So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!

avatar for Mouse
Young women, but the same old problem. William, 45, has always dated younger women. It was only recently, however, that he detected a pattern in those relationships. “I end up raising them — helping them solve their problems, grow up and expand their horizons,” he says.

And what’s wrong with that, you might ask? Plenty, says William. “Sure enough, they always leave me for a younger guy.” So why does he keep going back? We asked relationship expert April Masini, L.A.-based author of the best-selling book, Date Out Of Your League, why guys like William persist in putting the men back in mentoring.

Besides ego-boosting good looks, what does a younger woman offer an older man? “There is actually quite a bit that young women have to offer older men besides looks alone,” Masini says. “On the most obvious level, there’s that fun, young energy they have. There’s naiveté, which can be attractive when compared with the cynicism of some older women. There’s a playfulness — a lack of the seriousness that can sometimes accompany being an adult and having responsibility. And, for some men, there’s the fact that these young girls look up to them — as father figures and as mentors. That, in and of itself, is very attractive.”

All of these things, though mutually beneficial for a while, eventually wear thin for most women. “If the relationship is… based on the man being a sort of father or mentor figure, problems can – and likely will – arise once [the younger woman] really begins to grow and come into her own,” Masini notes. “Even for couples where there is little-to-no age discrepancy, people often grow in different directions, leading to the dissolution of the relationship.”

Add to that a generation gap and you’ve got an even higher chance that the direction each person moves will be away from the other. Masini explains: “Like any child breaking away from a parent, she may want to establish more of an independent life, depending on him less and less, perhaps even becoming resentful toward him for the power he has wielded over her.”

The result can be a nasty break-up, because as she tries to break away, he realizes he’s losing her along with his control. That often spurs a role reversal. “The man she once looked up to begins to become more and more insecure, more possessive, more demanding and more needy as he tries to regain control of the relationship and her,” Masini says. And, unfortunately, this behavior usually does just the opposite. “Not only is he unable to regain his position of power in the relationship — he succeeds in driving her away for good.”

Is there hope for William and his brethren to break the cycle? Yes, Masini asserts. The older man/younger woman can increase their odds of staying together if they:
· Are motivated to grow together in the same direction
· Share interests, goals, values and belief systems
· Commit to making it work
· Accept that they will both go through changes as individuals – and that their relationship will change, too
Success in this arena is dependent on what each party wants to get out of the relationship. “If he simply likes the physical attraction or energy of a younger woman with little concern for what lies beneath the surface, both parties should beware,” Masini continues. “Fortunately, there are some [women] out there who have their lives together, who aren’t looking for a father figure, and who just find the stability, wisdom, and maturity of an older man attractive. But if he’s drawn to girls who will idolize and defer to him, he enters into these relationships at his own risk – knowing full-well these can only go so far or last for so long.”


last comment
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi Mouse. YIKES, it is a scary world. Spend the $$$$$$$$$$ on homeland security. :)
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
And, incarcerate the evil doers with trial or without. Not having a trial makes no real substantive difference other than some lawyers being denied a little work and money. Strip clubs customers who even think about asking a stripper for extra service should be rounded up in the initial security phase. A man who is willing to pay for sex might be offensive to some dancers. Since the women folk must be protected . . .
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
There's an old saying that if you loan money to a friend and never see either one of them again, it was probably worth it. I've found that to be generally true.

I've also found that when an older man befriends a young woman, he's not usually interested in sex, he just enjoys her company. And that's why she enjoys his company too, because she isn't getting hit on all the time like she usually is with guys her own age. Attractive girls really get tired of that.
avatar for Mouse
20 years ago
Humm...Kyle111, some people living in Oklahoma City might consider the USA a terrorist state.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
The exchange between Fondl and Mouse reminds me of lady who got upset when this man declared "We are all sinners." To me that is a given just as is Fondl's point on reality. But, the lady was very upset that 1) anyone might think she was a sinner and 2)with the concept that we are ALL sinners. :) So much for givens . . . I was speaking with this one lady as she was adamant that she would rather have her and her family be held as slaves rather than kill another human being . . . she would rather die and have her family die rather than kill to protect them. Yep, so much for givens. Can you imagine that some people actually think that America is a terrorist state? I'll bet if they had Mouse's knowledge of reality they wouldn't think like that. :)

