
guess im not welcome

Avatar for wondergrl5

I tried to pm some people who decided to take cheap shots

and try to understand where your coming from but im blocked

I tried not to comment on that thread about me. Im utterly confused about why im so disliked here.

But i guess it doesnt even matter now.


last comment
Avatar for jablake

I wish you had shed some light of the thread about you. Very surprised to hear you've been blocked. :(

Avatar for CarolinaWanderer

If all of us listened to the bullcrap others sling on this board it would collapse overnight. I hope you don't leave, but I do recommend using the ignore button instead.

Just remember, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one but no one really wants to hear it.

Avatar for wondergrl5

cant shed lite on something someone else posts. Not a mindreader

by posting "huh?" I thoght my confusion was evident

Avatar for wondergrl5

btw I do work 3 jobs so when i finally got back to the board the whole thread snowballed

Avatar for jablake

Yes, you can help shed light. Was the OP offensive to you and if so, then why?

IMHO, I didn't really understand the OP and just thought whatever, he isn't saying anything or if he is it sounds positive.

Avatar for wondergrl5

Not going to say either way. Its been proven my personal feelings are irrelevant. You ask so you can scrutinize my reaction.

what sucks are the emails Ive received

Avatar for wondergrl5

Carolina-yes liberal use of the ignore button is now in effect

Avatar for shadowcat

The last time you PM'd me, I replied truthfully and apologized. You never did respond to my question as to whether or not I was in part responsible for your leaving the board. I have kept out of these two topics out of respect for you. I know who the original poster is and I suspect that you do to. He is not a malicious person.

Avatar for MisterGuy

This is fucked up...scat KNOWS that he & his buddies were responsible for running wondergrl off this board once before. It's the reason why I don't post in any of his stupid topics anymore. She was getting "too much" attention and taking the spotlight off of old scat, which is NOT allowed in his book. Quit being pussies and anonymously e-mailing nasty shit to people you miserable, old worms...

Avatar for shadowcat

MisterGuy: You do not know shit. There are only 3 people on here that really know what it is about. Me, Wondergirl and the guy that started the post about her boobs.

Avatar for AbbieNormal


Does anyone have any sense of proportion? OK, so maybe Wondergrl has a few posters who criticize her and send her nasty e-mails. She also has a few determined to protect her from any scurrilous rumor that any poster may have ever seen her breasts, and most of the board, me included, treat her like any other poster. Gee, some people flame her, others support her, most have no opinion outside the topic she posts on (those postss usually taking the form of "Hee Hee" or "LOL", but that is just my impression). That makes her pretty much like any other poster. It's an anonymous internet board for crissakes.

Now having pointed out the painfully obvious facts that 1) Everything posted here is unmoderated and anonymous, 2) Self appointed moderators are annoying, 3) Jock/panty sniffing is common, 4) Getting flamed is part of the game, let me add a final thought. Grow up people.

Let the flaming commence with the caveat that I feel no obligation whatsoever to either read, or respond to anything. That is the wonderful part of an anonymous unmoderated internet board.

Avatar for wondergrl5

no more hee hee and lol-check

Avatar for clubman2

but I like the "hee hee and lol". They add a bit if lightness or levity to what are sometimes heavy and/or sanctimonious crap.

Avatar for jablake

Absolutely no one word "sorry" posts. Besides being ulta laconic it just sends me into a conniption!!! ;)

Avatar for jablake

Absolutely no one word "sorry" posts. Besides being ultra laconic it just sends me into a conniption!!! ;)

Avatar for MisterGuy

"There are only 3 people on here that really know what it is about."

Ahhhhh, I thought I was on ignore scat?? LOL...you're really an old fool... Here's another news flash for you: you and yer apparent butt-buddy can go be happy with one another...NO ONE ELSE wants in on yer fun...no one!!

"so maybe Wondergrl has a few posters who criticize her and send her nasty e-mails."

So, are we going on board supporting cyber-bullying and cyber-threats now?? Not me...have fun with that nonsense...

Avatar for clubman2

just be you. anybody that doesn't like it can just hit ignore. Their loss.

Avatar for wondergrl5

double posts are ok though?

Avatar for clubman2

lol I think she's back.

Avatar for jablake

That's a male perogative. Females need to be more circumspect. ;)

Avatar for wondergrl5

Right. I ll learn my place no worries

Free speech for those with a penis got it

Avatar for clubman2

Come on, be honest, just tell her you stutter in full thoughts

Avatar for lopaw

Please don't abandon us just yet wondergrl. You are quite fun to have around. :)

Avatar for jablake

"So, are we going on board supporting cyber-bullying and cyber-threats now?"

