Comments by jablake (page 105)

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    17 years ago
    Be careful what you wish for or post on here
    Hi casualguy, I like the dollar dance suggestion! :) Now, I feel like I'm overpaying at $5. At a dollar a dance I wouldn't even mind suffering through some blubber butts. :) It is excellent!!! Saves me money and saves me guilt. And, the ugly dancers would like it or should like it. The real hotties might go into hiding, but who knows some of them are pretty good sports. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Adorable Stripper / Escort Trashes Apartment . . .
    He told me a story that he said really changed his life. He said I might think it is stupid or insignificant, but his whole world view was changed and for the better! :) When he was young and struggling he bought himself an expensive suit. He worked his tail off to afford that suit. He takes it to be cleaned and the suit is destroyed. The owner takes full responsibility and explained what went wrong. Well, he is angry because the suit was still very new and very expensive. He wants the owner to pay at least part of the suits value and better yet replace the suit! The owner initially agrees, but says he needs to see a receipt to check the price and age. Fortunately, he had kept the receipt because the expensive suit was still relatively new. Once the ownere saw the price of the suit he apologized and said he just couldn't afford to replace the suit. Business was bad and he was very sorry, but he just didn't realize how expensive one suit could be. He sues in small claims court paying the filing fees and servers fees. Finally, he gets his day in court. The owner explains that he is at fault and is very sorry and that he did previously apologize. It was an accident, Your Honor and I feel very bad about it and I've explained that I can't afford to replace the suit because business is very bad. If things were better, then I'd like to pay. I'm very sorry. The judge turns to the other party and asks what part of he can't afford to pay do you not understand? Well? So he explains that he worked his tail off to afford the suit and he doesn't have a lot of money, etc. The judge again asks what part of he cannot afford to pay do you fail to understand? So, he replies, I lose the case if he says he can't afford to pay? The judge says the man is sorry and has apologized and yes you lose because he can't afford to do more. And that was that. He says he never worried about courts after that day. It is all about the screwed me once shame on you, screw me twice shame on me. He thought the judge was totally insane, but the important thing was not to go to court in the future. It costs too much time and money and then the judge is a nut job. Just take the loss and think positive in the future.
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    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    "I have long thought the appeal of illegal drugs is their sheer illegality. I can't imagine why I'd want to snort white powder up my nose otherwise, not that I ever have. It doesn't seem like something I would want to do, but if people want to do it, and they don't want to be productive members of society, why should the government stop them? They should legalize all drugs, but regulate it, too. It makes you wonder if the government isn't secretly involved." I consider the quote, supra, to be INSANE!!! :) Of course, I could be 100% incorrect. People are using the drugs because their illegal? Could be, but I think that would be a small minority of users. Again, I could be wrong. For example: People smoke cigarettes even though it's legal. If smoking cigarettes were to become illegal, then more people would smoke? Sounds INSANE, but who knows that might somehow be the case. Not only does it sound insane, it sounds brain dead. But, again that is just my perception and I could be 100% incorrect. If I gave the issue more thought and research then I might end up changing my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    Hi, IRL, some people consider me insane. :) Given the history on one side of my family, especially as they got older, it wouldn't surprise me in the least. But, it is also a question of perception and or culture. For example, I've known this lady for over a decade and she has advanced degrees and a high income and goes to church and seems normal. Other people seem to like her as well. The most unusual thing is that she likes me. Perhaps that means she isn't as normal as she appears to be. Anyway, she wanted me to help on some small project. I said NO, a relative is going to be visiting and we are going to meet with some friends. I will help you on an earlier or later date if that is OK with you. Oh no, she wants to meet my relative. :( I explain it is from the wrong side of the family and she doesn't want meet any of them! Finally, I cave in to her and invite her along, but ask that she please not complain afterward. She says she isn't going to complain and that there is probably nothing "wrong" with my relative or friends. So she meets them and thinks they're insane and nasty. :( I told her, well some people consider me insane and nasty. She laughs and says the only thing insane about me is that I'm too nice and go to stripclubs. So here is the bottom line people. Yes, I could definitely be considered insane but it depends on your values. As far as the English, I'm not sure. I think besides me omitting words here and there and writing way too much, it is cultural. That may be difficult for you to understand. For example, let's say I'm posting on a chat group where almost everyone is 100% certain that God exists. When questioned I explain that I think God is a big joke, a nothing, a tool to defraud people. Some people will then 1) attack me as being insane and 2) question my writing skills. They might be correct on both counts, however, the main issue is cultural. Were any of you able to figure that out? I mean that as respectfully as possible, btw. Here is another example. The Wall Street Journal did a few editorials stating that "one man's terrorist is another man's terrorist." If you agree with those editorials, then I would consider you to be a nut job and your opinion of me would be fairly meaningless. BTW, there isn't anything wrong with that! It is cultural and also if you believe in the concept of "one man's terrorist is another man's terrorist," then the chance you will ever understand what I write is fairly slim to none. Therefore, you should just continue to consider me to be an insane person who can't write English. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Adorable Stripper / Escort Trashes Apartment . . .