My reality, which is everyone knows is correct, is that older guys should want young strippers (plural) assuming the older guys have blood running thru their veins and eyes to see with and a tongue to taste with . . .

avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Two words, one concept: Mind Control. :)

Hey it works for the religious establishment and the government and the fashion biz. Why NOT it put to a humanitarian use? :)

Of course, I'd rather just pay the $$$. But, for the cheap or romantically challenged . . .
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Oops . . . "put it" NOT "it put."
avatar for lopaw
20 years ago
Unfortunately I have yet to talk to a stripper that truly enjoyed sex with an old man.They might screw the old guy, but they would also be hooking up with boyfriends their own age.The old guy sex was tolerated for the sake of the $$$$$. That's just the reality of it. As long as the old guy understands and accepts that, then no one should get feelings hurt.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
A friend of mine has no problem loaning money to friends, but he insists on a written contract and plan for repayment (he doesn't charge interest). He thought I was out of my mind loaning money to friends without a written contract and a lawyer for a lawsuit if necessary.

The way I feel is that if I need a written contract, then I don't want to lend you the money in the first place. Also, I only want to lend money that I would have no problem giving as a gift. BTW, my friend is far more successful than I am. So I guess all the legal bs is the smart way of doing things . . .

Back to wanting a young stripper for a girlfriend. Does the old man really want to settle for an old lady merely because a young woman can be a pain in the ass? Last I checked an old woman can be a pain in the ass as well. Personally, I find that an old lady my age is probably more compatible--but if compatible is my goal I guys friends are also compatible without being a pain in the ass. I NEED the young woman to have satisfactory sex--perhaps to other old men the sex is good regardlesss of the woman's age. I need a healthy, attractive, young woman. Attractive and old would probably require a healthy dose of viagra and does that have anything to do with desire? The young stripper or young woman easily wins over the oldster in my book.
avatar for Yoda
20 years ago
I don't think that spending money on a dancer-either in the club or helping her outside of the club-is a big deal. What is important is what YOUR expectation for that money spent is. If you are doing it to help someone and expect nothing more than gratitude in return then your motives are the right ones. If you are spending on a dancer to try and buy her affection you will most likely be disappointed if not downright angry when it doesn't workout. It never does.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Yoda, even if your motives are good the money can be a dagger to a friendship or a potential relationship. I don't mind helping out even if I think it will ultimately end the friendship (if there was one) or end the relationship (if there was one). More than a few times I've helped friends (male and female) who refused the offer of an outright gift (to help them thru a bad financial time). I have little doubt their intentions started out admirable--just a loan till times get better. So far never has a loan been repaid and the relationship dies. Partially it is my fault because I don't treat it like a loan because I'm willing from the start to make it a gift.

Anyway, more than a few dancers that I've known will lose respect for a man who helps them without demanding some type of compensation.

Trying to buy real affection seems like a sure loss.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Kyle, I don't think you have to spend a lot of money as long as you're honest about it. Whenever I get to know a dancer I always tell her that I'm not rich and can only spend so much. And I tell her I won't tie her up for too long either and I never stay very long. I've found that most girls respect that type of honest approach because they usually get the opposite, guys who pretend to have more money than they do. These are the guys they think are total jerks.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
FONDL, that is an excellent point. Some girls believe it must be some type of scam because that is their history. This one dancer was soooo hot and she thought I was a pimp. She didn't believe that her good looks were the real reason I was treating her so well (I wasn't treating her particularly well--just being friendly and interested and respecting her limits).

Another dancer wanted to stop accepting money from me because she thought it was wrong to take money from a friend. That ended a very good relationship because I didn't want a real girlfriend and she wasn't willing to continue selling to me.

