Comments by jablake (page 109)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for the strippers here: Do you ever find some customers very attractive
    Even if you're not hot, youth especially for the younger dancers seems in demand more than money. Yes, if the young guy has NO money then she will start to look toward the old farts. But, a young guy with minimal spending gets a ton of attention. The hot young lesbians don't seem to need to spend anything.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for the strippers here: Do you ever find some customers very attractive
    Dancers seem to prefer significantly 1. Hot young lesbians and 2. Hot young men. The money be damned.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    One other thing a lot of these dancers have totally forgotten how hard some of their customers work to earn that $5 and how much they look forward to that dance. Yeah, you got some guys rolling in cash--but, that's a whole different ballgame.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    Over at Angels they adopted the $5 dance over 5 years ago under that theory. The dancers were super pissed initially. The feeling was if we can't make money at $10 how in the world can we make money at $5? They didn't believe cutting the price could increase volume enough to make it work. It worked big time. Heck, they might be able to raise the price to $10 or $15 the club has become so popular. Some dancers are even looking down at the $5 not realizing how bad things were at the club just a few short years ago . . .
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I Too Big? Yes.
    I wonder if taking the 5th would work? ;)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Great "debate" ends on Pink/Blue site
    It was a couple years +- back and I haven't visited since. And, the "all about the money" clash was on target---meant literally, iows---and it seemed brain dead to me especially when clarified that yes it was all about the money for all dancers all the time. That was crux of the argument. All dancers are money driven end of discussion, which is sort of like saying all lawyers are money driven end of discussion, or all teachers are money driven end of discussion. They, dancers, probably have bills to pay like a lot people and the stripclub is their place of employment. That wasn't what the argument was about. It was about that for all dancers money is the end all be all and I found that exceedingly narrow minded and idiotic. The governments actually have laws in place preventing people from deciding who they wish to take money from because contrary to the big lie repeated endlessly it ain't all about the green for everybody. The insult match over anti-touch was a little better with a few brave souls daring to say they didn't have a problem with contact. Mods will remove threads and or posts. My account may have even been deleted. No loss there because it was such a narrow minded hateful place. It is like this prostitute I knew (she became a friend, no business), she was also a stripper, who got her panties in a bunch when I stated that some prostitutes were willing or able to get off for their customers. She knew for a fact that prostitutes never get off. Never in a million years. She was Ms. Expert on the subject. And, her friends were of the same belief system. So, I said I wanted to business with her or her friends if they were capable of racing their hearts and getting wet. If they're that good at faking that is what I want to buy--neither she or her friends would or could do that. BTW, I met a stripper who could control the size of her pupils of all things and that was an extreme turn on for me even when she showed me it was a trick. I read some posts from Fondl and Jpac and some others who I think are pretty decent guys and it seemed like the hate was freely spewed on them. Of course, I don't know the whole history. And, just because I think those two posters are fairly easy to get along with doesn't mean that is the case. Lopaw seems fairly easy to get along with and she doesn't agree with my views on traditional women type roles and she expressed SW wasn't a nice place. Anyway, rant off. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Great "debate" ends on Pink/Blue site
    Hi SabineLavine, Posters solicit opinions. Heaven forbid someone has an opinion different than the prevailing truth. Even on the customer side of the board it was obnoxious. Even here we have posters that believe it is all about the money as if dancers were just vending machines. Or, mindless clones that see the dollar as almight god. Different people place different values on money. I hear the stupidity repeated by customers and dancers that it is *all* about the money. Well, for *them* it *might* be true. Some dancers don't want to dance for customers of a certain race or races regardless of how nice or how much money the customers want to spend. Don't these dancers understand they *have* to value money above all else??? What is wrong with them having an opinion different than group think. BTW, nothing wrong with going after the money. :) And, I see nothing wrong with a dancer saying NO to customers for whatever reason. ANOTHER TABOO BELIEF!!! Some dancers won't dance for old farts or if they do it is a very cold dance. Don't they understand money has to be their god. And, that goes for all workers---money has to be your god. Just a bunch of mindless clones that only see green. These anti-touch dancers seem especially small minded as if *all* dancers have a taboo about that. Some actually enjoy contact. I will always remember the dancer who wanted to do a free gang bang over at Angels. She was crazy about sex if the man or men had some staying power. LOL! Anyway, I guess what I found most distasteful about SW was the censorship, but heck if that is what they believe in then that is fine also.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Great "debate" ends on Pink/Blue site
    Hi SabineLavine, As far as the loud mouths they seemed very dumb and afraid of opinions that differ from their own. I was very surprised at the intolerance----a one size fits all mentality more akin to that of our dear leader. Without the mods they ain't jack. :) Sad thing is the sweet ones or the ones with intelligence are silenced by the abusive misfits and their mod enablers. Tell the peabrained loud mouths if they got any balls and are interested in debate register as a member of TUSCL and let's see how well they do without daddy protecting them. Who knows if they had to use their brains I might be in for a surprise, but over there it was just obnoxious stupidity and mod censorship. As far as dancers irl I meet intelligent, dumb, average, etc.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stripclubs could have their own SoapOpera show
    Hi shadowcat, I didn't realize you had such a big heart. Thumbs up. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    foot fetish
    I like the dancers better without the high heels even moreso if she has a natural bubble butt.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Pink Site: 10 Dancer Truths
    Well, they have to deal with disgusting males . . . how could they not be underpaid? And, it is dangerous work . . . physically and emotionally. Just visit the pink site . . . years of psychotherapy may not be enough to help those poor dancers. Yeah, most of 'em blow their money on the stock market . . . or unflattering outfits. Either case what a waste . . .