    Why did she trash the place??? I'm thinking maybe she got pissed with his idea that she needed to marry a successful young man and have babies and go to church on Sunday. Given that type provcation Mr. Straight Laced is lucky he didn't get some old fashioned blood letting by Ms. Adorable Stripper / Escort. :) Or, maybe she was pissed he wasn't interested in her services. Either way, that man needs to feel some pain---blood letting therapy or head shrinking therapy or both . . .
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Who is Founder?
    Does he like fat chicks? What are his favorite foods? Has he ever visited Angels on W. Dixie Hwy.? OK, that pretty much covers the whole 9 yards, thanks for asking.
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    17 years ago
    Austin, TX Clubs
    Hi arbeeguy, Seems like a good idea, but the operative word is seems. Some people, such as myself, might prefer not to write a review unless there is a specific inquiry or I need to look at other reviews if I'm going to be travelling. I still plan on doing a review of Black Gold if I ever get feeling well enough to head down that way. Who knows, I could have been given a bum steer and Black Gold may still be a gay club. BTW, according to The Herald gay clubs save a neighborhood while straight clubs kill a neigborhood and who knows they might be right. :) Better yet who gives a fuck? Gay, straight, or a church, or even a police station or vacant lot. Heck, even some more government slum housing would be fine and dandy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Young Ho, A Future Stripper in The Making . . . . :)
    Hi evilcyn, I don't know maybe most people agree with the schools. It seems sick to me, but then I don't see physical contact as negative automatically. I have a feeling, which may be 100% incorrect, that most people will agree with whatever the school states because the school is an authority figure for them and must be obeyed. Another school decides classes with condom clad banannas are required then that will be fine also. I still remember the school that strip searched a class full of young girls including cavity searches. I think that is sick, but who knows what the majority thinks. Or, perhaps school or no school manadate most people just disapprove of hugging for young people. It is very difficult to know. It seems like the Haitians that I know are very afraid of evil spirits and regard Halloween as evil. They could represent the majority of their community or be on the fringe. It seems like they main stream. Even some born and raised in America people that I know have a real dislike for Halloween. This lady tells me it is devil worship.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Be careful what you wish for or post on here
    Hi casualguy, Think stripclub suggestions. Like $5 lap dances, which unfortunately made Angels too popular. Given the current parking problems I would think something has to give. Prices go up. Customers get tired of the crowdedness. Police raids against customers. Well, supposedly the Taliban weren't the problem except they didn't wish to join the war on terror. Like dear leader said they're either with us or against us! Remember how dear leader got all bent out of shape when the leader of the Taliban requested proof that Bin Laden had done the criminal acts? It is very difficult to know what the truth is if you're relying on filters like the news media or the government or joe blow. There was a meeting about creating a new city. I went to the meeting and the place was PACKED with angry neighbors who didn't want that extra layer of government. The weasels kept trying to tell them more government reduces your taxes! :) Oh yeah, the old public safety filth was rolled out again and again. The Herald reporter assigned to the story wrote a whopping FRAUD saying the neighbors were evenly divided at the meeting. It was like she had been paid off to write a nice piece for the crooks. Anyway, unless you went to meeting saw how packed it was and how upset the neighbors were with plans to create yet another level of government you really couldn't know what happened. The newspaper sure as hell wasn't reporting anywhere near the truth. Besides $5 laps which help everyone, perhaps reduced noise or and elimination of DJs for your suggestions. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Be careful what you wish for or post on here