Anyway those are the exceptions because usually the dancer is gone too quick (the really attractive ones don't usually stay at the clubs I frequent). Also, I'm trying to buy a fantasy so I'm NOT seeking anything other than some fun without strings. My income is also a restraint. I can't spend nearly as much as I would like to so that makes me less outgoing.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Kyle, I think the thing these girls appreciate the most is us old guys treating them well. Many of these girls have never had a guy actually be nice to them over an extended period. Their experience is that most guys in their lives try to take advantage of them.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
I was watching this very old unattractive out of shape white man receiving sweet hugs and kisses from a young and attractive black street girl. It appeared she was giving the old man LOVE. And, perhaps she did love him for providing financial and emotional stability or perhaps she was just doing an excellent job. Anyway, he sure seemed happy and she sure seemed happy . . .

Is there something wrong with her seeking out a sugar daddy? Is there something wrong with him seeking the affection of a hottie? There is always the possibility that looks are irrelevant to her . . . she may find power or status far more attractive . . .
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
TopGunGlen, you really hit the head when you wrote abourt paying the doctor or whoever direct. When I was much younger I took it for granted that the person would be responsible enough to spend the money on a real need like medical care. The crazy girl actually lost a couple teeth because she thought the hot new dress or was it a tattoo? was more important than seeing the dentist. :(

So the young girl is after the old man for his $$$ . . . the old man is after the young girl for her beauty and youth . . . seems like the old man is getting the MUCH better deal . . .

The old man gets his feelings hurt? That is sad . . . he should be old enough to know better . . .

My two cents: Share the f**king wealth and have a good time and more importantly use the big head NOT the little head . . .
avatar for TopGunGlen
20 years ago
Well, I agree with FONDL on this one, fellows. I also don't see the problem with helping out a young lady in need (to a point). I have no illusions whatsoever. I also have helped out a gal now and then, but I don't just hand her the cash; I helped pay the bill (say a doctor) directly. If they whine and only want the money in their hand, I know it's not for the doctor. If you have the means, why be a stingy ass? For your pride? The most expensive woman you will ever meet will be your wife! So I see no problem with helping out a hot babe on occasion, if I see fit...:-)
Good one Mouse.
avatar for YorkNew
20 years ago
I must wade in on this one – great topic! I'm an older guy, and over the years, I’ve met a number of strippers outside of strip clubs, usually for lunch or dinner. I’ve noticed two general types. The first, actually appears sincerely interested in developing a real relationship with the customer, but this is very uncommon. Usually, the second type is a stripper essentially taking her customer “girlfriend fantasy business” outside the club hoping for the big payoff, especially a payoff without the club tax, tip-out, etc. These mercenaries prey on the older customer’s delusional fantasy of really making it with a young beauty. If the older customer’s feelings are hurt, these mercenaries couldn’t care less – they only want the money. The customer’s only protection is never pay a stripper for seeing you outside the strip club. This includes helping with rent, etc.
avatar for Mouse
20 years ago
Fondl, it seems to me you are the one trying to impress your version of reality on everyone else. You state, "Let's face it, none of us has any idea what reality is." How do you know this? - you can't. Maybe we should refer to you as Mr. Fondl Dogma?
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
I always speak for myself, I wouldn't presume to speak for anyone else. In my opinion we each invent our own version of reality. Being aware of that allows one to create a reality that is pleasing. But feel free to believe that your own particular version of reality is the only real one, as long as you don't try to impose it on others who see things differently.
avatar for Mouse
21 years ago
Speak for yourself Fondl.
avatar for Kyle1111
21 years ago
The real problem that I've experienced at strip clubs is NOT being deceived by dancers. It is the exact opposite: Dancers who don't and won't sell a fantasy.

This one dancer was just physically perfect. Wonderful personality. Excellent skill. Even after many months should refused to sell a fantasy. Her reason was very straight forward. She said that if she started pretending to be my girlfriend she might actually start believing the lie. More $$$ was rejected--She had NO interest in role playing.

