Comments by jablake (page 108)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    O, the court system is here is just so wonderful and honest. These judges are such honest noble people. Just upstanding citizens. I was watching this hearing and the man is charged with everything but stealing the judge's toothbrushes. Among the many charges was of course kidnapping. A VIOLENT CRIME. Of course, he was from a poor area and looked like a typical blue collar wage slave. So his government lawyer works out a deal where he gets 1 year and a day instead of the hundreds of years he was facing. Praise the lord for free government lawyers! Anyway, the judge asks the man if he has any questions at all before sentencing. The man says I don't want to cause any problems and I really need this plea deal. I have a wife and family. The judge says I don't have all day. The man says I'm sorry your honor, but you asked if I had any questions at all. The judge says go on. The man says please whatever you do just don't take the plea deal away from me. And, he is starting to beg like a normal person would in that situation. The judge instructs the government attorney to control her client. Turns out the man just wanted to know who was kidnapped. The judge is PISSED and says she doesn't have time for this and order the next case up. A week later the case comes up again. The judge says she is going to take the man's plea deal away. He breaks into tears. The government attorney calms the judge down and convinces her that it doesn't matter if no one was kidnapped he admits his guilt to the other crimes and the important thing is everyone agrees on the punishment. Yes, a real winner of a court system. Threaten people with hundreds of years and make them grateful to accept a year or two. Saves so much money and best of all the people admit their guilt!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    The facts are Coral Gables was being hit by violent home invasions. That is one of the nicest areas in Miami-Dade county. Now, unless things have changed in the last 5 years and you want to look at violent crime look where the money is. HELLO, I had family living in the good areas of Dade County and there was crime and it was violent. And, gee whiz I happen to live in a D- rated area and before the police the crime was fairly low especially compared to where my wealthy relatives were living. Now, if you're talking the government bullshit crime like prostitution or drugs or made up crime, then yep your talking the poor areas. The real crime in the poor areas is police arresting and harrassing young black males. That is the real crime, buddy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    Going way back decades ago the neighbors had a solution for crime. Hire more police officers. Gee the more officers that were hired the more the crime rate soared. It is a fun little game. People who 30 years earlier might have been considered good neighbors get branded with the criminal tag. The prisons get filled. The lawyers and judges get wealthy. The people demand more police who arrest more people. The taxes go thru the roof to pay for all this silliness and the solution is more of the same. Maybe if the government just started killing people that would solve the crime problem. O, almost forgot the strip clubs. There are far fewer strip clubs, but of course the strip clubs are responsible for all the crime! It is fucking brilliant. And, you know what? The stinking churches thanks to the Haitians have exploded in number. Gee, that is real neat. Replace massage parlors (there were tons) and the replace strip clubs (there were a good number), with churches (there were few) and the results is? More violent crime per capita. Less friendliness and more hate. The solution? More churches, more police, more prisons, higher taxes, etc. etc.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    You know if I had a strip closer to me, then I could start whimpering that the drug lab was due to the strip club and the crack addict was due to the strip club and the DEA with their guns drawn on numerous occasions is due to the strip club. Actually, I have a stinking church about 1 1/2 blocks away. It draws sinners and other low lifes. Time to ABOLISH it. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    I understood the point, but the problem at least in this area some of the nicest areas have really violent crime. The criminals are lured by money of all things! Gee, the neighbors ought to rally against the wealthy moving into their neighborhood. Not only that at least here the strip clubs came first to cater to tourists. Homeowners claim this and they claim that, but if you care to look at the governments crime map it is a lot of hot air as far as the surrounding areas. Now these nitwits who are all up in arms about crime ought to look at a real source crime. Government subsidized housing. Watch the good old crime map explode with activity.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I Too Big? Yes.
    Oh, normally the young women look much hotter without the makeup, imo. Again, I believe that is a minority opinion. I see these adorable young women come in off the street looking cute or hot and then they cover their natural beauty and glow of youth. The doll look I think is what the goal is and I just don't care for it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I Too Big? Yes.
