
Comments by parodyman--> (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I know its a pipe dream but if you could
    Nice list lowpaw. Some real hotties there. I'd definately agree with Padma and Selma. Try looking at this site. www.pinuppost.com There are some absolutely beautiful women there. Don't get too excited though, it isn't porn, just pin-up shots.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Number one reason that strippers get kicked out of clubs?
    Our mentally challenged pal Shrek-it-out is at it again. Before I address his foolishness I’d like to thank him for yet another opportunity to make him look like a chump in front of his peers. He makes this so easy. “parodyman: What "numbers" are you referring to re Shadowcat's post? He posted a topic from his observation of what has happened to the dancer he referred to in his post. She was doing BBBJ's & whatever else in the dance areas with no problems with club management but doing drugs in the club got her booted out the door. I was in the club he refers to one nite when the local lawmen came in looking for drug use only. Now if they had observed some unseemly activities in the dance areas I'm sure that would have presented problems for club management as well but it was a drig sweep of not only strip clubs but other nightclubs as well.” Well Shrek when your old pal shadowcat creates a topic with a header that reads, “Number one reason that strippers get kicked out of clubs?” He appears to be asking a question. He answers the question with this, “DRUGS!!!” Having answered his own question he is implying he has some knowledge of why dancers are fired. Has he done an exit interview with each dancer in the entire country? Has he compiled data regarding the instance of drug use being the deciding factor in a dancer’s dismissal? Or is he talking out of his ass? I know that shadowcat wants so badly to be an expert on something. But fools like you who take him at his word are worse. Are you incapable of reasoning things out for yourself? You are supporting his blanket statement using nothing more than your combined experiences. In the real world the combined experience of two old fools like the both of you isn’t even worth the jokes that could be made. Also Shrek so you do not walk away from this with nothing to show for it I wanted to point out that “nite” is an arbitrary respelling of night and not a proper word. You do get points for getting “nightclubs” correct in the very next sentence. Then you blew your points by inventing a new word “drig”. What the fuck is “drig”? Please Shrek in the future shy away from things that are too complicated for you. This will help keep your embarrassment to a minimum.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "parodyman: Point out one misspelling in my last post." Shrek-it-out, Ok I will. In fact here are four. "FUUUUCCCCKKK, YOOOOUUUUU, sonaofbitch and tho'" Shrek you are a tool. Thanks for making illustrating your stupidity so fucking easy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dear njcsfan
    This message is completely inapropriate bobbyl. If you were being genuine you would not be airing njscfan's business in public. This is just your cheap attempt at embarassing someone. You are a scumbag dick on par with the likes of Shadowcat and Shrek-it-out.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    Bobbyl trying to lord his "superior" intelligence over others? There is a fucking joke and a half for you. I heard they are filming a pilot for a new game show based on Bobbyl. It's called "Are you smarter than your blow-up doll?"
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    My suspicion is that bobbyl’s contact with the opposite sex is limited to the packages in plain brown paper that show up in his mailbox. Just a few quick stomps on the old foot pump and he has an instant “date” for the evening. Unfortunately his methods of self gratification have left him sorely lacking in the communication department. The way he talks to and about wondergrl5 leaves little doubt that he has no living prospects for companionship. Bobbyl please, for your own sake, learn to interact with real women. Knowing you need to hand wash your inflatable dates the next morning for sanitary reasons is just depressing.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I know its a pipe dream but if you could
    Bernie Dexter or Cherry Dollface! I love pin up models. http://www.berniedexter.com/ http://www.cherrydollface.com/
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I did it now hit me
    There is no frat here. Just a bunch of regular people and a few pathetic old farts. I'm not going to say I told you so. Not my place. Just enjoy the good memories and live and learn.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper: I must have been drunk.
    Shadowcat, “I guess nobody has had experiences with drunk strippers.” I’m sure we all have. I think the point was no one cared to feed into your ego by making much of a serious attempt at sharing their experiences with you. In the future you should consider less bashing of the strippers and feeding of your own ego when posting. You may get better responses.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Clubber, I agree with having the bike fit the rider, being a bigger guy myself. (6'4"). Guess I'm going to have to get into the dealer and try a few out.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    Bobbyl had the sack to post this even with his current behavior: “Seriously, sweetie: This thread is just a lame attempt to gain our sympathies. What do you think this is? A strip club where we are all going to feel sorry for you? Maybe buy a dance and help you out? Loan you a bit of money to help you out? Come on. You really need to get tougher and learn to stand up for yourself. State your position and defend it with more than a line or two. Don't run at the first sign of trouble. Or, if you aren't up to that. You know what they say: If you can't stand the heat..." -------------- I don’t see wondergrl5 trying to gain sympathy. That is the domain of your buddy shadowcat, king of the self serving posts. As far as someone needing to get tougher, you can’t deal with anyone who displays a little intelligence or creativity. This bothers you on some deep level so much that you are cornered into your old stand by of immature playground insults. Talk about running at the first sign of trouble. That is the province of scared little boys. If you can’t stand the heat… Please. Bobbyl what it comes down to is the fact that you are afraid of a girl. That must just kill you inside. You know the kind of coward you are and you are ashamed. Just as you should be. Anyway Wondergrl5 I’d like it if you stuck around if for no other reason than to shake up some of these idiots like bobbyl and shadowcat. It is fun watching them trip all over their own feet scrambling to deal with a woman on a level playing field.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Number one reason that strippers get kicked out of clubs?