So I continued to buy her services and accepted her limits. She was NOT going to be fake even if that is what the customer wanted.
avatar for Kyle1111
21 years ago
I never thought of old guys who go to strip clubs as being in need of protecting their feelings. When I was young part of being a guy (at least an ordinary guy) was facing rejection and ridicule from girls. Normally, you learn part of success is accepting rejection or worse "mocking." Let's say I really like a dancer for more than her looks--perhaps she has a great sense of humour or she has the same political beliefs, etc. Then I hear she is mocking me for being a dirty old or being fat or being stupid or whatever. Assuming she had deceived me prior to this concerning her feelings--made me feel I could be a boyfriend--I'd be thinking damn she does a wonderful job of acting. And, if she could continue giving doing a good job, then I would continue to buy her services. Would I be disappointed? Sure. If I like her, then I would like to be liked back.

The point is that by the time you are an old man I thought--incorrectly--that you've been battle hardened. For every hundred women who may hate or NOT care about you one way or another, there may (should) be at least one who is crazy about you. Only problem is you may NOT like her even a little. :)
avatar for FONDL
21 years ago
Seems to me that "reality" is in the eyes of the beholder. Let's face it, none of us has any idea what "reality" is. So I prefer to see things in the light that makes me happiest. It has always worked well for me. But if you'd rather go through life being pessimistic, that's certainly your choice. I hope it brings you happiness.
avatar for Mouse
21 years ago
Yoda, I agree with your points - money changes the equation. My point here is to have a clear understanding of the reality of these situations. Indeed, having a tight grip on reality is good policy for LIFE in general. What someone (like Fondl) does with that reality is their business.
avatar for Yoda
21 years ago
One thing that we should all understand is that the girls who "scorn" older guys also scorn younger guys. Women who make fun of their customers are not very bright.

In my never ending battle to dissarm all stereotypes related to dancers I must tell you Mouse that I have gone out with dancers who were 10 to 15 years younger than me and didn't pay them a dime. I also don't buy dances in the club from women that I see outside of the club. My feeling has always been that, if you want honesty from a dancer you ave to remove cash from the equation.
avatar for FONDL
21 years ago
If there's one thing that separates us older guys from the young ones, it's that we don't care nearly as much about the money aspect. Younger guys seem to feel that if there's money involved then there's something wrong with a relationship. Us older guys know better, we understand that there's always money involved in every relationship. And that means that a relationship with a stripper is often more honest, because nobody pretends that there isn't money involved, it's all up front. Us older guys see nothing wrong with that. Having money is less superficial than having good looks, at least we earned it with our brains. And who cares what some girl says behind our backs, she's probably just posturing for her friends to cover up her guilt feelings about dating an older guy for his money, aka as having a sugar daddy.
avatar for lopaw
21 years ago
Well, I've had my share of loooooong chats with alot of dancers, and I know that they have told me things that they would probably never tell to a guy. Alot of the dancers seem pretty scornful of EVERYBODY, young & old alike, although most of it is directed toward the older guys who don't understand the fantasy concept, and try to step it up a notch. In this respect I think that Mouse is absolutely correct in his assessment. And unfortunately no magazine article or self-help book on "how to land a hot young stripper" is gonna change that. But no one should feel bad....women are funny creatures. I'm one of them and even I don't understand them!
avatar for WiseGuy
21 years ago
SirCharles you make a good point about Mousy trying to "fix" us older guys. My young buddy Mousy has never recovered from being burned by a dancer by evidence of his statement "clueless older guys continually get mocked" as if young guys are excluded from being mocked. This thread is ironic in that the older guys are not here sulking about their failed relationships.

Here is what a reader on Amazon had to say about the book:

gotta wonder, March 22, 2004

Reviewer: A reader (San Francisco)
I'm not even going to elaborate on why almost every review below sound exactly like author April Masini's press releases, word for word. All I have to say is that if you're after a truly worthless piece of dating advice along the lines of what momma used to preach, then this one is a "gotta have". You'll learn that you need to keep your finger nails clean, lose weight if you're heavy, and keep your (expensive) car tidy because all women are after is appearance and money. Yes, by all means - if that's the kind of chick you want, it's a great book. If you want someone a little more substantial then either buy another book from an author who has something a little more meaningful to say, or save your money and join a local activity group to meet a nice gal.

