Comments by jablake (page 57)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    Absolutely no one word "sorry" posts. Besides being ultra laconic it just sends me into a conniption!!! ;)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    Absolutely no one word "sorry" posts. Besides being ulta laconic it just sends me into a conniption!!! ;)
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    16 years ago
    Married Latina Afternoon Fun . . . SS?
    He told her that ideally he wanted to see her more times per week at a lower cost and shorter sessions. Right from the beginning she let him know that she it was a minimum of one hour and $250; also, each additional hour was $250. The good thing was that time and price were agreed to upfront so if he wanted more than hour he was supposed to let her know in advance. Turned out she wasn't a clock watcher, which is what his buddy told him. And, she wanted to do an excellent job. One thing she also told him was that if he didn't want to spend time with her then she might as well just be with her husband (who would only do quickies when he wasn't busy making more money) and thus there wasn't any point in seeing him. She also claimed they had more money than was reasonable to spend and she didn't need anymore money.
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    16 years ago
    Describing Breasts :)
    Good catch MisterGuy. :) A little wackier, I like the Ace bandage look of some of the dancers' girlfriends: Just deperate to see the beauty under all the wrapping.
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    16 years ago
    Ethnic groups as dancers
    When there were both a fair number low price black dancers and low price white dancers here in Miami, it was a stark contrast from what I could see. The white dancers were like me. I could identify with there ice cold values and nasty demeanors. Yeah, they could be sweet------an outsider would hardly recognize it for sweetness, however. Probably he'd just see a cold nasty asshole where I'd be thinking what a sweet little lady. Also, the white dancers, low price ones, were different in that there were so few attractive ones. The black dancers came from some other planet. Just endless sizzling hot black dancers to choose from. Their niceness was unnerving to say the least; like they were on goodness pills or happy pills; seemed totally wacked out. And, those girls seemed to be extremely active wanting to dance or just move all over the place and fast. They loved noise and smiled and laughed easily. The ideal for me was to find a hot black dancer who was calmer and didn't mind quiet and perhaps a tad of unfriendliness or proness to violence. Peace and quiet was just so wonderful. You go to the black clubs and even if you are very well treated it is a real party atmosphere; felt like I got a heck of a workout just watching. Just way too lively compared to my desire to enjoy a more comatose state. Back at Angels you could enjoy dead, but the dang white girls look like they should be buried. :( If the white girls were attractive, then Angels would have been all world back then, as it was I still hung out there mainly.
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    16 years ago
    why strippers can be bad at business.
    I warned my next neighbors about this scam by the real estate investor. His fence was also encroaching on their property; again making his puny lot larger than it should have been. Neither the husband or wife would be capable of battling him in English so I asked if they had an attorney that would help them. Fortunately, they had an attorney who had treated them right in the past and they had a couple of his business cards. I warned them that even if the lawyer was a good man, the courts were nasty and corrupt almost always. And, even a simple case could generate HUGE attorney fees with years of litigation and perhaps they might want to give away more of their property and settle. They asked me where the property line should be----and they were just shaking their heads in disbelief when I showed them. I said it is easy to verify and the previous owner to the real estate investor was very aggressive in making a land grab; their lot was so puny they felt they had the right to take from the neighboring lots. Because of the sad shape of the courts it just wasn't worth a court fight. Sure enough dirtbag real estate investor attempts the same scam with them. Yapping that they owe him damages and that they are using his property. They did what I said which was refuse to argue. Just give him their attorney's business card and tell him lawsuits between neighbors are GOOD. Just keep repeating yourself that he should call the attorney and lawsuits between neighbors are GOOD. You can't offend the dirtbag so don't worry about his feelings. Just be very aware regardless of how strong a case your attorney says you have, you can lose BIG! I *assume* this dirtbag real estate investor's business tactics must have yielded some benefit from frightened property owners in the past. The smart ones knowing the courts are corruption city may have just settled. Heck, I'm sorta surprised the dirtbage didn't at least file suit and serve papers----or maybe he realized that the neighbors were aware of his scam and primed to fight a long costly battle. And, strippers are bad? LOL! Sorry, even the very worst strippers that I've met are Angels compared to these "advanced" business approaches. You get slapped with enough of this disgusting filth and if you have any fighting spirit at all you utilize the old fighting fire with fire morality e.g. the dancer fresh out prison with a chip on her shoulder.
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    16 years ago
    Identification . . .