Sounds like it builds character and increases synaptic activity e.g. grows the mind, as well as increases the caloric burn rate. IOWS, . . . FFFING HELL YES!!! Unless, jablake is the poster 'cause his brain is already growed to WHALE size. ;)

Avatar for clubman2

Wondergrl, remember the story of the little boy and girl doing show and tell behind the barn. When she took her pants down he laughed and said, see I am better because I have a pennis which he proudly displayed and she responed ' that's nothing, my mommy said that with this I can have all of those I want" I think you have the upper hand.

Avatar for jablake

"Free speech for those with a penis got it"

Those are the types of ladies I LOVE to buy dances from; assuming they're also super hot. :)

Avatar for jablake

Ahem, you're a dancer. You have to be all about the money. It's clearly spelled out on page 11 of the ethics rulebook. :)

Avatar for wondergrl5

yeah ive been reminded of that.

its under the act dumb clause right?

Avatar for jablake

Act dumb???

Strippers are supposed to be dumb AND easy AND mouthwatering.

Oops, my bad. Yes, it is under the use powerful mindblowing drugs section so you can stand your dumb customers and help you act dumb. :)

Avatar for wondergrl5


I guess my limited reading skills caused me to not read that part

But then maybe my drug dealing abusive baby daddy can set me straight after we shoot up.

unless some one saves me from myself of course. Or at least I get a greencard

Avatar for BobbyI

Seriously, sweetie:

This thread is just a lame attempt to gain our sympathies. What do you think this is? A strip club where we are all going to feel sorry for you? Maybe buy a dance and help you out? Loan you a bit of money to help you out?

Come on. You really need to get tougher and learn to stand up for yourself. State your position and defend it with more than a line or two. Don't run at the first sign of trouble.

Or, if you aren't up to that. You know what they say:

If you can't stand the heat...

Avatar for jablake

"oh yeah still no sale"

You were doing beautifully with abusive baby daddy and all and then POOF you blew it.

The "no sale" sounds like your just an ordinary negative value American woman; the kind men are driven to stripclubs or foreign nations or even T-Males to escape. Yeah, T-Males may seem like a drastic step. But, heck it is just too tempting to some men who are desperate for a real live woman who wants to be a woman; and well if the real live woman happens to have a slab of salami between her legs, well nobody is 100% perfect. :)

And, if Obama gives us freedom starved Americans the freedom of universal health care, then just a few snip snips to the old salami and presto: new and improved woman. A YES vote for Obama is a NO vote for salami----VOTE OBAMA!!! :)

Avatar for BobbyI

that's more like it!

Avatar for BobbyI

Come on. Now you're being gay again.

Avatar for wondergrl5

So I should curse and yell??

Avatar for clubman2

Wondergrl As FONDL said in another thread 'customers need to preserve the illussion that they are smarter than you.' I think that may apply to some posters as well. There seems to be an attempt to bring you down to their level and then they will feel they have won this argument. This isn't a debate over anything factual but rather an attempt to demean through unfounded rhetoric. It's of no value to continue to argue other than to feed their need to get your goat.

Avatar for MisterGuy

What is this...the recess yard during 4th grade?? What's with all the "gay" put-downs Bobby-boy? Is that the best that you can do?? Oh, and forget the "helmet-clad, riding the short-bus blah-blah-blah" from a while back as well...does every fall-back position of yours involve all the "mighty" slings & arrows that the kiddies threw at you when you were in school??

You're really so amazingly pathetic that it's not even funny anymore...it's just overwhelmingly sad. I would think with all the time that you have on your hands not reviewing any strip clubs that you could come up with something better, but I guess not...

Avatar for parodyman-->

Bobbyl had the sack to post this even with his current behavior:

“Seriously, sweetie:

This thread is just a lame attempt to gain our sympathies. What do you think this is? A strip club where we are all going to feel sorry for you? Maybe buy a dance and help you out? Loan you a bit of money to help you out?

Come on. You really need to get tougher and learn to stand up for yourself. State your position and defend it with more than a line or two. Don't run at the first sign of trouble.

Or, if you aren't up to that. You know what they say:

If you can't stand the heat..."

I don’t see wondergrl5 trying to gain sympathy. That is the domain of your buddy shadowcat, king of the self serving posts.

As far as someone needing to get tougher, you can’t deal with anyone who displays a little intelligence or creativity. This bothers you on some deep level so much that you are cornered into your old stand by of immature playground insults. Talk about running at the first sign of trouble. That is the province of scared little boys.

If you can’t stand the heat… Please. Bobbyl what it comes down to is the fact that you are afraid of a girl. That must just kill you inside. You know the kind of coward you are and you are ashamed. Just as you should be.

Anyway Wondergrl5 I’d like it if you stuck around if for no other reason than to shake up some of these idiots like bobbyl and shadowcat. It is fun watching them trip all over their own feet scrambling to deal with a woman on a level playing field.

