
Great "debate" ends on Pink/Blue site

In regard to the Pink site (Blue site section, Strip Club Junkie Forum, "No more SC's for me" thread) after 195 total posts over several weeks, with original poster "Artic717" contributing probably close to 30 to 50 detailed rebuttals, every one skillfully deflecting nearly every legitimate argument and every personal and vicious attack against him, what a surprise (man-hater) Jenny the moderator at 8.22 pm yesterday gets the final word, while co-mod (male) FBR one half hour later locks up the thread - and guess what she says: He's lying and and gee maybe he's gay?

Moderator Jenny's final word:

"In your first post you say you've been visiting Central and South America for the past 6 months. Know what Arctic? I think you're just lying. You are - admit. You're making this whole thing. You crave stripclubjunkie attention, don't you? That's why you keep replying when you say you're going to stop. You're sitting at home, all in love with Yoda, and thought "I know how to get in his virtual pants... I'll extol the virtues of latina women over North American women... then he won't be able to get enough of me. Admit it. That was your plan."


  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I don't get WHAT is going on at the Pink site. I just abandoned it because I couldn't get people to address the posts I made, and instead they just invented things I hadn't said, said that I had said them, and got mad at me for having said them. Typical dancer bullshit ... "we're perfect, you're male so you are an asshole, give us your money, adulate us." Umm ... no.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    One must never forget that the average random dancer(apologies to moderator/dancer Melonie on the Pink Site - a very very smart lady, and some of the smart dancers posting in here) has the approximate intellect of a frog - so don't expect them to actually be able to engage in any meaningful debate. Any man posting on the Pink/Blue sites thoughts or ideas that fail to kiss dancer ass - will be shouted down.

    Yes, as I've stated there are exceptions but I believe that this distinct lack of intellectual firepower is at the heart of the insecurity many dancers seem to carry.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Lack of intellectual firepower doesn't tend to lead to insecurity in most of the places I've been in the USA. Generally the idiots run the place, get elected to office, deliberately make fun of people who use large vocabularies, get regular approval for acting like mindless buffoons, get even more regular approval for making fun of the smart kids ("My kid beat up your honor student"), and don't respond to their own lack of intellectual firepower with a REDUCTION in their own sense of status. If they ARE dumber than average (and that's not even established, is it?) then why would dancers tend to have the opposite reaction and feel worse, rather than better, about themselves?
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Of course their insecurity is from multiple causes with lack of intellectual firepower (typical of most dancers) only one. Believe me, even a court of law would take judicial notice of this, meaning it would not have to be independently proven by expert testimony. No doubt the 2nd factor would be insecurities about how attractive they really are once those 5 inch plus stripper platform heels are taken off and the favorable lighting disappears. Most strippers in fact are 7 or 8 level women, which of course means they are attractive, just NOT typically as attractive as the ITC illusion presents them. Young women historically have always tended to use their looks as their form of currency. When that currency starts to be devalued, they tend to become insecure.
  • SabineLavine
    17 years ago
    Have you actually read much of the pink site? I can see where you wouldn't like what you see wrt the opinions and comments of the dancers, but calling them stupid? That might be true for many of the dancers you meet IRL, but SW is full of intelligent women. If you don't think they can effectively debate, go ahead and sign up and challenge them on a topic of controversy. I have no doubt you'll get your asses handed to you.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi SabineLavine,

    As far as the loud mouths they seemed very dumb and afraid of opinions that differ from their own. I was very surprised at the intolerance----a one size fits all mentality more akin to that of our dear leader. Without the mods they ain't jack. :) Sad thing is the sweet ones or the ones with intelligence are silenced by the abusive misfits and their mod enablers.

    Tell the peabrained loud mouths if they got any balls and are interested in debate register as a member of TUSCL and let's see how well they do without daddy protecting them. Who knows if they had to use their brains I might be in for a surprise, but over there it was just obnoxious stupidity and mod censorship. As far as dancers irl I meet intelligent, dumb, average, etc.
  • SabineLavine
    17 years ago
    For the most part, SW is not a site for debate. It is a discussion board focusing on our jobs, but also on many other topics relevant to women's lives. Personally, I don't take part in debates on there, although I have argued a point or two.

    I guess I don't see why it has to be a battle. If you like strippers and strip clubs, then why are you so quick to insult our intelligence and berate anything we say on our own messageboard? It doesn't make sense. I get that some of our opinions might come off as harsh, but it is, after all, OUR site. It wasn't designed to pump up the egos of the strip club goers of the world. That's what the clubs are for.

    You can call us a lot of names, but stupid isn't an insult that fits most SW members.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi SabineLavine,

    Posters solicit opinions. Heaven forbid someone has an opinion different than the prevailing truth. Even on the customer side of the board it was obnoxious.

    Even here we have posters that believe it is all about the money as if dancers were just vending machines. Or, mindless clones that see the dollar as almight god. Different people place different values on money. I hear the stupidity repeated by customers and dancers that it is *all* about the money. Well, for *them* it *might* be true. Some dancers don't want to dance for customers of a certain race or races regardless of how nice or how much money the customers want to spend. Don't these dancers understand they *have* to value money above all else??? What is wrong with them having an opinion different than group think. BTW, nothing wrong with going after the money. :) And, I see nothing wrong with a dancer saying NO to customers for whatever reason. ANOTHER TABOO BELIEF!!! Some dancers won't dance for old farts or if they do it is a very cold dance. Don't they understand money has to be their god. And, that goes for all workers---money has to be your god. Just a bunch of mindless clones that only see green.