    BTW, the closest that I got to Fried heaven after my chicken restaurant was closed was this clown who knew the perfect way of frying fish. You think the clown would share his secret? HELL NO!!! Garbage clown was just happy people loved his fried fish. So, once in a blue moon I'd get the taste of Fried heaven fish. Mouth-watering. Clown doesn't like to be eating fried food except on special occasions. Too bad he was a real tough hombre. Clown willing to do a little fried chicken? Nope, he doesn't like chicken. Couldn't even bribe him with his favorite beer. :(
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    16 years ago
    Identification . . .
    Well, I had a long-long-long-term girlfriend. And, of course the relationship had to end because of her yapping about a government licensed marriage, inter alia. As a compromised I offered a church marriage. She says but, you don't believe in God. I say I believe even less in the Government and besides you believe in God. She laughs and says what makes you think I believe in any such foolishness? I say, well you were pushing me to go to church and you go religiously every Sunday. She laughs again and says that she believes in social structure and the dumb dumbs need religion. Anyway, back to the point: Out of the thousands of women that I've had the good fortune of tasting NO woman came close to having that strong sugar taste she possessed in superabundance. She was physically addicting. For over seven years I felt the sting of losing her. :( Anyway, I think most people fit perfectly in the wise man's saying. I happen to loathe it. A zillion years ago there was a fried chicken place here in Miami that *owned* me. I couldn't get enough of their chicken. Praise the lord it was dirt cheap and every mouthful was savory Heaven. :) Many days that'd be my only meal and I was a very-very-very-happy camper---seemed like a cure for depression. Day after day after day, I could happily eat the exact same meal. Kentucky Fried Chicken? In desperation, I'll eat it from time to time; it ain't too good. Chicken Unlimited? Take it or leave. Church's? Leave it. Bojangle's? Yuck. Popeye's? Yuck. I've tried fried chicken everywhere that I've been. Homemade fried chicken---just pure desperation driving to get decent fried chicken and fries. It is like a fruitless search where I'm being punished with poor quality fried chicken again and again and again. The government is of course is to blame for the loss of my blissful fried chicken diet. :( The main restaurant was located across the street from a local public school. The government engaged in a "holy war" against this restaurant and put 'em plumb outta business. :( Some day before dying, I dream of tasting that succulent fried chicken and those perfection fries----never gonna happen. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Game Over . . .
    Well, in choosing a "gem" consider Occam's Razor. ;) No, I ain'ts a proponent of such parsimony.
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    16 years ago
    Married Latina Afternoon Fun . . . SS?
    BTW, he doesn't need to protect *his* emotions. He is fine with falling in love with a hooker or other woman, but it has to be paid sex just so the woman keeps the proper perspective. He doesn't want his marriage threatened because that relationship is far more involved than being in love or having a good time or meeting his needs; there are other family members involved e.g. children. Family is very important; moreso than sex. However, even where family rules cutting your own balls off seems a little extreme. Try and keep the wife happy----maybe money is the ticket, maybe oral sex is the ticket, maybe conversation is the ticket---just keep the bitch happy *within reason* so she doesn't destroy the family. Within reason doesn't include going without fun enjoyable sex----that is sort of a death sentence.
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    16 years ago
    Married Latina Afternoon Fun . . . SS?
    Hi David9999, The love angle doesn't seem too plausible, imo, because "in love" happens after a single encounter of paid sex with an upscale prostitute??? Plus, she has other clients and he found her by referral from a friend of his. He isn't some sexy he-man and he knows his sex skills are just so-so to most women. He definitely got a heavy duty dose of likes for her. The reality is, and she may not realize it, is that no matter how fantastic his experience with her, he feels better physically with quick sex. He did the long time with her in part because he wanted to get her reaction. Was she going to try any bill him for extra hours or get a "tip" or use it as leverage for setting a new date, or etc. Besides she was fantastic and he wouldn't feel the "hang over" till the next day. And, he loved her NO pressure reaction after spending the day with him. Like he said more than once it seemed so genuine; so real; so wonderful. Anything is possible and I doubt the answer will ever be revealed. She just might consider quick sex insulting no matter who the client. You only want 5 minutes?! Look asshole, I'm a skilled prostitute and I want to show off my tricks and abilities for the full hour. Limp dick? Just a fun challenge, but NO reason to insult me by cutting the session short.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    Yes, you can help shed light. Was the OP offensive to you and if so, then why? IMHO, I didn't really understand the OP and just thought whatever, he isn't saying anything or if he is it sounds positive.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    I wish you had shed some light of the thread about you. Very surprised to hear you've been blocked. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Speaking of crazy stories and their veracity or lack thereof Gambling dancer is aware of some because she was there. She didn't believe the stories about FREE dances in the least, which I thought was beyond strange since she was pushing supposedly FREE dances on me and she knew Shy (an enemy of hers at Angels). I like Gambling dancer a lot, but sure as hell don't trust her, with money or without money. She is a skilled pro and I've seen it firsthand. Another thing she didn't believe was the strange stories involving the insane. Shockingly she didn't believe in insanity even a tiny bit. I guess if a person hasn't seen it repeatedly then it might be difficult to believe. It was a hell of shock to me that she just thought insanity was fakeness.