Avatar for Lou_Lou

Wondergirl ignore the idots who use this forum to insult and berate those who do not agree with there very narrow way of thinking.

I'd be willing to bet that outside the confines of their computer most of them are not near as macho as they would like us all to believe.

Some of the posters here seem to spend most of their time trying to figure how they can take advantage of someone else. Some do it by bragging and telling others how they get dancers to dance for half of their normal prices, others by showing off their huge vocabulary and writing skills, which I believe they use to try to show superiority.

I believe that a truly strong person does not point out or take advantage of anyone elses shortcommings or unfortunate situations.

From reading your postings I think you are one of these strong people.

Stay with us the silent majority and just ignore the few who make the most noise.

Avatar for BobbyI

Well, I guess this is a strip club where the whiny stripper has manipulated the PLs into feeling sorry for her. Hell, she should open a paypal account for herself and at least try and get some cash out of the situation.

Avatar for CarolinaWanderer

I am only giving cash if she provides a picture of her boobs. And speaking of boobs, what kind of parasite hangs around a strip club information sharing site but never submits a single review. I would guess we have a 13 year old kid invading the site.

Avatar for BobbyI

Haha! Look how the little boys (Carolina, MisterGay, etc.) get their panties all in a knot once I point out how the stripper has them whipped and wrapped around her little finger. Hit a little too close to the mark, huh?

Hint: I don't submit reviews so I don't get to read them either. My "punishment". My choice. If founder had a problem with people with no reviews posting on the boards he would change the rules. But he hasn't. So go whine to him, or start a whiny thread b.c. whining here won't change a thing.

Avatar for clubman2

The issue is not that some people are "wrapped around her little finger" but rather that some posters here try to see others as people and not worn out sterotypes and therefore try to treat them with the respect they themselves expect and desreve. imho some others on this board are unable to give that respect as they don't respect themselve, and with good reason.

Avatar for MisterGuy

Yea, I really feel wrapped around someone's finger Bobby-boy...keep dreaming your little kid dreams. Respect for strippers or sex workers from Bobby-boy?? Please, that would require some maturity...something that he has very little of apparently...

Avatar for BobbyI

Hey, wondergirl. I think I get you. You don't want money from these poor PLs who are just standing in line and begging to defend the poor, helpless little girl.

It's the spectacle of them crawling on their hands and knees to kiss your feet that's what's really amusing isn't it?


Ok, you've got the power you want now. Make them do some hoop tricks, roll over for you...

Heck, you're probably the only girl who gives them any attention unpaid (but only on an anonymous message board). Milk it for what it's worth!

You're the ringmaster now. All it took was one little pity play.

I'll just stand back and watch the circus!

Staring, in the big circle: MisterGay who ran all the way from his special ed class just to get here in time!

In the smaller circle, and new to the show clubman2 (with no reviews, but we'll overlook that for him) and his latest "friend" Carolina!

Hey, clowns! You're off to a good start but if you want to see some REAL sniveling up to strippers who don't deserve why not e-mail Yoda for tips? Or watch how the real pros do it on the pink site.

Who knows? With years of practice you might get in her good books well enough to have her exchange e-mails with you (for free, won't that save you money in the clubs!) or you might even get to fuck her! Good luck with that one...

We all know how this show ends...

Avatar for njscfan


With all due respect your post is a little odd. Wondergrl is not, as you would have it, the only female attention I receive, paid or unpaid. I have a pretty normal life, married, friends, etc. (By the way, are you married and/or do you have a girlfriend? Do you have any friends? When was the last time you had sex with a girl without paying her money? Just curious.)

Wondergrl is simply someone I've met via this site, she's a nice person, a genuine person, and I would rather not see her abused. How does that make me a pathetic loser? I think friends are supposed to stick up for each other; that's normal behavior. I'm not groveling or crawling or whatever it is you are trying to describe. I'm just suggesting that there's not any justification for hassling her. I don't think that makes me a white knight, just a normal person.

She's been subjected to some abusive emails via people on this site. I think that's uncalled for. Don't you? I know that there's a fair amount of give and take on this site, but not very many people are subjected to some of the weird emails she gets. I can't see why you think that's ok.

More fundamentally, I don't see why you dislike her so much. She certainly hasn't done anything to you, has she? Your intense dislike for her seems neurotic to me.

Avatar for parodyman-->

My suspicion is that bobbyl’s contact with the opposite sex is limited to the packages in plain brown paper that show up in his mailbox. Just a few quick stomps on the old foot pump and he has an instant “date” for the evening.

Unfortunately his methods of self gratification have left him sorely lacking in the communication department. The way he talks to and about wondergrl5 leaves little doubt that he has no living prospects for companionship.