    Hi casualguy, Here is a link for you regarding Pakistan: . According to the author Pakistan's president is actually pro-Taliban??? Of course, with free and fair elections their democratically elected leader might be pro-pro-pro-Taliban. :) Can't trust the media, but the Taliban might actually be pro-stripclubs. LOL! Supposedly, they like skimply clad dancing girls that dance with each other (can anyone anywhere resist cute young lesbians? :) )--I wish I had the link for you. It was about as credible as the 911 holy warriors enjoying a stripclub outing before their holy mission; or dear leader's claim they're jealous of our freedoms.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Young Ho, A Future Stripper in The Making . . . . :)
    Schools jumping on the hug ban-wagon This was a funny story in that hand holding is banned also. I would hope that includes handshakes---very unsanitary. Of course, I think the time has come to eliminate traditional schools entirely. Dangerous, unsanitary, environmentally destructive, is worse than sending the kiddies to the local ho house or stripclub. It is time for technology to come to the rescue in the form of online schooling. Of course, even that can be fucked up . . . I was watching this young lady doing her written driver test. Wow, what a sick setup at least imo! When I got my license the clerk basically wanted me gone and was very friendly. Written test? Yeah, the clerk filled it out for me since had nothing to do with safe driving. The cost wasn't even bad and I was poor, but at least had opportunity to work at fair wages.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Young Ho, A Future Stripper in The Making . . . . :)
    Second Attempt To Post>>>>>> Girl, 13, gets detention for hugging two friends Illinois middle school bans public displays of affection Tim Vizer / ASSOCIATED PRESS updated 9:57 p.m. ET, Tues., Nov. 6, 2007 MASCOUTAH, Ill. - Two hugs equals two days of detention for 13-year-old Megan Coulter. The eighth-grader was punished for violating a school policy banning public displays of affection when she hugged two friends Friday. I feel it is crazy, said Megan, who was to serve her second detention Tuesday after classes at Mascoutah Middle School. I was just giving them a hug goodbye for the weekend, she said. Megan's mother, Melissa Coulter, said the embraces weren't even real hugs just an arm around the shoulder and slight squeeze. It's hilarious to the point of ridicule, Coulter said. I'm still dumbfounded that she's having to do this. District Superintendent Sam McGowen said that he thinks the penalty is fair and that administrators in the school east of St. Louis were following policy in the student handbook. It states: Displays of affection should not occur on the school campus at any time. It is in poor taste, reflects poor judgment, and brings discredit to the school and to the persons involved. Yes, just 5 more years and that young ho will be doing more than hugs in the VIP assuming stripclubs aren't banned for "public safety" concerns by then. Oh well, even if the stripclubs are banned she can still be a hooker or escort. Good to see she is getting her hugging skills honed. :) The damn school is supposed to be preparing her to be a productive member of society and yet they won't let her ply her trade?! What's up doesn't the school understand the value of a good education . . . unless detention gets a little X-rated with the teachers and administrators. If that is the case thumbs up to the dedicated public servants. :) For a moment there I thought this was just another cave-in to the terrorists' demands that we renounce our freedoms such as stripclubs and Playboy. Yes, I realize many people feel that is reasonable demand for "public safety." No, telling what a horny male or female will do after reading Playboy---most likely not Bin Laden or President Bush approved whatever the do is. And, with the stripclubs it has always been my experience if something bad is going to happen all parties STOP and then agree to take out it on the nearby neighbors. The old don't shit in your own bed rule. :) Strip club customers are muy savy! :) Johnathan don't be slicing and dicing our cute 18 year old dancer. There is an old hag next door and if you have the gumption there is a pregnant mom of 3 just a block further down. Johnathan acknowledges the wisdom bestowed and all the customers and dancers start high fiving! :) Yeah, a few neighbors got killed, but that is a small price to pay for all the social good that strip clubs offer. :) Give me liberty or a hot pizza with plenty of sauce . . . .