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    16 years ago
    Hi shadowcat, I've talking with a very depressed friend almost since I got back from Angels. Hours and hours and hours of depressing conversation. :( I've never seen my friend so depressed or needing to talk for hours. In fact, today I've spent many more hours talking. Perhaps my depressed state of mind----I'm depressed without other people's help just normally-----was a little in overdrive due to the hours of non-stop talk. Anyway, I didn't give my posts that much consideration and didn't think they were that serious; they could be out of line. Just typing away to release stress and people's feelings can be hurt over seemingly nothing. A perfect example is wondergrl5's breasts: I didn't see anything negative in any posts about her breasts. Other people or person did and I'm thinking since when is a stripper modest about having big breasts? As far as my tall tales, if someone told me the type of stories that I tell, then I wouldn't believe without solid proof. So, I don't expect you or anyone else to believe. Even little things like FREE dances shouldn't be believed without some type of verification because I don't think it is common in the least. I hoped some of the details that I provided might help others. I've hours and hours and hours in stripclubs talking with dancers and as such my experience is different than the customer who goes a couple of times a week. It is also very different than a customer who sees sex workers in a negative light------anything negative and I just think of real evil at the highest levels of society for a true wake up call. Wordiness? Well, I need to work on my typing skills and waste time. If I had more $$$, then I'd be at the stripclub. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Angels . . .
    This TALL dancer, must have been 6 and 1/2 feet at least, was all upset about my dollar tip. She complained haven't I gone to the grocery store or seen the gas prices or got the monthly rent bill, blah, blah, blah. I said I'm well aware the dollar is worthless and I'd love to spend more; a lot more. I'm hurting just like you girls and perhaps even worse. Now, the other dancers were still very sweet and understanding and appreciative. They know the dollar is worthless, but they also know *most* of their customers are hurting. I think even the drug lords are feeling the pinch. Not everyone works for the government or is a lord shadowcat. In my neighborhood people are losing their homes at an alarming rate and taxes are going thru the roof. I believe in MUCH HIGHER TAXES as well as MUCH MORE PRINTING OF NEW DOLLARS; then the stinking government can share a few crumbs after taking care of its endless wars. Dumbest thing I ever did was not get a government job when I was young. I always tell the youngsters get on the government tit and then you can brag about your "public service" while raking in $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'s. If I'd been smart and worked for the government, then I'd probably be able to spend like lord shadowcat----King shadowcat.
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    16 years ago
    Angels . . .
    It means its value keeps dropping.
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    16 years ago
    To repeat: You're really mesmerized by Kyle1111. :) I'm thinking this is another replay of David9999 where mountains of evidence are needed to address penis size? You know I think Ebay has pay for play verification services. There was never any need for Founder to ride to the rescue on a grand white stallion and slice and dice the disbelievers when "fairtade" or "squaredeal" or "honest-transaction" could for a few doves be utilized with devasting effect. :) (Not to mention too stentorianly that the only blood spilt would be some federal reserve notes.)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Hi shadowcat, Well, imo, it beats the hell of watching CNN. How can you stand it? Force me to watch that garbage for about 3 days and I'll repent or apologize or whatever it takes to stop being punished. Yep, I'm a wimp. :( You're really mesmerized by Kyle1111. :) I have even more unbelieveable tall tales that I haven't shared. These experiences are why when you speak of strippers having real affection for you I *can* believe it is possible. Based upon what you've posted, I have a lot more experience with strippers and stripclubs than you. Yes, it is very different in that it is just the cheap clubs so perhaps what I've seen and experienced just doesn't apply to you in the least. Let me attempt to refresh your memory yet again. Some months ago you posted some hateful rants about ALL strippers because you were supposedly were a sweet guy who basically got treated like dirt when you helped a stripper by giving her $1,000. At the time I was thinking what a dirtbag shadowcat is and he is really stupid when it comes to strippers in general. Well, my judgement was overly harsh and you may have been lashing out because it was painful when you understood that the stripper who you thought cared about you only cared about your MONEY. So the old memory switching