Comments by jablake (page 106)

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    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    Really easy to condemn them when the strip clubs were there before they moved in. It is like me moving next door to a church and then complaining about all the traffic and noise generated on Sunday and during the evening services during the week. Those Haitians love to pray non-stop and evidently need a church to do it in. What is the condition of the overcrowding? Is it like the filth I saw the government put up in the inner city? Talk about nasty cheap construction--huge cracks for rodents, leaking roofs, undersized toilets, everything done to make you sick to your stomach. What is the status of the people living there? Are they being attacked by the government? Being denied fair paying jobs? Do they have a safety net? It is just like wealth being a crime magnet, other factors can come into play. Coral Gables after numerous home invasions by armed thugs started changing the game. Block streets, high security fences, alarms, videos, private gaurds, purchase of firearms, etc. Just because you can take precautions doesn't make wealth a non-crime magnet. A ton violence is thanks to government drug laws. Yes, sir. It destroys everything. The profit needs to be taken of the drug business. I believe that during prohibition of the 20's the violence skyrocketed in the cities thanks to governments' war and that was a fairly limited war in that ordinary citizens i.e. consumers weren't target for government attack and imprisonment. It was the sellers who had to be afraid, but with all the profits that drug war provided it was worth fighting.
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    17 years ago
    What would you do?
    correction: I guess they are really INsane.
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    17 years ago
    What would you do?
    "Given all that, ARE YOU INSANE?!?" It seems like even the sane people that I know don't see any problem with unprotected sex. Some use the argument about age. Heck, I only can expect to live this many years why not live life to its fullest? Others think it just reduces the fun too much or their wiener is too small so the condom is always falling off. Believe it or not some even complain about the price! I guess they are really sane. I think it is INSANE, but I also think that is a minority view among men and women. It is normal for women to think I'm crazy when I start to put on a condom. Unless she is into it does cut into the fun or passion or whatever good was happening so hopefully she is the one expecting the man to be covered and she's into it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    Well, at least you agree income and wealth aren't one and the same. Drug dealers often officially have household incomes far less than $7,500 per year. But, yet their wealth if they flaunt it is like a crime magnet. Furthermore, even if the poor suffered more attacks than the rich per capita that in NO way means that wealth isn't a crime magnet. For example, I believe overcrowding thanks to government "free" housing contributes substantially to violent crime. Furthermore, this violent crime may have little to do with property and theft is merely incidental or "invented" i.e. insurance needs, police needs, etc. Thus, overcrowding could be one crime magnet, wealth another crime magnet, illegal drugs yet another crime magnet, frailness yet another crime magnet, and the list goes on. These people who aren't prudes, radical feminists, religious nuts, etc. they will be happier when the frat boys and drunk horny guys start throwing parties where they live? That is more of a problem than strip clubs by far. And, things get nasty as neighbors start calling police on neighbors. As I said before along W. Dixie Hwy it was a strip club mecca. Religious and government attack has reduced it to one single remaining strip club. Do you think the neighborhood improved? NW 7th Avenue was heaven for small erotic massage parlors and those are all gone. Really do you think the neighborhood improved? I mean all those evil strip clubs save for one were shuttered. All the neighbors in theory should dancing singing the praises of the heroic government. All the massage parlors closed. Again, it should be heaven on earth with happy neighbors praising the government. Those degenerates now have to find their pleasure else where . . . the local schools? Publix? The mall? Anyway, even if there was some overflow trouble from the strip clubs I don't see that is much different than the problems caused by motor vehicles. What is it some 40,000 killed in automobile accidents annually. Freedom and fun do have costs. How many are killed by alcohol or worse Burger King. My family on one side cannot handle alcohol. They just can't handle it and would be far better off in a society that had extreme taboos on alcohol and heavy duty sentences---can't imagine any of them would volunteer for that. More fun to drink themselves to death then have someone making the choices for them.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lawyer caught in prostitution sting over weekend
    It would be interesting to know more details about the sting. I assume it wasn't a lack of intelligence on his part, but more akin to thinking it really isn't a crime . . . like homosexual sex . . . smoking a joint . . . buying natural cow's milk . . . etc. Seems like it should be relatively easy to avoid just by being discreet and not worrying about losing a few bucks, but who knows . . .