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Another Special Dancer from Decades Ago . . .
    Speaking of brain dead customers do you see the tapes of police stings? Yes, the guy's little head is probably doing all the thinking. It just seems like a person with average intelligence should be able to see the scam without any problem. OTOH, just because the media shows those clips they may represent an exception. IOWs, the sting might be carried out very differently and the police woman may even engage in some sexual servicing in order to make an arrest. Why not? She might enjoy it and besides she is helping to fight crime. I could even see the "john" refusing to pay for sexual services and still getting arrested. It is a game and the rules can change abruptly. The same goes for accused drug dealers or drug users. Wrong place and wrong time you're going to jail and that is just the way it can play sometimes. Heck, you could be Mr. or Ms. Innocent and just got unlucky.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Another Special Dancer from Decades Ago . . .
    Hi DougS, And, you may not be an "incompetent customer." Just remember love is a powerful drug that affects the thinking of its victims. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    Unfortunately, I think a very strong argument can be made for even tougher more blood thirsty drug laws. :( When I was a lot younger I believed in the drug laws as applied to women and minorities in order to help them. The whole purpose was to help those who needed and wanted government help -- not by sending them to be abused in prisons, but to get treatment. Dealers needed to be dealt with more harshly. To include white males would be extremely insulting and the norm was that white males wanted far less government, not more of it. Essentially, give more government to those that are in love with it and less to those who prefer to be left alone. Of course, that was a very narrow view. Plenty of white males elsewhere were also in love with more government and I wouldn't want to deny them so hell, extend the benefits to those white males who also love more government. Every time I hear the argument to tax it as if that were a benefit, I cringe. Yes, the government can do wonderful things that isn't the point. The point isn't even the financial cost. It is more cultural. Like Bork says freedom is controlling your neighbors via force of law and it is an important freedom. You may not give a damn about freedom from unreasonable searches, but be in love with idea that government can randomly search everyones homes at any time to search for drugs, guns, terrorists, whatever. In Bork's mind that is a freedom people shouldn't be denied. President Clinton was bragging about welfare moms who supposedly loved the idea of government conducting random searches of peoples homes because it was for health and safety. Only crazies don't love the government. President Clinton even commented on how radical the writers of Constitution were and that now we view the government more positively to protect people. I can see Bork's point of view. I don't think there is anything magical about democracy. But government wants to search peoples homes randomly well that is just another freedom. Government wants to close strip clubs well gee that is just another freedom. And, of course not only do you get more freedom from government you get health and safety and jobs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    I remember this young man he was so innocent and loving it was like he needed his head examined. He said he didn't think he could kill even to protect his own life. Life is precious, he said. At first I thought he had to be joking. Yes, he was very sweet guy. It just shocked me to point of total disbelief. He placed an extreme value on human life. He wasn't opposed to other people protecting themselves by using deadly force, but he didn't think he could do it just to save himself. Killing is just so wrong on so many levels, he said. He was opposed to the death penalty. Not shocking, but consistent with his belief in the value of human life. He needed medical help, imo. :) President Bush is a welcomed relief in comparison--shoot first and forget about the questions. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Another Special Dancer from Decades Ago . . .