on? The point is these other strippers may definitely care about you. I can believe that. I also believe it is more likely that they see you as just a sucker with MONEY. It would be nice if you were prepared for that when and if it hits because it can be horrible feeling as you undoubtably are aware from personal experience(s). If you learn that these current "affectionate" strippers just see you as a sucker that doesn't mean all strippers are like that. My best bet without knowing you or the strippers is that they don't even like you and it is just about the MONEY. I noticed none of your supposed legion of buddies who know you *in person* charged to your defense. They didn't pipe up and say shadowcat is a true sweetie who the strippers just adore. Now, if your buddies had piped up and supported your unlikely claim of being liked by these strippers, then it would seem like less of a tall tale. WAKE UP!!! Or, live the fantasy and don't get so hurt if an unpleasant reality slaps you in the face. From what I can gather your only real value is MONEY. :(
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    16 years ago
    Reminds me of Felicity. I'm a former bookstore owner and happen to have read thousands of books despite deranged customers who kept demanding that I work. I don't know how many times I needed to point out what should have been clear as day. HELLO, if I wanted to work then I wouldn't be the owner of a bookstore. Even the simplest concepts can elude some folks. Anyway, I digressed slightly. Getting back to Felicity she claimed to be reading 3 to 5 books a day. Yeah, she was SUPER BRIGHT. Still, that's a lot books. I put that bitch to the test. Dang, that little frilley filly was better read than me. So why the hell wasn't she shopping at my store when I owned it. She did, but just made sure I wasn't there. :) Why does this thread remind me of Felicity you may inquire? :) Simple, this is a dancer who could easily read big thick books like they were mere newspaper blurbs. I can just imagine how frustrated she'd be with my laconic posts. :) Yes, in my mind's eye I can see and hear her SCREAMING MORE WORDS, MORE WORDS, I NEED MORE WORDS. Even if I quickly typed the equivalent of a large romance novel per day it just wouldn't be enough for her greedy eyes and voracious brain. That was one hell of a woman. Book Guy, you want to tell me about replacements? I've met thousands of dancers and I never met anyone like her. And, her body. OH YES. And, her skill. WOW!!! And, conversation? She talked my ear off and except that I was afraid of the club closing before I could get my hands on her, I wanted a lot more talking out of that sweet brainiac. :) I never did get to sample her writings, but I'm sure it would greatly disappointment in that it would probably be too lovey dovey or too naive intellectual for me. I tried to get Gambling dancer to . . . temporarily interrupted. :(
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Number one reason that strippers get kicked out of clubs?
    Remember at one time the "experts" claimed cocaine wasn't addictive. I don't think I've ever heard a similar claim about heroin. I met a husband and wife who were serious heroin addicts; at least he was. The husband was an extremely interesting fellow. He must have been arrested over 100 times---it was just amazing. He considered it a big joke. I assumed he was working for the government as a snitch and besides with his addiction I doubt it took much to break him. Although they were both heavy users, the husband definitely was much more addicted than the wife. In fact, the wife could do without during hard times to support her husband. She considered herself an addict, but yet she didn't "have" to have it.
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    16 years ago
    Game Over . . .
    I use to go to local restaurant and was a regular until the government kept it closed for a little over 3 years. The owner shockingly remember me. :) Worse, she remember my name. :) If she offered me FREE meals, then should I think OH WONDERFUL I'm gonna be saving the $$$s? I would hope people on this board would scoff at the idea of taking the owner up on a generous offer like that. Now, free garlic rolls? We's rock'n baby. :) That is the type o free I'm into. BTW, the Canton in Coral Gables attempted to insist that all my meals should be FREE. :) I wouldn't expect anyone to believe that, but it is the truth. And, there was a very good reason for the generous offer. Did I accept? Of course, not. There is an old scam where people are offered something too good to be true and like morons they bite. Anyone know the name of the scam? It comes in a variety of forms and people actually do want something for nothing. Before someone claims that is what I seek e.g. FREE garlic rolls, etc., I just don't see that as being free in the least. It is just nice good business and it makes me feel good. :) I sure hell don't want meal after meal free---even a single free meal can be stressful unless there is an EXCELLENT reason i.e. a promotion, coupon, etc.
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    16 years ago
    Game Over . . .