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Wives in the club
    I think LE likes to have a female officer present so that the male LE doesn't have too much fun while working on the case--theory being women aren't into paid sex, its degrading to buy it, etc. Remember female LE should be getting as much fun or pretending to as male LE. I remember this old guy at Diamonds. He would come in with the hottest women. Then he would send her alone to the VIP room to get paid action from the dancers. He paid the women he brought to the club--typically women he seduced with his cash and then paid dancers to service the women. One time a dancer friend of mine made some serious cash doing this for him. I complained to her that I wanted in on the fun! She laughs and says really? I say hell YES!!! As long as he doesn't want it, then let me take his place. She laughs and says it was really a great time and the woman was so innocent. More importantly she said if I see her again getting the action from the wealthy old guy, then definitely I can join the fun on his tab. :) Unfortunately, he was always getting different dancers for the VIP and I never could catch the right moment-My dancer friend taking the other woman to the VIP. That was one nice dancer even though she was way out of my ball park financially.
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    17 years ago
    Lawyer caught in prostitution sting over weekend
    I'd like to add there is nothing wrong with being scammed out of money by a woman! :) (Or, a man.) So if everthing is suggested because of the need to be discreet, then don't let it ruffle your feathers if she walks. If you're making a couple hundred an hour then losing three or four hundred dollars shouldn't be a biggie except for your pride. Let her walk--yes, with your money. :) The New Times did a story on this attorney who hired a thug for around $200 + - to do some dirty work. Nothing wrong with that. Thug decides to void the deal, but can't or won't return the attorney's money. Please understand the attorney has tons of money both from his license to practice as well as from his family. A $1,000 to him is like $5 to an ordinary uneducated wage slave. So attorney hires thug to do dirty work and pays thug in cash. So far so good. Kudos to attorney for attempting to keep his hands clean. Thug turns out not to be a man of his word and can't or won't return attorney's $200 + -. What should attorney do at this point? He has done good so far, but there is a bump on the road. Thug isn't asking for more money he just doesn't want to do the work and can't or won't return the $200 +-. Attorney does the most stupid thing at this point because he doesn't want to be "cheated." Remember he is hiring a thug for peanuts to not only engage in a felony---nothing morally wrong there---but, to harm another person, to spill another person's blood. Yes, the other person may need to have his blood spilt--that ain't really the point. The point is this is very dangerous business! Thus, you need to operate your affairs with care and concern and consideration. YOU DO NOT CALL THE POLICE to complain that the thug you hired is failing to carry out your blood thirsty plan!!!!!!!!!!!! NO, NO, NO, Mr. Attorney. That just ain't cool. Screw the $200. Hell if it were $2,000, screw it! Walk away. Therefore, if your working lady refuses to do what was implied be happy that you were able to get some conversation and that you were able to contribute some money to her. Ain't nothing wrong with getting burnt if the price is right. :) Hell, hardworking honest folks get ripped off by crooked judges day in and day out and for a hell of a lot more than a few hundred dollars. Just think of those folks as you're being ripped off.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for the strippers here: Do you ever find some customers very attractive
    Although I didn't intend it to gain advantage or reward, helping a dancer out and being concern without expecting her to reward me created a huge change between us. Like night and day. She had always treated me well, but after I helped her without expecting anything in return--I would have done the same for anyone I cared about---she lost interest in making money with me. It just didn't interest her. And, she had always looked forward to the money previously. I always thought highly of her, but it just impressed me that she valued either my spending or me. IOWs, she always made me feel appreciated even over a long period of time. I thought that was very special. After doing the little favor, it was like she was a different person. Still very sweet and nice, but the loss of interest in money was shocking. Much later she told me it was difficult for her to understand why I would help people who had nothing to offer in return. I told her I was very selfish and got pleasure out of helping them and seeing them feel better. She didn't think that made sense. I think if she thought about more and maybe she did, then it would make sense to her. Money may definitely be my God, but it sure as hell ain't a universal truth for everyone--not even close!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for the strippers here: Do you ever find some customers very attractive
    Oops. Three points. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for the strippers here: Do you ever find some customers very attractive
    I can see why she might react like that. Seems special for some reason. It is like this woman friend, no hanky panky, just went crazy over some spare ribs that I made on a komodo kamado ( ) Q. The woman isn't even a meat lover, but those ribs just had her in heaven. My family loved those ribs as well. :) Two points: 1. Money is generally viewed as impersonal unless it is for a special emergency. Like the woman is truly going to get kicked into the streets and you play white knight---extremely rare, btw. Or, she needs an operation to correct a real defect that has been haunting her since childhood and again you play white knight. 2. Just because people generally have to work for a living doesn't mean that the dollar is their god even if you value the dollar as numbero uno! So many times I see Mr. Rich or Ms. Wealth assume that if they love money that that is a universal love. Sure you can use it to get things done and even buy some poor people, but those poor people may value the personal touch much more. I don't understand it that well cause I'm more the money grubber type. Yes, some people don't believe I'm a money grubber or lover, but that is the way I feel. 3. My old money grubbing employer always use to tell the bs that money is unimportant. So, I ask for some of that unimportant money and he has one idiotic excuse after another about money being unimportant, however, he sure as hell doesn't fork it easily.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Another Special Dancer from Decades Ago . . .
