I watched Jenna on a VH1 bio last night. She said when she worked at the Crazy Horse Too in Vegas, back in the early nineties, she earned between 2 and 10 thousand dollars a night. Then she turned around and stated how much she had learned to hate all men there, and that we are "babies" and "stupid". I'll bet she didn't say that to her club clients faces, or no tip for her. I also find the amount of money she claims to have made each night a bit outlandish, even for her, and even in Vegas.
I personally don't believe that she was making that much money at CH2--especially when she said she teased guys by not giving them that much contact, therefore making them buy more dances. Most dancers who give limited contact are not hired for a second dance!
I agree, PhoneHome. She never said her "boyfriend" stole her money, and she was not rich after she made that big money dancing. Another thing I found kind of amusing is that she states when she becomes pregnant, no more porn for her. What, does she think her movies will disappear by the time her kids can understand? I wish the lady well, but her films are on DVD forever...
Kit: Well I did watch this, and her days at CH2 where she said she was making the 2-10K a night she was just a house dancer, not a feature, those days were BEFORE she got into porn. That wasn't until after her BF in vegas left her and she went to her fathers place in Northren California to detox. It was after this that she went to Southern California and eventually got in to porn.
I don't know where you worked that you made the 1500 a night, but back in those days, a lot of girls in vegas made that kind of cash.
The point I was making was that although she was making a lot of money, when the time came that the BF dumped her and she went off to de-tox, she didn't seem to have any or not very much anyway.
I watched that also, and I you guys recall it was when she was a feature, not a standard house girl. You guys also have to remember that she was a house girl in the "glory days" of dancing. I remember when I used to make $1500 a night easy, but I was a stupid kid then too and blew it all on stupid stuff. Now that she's back on the feature circut, she does make 10k per booking at a club, plus all the promo stuff and tips. But i don't think that I could do that stuff that she does do on stage for any amount of cash.
I'm sure the numbers are highly exagerated. JJ has made a career out of marketing herself. As for the atttude part, I have no trouble believing that at all. Many dancers do become, as Mouse said, customer haters. The smart ones know that it's time to get out when that happens. Unfortunately that option is not always available.
If 2 -10 grand a night was "bragging" or not who is to know. I did find it interesting though,if you do the math, you are talking an easy million a year, she didn't seem to have the life of somebody who was making a million bucks a year. When the BF dumped her and she went home to de-tox you had the impression she didn't have a whole lot. I know that dancers can and some do spend it as fast as they make it, but it would be hard to spend 100 thousand dollars a month, every month, that is a lot of money.
I'm not surprised. I've been told numerous times by strippers that the "other" strippers were men haters. Although I believed these claims in part, I feel that many strippers, after a time, become "customer" haters, not necessarily men haters. And, even then, I don't think they hate all customers. Stripping is like any business, some customers are good, some are bad.
last commentI don't know where you worked that you made the 1500 a night, but back in those days, a lot of girls in vegas made that kind of cash.
The point I was making was that although she was making a lot of money, when the time came that the BF dumped her and she went off to de-tox, she didn't seem to have any or not very much anyway.