    One other "problem" that I had with Baby Doll is that she told me that I'd never see her as a white girl (this was when she was still at Baby Dolls). I said why is that negative? She says because she wants to become a white girl and wants her friends to think she is a white girl. I tell her that she is perfect. She says yes, but you'll never see me as white. I tell her that is true, but she shouldn't see it as a negative. The way she dropped her head told me that wasn't good enough. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Game Over . . .
    Hi Bobbyl, That is an excellent suggestion. ;) Years back with Baby Doll, I'd been happily paying $5 per song and she would throw in freebies. Then I did her a small favor and the game changed radically----surprisingly for the better. Normally, I expect a favor to a stripper (or many people for that matter) to cause more demands and less appreciation. So as far as the new improved Baby Doll who I had previously considered perfect, things got even better. The management of the Baby Dolls stripclub got into a nasty public battle with its dancers and attempted to go white; killing the club. :( Anyway, Baby Doll went to work for a white club as I'd always been advising her----she could pass for white often. Anyway, the new price was $20. :( I couldn't afford it. She says well I've alwasy offered you FREE dances---- she did *after* I did the tiny favor she wanted to eliminate any money going from me to her. She explained that she wasn't getting to keep the money so she didn't really care. Her pimp would just have to learn to live with less----not smart thinking if she wanted to keep from getting beaten, but good. Now, this is where she was different. Normally, ime, when a dancer offers FREE it isn't a choice. She is telling you not only doesn't she want your money she will NOT accept it! When I explained that I needed to continue to pay, she said well I did try and I'll try again, but it is your loss. She also said she was very serious and wasn't joking about giving me all the FREE dances that I wanted and she didn't want money from me period. So, I think well what is the problem with just charging me $5 instead of $20? She says OH NO!!! She ain't going back to the measly $5. She wants white girl money. And, most customers consider her a white girl. She says you want FREE that is NO problem. You can have as many FREE dances as you want. The $5 days over forever! That ended our relationship. :( Then I ran into her at Club Diamonds and WOW, I couldn't believe how happy she was to see me with plenty of hugs and kisses. I even joked that her friends were watching and she wasn't acting like a white girl. She changes her behaviour radically and then breaks out laughing and says was that better? I say definitely. She says being white is real work, but she is a lot richer and a lot happier and would never be black again. I said what about your pimp? She says after she became a white girl she gained the strength to get rid of him--it wasn't easy, but she did it. She got fired that same night and I never saw her again. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    why strippers can be bad at business.
    When the local Burger King did its "little" improvement i.e. knocked down the old building and put up a brand new building, guess how long it took? :) Did it take over 3 years? Did it take 2 years? Did it take 1 year? Six months? :) Try 1 month. Now with Tootsies it was a long brutal process. I was talking with one of the contractors (long time customer of The Trap) and asked why the hell Tootsies wasn't making the payoffs? They couldn't be that stupid to just let the project sit for years playing stupid games. The contractor laughed and said from what he could see the people running the project for Tootsies were not only experienced, but very SHARP. He says these aren't dummies and they don't have a shortage of funds. And, they're more than aware that payoffs are required and having been making OVERSIZED payoffs. I'm shaking my heading. Yes, making the payoffs doesn't mean the inspectors will obey the law-------however, it is a damn good start in the right direction. So this is sorta neat. Burger King gets the approvals practically overnight and Tootsies gets put thru the meat grinder. The little business lady went thru more than a meat grinder----more like living hell. I think instead of a stripper being "bad at business" in the OP message it might be just a question doing whatever and seeing if the customer will obey. :) Probably too often the customer will obey the stripper because it is the lesser of evils. And, think how much more valuable an obedient customer may be to a stripper? And, the stripper may have been been exposed to "advanced" business practices in the real world. You know like the nasty investor neighbor. The corrupt courts. The endless corruption with just attempting to open a new business. When the stripper sees all of this why shouldn't she attempt to emulate it? Rip offs? Just being "good at business" like the greater community. Yes, the poor customer may be see it as "bad at business," but that don't make it so. :) Why should I treat customers right? I can be like other professionals and make even more money. So, I lose some repeat business. You think a crooked lawyer worries about that? You think the crooked real estate investor worries about that? Strippers just being Romans in Rome. :) Strippers are not an island unto themselves and the "side" issues I bring may help to understand some stripper thinking or reveal stripper thinking is just normal "screw whoever" thinking that become normal in the larger community. I think generally the strippers are too nice and too honest----even when their crooks and do endless lying. :) When in Rome do as the Romans . . .