, imho, she has the worst taste in men so I should be on her A list as least as far as TV series. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I know its a pipe dream but if you could
    I think it is Jessica Alba. I'm very poor at knowing about actors or actresses. I just think yummy yummy yummy every time I see her either kicking ass or looking adorable. Plus, imho, she was the worst taste in men so I should be on her A list as least as far as TV series. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I know its a pipe dream but if you could
    Penny in Lost in Space was looking hot in the movie. Pictures that I seen of her on the internet she is just ok. I guess the star of Dark Angel has to be my choice. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hi ozymandias, Unfortunately, I've never read Cormac's books. Probably the biggest void, however, is "fine literature." I always searched for the down and dirty before picking up anything else. I had, they sold quick and weren't easily replaceable, a mountain of old he-man "romance" novels and reading those was just like machine gun fire. :) Bonhomie is a real classy piece of prose for this here philistine. I thought I knew its meaning based on its *look* and I did, but still ran to the good old dictionaries: Thank you. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I did it now hit me
    "But my main point is don't use a pay-for-play sex buddy deal as a substitute for a relationship. Unless you are a truly and utterly heartless bastard, you will always end up unhappy." YIKES!!! :) Real relationships end in disaster too. In fact, that seems like it is written in granite. Is there pain when a pay-for-play dancer kicks me to the curb, directly or indirectly? Yes, if it was a long term arrangement. I miss Gambling dancer and it hurts, but compared to FREE the pain isn't bad at all. It is like night and day, which is one reason a customer, imo, must demand that the relationship be PAID! No free lunches, but a free drink here and there for good behaviour. Fantasy, imo, is much better than a real relationship where a woman will rip your heart out, steal all your money, and drag you thru the corrupt courts (the corrupt courts normally assume you were dumb enough to agree to a government licensed marriage, but there is "palimony" to make sure smarties suffer, too). Just using the stripper as a hole or hand seems kind of boring, imo. I need the powerful emotions of the GFE, but realize it is PAID for; screw the FREE lunch.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    "oh yeah still no sale" You were doing beautifully with abusive baby daddy and all and then POOF you blew it. The "no sale" sounds like your just an ordinary negative value American woman; the kind men are driven to stripclubs or foreign nations or even T-Males to escape. Yeah, T-Males may seem like a drastic step. But, heck it is just too tempting to some men who are desperate for a real live woman who wants to be a woman; and well if the real live woman happens to have a slab of salami between her legs, well nobody is 100% perfect. :) And, if Obama gives us freedom starved Americans the freedom of universal health care, then just a few snip snips to the old salami and presto: new and improved woman. A YES vote for Obama is a NO vote for salami----VOTE OBAMA!!! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    Act dumb??? Strippers are supposed to be dumb AND easy AND mouthwatering. Oops, my bad. Yes, it is under the use powerful mindblowing drugs section so you can stand your dumb customers and help you act dumb. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    Ahem, you're a dancer. You have to be all about the money. It's clearly spelled out on page 11 of the ethics rulebook. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    "Free speech for those with a penis got it" Those are the types of ladies I LOVE to buy dances from; assuming they're also super hot. :)
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    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    "So, are we going on board supporting cyber-bullying and cyber-threats now?" Sounds like it builds character and increases synaptic activity e.g. grows the mind, as well as increases the caloric burn rate. IOWS, . . . FFFING HELL YES!!! Unless, jablake is the poster 'cause his brain is already growed to WHALE size. ;)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    That's a male perogative. Females need to be more circumspect. ;)