Or read here: How to Date Out of Your League
She's a goddess. You're a mere mortal. Here's how to make her worship you By: Matt Fitzgerald…

Or here: Out of Your League and in the Bag
Think an average guy like you doesn’t have a chance with the hottest girl in the room? Think again. Hillary Quinn shows you how to land a bigger trophy than you deserve. Maxim, May 2004…

".....Frank the guy who snagged an exotic dancer claims there’s another way to find out if a gorgeous woman will be attracted to an ordinary-looking man (especially if you’re a little older). I always ask her if she’s a daddy’s girl or a mama’s girl. If she’s a daddy’s girl, she’ll look at you and see her father and that will tell you everything you need to know about your scorability. A woman who’s comfortable being coddled is going to see that, not your looks. That’s good news for you.

Even if you don’t want to wander into Freudian territory, the message is the same: You can (hopefully) offer her the stability, security, and undying admiration of a trusting, loving family member. Katie explains she was perfectly willing to overlook her boyfriend’s lack of looks because, He was really well-traveled, intelligent, sophisticated and a bit of a father, really.

Is that a bad thing? Nope. At the end of the day, the kind of gorgeous women you see in shampoo ads will never use you for your looks. But if you offer them enough testosterone-fueled patience, support, and regular-guy enthusiasm, they’ll still fall for you hard. Thank God one of you isn’t shallow!"
avatar for Mouse
21 years ago
SirCharles, I don't expect to "fix" anybody. Besides, you seem to have a tight grip on reality and don't need my advice. Yet, some older guys continue to foolishly ask these young strippers out; I guess it doesn't bother them they are being scorned behind their backs.
avatar for SirCharls
21 years ago

Why in the world would you want the old(er) guys to keep a grip on reality? We (I am not OLD...just older!) go there because it is a place to get a young thing to be somewhat intimate with you, with no strings attached! Fantasy rules!
And also, who cares if they make fun of us? If an older guy is asking the dancers out, it is either because he just wants to get in her panties, or he is a hopeless romantic. Probably the first one, since we are talking about a STRIP CLUB! But when I was single, I was going to strip clubs and asking the girls out (this was when I was young(er)!) because I wanted to get in her panties AND I am a hopeless romantic who believes that one could carry on a relationship with a hot young woman. Fantasy? Of course, but who cares...

Now that I am married, I go just to get the young hotties to pay attention to me, and to get somewhat intimate...with no strings attached.

It almost seems like you are trying to "fix" us older guys, when I don't think we need fixing. Thanks! Let us have the fantasy...if we get carried away from time to time and want to ask the stripper out...all she has to say is no. Then we go on to the next one... :D

avatar for Kyle1111
21 years ago
I'm an old man who asks young dancers out every once in awhile. I do it because I looking for the GFE--if I find them to be exceptional. I expect to pay for this service. Perhaps I need to be more blunt so the young dancer doesn't get confused and think I'm looking for a real relationship.