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Pink Site: 10 Dancer Truths
    Oh they did back off the anti-touch when I explained that I wouldn't go to a stripclub and spend all money in that case because I can see even prettier women over the internet a hell of a lot cheaper. And, if you're into talk well the internet offers that also. And, it is more environmentally friendly! :) The big benefit of strip clubs to me is the contact with young attractive women. No contact and my money goes elsewhere real quick. Heck, maybe even into savings or something stupid like that. Surprising they were able to comprehend this.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Pink Site: 10 Dancer Truths
    Seems on target except for No. 6. Dancers have a job that is more dangerous than serving on the front lines of Iraq without all the bennies. Dancers are always under paid, under appreciated, over worked, sexually harassed and physically abused by male misogynists run amuck. An occasional rare perk for the dancer is a cute lesbian needing erotic servicing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    SHONEYS????? Black Slang Meaning?
    That's a nice thought. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Owner of Angels is Crazy or There is government BS . . .
    I wanted to get into the Haitian church business. A lady friend loves going to churches every day so I suggested she become a preacher and I would open a church for her. Unfortunately, she has traditional views about women being preachers. God only wants male preachers. :) I said that is only because a male needs to look after the young female believers. You have me for that. Some of the Bible girls are so adorable and they want to obey God's will.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Owner of Angels is Crazy or There is government BS . . .
    Tax the Haitian churches and give the money to attorneys. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    SHONEYS????? Black Slang Meaning?
    Next time I hear it used I'll be more aggressive to learn exactly what the deal is. :) It is a funny place in that depending on who sees me the cover varies from $0 to $10 to $20 for the night shift. Yes, it does go over $20 and then there is $10 and up for parking which also has no apparent rhyme or reason. So I may enter free and the guy behind me gets hit with a $20 charge plus parking of $10. At one time they wanted to keep the white customers and worked to make it a friendly environment, but those days may be coming to an end. I never saw any whites handing out $20s like they were ones. Times continue to change. There is some problem leaving via the back entrance where it says EXIT. Security was mighty unhappy I left by that route and wanted to know why I didn't use the front entrance. I said because my car is right there! He wasn't a happy camper . . . With all this nonsense surrounding Angels, I still give it a 10 even if bans whites. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Owner of Angels is Crazy or There is government BS . . .
    Well, the old manager listened to me. The new owner fired his ass! :( A loyal employee of over 10 years. Initially landed on his feet with a corrupt job with the school board, but that dream job didn't last for him. :( It was such a fantastic job that I wanted to go back to work and get on the government payroll. I think the problem is the nature of the business. If he doubled his space, then payoffs might be 10 times the amount of the extra rent. Corruption is the rule and Angels is the last surviving strip club on W. Dixie Hwy in an area that had them left right and center. A few police raids and hungry churches can change the picture quick. Heck, Angels may still sell out to a Haitian church as those churches seem to have unlimited funds. My neighbors go to 5 or 6 different Haitian churches. And, I hear complaints that each church demands 10% or more of their income. The poor people have NO choice but to pay or burn in the everlasting fires of hell. I told 'em the fires sounds like a better deal. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    SHONEYS????? Black Slang Meaning?
    Hi driver01, Could be. I heard it used a few times in the club. And, a few dancers have told me that white does NOT equal bright (intelligent). Supposedly, there was a little confrontation over whether I was bright that was amusing. Especially considering that when they slur their words or use slang I haven't a clue to what they're saying. Sounds like you hit the nail on the head most likely. Thanks for finding it, I guess I didn't check urban dictionary carefully enough. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    SHONEYS????? Black Slang Meaning?
    Super Honeys?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    SHONEYS????? Black Slang Meaning?
    Yes, I thought there was a restaurant by that name. A large chain. Yes, it was some type of explicit show. That didn't make too much sense because unless they're going to do FS on stage this is a pretty much no holds bar club. Its reputation is dirty and they aim to keep it that way. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Felicity @ Club Diamonds . . .
    Diamond's Cabaret 305-654-3500 337 NW 170th St at 170th St. & 441 North Miami, Florida Not a silly question at all. I didn't have any luck searching Diamonds either, btw.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How to have fun on the budget. Your definition.
    And, here I was paying $3 for FS. :) For $150 I probably could have bought the girl. Of course, there's been inflation. Quality was excellent, imo! :) Dear Leader says he wants Americans to be able to compete with Vietnamese so he still has some work to do in collapsing the dollar. With any luck, I'll be able to get FS here for $3 Vietnamese. :) President Bush was correct. Look what happens when you cut and run . . . you end up trying to work for them for pennies a day. If only America hadn't quit on the Vietnamese people . . . I could currently be enjoying $3 FS, maybe.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does you ATF read our discussions?
    I've recommended to TUSCL to a few of the dancers at Angels and RolLexx who surf the internet. They seemed interested, but I didn't expect follow thru.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does you ATF read our discussions? Not very nice of you minnow! ;)