    Yes, for one reason or another most dancers just blend together like most people do in general. Only so many characters out there; or people that step out of cultural norms of the occasion. I'll never forget the reaction of this dancer when I mentioned Felicity or the reaction of the manager. She was special to them for whatever reasons. Sometimes a dancer could just be special to you. Like the dancer with the construction hands admiring my construction hands or the dancer that created a chemistry explosion like no other then refused to do further business.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for the strippers here: Do you ever find some customers very attractive
    Considering how much some of these drug dealers spend, if they replaced the big bills with singles it would take at least a large wheel barrow to hold all the cash. Maybe two. :) Attorneys may spend almost as much or more, but I think their overall spending is more discrete . . . the wheel barrow trick would be a little much for them.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for the strippers here: Do you ever find some customers very attractive
    I hate to say it, but I'm guilty of that as well. The ones take up a lot of space. Throwing a hundred singles looks more impressive than throwing a single hundred dollar bill.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Do You Politely Tell A Dancer To Go Away?
    Correction: How Do You POLITELY Tell a Dancer to Go Away? :)
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    17 years ago
    How Do You Politely Tell A Dancer To Go Away?
    I was just thinking maybe the reason some of these rappers want BIG mommies is that it is a 2 for 1 opportunity. Sex and security. Disrespect a rapper or his BIG mommy, and she may put a world of hurt on you! If I was in touch with the little Goofball, then I could test my theory. Have her legally acquire a high power firearm and show her how to use it and then see if her rappers of choice are charmed away from the BIG mommies. BESIDES, the title of the thread is How Do You POLITELY Tell A Dancer to Get Away? Not, How Do You Disrespect The Bitch Sos She Gets Gone!? :)
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    17 years ago
    How Do You Politely Tell A Dancer To Go Away?
    Slighting a person in the hood doesn't seem like an unfounded fear of making enemies! :) Over at Honeys it seemed like all the dancers had done time and it wasn't just for parking tickets or hooking or drugs. Man some of them had some nice medals from combat e.g. scars from blades or bullets. Of course, just cause they had medals and served time don't mean they ain't pacifists. Very likely just be the victim of unfortunate circumstances. I miss the girls at Honeys (bulldozed to the ground), but that club made the other ghetto type clubs look like gentlemen's clubs so I don't know exactly how to find those type women anymore. :( Yes, I did try craigslist! :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Am I Too Big? Yes.
    I've always assumed it was true because they seem very available and very nice, but I've also never been tempted to find out what happens if you are interested. If you're interested, then perhaps act fairly disinterested but talk about the kind of woman who are interested e.g. independent, generous, not shallow, generous, intelligent, generous, adventurous, generous, . . . get the hint? ;) Make her the huntress and provider of sex and goods. I'm joking, but does seem like the man should be amply compensated for being with a plump female just as women are compensated for being with all manner of males.
