
Dear njcsfan

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 6:26 AM
Thank you for the kind words you messaged me. I am sorry to hear your marriage is an unhappy one. Maybe if you dropped the strippers and escorts on the side and devoted more time and loyalty to a woman who (presumably) is not a whore you would do better, be happier, and not have the outbrusts of anger and displays of loneliness that you show here? But I am curious: If you hate women so much that you can't even stay loyal in the context of marriage, and must stray to whores, why did you get married in the first place? Or did she just fall so far short of what you expected? I mean yeah, I dig whores too, but that ends for me when I'm in a relationship.


  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    This message is completely inapropriate bobbyl. If you were being genuine you would not be airing njscfan's business in public. This is just your cheap attempt at embarassing someone. You are a scumbag dick on par with the likes of Shadowcat and Shrek-it-out.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    Actually, it's sillier than that. I did not pm bobby with any complaints/concerns about my marriage. I'm quite happy with my marriage. I pm'd bobby to point out to him what a loser he is. This is way of getting back at me. Apparently the way bobby gets revenge is by posting false statements about people. Whatever. I do think his post is revealing nonetheless. He basically admits that the reason he sees strippers is that he cannot get a girlfriend. Sad. Normally I would feel sorry for a PL who can't get a gf, and who has to resort to paid encounters for female companionship. But in bobby's case, I'm forced to conclude that the reason no woman will have anything to do with him is that he's a woman hater. Consider the nasty shit he posted publicly about wondergrl, a person he hasn't even met. If he lets loose with that kind of garbage publicly, in person his hostility must be pretty apparent. Given that, you can hardly blame women for giving him a wide bearth. So in the end bobby's involuntary bachelorhood looks like just deserts. Of course, that may be making the unfair assumption that bobby has hit puberty. That's pretty debatable in my mind. I noticed how readily (and angrily) he reacted to my suggestion that any 13 year old can join the discussion board. It sure is curious that bobby's been here since September and can't post a single review. Given the possibility that he is underage, I am going to do my best to avoid interacting with him.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Yep, njcsfan is quite happy with his marriage, which is why he needs to fuck 20+ whores a year on the side (and admits that he hides it from his wife!), and looks for companionship by trying to befriend them (with bigger plans?) when he meets them here on TUSCL. njcsfan has been a real cranky paints ever since chandler pointed out that if njcsfan is really the stud he likes to portray himself as he would be scoring strippers without having to pay for it. After that njcsfan just starting randomly flipping off at everyone. Even threatening them physical harm if it were not for the internet between them and him. njcsfan: please get a grip! Either fix your marriage (please be honest to that poor woman) or get out!
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