    These anti-touch dancers seem especially small minded as if *all* dancers have a taboo about that. Some actually enjoy contact. I will always remember the dancer who wanted to do a free gang bang over at Angels. She was crazy about sex if the man or men had some staying power. LOL!

    Anyway, I guess what I found most distasteful about SW was the censorship, but heck if that is what they believe in then that is fine also.

  • SabineLavine
    17 years ago
    I don't think anyone on SW would claim to speak for all dancers. I've never seen anyone argue these things you are saying here. When someone says it's "all about the money" they don't mean that literally. Overall, the stripper goes to work to make money. That is her primary goal. I think any reasonable person can easily see how that can be interpreted differently. And the same goes for contact levels. Everyone is different, and I don't think anyone on SW would argue that either.

    And I've never witnessed censorship on the forums either. Mods will lock a thread that has played out or gone out-of-control in a flame war, but other than that it is a pretty free and open place.

  • jablake
    17 years ago

    It was a couple years +- back and I haven't visited since. And, the "all about the money" clash was on target---meant literally, iows---and it seemed brain dead to me especially when clarified that yes it was all about the money for all dancers all the time. That was crux of the argument. All dancers are money driven end of discussion, which is sort of like saying all lawyers are money driven end of discussion, or all teachers are money driven end of discussion. They, dancers, probably have bills to pay like a lot people and the stripclub is their place of employment. That wasn't what the argument was about. It was about that for all dancers money is the end all be all and I found that exceedingly narrow minded and idiotic. The governments actually have laws in place preventing people from deciding who they wish to take money from because contrary to the big lie repeated endlessly it ain't all about the green for everybody.

    The insult match over anti-touch was a little better with a few brave souls daring to say they didn't have a problem with contact.

    Mods will remove threads and or posts. My account may have even been deleted. No loss there because it was such a narrow minded hateful place. It is like this prostitute I knew (she became a friend, no business), she was also a stripper, who got her panties in a bunch when I stated that some prostitutes were willing or able to get off for their customers. She knew for a fact that prostitutes never get off. Never in a million years. She was Ms. Expert on the subject. And, her friends were of the same belief system. So, I said I wanted to business with her or her friends if they were capable of racing their hearts and getting wet. If they're that good at faking that is what I want to buy--neither she or her friends would or could do that. BTW, I met a stripper who could control the size of her pupils of all things and that was an extreme turn on for me even when she showed me it was a trick.

    I read some posts from Fondl and Jpac and some others who I think are pretty decent guys and it seemed like the hate was freely spewed on them. Of course, I don't know the whole history. And, just because I think those two posters are fairly easy to get along with doesn't mean that is the case. Lopaw seems fairly easy to get along with and she doesn't agree with my views on traditional women type roles and she expressed SW wasn't a nice place.

    Anyway, rant off. :)
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    "Have you actually read much of the pink site? I can see where you wouldn't like what you see wrt the opinions and comments of the dancers, but calling them stupid?"

    1000's of posts and except for a few posters like moderator/dancer Melonie and maybe 4 or 5 male posters on the Strip Club Junkie forum, there is a distinct lack of intellectual firepower, which is why "Artic717's" efforts to attempt an honest debate were futile from the beginning. It would be like arguing with 4th graders, it is simply a waste of time.
  • SabineLavine
    17 years ago
    That's funny because I'd say the same about the "intellectual firepower" of the posters in this forum.

    At any rate, keep obsessing over us and spending your cash in strip clubs, our IRA's thank you. ;-)
  • rockie
    17 years ago
    As an infrequent poster on this board and SW, I don't think there is any basis for a superior "intellectual firepower" debate between Tuscl and SW. Both boards are polar opposite in their origonal basis for existing. If Tuscl is the "be all, end all" in stripclub discussion, there would be no SW discussion on this board. There's been multiple SW discussion threads here since September. I use both boards for an occasional interesting topic, or nugget of info. I also find it funny that SW doesn't focus on Tuscl, like posters here focus on SW! I am a customer who enjoys both boards, but don't agree with any inherent "intellectual firepower" superiority discussion.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I didn't see anyone trying to suggest that TUSCL had smarter people than SW. I read the description of SW more in terms of the passive-aggression and emotional irresponsibility of the discussions. Over here (TUSCL), you can get into a valid interchange in which people have differing views and, although sometimes flames develop, generally people support their points of view with attempts at finding evidence and proving themselves right and others wrong. Over there (SW), you can only agree with the board's base principles or get ostracized, and you can only agree with certain of the board's prime personalities regardless of the stupidity or intelligence of their momentary position, or again get verbally, then generally, ostracized and perhaps banned.

    In other words, both sides have similar levels of intelligence -- high, low, and in-between -- in my opinion. But their side has a remarkably low level of responsibility and openness.
  • rockie
    17 years ago
    Book Guy: I felt the "intellectual firepower" comment suggested for some a superiority of intellect for Tuscl over SW. I agree with you that there are similar levels of intellect, but that Tuscl allows a more free flowing discussion.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Yeah, there are some negative comments here and there about the Pink denizens that are poorly constructed. My impression is that the PROPER accusation against that site and its typical posting characteristics is that it's passive--aggressive and irresponsible about evidence-to-conclusion connections.
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