If the girl is doing her job, then I don't care too much what her personal opinion is. I see it as hiring an actress and the more convincing she plays her part the better and the more I will care about her even if she is 100% acting. I generally care about people who consistently do a good job for me and that especially includes dancers or hookers or paid girlfriends.
avatar for Mouse
21 years ago
Yoda, I wonder why the older guys (i.e., say more than 10 years senior to the strippers) don't stop hitting on the dancers. I know of a few strippers going out with younger customers - and taking these young guys seriously as potential boyfriends. But, I've never heard of an older guy pulling off a real date. When the strippers do go outside the clubs with the older guys, it's for the money. With this observations, please know, I'm not saying older guys shouldn't go to strip clubs and buy dances from young strippers. I'm saying just keep a grip on reality.
avatar for Yoda
21 years ago
I guess it's hard for me to sympathize with any one that would go into a strip club trying to buy a date-reagardless of his age. I'm in my late 40's and tend to prefer dancers in their late 20's and older-one of my favs is actualy the same age as me and, no, she doesn't look it. At any rate, since I don't go looking for anything accept a good time for a few hours I don't ever expect to get taken advantage of. Most of the dancers I have encountered prefer spending time with older customers. The young dancers that spend all of their shift flirting with the younger, no-money customers don't yet understand yet where the money really comes from in a strip club.
avatar for Mouse
21 years ago
Yoda, I just thought it might be an interesting article for you older guys. Strippers are always telling me about how the older guys are constantly hitting on them for outside dates - these clueless older guys continually get mocked behind their backs by the strippers. Pitiful but true.
avatar for Dain
21 years ago
Another trick is to limit it to non-touching sex, i.e. to masturbational partnership. I'm amazed at how many girls like this. Tactile sex arouses emotions that get in the way of mutual enjoyment.
avatar for FONDL
21 years ago
I've been close friends with an ex-stripper for more than 7 years and we just keep getting closer. And I'm more than twice her age. I can't imagine us ever not being part of each other's lives. If you want it to last, the trick is to limit it to friendship.
avatar for Yoda
21 years ago
Mouse: Help us out here. You posted an article about older men dating younger women. Strippers are not even mentioned. What are you saying?
avatar for TopGunGlen
21 years ago
From what I've seen, the majority of strippers are younger than the majority of patrons...Nasty old men are happy old men...heheheh...
avatar for lopaw
21 years ago
I think that if asked, most older folk (male OR female)would prefer the "fantasy company" of a young hottie over a same-age-as-they-are person every time.
avatar for Kyle1111
21 years ago
The original post seems to bemoan that the young woman will eventually outgrow the older man. EXCELLENT!!! :) Now the old man is free to pursue some other young hottie. Bad news would be young stripper wants to marry old fart and have plenty of babies, ultimately divorcing old fart for any reason and steal his cash complements of corrupt courts.
avatar for Kyle1111
21 years ago
Correction: Every once in a blue moon a real *romantic* relationship may blossom . . .

Heck, you can be friends with dancers or care deeply about dancers and they may even have similar feelings. But, a real relationship relationship? Seems too farfetched . . . Hell, I can always start buying visits from dentists and some may care about me but it is a long way from caring to attraction and wanting a relationship.

And, why o why would I want to date or build romantic relationships with old women?
avatar for Kyle1111
21 years ago
Hi, Low Mileage. The Topic of the thread is "So you older guys want a young stripper-read this!" Then the post goes on and on about relationships. Seemed fairly amusing.

Look I want a young stripper with a super hot body. Screw all the psycho babble about mentoring and growing apart and shared interests and etc. I trade $$$ to get a service. Part of the service involves young and hot. I have zero interest in a woman my age unless she looks 20 years younger than her actual age and is super hot to boot.

Hell, if even I want my young stripper to behave like a girlfriend, then I know it is a FANTASY!!! You know it is fake. Every once in a blue moon a real relationship may blossom . . . but, it is NOT what I pay for or what I want.
avatar for Kyle1111
21 years ago
Yes, I want the stripper to be young! :) I can't imagine wanting an old stripper; unless she looked very young and healthy.

If the young stripper can fake a GFE, then all the better.

avatar for Low Mileage
Low Mileage
21 years ago
I think you two guys (i.e., kyle1111 and Shadowdat) are missing the point. This thread is not about getting lap dances - any moron with money can do that - but rather, middle-aged or older guys trying to date young women, esp. strippers. Get a brain you two!
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
I almost forgot. She wanted to pay the $6 for the sandwich so that we could have dinner together. Of course, I told her I wouldn't be happy eating a $6 sandwich that should cost less than $1.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
FONDL, I definitely think you are correct depending the person. One of the most remarkable young guys I ever met had very little money and was overweight and a poor dresser. However, he was definitely an expert with the ladies--from ugly girls to stunningly perfect women.

I could have learned from him, but I wasn't interested in making the intense emotional connection that he was able to generate. In fact, I like to avoid intense emotion like that unless it is a fantasy situation.

A childhood friend was also very successful with the ladies and he was really poor and jobless and fairly dumb. So you are 100% correct that $$$ doesn't have to be an issue. Heck, even at a strip club that is 100% correct.