    I would like to know where shadowcat gets his "numbers" from. I always thought the primary reason girls got fired was from letting their looks go. Maybe because he was being strung along by an addict, his thoughts on the subject are prejudiced.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Shrek-it-out, You seem to be having a bit of a melt down. You need to get a grip before you hurt somebody or yourself. “As I've said before, parodyman, fuck you & the horse you rode in on! Eat shit & die, you sorry piece of human debris. Take your shit & go to another site & quit wasting space & time. FUUUUCCCCKKK YOOOOUUUUU!!! Take Mr Munchie's & my advice to heart, you heartless sonaofbitch, and do not under any circumstances get a helmet if you get a bike, cycle, hog or whatever tho' I'm sure a moped would be more your speed.” I have no idea what I could have written that would upset Shrek-it-out so. His response to my telling him to mind his own business seems way out of proportion. Perhaps one of you could recommend some counseling or help him find a doctor willing to provide the drugs he needs to control his violent tendencies. If this little diatribe was supposed to offend me Shrek, may I call you Shrek, you are sadly mistaken. I am quite enjoying you being right on the edge of going postal. Thank you for supplying yet another fine example of your intelligence and class. This one is a keeper. Even with the gross spelling errors you are so fond of pointing out.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    clubber, Thanks for the serious post. There are a lot of choices in the Harley line up. Going to have to review my options.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    boomer, Thanks for the review info. Not exactly a new rider but haven't ridden in over 20 years. As far as Shrek-it-out goes. Everytime he posts he shows his class. [mid to lower bottom-feeder]
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Here is King Shadowcat telling the TUSCL peasants who to ignore. What a sad old man he must be. He can't even carry off being a bigshot on TUSCL. Post on jablake! If people don't want to read them that is their business. The board is better off with people who aren't here just to feed their egos.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Mr. Assmunchie, how did your tounge get lodged so far up Shrekitout's asshole? Another clubber/bobbyl wanna-be heard from.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper: I must have been drunk.
    "BTW save your venom for a blog and stay the hell off a site designed for discussing strip clubs and strippers!" Can someone tell me if shekitout is just expelling his venom towards me or does his above post have something at all to do with the topic? Perhaps he should document his hatred for me in a blog and stay off a site designed for discussing strip clubs and strippers? Or maybe he thinks himself more important than the rest of us.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper: I must have been drunk.
    "BTW save your venom for a blog and stay the hell off a site designed for discussing strip clubs and strippers!" Can someone tell me if shekitout is just expelling his venom towards me or does his above post have something at all to do with the topic? Perhaps he should document his hatred for me in a blog and stay off a site designed for discussing strip clubs and strippers? Or maybe he thinks himself more important than the rest of us.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    New term for thong
    That was a captivating post! I'm sure it will stimulate tons of enthralling conversation.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    So Sure . . .
    That yahoo undercover cop wanna-be sounds just like some of the voices here at TUSCL! Shekitout, bobbyl & clubber. I wouldn't even address these idiots if they weren't insistant on trying to get my attention. Both intellectually and personality wise they are minor players here and not worthy of anyone's time.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    She Took My Last $5 . . . and Left me With $0
    jablake, Please take this in the spirit it is intended... You seem like a decent sort, and I find your posts entertaining, but this one sounds too much like a "shadowcat begging for attention and reinforcement" post.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Married Latina Afternoon Fun . . . SS?
    Point of the story should be if he can't or won't meet her terms then she has every right to terminate their arrangement. Not much can be done about that. He needs to accept it and move on.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper: I must have been drunk.
    njscfan I agree that insults regarding sexual orientation are lame. In the case of shadowcat, he has stated time and again how gays repulse him. I think he is keerping some feelings closeted and since it really bothers him I mske an exception. Another thing I find funny is that clubber has the balls to even mention the word "intelligence". Although morons need their aspirations too.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    looked at the BMW motorcycles too, they are very nice, but kind of pricey. Guess I'll have to get my license so I can go test ride a few different ones.