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    17 years ago
    Wives in the club
    Hi curiousier, Sometimes the younger dancers are intimdated unless you are about their age. Sometimes they just don't like old i.e. over 35. :) Being friendly should quickly tell which were just unsure of themselves and which have other preferences. The clubs I go to seem to prefer women customers not that the men are mistreated. It just seems the dancer are more natural and more outgoing.
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    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    Sounds good to me MIDancer. :) I don't want to get any further off subject or I'd ask more non-stripclub related questions of you. Almost everything I see with regards to the law seems totally repugnant and vicious. Good luck with your future career. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What would you do?
    You guys are brave. I've always used protection and get nervous with just incidental sexual contact of skin to skin. The family doctor told me that he loved prostitutes until he received medical training. He said after that he was too afraid to ever enjoy that pleasure again and opted for a faithful wife. He said because of the diseases he saw that the wife being faithful went from negligible importance to very important. Of course, he said he hadn't wanted to get married at all before receiving his medical training. Anyway, I would be scared off and run like the wind unless she was super hot. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lawyer caught in prostitution sting over weekend
    She asked me what I thought. I told her what I thought was totally irrelevant. She says NO, maybe a jury trial. I just shook my head and said best to listen to your attorney and accept a plea deal assuming that is what he advises. She says you wouldn't vote to convict. I said I'm not exactly the typical joe now am I? She says yes you are. :) Such a sweet girl. I never did learn the end of the story for sure. I think mainly it just cost her money and time. A cheap lesson, if she learned it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lawyer caught in prostitution sting over weekend
    Reminds me a little of a successful buddy. He's been smoking dope for decades and was bragging you'd have to be brain dead to get caught. I just shake my head. Yes, he may die never getting caught. But, how many who were sure they'd never get busted get busted. I don't know. Not something I have any interest in investigating, either. Reminds me of a bartender, Sky (great guy, btw), chewing out a dancer who got busted for tiny tiny marijuana cigarette. She couldn't believe the cop was such an asshole. She felt since had been completely cooperative and that the amount was so tiny that he should give her a break. Sans tats, he might have, imo. In the good old days I remember officers more than willing to look the other way. They seemed like family--good family. :) Sky didn't have any compassion. Not because he believes in the drug laws necessarily, but because he felt stupidity should be treated as a serious crime. If tomatoes are illegal, then stay the fuck away from tomatoes no matter juicy or mouthwatering or healthy. He put the poor girl in tears when he told her that if her was the judge he'd throw the book at her even if it meant years behind bars. I like Sky--no mercy and plain spoken. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    Hi MIDancer, Having a degree in English means you probably have also read many more books than I have. I had thought I was an avid reader until I met her. :) Her goal is to be a teacher and I'd be surprised if she wasn't successful no matter what she decides to do. That is with the exception of trying to save lost souls. Probably the best part of stripclubbing for me is meeting people that stand out for one reason or another. Even better is when there seems to be some connection for whatever reason. Well as the manager told me that is one dancer he doesn't want to hear any complaints about. Just a pleasure to be around. I watched her with other customers and of course she has the advantage of looks, but she seemed to be able to really communicate with different kinds of people so effectively. If you were money hungry, then I'd scream LAW SCHOOL. What a criminal enterprise. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    Hi MIDancer, Yes, there was a dancer telling me she is an "avid" reader and just looking at her, I'm think NO WAY someone as hot as you is wasting time reading a lot of books. Boy, was she ever telling the truth. Her memory was just something else and the way she was able to discuss different parts of different books it was a real pleasure to talk with her. She said not much in the way of sci fi, but she had me beat there as well and an obscure favorite turned out to be a top book for her as well. I don't think I've had more fun on a regular date. She did have the dead beat loser boyfriend she was trying to save, but heck she was fairly young and very bright so she will probably adapt just fine. I'd faint if she could somehow actually save him.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Be careful what you wish for or post on here
    Sorry to disagree yet again Yoda, but the power of TUSCL should never be doubted! EVER! Mention those initials to your favorite dancer and she should get her act together without further ado. She claims to not know the power or meaning or TUSCL? Revoke her dancing privileges or give her a nice spanking. ;) Hi casualguy, I remember reading that post from you. I thought he'll regret it if it comes to fruition, probably, maybe, possibly. :)