Bobbyl please, for your own sake, learn to interact with real women. Knowing you need to hand wash your inflatable dates the next morning for sanitary reasons is just depressing.

Avatar for MisterGuy

I'd actually noticed a while ago that clubman2 hadn't reviewed anything as of yet, but the difference Bobby-boy is, of course, he's still relatively new to this site (unlike you) & he hasn't been the biggest misogynistic asswipe from the day that he's showed up here (like you have). He'll get some slack from me for the time being only just on those two points alone.

Thanks once again for contributing absolutely, positively nothing new to this or any other discussion here Bobby-boy...I wouldn't expect anymore from the likes of you.

Avatar for BobbyI

njcsfan: Come now. You really think if a male poster had posted a whiny thread with the title "guess im not welcome" guys would have not seen it for what's worth? Namely a manipulative attempt to get some ego stroking and create a little drama?

Look at the way you guys jumped all over shadowcat and David9999 (both decent people) when they tried the same. If a guy posted a thread with this title, the (politest) responses would be on the order of "Okay, bye."

I'm the misogynistic? Hardly. I don't treat women like they are little babies who can't take care of themselves, or that the ethical standards we expect from them are weaker than what we expect from men.

wondergirl will be treated like any other poster here. No special treatment because she is female. To do anything other would be misogynistic.

If she posts good ideas great!

Usually though, as AN pointed out it's just "LOL!" "hehe!" "sigh" and, of course, "huh?". Heck, when you ask her to back up her allusions to her intelligence she just runs way because she is afraid people "will pick it appart". Oh no!

People who treat women like they are inferior and, hence, need some special consideration: like you and MisterGay, and everyone else who runs to their aid when they don't need it are the true misogynists and pathetic losers. You are just trying to get something. It's so transparent.

Avatar for MisterGuy

Right, you're not misogynistic at all, since all strippers are nothing but "a bunch of dengerates" anways...sure... We need another "booster" for scat & Davy-boy on here like you need another hole in your head! LOL...what are YOU trying to get from the likes of them Bobby-boy?

Avatar for parodyman-->

Bobbyl trying to lord his "superior" intelligence over others? There is a fucking joke and a half for you. I heard they are filming a pilot for a new game show based on Bobbyl. It's called "Are you smarter than your blow-up doll?"

Avatar for casualguy

wondergrl5, I think you're welcome here. I've been too busy to post or read most of the junk these guys have been posting. I may start posting more frequently here since I'm thinking about staying home instead of going to strip clubs for awhile. Not really because I want to but because I don't have much cash if I want to pay all my bills. Besides, strip clubs aren't as much fun if you're the only one going to the stage to tip the dancers when the club is crowded. This economy seems to be going downhill fast.

Avatar for BobbyI

Now, now, MisterGay.

You already flunked special ed for oor reading comprehension; lack of basic logical skills; and general disingenuity.

You better behave or we will make stand in the corner again! You didn't like that the last time did you?

Tell you what. If you are a little good boy, we'll let you take the oversized hockey helmet off for a bit.

Oh, and let's see: from shadowcat I want information on which degenerate whores at PP fuck the best. From David I want to stand in awe of the Alpha aura plus get quality legal representation.

Anyhow... You guys keep buttering up wondergirl. I'm sure she'll be spreading 'em for you any day now.

Avatar for MisterGuy

Thanks for showing us once again that you're a broken record Bobby-boy. I guess I'm kind of sorry that you were called "gay" and/or special-ed/short bus guy when you were at school (or maybe you're still in school...who knows...). Why on Earth you'd want to venture where that loser scat has gone before I'll never know...yuck... Have fun in traffic court with Davy-boy too...bring your wallet though...you're going to need it!

Avatar for DaveeStaggs

Originaly from Bobby! - Seriously, sweetie:

His entry into the punchbowl was pretty much spot on without being harsh. My girlfriends little sister is a dancer in the OC (So Cal) and she is very wary of everyone she comes into contact with, even outside in the real world. The girls know a majority of the guys just want one thing, and this includes "dates" outside of the club. The men, or people (including lesbians and bi-girls) know the girls there don't care about them really. There is the exception but this is the norm. What I'm trying to say is that those of you who have someone they know in this industry might treat these girls differently if they knew what they really went through. But it must be said that it takes a big girl (adult attitude) to handle the pitfalls of an otherwise lucrative business. Just like most any other job, ups and downs all around.

Avatar for MisterGuy

"I mean how just look at how obsessed he is with homosexuality"

More truly unbelievable projection from Bobby-boy...

"You will notice that he only attacks people when he thinks it is safe to do so here."

As opposed to Bobby-boy's prefered tactic of putting people on ignore and then attacking them...so that he can't be "harmed" by their response...yea, real brave of him...

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