    Sounds very good. The reason to care what type of customer you are is so you don't get hurt, but as you pointed out higher risks, higher returns. :) I can see a customer losing almost everything under the wrong circumstances and it pays, sometimes, to be aware. The hooker I became friends with thought initially I was just a dumb john and right or wrong she changed her opinion. She came to realize that there isn't a one size fits all rule. She had a problem with customers falling in love with her and so her vision was warped by that especially since her friends in the business had very similar problems. She told me, what in the hell is there some shortage of regular women out there? She believed most of the guys just needed to learn relationship skills and that hookers should be very temporary.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Be careful what you wish for or post on here
    Casualguy isn't influential? Since I undoubtable have less influence than him that means my influence is on par with a tadpole! :( I can't believe you don't see democracy as a cure all. Give 'em the right to vote and first you get stripclubs YAY!!! and then wild enthusiastic love for America . . . I can just see them happily pledging alliance to the flag and our dear leader. So, senators may not listen to you in regards to Pakistan . . . but, on stripclubs they might be taking notes. :) You just never know.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Another Special Dancer from Decades Ago . . .
    As I said in my first sentence "Yes, they [the customer] could definitely be on the money . . . " meaning the love is real. So what does my seeing so many incompetent customers have to do with you? Do you feel like an incompetent customer??? . . . I wonder how you got that impression. I don't know what your circumstances were. You might be extremely sharp relationship wise. However, when I hear about dancer love it just raises alarm bells. Doesn't mean that the alarm is correct. Different people, different areas, different times, etc. But, yes the customers I see are often beyond dumb. Give her money and a lot of groping and that equals love? Maybe it does for the right woman. It just seems beyond dumb normally. I also believe that dancer customer real romance/love is fairly rare. Doesn't make it the case; it is just what I've seen. Like the hooker who knew NO woman who is in the business gets sexually excited with a customer . . . that is true in her experience and I think it is normally very true . . . there are exceptions, however.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    Oh, yes killing isn't the problem for most people. It is the reason for the killing that is important. Even those who claim to be against killing may be ardent supporters of the death penalty or the current president. And, killing innocents isn't a big deal as long as you label them something like collateral damage. The insult could be as minor a pat on the butt. That is more than enough reason under the right circumstances or the wrong glance. On the one side of my family it isn't a pretty picture and I believe it is genetic. Some people would say NO it is the booze. Yes, booze is a problem. Cancer is a problem. Temper is a problem. Lack of compassion is a problem. Being soldiers who have a war to fight would probably be an excellent environment. Need bravery? Need a willingness to kill the bad guy? A willingness to follow orders to the death to protect the country? IOWs, it isn't completely negative. You could perceive a lot of good depending on what you value. In a foxhole you'd probably be thrilled to have them fighting next to you. The mentality is different. So are you really opposed to killing? Or, there is a lot of wiggle room? I've met people who are truly against killing and that is a minority view. Usually, they're just against the "bad" guy killing but the "good" guy can kill because the law authorizes it or there is a war or he was defending his property or the victims are the wrong color or religion. IOWs, shades of gray. A good example would be Tucker--a black slave. I think that is the name. He killed men, women, children, and babies. Is he a bad man? A freedom fighter? A hero? All of the above? So are you that rare bird who is just anti-killing people pretty much no exceptions or wiggle? If so, WOW! :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    Not too long ago the law was changed here in Florida so you can gun someone down without needing to retreat. Unfortunately, I think that law was necessary due to court decisions, imo, that really took away a person's right of self-defense. I wouldn't trust a judge to tell me if it is a Monday or a Friday----worse than a used car salesman by far and they have such a strong incentive to be corrupt or maybe the power just corrupts in and of itself. :(
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    Yes, it is that someone sees them as murderers and other see them as freedom fighters or as brothers or even victims! Even as to the reason they're killing people is a matter of perception. Was it just a $100 at stake? Or, honor? Or, VENGENANCE and RAGE? Or, land (turf)? Or, culture? Heck, dear leader supposedly thinks or thought the terrorists did 911 because they're jealous of our freedoms e.g. strip clubs--if only they had stripclubs, 911 could have been avoided? Or, maybe if their women were allowed to wear bikinis? The Wall Street Journal had the idiocy that one man's terrorist is another man's terrorist. That nonsense was spouted a few times in their editorials. And, I've seen it spouted on chat boards. Who knows maybe you or people reading this believe that one man's terrorist is another man's terrorist. So if some people in the Middle East happen to think our dear leader is a terrorist then we all have to consider him a terrorist . . .. So you believe one man's murder is another man's murderer? :) For example, a large man threatens and attacks me and my complaints to the police and courts are ignored. After a few beatings and broken bones and ignored warnings to him and the authorities that this must stop, I put a bullet in the large man's head killing him. Some people would consider that murder other's would consider it long over due self defense. It is perception or values or . . .