    Well Book Guy, I think you're over simplifying a little. I've met hot young girls that want to become BIG mommies because they see men that they like such as rappers who love the BIG mommies. So if you're a young woman and you see men perfectly happy with lard butts, then why not be a lard butt since it is usually easier to get blubber than to stay fit. It is like the woman who gets fake tits and then learns that many men prefer natural small or medium to fake of any kind. I meet so many women that think fake tits are the greatest. A hell of a turn off to me. I'd almost rather have a lard butt with a ton of tats. I'm probably in the minority, but I don't like the fake tits even the well done ones.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    Besides you may like condominiums, but I know the truth. They're vermin magnets. Yeah, there are plenty o good condo people but there is the old saying about one rotten apple spoiling the barrel. That is almost an absolute truth when in comes to condominiums. They're vile and nasty and spread hate. :(
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    And, the sick or violent people just disappear if you get rid of strip clubs. :) They're not doing drivebys in Coral Gables. The crack addict that tried a home invasion of my home didn't realize there is a strip for him just a couple miles away. :) Yep, eliminate strip clubs and sick violent people head to their therapists or the local churches to pray for strength from the gods.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "The Secret" theory meets "Running into your ATF unintentionally"
    I think things are fairly set and just repeat over and over again with minor changes. Have you ever seen the future about 5 to 10 minutes early? I saw the death of a friend about an hour before it happened a few times in a vision. It seemed totally insane and I thought I was out of it. I wanted to make some phone calls, but how do you do that when nothing bad has happened at that moment? I wanted to do a lot of things to change what I had seen. I was frozen to do anything pretty much. I wanted to get up. I wanted to say something. I still feel guilty about it. If it replays again, then I'd probably still freeze. That is the way it works for me at least. The only change that I made due to my vision was I didn't go to Angels. Because in the original vision I discovered the friend after returning from Angels. Simple solution don't go to Angels and that changes the future. Well, I think the future was changed . . . but, not in a meaningful way because the friend still died with an arm reaching skyward. That was the vision--the skyward arm, the eyes, the pose. If I could have called earlier, then I still think the main future was set in stone. :( I'm depressed not only due to the death and my freezing on so many levels, but because the future seems to replay with just slight differences. Die and you go thru this life again and again and again with some slight changes.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    In another safe neighborhood in Broward right on the beach a man had sulfuric acid from a cooler dump on him by two tough peabrain guys. The man lived in agony for about a month I think before dying at a fairly young age. An old man had hired the thugs because the middle age man kept cutting thru the condominium side area to get to the beach even after the old man had warned him not to use the short cut to get the beach. What does this prove? Well condominiums harm a neighborhood. There are many horror stories involving condominiums. In fact, I don't want to share the details but I got screwed big time thanks to a condominium. They need to be legally abolished and then physically abolished. As much as I love strip clubs if a deal could be reached with religious nuts and concerned citizens to abolish both as a package deal I'd be thrilled. Condominiums are pure nastiness whether low rent or high rent. :(
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for the strippers here: Do you ever find some customers very attractive
    Hi David9999, It is more like a dating service for *****YOUNG****** guys at Angels-if the dancer is single or more likely fighting with her man. If they want a stripper girlfriend then they're using brains or are just lucky to be in the right club. The key is *****YOUNG*****, unfortunately you can pretty much forget if your just successful and generous unless you're just looking for a business deal with a hottie or blubber butt. Violent is also very helpful. My little Goofball loves the really violent young guys who are one step away from prison. :) Is she worth the effort? If I was young, then yes I'd be willing to spill some blood over her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "The Secret" theory meets "Running into your ATF unintentionally"
    I'd imagine there must be THOUSANDS. Not only that, but she wasn't the star. Just one of the supporting hos on video. And, video was as close as she could get because the star rappers wanted BIG mommies for their fun. The hot supporting hos like her had NO chance for more unless they could put on the blubber. Funny, I would think if the rappers wanted BIG mommies then why not market whaling as the in thing . . . Who knows maybe the rappers see the hot hos as eye candy and when the lights go out more is better even if it ain't pleasing to the eyes. I wonder if the rappers do their hunting at Walmart. Large selection of larger sizes and rollback prices----get a lot for a little @ Walmart the place for whale hunting. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "The Secret" theory meets "Running into your ATF unintentionally"
    Boy, I wish I'd gone with her to buy those rap videos she was in. I'm sure she would have looked adorable with all types of crazy moves. The few she showed me were too much. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "The Secret" theory meets "Running into your ATF unintentionally"
    No, unfortunately no Goofball. I could see her trying to swim to safety forgetting that she doesn't know how to swim. She is amazing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Serious Subject: High Heat Grilled Chicken or Turkey Acts Like Viagra?