For me, $$$ is definitely an issue. I really dislike under-paying a person for a job well done. Yes, I like receiving a bargain, however, there is a line. I've gladly paid double what was requested--and it was still a bargain--the person didn't comprehend their true value. The reality is I'm a different person when $$$ is tight.

Your solution of short visits isn't something I'd like to do. I like hanging out at the strip club especially if it quiet. If a dancer asks, then I tell them that I'm poor. And, that is very true compared to my friends and relatives. To some dancers, the very poor ones, I'm wealthy. Some have such a low self-esteem that they think anyone who spends $ on them night after night must be wealthy. I remember this one sweetheart was stunned that I wouldn't pay $6 for a sandwich. She said you spend more than that on me--as if the sandwich was anywhere near her true value. That was really truly a nice girl--she'd give people the shirt off her back if they claimed to need it.

avatar for pinu
3 years ago
Woman are more attracted to men who’s feelings are unclear to them. This passage is spot on and has proven itself within the arena of life over and over. Older men who don’t care, and are addicted to the sex will have a very good time (for a short-while). However, the woman will become more independent which will make him more needy. In turn, this is a feminine trait which will slowly begin turning her off. She will begin looking at this man as “a friend” who has been there for her, however will become less and less interested in sex. She may not even know why she is being turned off by him, however she will drastically begin feeling differently towards him than her initial assessment. The powerful money driven banker or successful attorney will begin shrinking in her eyes due to his possessiveness. Money does not buy happiness, but I assure you, it helps. This is one of those very very few situations where the money aspect will not mean a thing. The woman will begin rationalizing using logic as to why she started the relationship in the first place. Woman act on emotion, then rationalize their actions with logic. Woman, even if they are a promiscuous dancer who had sex in champagne every night, will at some time or another begin rationalizing these actions. This will happen especially when the cash paying customers favorite who provided for her begins acting weak. This will cause that once sexy promiscuous lay to begin doubting his words, distancing herself, and becoming sexually available to him less and less. Instead of backing off, he showers her pull-back aka unwanted behavior with expensive gifts, paying her bills, etc. The man will begin to notice that he is getting 0 sex and is giving her his all as well as $$$.
avatar for pinu
3 years ago
Older men first enter the relationship solely for looks and sex. The woman comes into the relationship as a transaction instead of an emotional standpoint. What happens is the man, being a natural visual creature, tricks his mind that “she is the one” forgetting that the entire relationship was based on a transaction rather than an emotional attraction.
She probably won't get tired of me before I get tired of *her*.
So ... "pinu" ...

Member since 2009 with no threads, comments, or reviews. And then suddenly decloaks to comment twice on a 2004 thread and a 2013 strip club review. This is like finding a neolithic PL frozen in an iceberg and reviving him.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
That is awesome.

Move over Lil_Baller 🤣
Oldest thread bump ever??

Was founder watching The Lone Gunmen while doing his algebra homework in 2004?
I was wondering where this came from when I saw the Yoda comment -- then I saw the date.
I find women 30 and less to be shallow, directionless, not world wise, and actually not as hot as thirty somethings. They want someone to buy them shit in the hopes of eventually fucking them. If she's in her 20s, it's on her to show me she's got depth.

One, in the middle of a conversation, just dropped in "by the way, I like being showered with gifts and surprises." Bitch, if I wanted P4P I'd choose someone honest about it.

Self-possessed, confident women are sexy to me, even if they aren't a status symbol on my arm.
I’d no sooner date my stripper than ask my mechanic to move in. We’re paying for a service, not finding romance.
^ lel guys keel falling in love with even someone as evil as me so idk. I think guys do go to clubs to find love

🦈 heeheehee
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3 years ago
@blah can you say how many weeks of love I'd get before the stabbing would come, or do I just have to take my chances?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
This thread has great insights about how to find true love. The best was to show somebody that they are that one special person you are fated to be with is to stereotype the fuck out of them.
It's a symbiotic relationship. It'll last as long as whatever needs desired are being met
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