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Another Special Dancer from Decades Ago . . .
    I guess I'm wary of customers who fall in love with dancers. Yes, they could definitely be on the money . . . it is just that I see so many incompetent customers. Now, they may be great at whatever it is they do professionally or may have wonderful rapport with friends, but when it comes to relationships they seem beyond dumb. I will never forget my idiot buddy. He is old and a successful businessman. He is groping the young girl and giving her a lot of cash. Then he is upset that she only likes him for his money and doesn't care about his other qualities. I could not understand how he could be so stupid. He didn't show any interest in the girl except for groping her and giving her money. No meaningful communication. Just hello, here is some cash and I will grab you all over and somehow that is supposed to get her to fall in love or even in like. That is an extreme example, but I see it get played out again and again. Let's say the customer is fairly sharp when it comes to relationships even then I'm thinking he might have gotten "lucky" (I love that kind of luck.) with a dancer who is really top notch as far as fantasy. I can't see buying dances as wrong for the man. :) For the woman I can see where she may feel that selling dances interferes with the *real* relationship and there is no positive to selling dances to a person she wants to be with or be very close friends with. One dancer told me in her culture the female friend was supposed to help--her duty, in fact-- her male friend until he was able to find a good woman so that his sexual needs didn't override his good sense. Furthermore, the female friend considered it an honor to help him in that manner. :) Very sweet . . . too sweet.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    I assume that because that is what happened to the strip clubs I'm familar with. Stop a new club from opening is a different story to some extent. I can see people getting pissed with a regular bar opening up in their neighborhood. Depends where it is located. Even if you open in the middle of an industrial section I can imagine some neighbors getting pissed. Unless the club is very close by I think it is more about some people forcing their beliefs on others. As far as model citizens. Some cops who knew me, viewed me as a model citizen--a great guy they wouldn't even mind having over for dinner or to watch the game on tv. :) Others--different culture-- thought I was just a thug. In the eye of the beholder . . .
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What would you do?
    No, just going to the strip club puts me at as great a risk of being arrested. At Angels they have arrested dancers as part of an extortion racket--the owner has to pay to play even if he isn't breaking any laws. I believe they might have even arrested a few customers minding their own business--at least that is what I heard from the dancers. So how is the customer going to get protected? The court system? I don't think so and if he believes that he is very misinformed as a rule. Considering the sex part assuming I wanted that, that seems very easy to do without getting a menu and price list. I don't even know how he managed to fall for the sting. You say how much for a BJ? How much for FS? I don't talk like that at least unless I know her and even then it seems strained. I've seen it on video where people are being busted. I don't really understand it. Now, if the game changes to where she is talking prices then yes that is a different ballgame. I've had real hookers do that, surprisingly, and even then I'm not into a freaking menu like that. During negotiations I better be getting a lot of sampling. I don't know. It doesn't make any sense unless the game has changed drastically. So a lady is telling me she will give me a BJ for $40. I say sounds good. Am I busted? Or, does she have to pull my pants down and start sucking? Now I'm busted? Or, perhaps when she demands payment for services rendered and then I pay her. Now I'm busted? Times change. What they show on TV the guy is usually being brain dead and perhaps that is just propaganda and the guy can just be silent and willing and get busted. There is a lot of propaganda out there that sounds wonderful until you actually get experience. Police officer smashes down the door to your home without a warrant and without probable cause, and finds a dime bag or plants a dime bag. The court system is going to protect your constitional rights? I think there is more chance of finding snowballs in hell or having Jesus the son of god declare himself to be running for mayor of Atlanta.