    It's dramatic. I can't believe it is just natural chicken or turkey. Has to be some hormone or additive. Woke up 3 times last night as if I were a youngster. The only other food I had that hasn't normally been on my diet of late is pistacho nuts.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    The dancers I know and knew that is the LAST option to dump money draining boyfriend better to work 2 shifts. They're love junkies. A nice guy? It happens. Brings out the mothering instinct.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Serious Subject: High Heat Grilled Chicken or Turkey Acts Like Viagra?
    Interesting links, thanks. :) The turkey works no matter how it is cooked. Only a hot young woman works as well, but is more draining in all ways.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I Too Big? Yes.
    Ahem, Appears some people aren't reading the manifesto which clearly states that looks are irrelevant! That's right behind money is god and dancers never tell the truth.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I Too Big? Yes.
    It seems like these big women in the club are generally nicer even when they're getting the attention and money, which never ceases to amaze me. The hot shrimps don't have the nice personalty as often. When one does, I think what the hell is wrong with you--don't you understand you're smoking hot? I'd love a strip club filled with hot shrimps who have the personalties of the big friendly women----of course, I'd still need a low pricing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    In ancient times a dancer was complaining that I wasn't paying her enough. And, for what she was giving she was a 100% correct. I invited her to where I was living so she could see that I wasn't being stingy with her. She exclaims you NEED ME! I had to explain to her that it was WRONG for a woman to support a man financially unless she won the lottery or inherited extreme wealth. She just couldn't comprehend what was wrong with a woman supporting a man, no matter how many times I explained it. She gets an F- in reasoning. ;) On the positive side she understood that I did value her a lot. :) I was busting my balls and saving in the extreme to get pennies. Even now I consider myself to be poor, but some people consider me well off which is depressing-- An entire family was living with my neighbors in a tiny small one car garage. No beds, not even sealed in, and with leaks! They said they were just grateful to have a roof over their heads. The wife was smoking hot, but unfortunately believed that god had saved her for her husband only. I said god will understand pay for play and she is like no she and her family would have to starve first. Not even mini play available.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    Here in Miami, I don't know what is happening. It seems like those that have have more than ever and those who were doing ok or struggling are doing worse--a lot worse. So hopefully those that have more than ever will pump up the volume of cash with their spending and the government will print even more money but spread it more equitably.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for the strippers here: Do you ever find some customers very attractive
    Well, I wish they'd learn better so that I can reap more of that demand. Nothing like seeing some young punk spending a buck here and buck there and you never get to fondl the hotties just because they don't know it is all about the money. Dancers get an F- in not valuing money highly enough!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stripclubs could have their own SoapOpera show
    One negative with helping out a dancer or non-relative is it can put a strain on the relationship especially if it is a loan. Even a loan that you don't expect or want to be paid back. I have never regretted helping out even if it has killed the relationship. Of course, I'm talking smaller amounts like under $500 and usually a lot less than that! It is a lot of money to me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I Too Big? Yes.
    I have to say some of these large women are attractive except I don't like large--breasts aren't drooping, skin is smooth, eyes clear, plenty of curves, good teeth, etc. Some are total dogs. Either way their self esteem generally seems to be thru the roof and I can only imagine it is due to males that are crazy about large for some reason. Walmart is an excellent place to see large women. I just don't see the appeal and they're abundant. It is not like there is some shortage of big women. And, generally the guys going for that don't seem to care about other aspects of looks so really any large female should do just fine.